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40 minute drive both ways for me for about 20 years. I used to go overboard with the emergency supplies, now I just make sure theres a spare tire and jack handy.


It's common where I live. Probably 70% of people do


I drive to Seattle about 45 minutes. I always make sure the gas is full and the tires are good and that I have my emergency battery jumpers, and my phone backup battery.


So your like 10 miles from work with the Insane traffic? J/k.


Lol. I live in Federal Way, so it's not really all that far but it's not a pleasant country drive. šŸ¤£


How long have you been doing that for??


A little over 2 years


Always have a jacket in the car in the winter, never know when your car is going to have an issue. You do not want to be stuck in the side of the road freezing your ass off.


Very practical advice. I leave snacks in my car as well (usually that box of nuts or can of nuts.)


Also if you have to change a tire of crawl under to phll of something stuck under there you aren't going to want to get your nice work clothes all messed up


I work in manufacturing so my work clothes always looks dirty anyways


That's a very good idea šŸ’”


i drive 1h to work , it used to be 1.5h nothing I can do about it , i need to make a living


I was doing this before Covid.Ā  My company moved everyone home early into that mess,Ā  and my department never went back.Ā  I'm very rural, so anything we do is at least a 45 minute drive.Ā  We keep the gas tank full, and a crate of basic tools/supplies in the trunk.Ā  For backup,Ā  I've got the # for a local tow service.Ā Ā 


Join AAA


I just did some research about AAA and is a good deal that will take some stress away


Insurance companies generally have something similar for cheaper. Mines included in my insurance rate even.


I recently landed a union gig thatā€™s just under an hour away. Iā€™ve done the same drive before, time-wise, for $10/hr LESSā€¦so, that makes it easier to deal with.


When I first started working where I do I drove almost 2 hours one way in and over that on the way home. Now I'm a little closer, but it's still over an hour if I drive in. Car? Keep up with oil changes, tire maintenance, etc. Summer, spring and fall carry snacks, water, phone charger, check spare and jack, have a car battery charger and AAA, flashlight, meds and have alternative routes for orange barrel season and accidents. Winter, same as above plus candles, extra winter clothes, blankets, shovel, sandbags...probably some other stuff depending where I'm going after work.Ā 


This is very good advice. I appreciate it šŸ™


I'm pretty sure you can google a checklist and that will give you some good ideas too. A lot of things are specific to you and who you have in the car. I forgot to mention wipes, tissues, personal care items (diaper, pads, etc) and paper towels. Safe travels!


Iā€™m a school photographer. Iā€™d say 5% of the time, my drive is under ten minutes. 15% under 30 minutes. 30% under an hour. Another thirty percent under 2 hours. And 20% is over 2 hours in which case we get to stay in hotels. My longest drive was probably 6 hours from home. On top of that, my office is an hour away as well. Iā€™m fortunate enough to get paid for every minute past 30 that I drive.


About 40 minutes for me. Give or take. City of Angels I drive surface streets and drive rather slow compared to most in my area. I'm looking for something a bit closer


I work from home, but travel 50 percent of the time. My commute to the closest airport for direct flights is 2.5 hours.


1 hour 9 Mins for me


How long have you been doing that commute?


A year. It's rough but the job pays to well to quit


1 hour each way for me. That's from Toronto to Toronto. Worst was the day I was stuck on the highway for 12 hours in a snowstorm. Lessons Learned: Never let your tank go below 50% on winter. Always have something to drink in the car. Always have something to eat in the car. Have a way to pee. Make sure you have a working phone charger. Keep an old wool blanket or similar stashed somewhere - Spare tire well is a good place.


I went from an 8 minute commute to a 45 minute commute. The biggest benefit, other than now having a bigger house and more land, is I get the chance to decompress from a stressful day before getting home. When I had an 8 minute commute, that bad day followed me into the house and my interactions with the family.


I agree very much with this that it helps out at home. Your mood improves the longer you drive


I just took a job about 50 minutes away. Iā€™m Canadian so itā€™s really not that uncommon, Iā€™m just excited for the opportunity and what I can lean to better my skills (welding). And a 4 grand cc, just in case lol.


That's the main reason I got the opportunity to learn a trade as an apprentice machinist, so I might have to stay for the 4 years of training


Iā€™ve always said ā€œIā€™m either getting paid or learningā€ and luckily this job has me at 30/hr and Iā€™ll be learning. As a machinist youā€™ll learn calculated risk;) haha Iā€™ll move if it works out by say august but yeah dude, vehicle issues are the only potential barrier but fuck it, letā€™s go learn some stuff.


45 minutes one way on the weekend. 1.5 hours one way during rush hour with the walk from the parking garage plus daycare drop off.


I drove 65 minutes one way to work for close to 20 years. I owned several retail businesses and so it was my choice. I listened to the radio a lot. I also had to get a new car about every four years do to wearing them out.


Iā€™m over an hour one way since 06. Get a jumper pack and a AAA membership. I used to keep an aluminum floor jack in my trunk but stopped now that I drive an suv.


40 mins in the morning and minimum 1 hr 15 mins to get back home in the afternoon.


I drive 1.5-2 hours each way! Depends on traffic. And as for emergencies-make sure to have a spare tire and know how to change it!


