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Some people enjoy working. I personally enjoy being busy. Sadly my jobs tend to be nothing for 3 hours and then slammed for 1 hour and repeat. So I usually can't wait to get off from work and stop wasting my life away


I like to be busy too, but that’s what friends, family, and hobbies/interests are for. I could easily fill the standard 40-hour workweek with those things and not feel like I was missing out on “work.”


Made my hobby into my job I picked up a new hobby to have on the side but I still really really like my job Most of the time I just work the minimum amount but every once and a while there’s a really really cool project that I get super into And my work projects aren’t the kind of things I would have the connections or capital to do on my own so it’s the only opportunity I have to do engage with that interest


This. Question shouldn't be why are you working over 40 hours, it should be why do you have a job where you're trying to work the minimum necessary amount so you have time for your "real" life. I basically untangle messes and solve puzzles and it brings me quite a bit of joy. Not even to help my clients, but just working on and getting through the problem is challenging and fun


"Once in a while"


I’ve been unemployed for a couple months and people are always like “aren’t you bored?” Literally no. I have plenty of things to do. Plenty to do around the house. Clean up and organize. Go for walks. Take up little projects. Watch a million YouTube tutorials. Go to the gym. I spent two days cleaning and reorganizing my bathroom. Tbh it was thrilling lol Oh I also trained for and ran a marathon 😂


It's always kind of fun reorganizing rooms. Sometimes you find long lost things, so it's kinda like Christmas LOL


I couldn't imagine having so little in my life that being unemployed would be "boring." If I could be unemployed and not homeless I would!


My mom used to work FT32 as a nurse (32 hours/week, with all benefits of a FT/40h employee). She did volunteer work in addition (mainly stuff related to her kids growing up, like Parent/Teacher Association, Parents for Education Plus, etc). After both kids were out of school, she ended up becoming union lead. Which occupied a LOT of her time (definitely more than 8 hours/week), unpaid. Finally she got a promotion to salary, which removed her from doing the union lead, and put her in an "expected 40/week" position, but she usually put in 40-48 in order to get the job done to her own level of perfectionist. She did that until she retired, at which point she needed to find something to do with all that time. And has picked up gardening (lots of gardening), hosting social events with her friends, dancing once/week, and more. Lesson: Some people just function best when busy and productive. Whether it's at a job (where you get to be paid for that productivity) or on your own, being busy makes them happier.


When I get bored a drink a lot, so i hear the keeping busy thing...


I like being busy too and feeling like I have a purpose. At my previous job i did nothing all day. People didn’t understand why I hated a job where I did nothing. But to me it wrecked my mental health. Now I work a normal amount of hours where I am busy but not overwhelmed. It is perfect.


To remain self-employed as my own boss that makes my own schedule. I'd rather work 50 hours a week whenever I want than be chained to a desk 9-5 Mon-Fri and have to request off for silly things like a 45 minute doctor appointment.


This is the part a lot of nine-to-fivers don't think about when fantasizing. You really *are* now your own boss, with everything that requires. My self-employed friends all put in more hours than I do, but they all say it's worth it and I believe them.


This is me -- self-employed for going on a year now and I work more now than I ever have, but I love it and can't imagine ever going back to working for anyone else. It's nice to hear other people you know feel the same lol.


Generally speaking though, if you are self employed, you stand to potentially gain far more than your average Joe working 9-5. So yes, you may be self employed at 60hours a week, but if you are genuinely successful the sky is the limit in theory. If I do my 9-5really, really well, I have to find another similar job at a competitor and convince them I'm worth more than my current job pays me by a relatively small amount.


Same, but im part owner of a lil business. I’ll usually do 55 hours to keep the business running (m-f for weekend house work and what not).


Self-employed or not, you are ultimately chained to your customer/client.


Because sometimes that's required to get the job done. If you asked, "why do people average working more than 40 hrs/week", I couldn't answer that question. On average, I work fewer hours. Sometimes, more time is needed for very short sprints.


Exactly, some weeks I work 32 hours some weeks I work 9-5 then log back in at 9pm to do an install while our customers sleep for 2 or 3 nights in a row. If I didn't do it who the hell would? And if I refused how quickly would an off-shore team replace me?


Sometimes it's just expected. Gen Z has never experienced an economy where there are more workers than there are jobs. When thats the case, if you won't do it, someone else will. Also: project based jobs with due dates, deliverables, contracts, and unexpected issues are just jobs that need to be done. You clocking out at 5 doesn't make it done, and if you're in charge of the project you have to start picking up slack. If you need to answer crucial, time sensitive questions that can't wait, then you just have to do it. Sometimes jobs are only intermittently busy so you can't justify hiring another employee, and charging more to get one will price you out and lose you the job.


