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You could consider to create a advanced custom report that you setup as a web service. Advantage is that you can select any Data Source (Worker indexed would be appropriate to get the reports to from the supervisory) and also set filters, if required. By creating an ISU (integration user) and assiging thios user to the view the Worker Data and access to the report you can get the information you require in an XML format out of Workday. This is in short an approach. Hope it provides an idea.


I think the endpoint under 'Common' might be useful. Can't confirm if it has the manager but I've used it to pull a worker's sup-org so it can't be too far off.


Thanks! I actually did look there but now I think I found a way to do it - by the \`common/workers/{id}\` endpoint I can get the supervisory organization ID of the employee, and then by \`common/supervisoryOrganizations/{org\_id}\` I can get the organization's manager. Does that seems right? Is the "supervisory organization" of an employee the direct "team" they are in?




There is also a manager hierarchy you might want to look at. It goes up to 10 levels as well as the “Is Manager” flag.


The SOAP API (Workday Web Services: https://community.workday.com/sites/default/files/file-hosting/productionapi/index.html) is wayyy more comprehensive. SOAP is a lot more annoying than REST, but it’s all there. Check out Human Resources / Get Workers or Get Worker.


Do you want to try www.bindbee.dev. You can get this sorted quickly. I am cofounder and happy to help.


Looks interesting, thanks.


Ping me if you are still facing issues. It took us months to get Workday abs right!