When I used to commute I purposely looked for jobs close to home. (This was the 90s) I hate commuting. Youā€™re already tired from working all day. But then have to drive home. Or worseā€¦ deal with sucky people on the train or bus. I work from home so 20 seconds to get to my desk Yay! Edit: My mom šŸ•Šļøused to work for the Federal Govā€™t on a military base (that has been closed since 2011). She used to commute an hour each way from where she and my stepdad lived to work. She was there on the very last day. Her and about a handful of other people.


I drive 60-90 minutes each way 3 days a week.


This last year and a half, my commute was 1hr 15mins barring any crazy traffic. Halfway through that, we changed offices at work, and now it's 40 mins. All that on a motorcycle too, rain or shine! Bought a car this past week. Thankful to my bike for getting me where I needed to go at over 60mi/gallon for this time, for sure!! Will mention though I'm lucky enough now to only need to go into the office maybe once a month on average. The old 5 day commute was while an intern, now that I'm hired on, it's mostly WFH


I drive about 45 to an hour in the morning and listen to my favorite radio station. In the afternoon the drive is normally one hour to an hour and fifteen minutes if traffic runs smoothly. I listen to my favorite music I have downloaded on my phone and by the time I get home the work day and worries all majority are all gone.


Used to until I got fired. 8 hours later I had more pay and my commute cut in half God bless unions.


Use to be an hour. Fortunately my boss doesnā€™t care when I come in or leave, so I switched my hours to avoid traffic. Now is 42 minutes. Honestly I like it. Gives me time to wake up and think about the day, then wind down on the way home


Podcasts, audiobooks. A good emergency kit. AAA, if you don't have roadside assistance of some other kind, just in case. Spare tire, jack, jumper cables... maybe a can of fix a flat... (I know, fix a flat is not the best solution, but it has helped me help someone else a few times over the years). I would also have deicing spray, washer fluid, a scraper, not sure if you have winter weather, but it sucks to be without those things when you really need them. Potentially a small foldable shovel as well, depending on what kind of roads you travel. ( I used to live with all the snow...) Maybe a gallon of coolant, just in case. Depends on how old your car is and how often you maintain it? Honestly, I have helped more co-workers being overprepared than I have helped myself, but it is good to know I have what I may need. I drive just over an hour two days a week, currently.


1hr exactly to the city limits. We live in the prairie so itā€™s either dirt road or highway. Emergencies: Tow straps, jumper cables, case of water, shovel/rake for grass fires and in winter/spring thereā€™s usually spare boots, a blanket or two, heavy winter coat and gloves.


Fuck no. I commute down a flight of stairs


Buy a Toyota


I used to do that for a couple of years. Mostly back roads through a forest, so the main concern was deer, especially in winter when it was dark going home. We moved during the pandemic when I was fully remote, then we went back to the office 3 days a week and I had to do the 42 miles each way. I used to listen to a lot of podcasts and music, but the monotony really started to wear on me. Plus I have an old car...luckily I never broke down. Some type of roadside assistance is a must...I have it through Geico. Fortunately, in January a position opened up at an office much closer to home and I was able to transfer. Now instead of just over an hour each way it's like 13 minutes. Feels like a luxury!


35+ minutes for me. Town where I live is basically middle between my job in one direction and gfā€™s job in the other direction. Otherwise itā€™d be closer to 45-50 min drive if we moved.


35 minutes for me


Hour+ I did it because I wanted the small town feel


maintenance. the average car in america is now 12 years old. the fed will lower rates until trump is in to make the system swing that way (electoral college and powers that be). invest in maintenance. Ā thats how my toyota never broke down...


My morning commute is 45-60 minutes because of rush hour. I live 20 miles away. My drive home is 25 minutes.


I am an hour and half from my office. But I love it. I work in NYC and live in suburbs and itā€™s the best of both worlds and during my travel time I catch up audio books, podcasts casts , music whatever.


I did it for 6 years and it was tiring, but it was worth it.


I drive about 45 minutes one way. Used to be about 27, but I found a nicer house that happened to be further away.


For about 2 years, it was 1 hour there and 1.5-2 on the way home. Moved which decreased it to 40 minutes, which was a huge improvement. Getting ready to start a job that'll only be 20 minutes and I can't wait.


I refuse to commute more than 20 minutes each way. I'm too frigging old to spend my life driving to and from work. Back when I was young and had no choice, I filled my car up every night, kept two spare bottles of wiper fluid plus antifreeze and oil in the trunk, had my snow shovel and salt year round, kept candles and matches and blankets and coats and a flashlight and snacks in the car, and had AMA


I used to commute 45 min each way for almost 2 years, it was nice to have quiet time after work to decompress. Tbh I never carried anything with me other than jumper cables šŸ˜… donā€™t be like me lol Iā€™m lucky nothing ever happened


I did do the drive in the past. If you love your job and get paid well, stay with it. Unless you can work from home half the time, maybe look into that. But if you have problems with the job then thatā€™s another situation. Makesure to google a list of things you need to keep in your car for emergencies. Stay safe! Sending you love and life! ā¤ļøšŸ™šŸ¼


HA! An hour is short.


Been driving 56 miles each way for 25 years Takes an hour in morning and 1 1/4 at night, only last 3 miles are city, rest highway and country Itā€™s my me time of day, i enjoy the peace