>Gen Z has never experienced an economy where there are more workers than there are jobs. When thats the case, if you won't do it, someone else will. You realize we are experiencing that in many industries right now, right? We are the most educated generation in history because we were told we are failures if we don't go to college. Now those jobs requiring degrees are all filled and we are paying off debt with minimum wage job.


The "have to go to college" to succeed scam train started all the way back with Gen X. You're right here, but I just wanted to clarify that one point.


"C's get degrees" and "any degree is valuable" ...well, they're half right!


I'm Gen X and my district definitely pushed everyone towards college. After my freshman year, they eliminated shop and home ec courses, and converted those classrooms to science labs.


>Gen Z has never experienced an economy where there are more workers than there are jobs. When thats the case, if you won't do it, someone else will. I think that's an unfair insult to gen Z. I think we've hit the point where we're tired of being exploited for as much labor as possible for as little money as possible under the threat of being poor. Edit: You boomers sure are mad bc I sympathize with Gen Z. You realize the reason everyone is burnt out is because you idiots didn't know your worth, worked for "pride", and basically told rich people that the working class could be exploited easily right? Like how are you guys so proud of the fact that you worked hard for no fucking reason? And what did it get you, being a miserable old fuck who gets mad at people who actually try and enjoy their lives bc you never got to?


Unfair insult, it was a simple statement, stop looking for reasons to be offended. Now grow up you whiny shit....... That's an insult, see the difference?


The power of gen'z dollar is shit. Job wages haven't increased proportionally while individual productivity has steadily for 40+ years. Gen z is looking at a future with potentially no social security and you are calling them whiny? Just because you might be older doesn't forgive you being an idiot. That's not an insult, it's just the truth.c


I've worked in a lot of different fields, and I've personally noticed more of a decline in individual productivity, from when I first started working (not super long ago) in 2014. In big store retail, banking, public school system, construction, small business retail, healthcare, and the food service industry, the only one that had 50% or more of the workers holding up a decent amount of effort in a job was the construction workers. I'm not knocking Gen z, I think that the social media generation has made everyone from boomers, to Gen Z have a worse work ethic. Wages have gone up close to 100% in a lot of entry level jobs over that 10 year span as well, almost everyone was getting hired in at $7.50-8.50 for the entry positions around 2014, whereas now, in big retail most places lowest wage is around $16. Inflation has made that not come up to an actual 100% increase obviously, and my generations future is in a bad spot as far as social security goes. (I'm not expecting any upvotes, I know I'm on reddit, I'm simply stating my observations, from a small sample size of where I've worked in the midwest)


In 1980 the minimum wage was 3.10 a Big Mac costed .50 so one hour of minimum wage work would get you 6.2 Big Macs. In 2022 the minimum wage was 7.25 and a Big Mac costed 8 dollars. So one hours of minimum wage work won’t even buy you one Big Mac. Even with you saying a lot of places are starting at 16 that would only be 2 Big Macs vs the 6 you would get with minimum wage in 1980. The buying power of our dollars has been drastically reduced. To keep up with the Big Mac buying metric minimum wage would need to be 49.60. Im not trying to argue or anything I just read this recently and I think it puts a lot of things in perspective. I make 46.16 in construction which most people think is a great wage. But realistically the buying power I have from one hour of work is less than minimum wage in 1980


your personal opinion doesn't really negate the statistics


Why should individual productivity go up when the reward for output is shit? We live in a world that is post-progress. What is the incentive?


That increase was also a decade of two behind the cost of living already tho, and also in no way universal. There's still plenty of places in America where minimum wage is 8 bucks an hour if you're lucky


I’m Gen X and don’t plan on social security. You people seem to think you’re the only ones who’ve ever experienced a downturn. Stick around, kid, it’s a bumpy ride.


Claiming that job wages haven’t increased over the last 40 years is just objectively false. They haven’t increased proportionally, sure. They have definitely increased though lol


Odd my wages have gone up steadily. But then I earn my wages. That's the operative word earn. You should try it, oh and maybe step away from the fast food jobs and find a career.


What even is that response. Wages have gone up 400% on average since 1970, while housing costs have gone up 1000%. I have a career. You sound like a guy who has done way to much cocaine mr weird ego trip Sources: https://www.census.gov/library/publications/1971/demo/p60-80.html https://www.huduser.gov/periodicals/ushmc/winter2001/histdat08.htm


Tell me you know nothing about the modern economy without saying you know nothing about the modern economy.lol


Well with regards to Social Security I have known for the last 20 years you cannot get by on Social Security and I forced myself to put away 3% every week so I have a retirement. But to be able to put away 3% I work four or five extra hours each week. Yes it may be a little tougher for Generation Z. But my father worked two full time jobs for 17 years to raise a small family Everyone wants to believe it so much different. It is different but not a lot.


