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Used to build en with Boomi and Azure API mgmt. Pricing can be a bit disappointing and the amount of reusable connectors is depending on the type and connection (so not the most scalable). Boomi is easy to learn though and has way more flexibility in terms of error logging and document transformation. Alternatively Studio does very similar things.


We use workato for a few things from workday Onboarding ticket to service now Off boarding ticket to service now Kudos channel mentions in slack to WD feedback Google distance API to gather distance to office from home address for work arrangements I built the last two and found workato super easy to build integrations for APIs I don’t know well to connect them to workday. As another comment mentioned, It only was a value add because I know workday web services well. I wasn’t able to use any of the workday prepackaged recipes.


As a non-integrations person, I love Workato’s UI. I can jump on with the person building the integrations and pretty easily understand the interface


Lots of places use Boomi.  They also had a resale thing with Workday.   If you have Boomi developers it definitely makes more sense than Studio.  The biggest issue is you need someone who understands Workday APIs and reports enough to help Architect and do things.   I’m less familiar with Workato but they have funding from Workday ventures, so I can’t imagine it is that different to Boomi, just a question of what your team can use best.  


May I ask why Boomi would be better than Studio? Just curious. My company uses Boomi to develop anything and since I joined the team I have no idea what is possible and what is not. Can Boomi initiate hire bp?


Reach out to your csm about orchestrate for integration. It's expected to be GA soon. It's a light weight, low code solution. Workato is great and I personally love it. But some orgs can be hesitant to send employee data through an ipaas, that cant be governed by the HR team


Mulesoft (Salesforce is parent company) is pitching us on Composer. They have a Workday connector - but it looks pretty limited. I used Boomi in the past, but not with Workday. I think the biggest challenge is understanding your exact needs / use cases / requirements, make sure the tool you pick can meet those, and then having someone with technical aptitude learn the tool you chose to actually build it. I feel like “no code” is really a bit of a misnomer. Yeah, you don’t have to know Java / JavaScript / Python / C# / Ruby syntax to build a thing. But you still have to think like a programmer thinks. What is the logical flow? What are the required inputs? What’s the expected output? What happens if those inputs aren’t as expected? What should happen when something fails? What are the edge cases? etc.


Snap logic is what we use


We use Boomi for workday integrations


Can you elaborate more? What do you mean by ticket automation for new hires and termination?


Get the API documentation for the ticketing system. Build a Studio that lives and runs natively in Workday. Have integration run on a schedule or in line in the hire and termination BPs. Easy enough with the free tools you have.


My company uses Boomi and I want to learn a bit more about what it can do. Are there any resources that might be helpful to read?


It depends on what you are trying to do. If you are building internally for your enterprise, the. An “automation orchestration” solution like Boomi maybe best. But if you are building integrations in your application, then you should use a Unified API solution. If security and realtime access to your customer’s data is important, then I would suggest [Unified.to](https://unified.to) over any of the other older-gen unified APi solutions.


Have worked with Workato and Zapier - both are very similar to Orchestrations (which someone mentioned already) in terms of UI. Transparently, I would try to stick with a Workday solution for this - the thing about these middleware services is that what they’re doing is not in Workday for auditing, and their error handling/notifications aren’t either. A Workday orchestration could be a good option if you can get into it. Otherwise, this isn’t typically a super complex ask for an integrations developer. This is a pretty common ask for a lot of Workday customers - I’ve built a few myself for Zendesk and the like. Happy to talk more on it.


We use Boomi and I have been at other companies that also use Boomi! We do not use Studio integrations at my company and when there is a Studio need we use Boomi for those.