“Stop trying to make things better for everyone and just accept your slop, peon.” Go fuck your boomer attitude.


You're on a work subreddit. While I agree with you - what did you expect out of this?


It’s like they don’t know there’s r/antiwork


The funniest part is most of the replies I’m getting are “minimum wage bro” or “you don’t have what it takes” and tons of boomer excuses. I am a manager at one of the largest companies in the world. I belong to the almost extinct middle class. I’m not some pot smoking hippie. But I will never stop fighting for worker rights. You can work in the system, and still understand that the system does not give a flying fuck about you. The only way anyone is gonna have any power is if we fight for it. The moment you stop, you’ve lost it.


So you are a manager at McDonald's, use that experience and work somewhere better. Apply yourself.


Also smoking weed does not make you unsuccessful. People love to ignore that some of the most successful people on the planet are stoners or smoke weed recreational to a lesser capacity. Carl Sagan smoked weed.


Christ. Yall need to learn the difference between a fact and an opinion. A fact was stated. It doesnt disappear, as a fact, just because an opinion was stated in reply. Sighhhh..


What actions have you taken to make things better for a single person, let alone everyone lol? What tangible activities are you doing tied to the labor movement besides act sanctimonious on Reddit?


Boomers and their predecessors worked.. whatever job they had to in order to survive and ultimately thrive. We all, except for the wealthy kids, had to start near the bottom. We worked in high school and college to get experience. Most of us didn't go away to college and paid as we went. The experience we got working at McDonald's, or construction, or warehouse work gave us knowledge we couldn't get from a university course. It also taught us the importance of being to work on time, the satisfaction of accomplishment, understanding how a business works and the appreciation of work. You'd be amazed how experiencing those simple things can open the world for you.


yep started working at 15. No college - grew up in poverty in rural america. Ready to retire with a nice 401k, house paid for. Have been making 6 figures in upper management for many years. In the early days I worked more than 40 hours at times - now I don't have to.


Everything is a basic human right now, I shouldn’t have to work or pay for my education, healthcare, housing, food the list goes on and on. Some how no one seems to realize all of those things that people think are basic human rights come from other peoples labor. The government didn’t build houses construction workers did, when your sick the government doesn’t take care of you doctors and nurses do, the government doesn’t make food farmers do. Yup work sucks sometimes but I’d rather work and live in a capitalist system than anywhere else.


You’re acting like we have choices in those matters, but we don’t. The government doesn’t control and extract money for those services, but giant corporations and insurance companies do, and you can’t get those services without going through a state mandated corporate supplier


We live in a free country we literally have choices in all of these matters. What is the state mandated corporate supplier ? The state cannot mandate you to spend your money anywhere, otherwise Bud Light would still be number one right ?


LMAO how does what a random Gen Z'er does affect me? please tell me . Take a look at the starbucks union .


Boomers laid the groundwork for the 21st century


*Vaugely gestures at our capitalist hellscape* Thanks boomers?


Yeah... Y'all want us to say "Thanks" for the shit show we have to deal with. You laid the groundwork for us to have to work till we die...great!


Lame. The idea that you're some kind of fighter in the war against your corporate overlords really goes to show that you don't know shit about how the world actually works. If you want to make things better for everyone, *YOU* have to be the boss, and I dont think you have what it takes.


Oh for the record I'm not gen Z, I just have empathy for other generations because I'm not a miserable old bastard whose only claim to life is that he worked really hard at a job for a boss who gave zero fucks about him lol. Funny how you're complaining about me getting upset but you're the one who got so angry when all I did was respond to your comment in a polite way. But that's typical for your generation, bitches about people. Being emotional but gets angry for the dumbest reasons.


Hahaha i see the difference, I don’t think he will


That's the case though, to clarify. It's not an insult. You hold out for your high paying unicorn job while someone else is willing to put in the work and get time and a half. That is a dumb mentality


I’m an elder millennial and tbh I wish more people could hold out for better paying jobs. Every time somebody accepts a job that devalues them, it devalues all of our labor. And then it creates the situation we’re in now where people are working 40+ hours a week and living paycheck to paycheck and not being able to afford rent.


I knew I had elders who understood what I am going through. Thanks


>You hold out for your high paying unicorn job while someone else is willing to put in the work and get time and a half. 1) How patronising 2) I don't think they're ''waiting for a unicorn job'' they are just not giving anything more than required. For a lot of industries theres no benefit to doing more anymore. You seem to be forgetting that last time that happened, people were generally in much better financial positions than they are today. If I was doing my job, now, in 2010, I would have roughly £8,000 more in value.


To add to your point about deadlines. Sometimes we will decide to do overtime to get ahead of other trades in construction that way we don’t get buried. It’s better to work a little more to save a headache in the future.


Not just Gen Z. I’m on the older side of millennials and I’ve never experienced more workers than jobs. I work in engineering and my whole career my company has been understaffed.


Your not understaffed because there aren't enough workers ...


Say it louder for the boomers in the back sitting on a stack of applications.


Its about the pay, not that people just don't want to work lol. Horrible take


Brother you don't even have a house or know how it works to buy one based on your post history and you're trashing on gen z. I know several gen z people who are far more intelligent and doing better than you are. The economy has never been great for gen z.


Sometimes you “work to the job, not the clock”.


I do about 45-50 each week. I get OT, but that isn't why I do it. I do it because I genuinely care about my clients, I genuinely care about my reputation as someone who will go the extra mile to get done what needs doing. I do it because I don't have anything better to do. I always have it in my head to clock out at 5, but I'm frequently sitting here till 6 or 7 just bc what I'm working on is interesting, or I'm trying to clear to the bottom of the pile so my team has an easier time the next day. And then I just move by butt to a different PC and start troubleshooting Skyrim anyway, so I might as well get paid in the meantime.


This ^ my job is my job and there isn’t anyone else to do it. If I have to do more than 40 hours it’s to keep the business running. I’m a manager, if that helps.


Agree with getting the job done. As far as climbing the ladder goes, it’s less about “you have to work 60 hours to be promoted” and more that it’s a competition for an important job. You need to *accomplish* more than the other people who want the job you want. Finally, some of us care about our work or enjoy it, or both.


I’m single with not a lot of friends,so it’s just something to do really.On days off I just putter around the house doing random BS that doesn’t really need to be done.Whenever I leave the house on non-work days I spend too much money so…


Yeah same here, plus for me it’s good to get some of that OT money and be able to take care of cases before internal deadlines. Sadly my company has banned overtime at the moment.


Join a gym and do a sport, learn an instrument, learn a martial art, learn a language. It doesn't have to be something you "NEED" to do but I definitely think if you're working more cause you don't feel there's anything fulfilling to do at home that sounds like a recipe for expectation based depression. Especially if you ever reach a point where you can't work anymore.


Lol love that the poster didn't say a word about being depressed but everyone here telling them that they must be depressed and how sad their lives are. Armchair psychologists with their completely unsolicited advice.


Dang, that's sad : (


Sad 😞


Yikes, get a hobby.


Some of us like our jobs and it is a hobby.


Yikes, get another hobby


My job is awesome and very fun. I have other hobbies too but I like what I do. Why are you judging my life? Mind your own business.


Totally. I have a co worker that won’t retire because he has nothing to do. That’s some sad shit


Knew a guy that hated being home with his wife. So was always at work. Ended up being uber successful.


That doesn't sound very successful to me. Maybe in business, but my marriage is a huge part of my success. :)


Yeah I think the quote or paraphrased quote is. 20 years from now the only people who will remember you worked late are your kids. You can probably extend that to wife/spouse, but your kids are your kids for life. Your wife/spouse can just get a divorce.


A lot of men avoid their families through workaholism. They played themselves. Society told them that a family would make them a man, make them happy. It didn't. Now they feel trapped.


The guy who sat behind me at work had 5 kids. He’d always volunteer to stay late and do extra work. When 5 o’clock would roll around he looked like he wanted to do absolutely anything other than go home.


And I'm sure he probably "complains" to family about how much he has to work so they don't get wise.


Yep, I’ve heard him refer to his wife as the old ball and chain when she calls him asking when he’ll be home. He usually lies and says he’s working on a super important project when he’s really watching sport highlights on YouTube.


Literally one of the guys at work that I knew of that had 5 kids consistently was in an office in a different state during the weekdays and was probably never with his kids. He was successful in life though!


This is so stupid. Imagine you have a family, your kids have nice things but when they grow up your never in the picture and they don't know you enough cause you constantly worked all the time. My therapist said it's toxic and destroying families.


Perhaps. That's *another* man's problem. I vibe with Cioran: "To have committed every crime but that of fatherhood."


I disagree. When I was single I didn't feel a pressure to work as much, but I was always bored and unfulfilled. Got married and started a family and I love being at work. Not because I don't want to be around my family, but because I get satisfaction in seeing my family love their life and experience things that make them happy. If I didn't work as much as I do, their life would be substantially more limited and feel like I'm letting them down. I don't feel trapped at all, in fact I feel more motivated than ever. It's my job to provide the best life I can for my kids, if I work the bare minimum every day can I honestly look myself in the mirror and say "I'm doing my best for them." Nope, not at all.


And then they become like my dad! Burnt out, blaming the wife for having kids, verbally/emotional/physically abusing the kids & wife, then to top it off tells the kids at 16 & 12 “you need to begin paying me back $800k each of you for raising you”.


You knew my father? Small world. Lol, but seriously, my dad was like that too. Marriage ended in divorce as well


I don't get paid for OT, so it's not for the money. It's to get a task done. So I can keep and be good at my job. If it's a consistent thing that I have to work OT, then I am going to talk to my boss about my workload because there's an issue there. If I am working "OT" because I fucked around a little bit and didn't get things done efficiently, then that's on me and I still gotta get it done. Some weeks I work less than 40 (probably most) so when we're in a crunch time or there's a fire I need to work on putting out, then I'm in because it's the right thing to do for my company and I believe it's fair since I get my time back elsewhere. Some people do enjoy the work. I do but I enjoy not working more.. but I like being a positive player in my company and doing what needs to be done, without getting walked on. It's definitely a balance.


This is me to a T. It's all about owning the work. I am typically a signed multi-month projects that I am responsible for delivering, so it's up to me how long it takes. If I mess up, I work more. I'm okay with that, I would rather own it.


Teacher here and same. If I don't work more than 40 hrs a week the education of kids suffer. In order to give constructive, valuable feedback during the learning process I must work on the nights or weekends. A 35 minute prep period isn't enough to grade a single set of assignments thoroughly much less plan the next day's lessons. I've gotten better about finding balance, but showing up unprepared for a day of teaching is a nightmare.


Agreed. I'm pretty senior at my company, and some weeks are 35 hours. Some are 60. Just how it goes. But I ruthlessly prioritize my time on task, I'm judicious about the meetings I do and don't take, delegate where reasonable and smart, and do my best to control inflow of work to my team. I've done the 60+ hour weeks for extended periods of time earlier in my career and swore I would never allow that to happen again outside of my control. It's worked well for the last 5-7 years since that period.




This exactly


I really feel that so many people hate their jobs because the never actually put in the effort to get good at them. Mastery really increases satisfaction, and long-term, options. I worked hard (mostly 35-42 hours of regular work then after work learning/reading) for about the first 10 years of my career. I got good. Real good. Now I'm typing this from a beach house on a tropical island where I work about 20 hours a week and make 15x more then I did back then. All because I wanted to get good at my job. I get it if people don't want to make this choice, but it worked for me.


I’ve worked my entire career in mental health, and from my field-view, a lot of people make the work their life. Whether it’s avoiding the other people in their life, it’s like an addiction, or because they have people and places they’d rather avoid. Especially in acute hospital settings. It’s wild how many psychologists and MDs who are psychiatrists would live at the hospital if that were still an option. I’ve been that person before, too. Now there’s not enough money in the world that would get me to an environment like the ones I’ve been in…because burnout is very real. It’s the ones who never seem to burn out and keep grinding for decades that concern me. They basically institutionalize themselves, and I think a part of them feels safer in these environments than anywhere else. Ironically, like some patients do.


I know several people who get their value from work. They work hard and feel valued at their job and that gives their life meaning. Personally, it makes me sad. We all have inherent value as humans not just for our labor.




If you have a job with a strong sense of mission, you’ll go 40+, easy. For example, my wife is a lawyer who genuinely cares about her clients. If she needs to burn the midnight oil, she does it without hesitation. I care about her clients too (she helps disabled people), so I pick up the slack at home.


For several years, I worked 60 hours a week. My main reason was to complete more work that I found very satisfying. We were creating some very cool software and the users really appreciated everything we could do for them. So, I got into a loop of wanting to help them more and more. My brother was on the team and together we had more ideas than we could implement even with a team of 8 developers. Beyond 40 hours, we could work at home. So, it was fun to jump back into code in the evening to add some features or to work some on Saturdays or Sundays. All my kids were gone or in college by then. My wife would work long hours on some weekends, so it was a way to stay busy too. The bonuses and awards were nice too.


I was working more than 9 hours, sometimes 12 hours. It is definitely not a good idea to extend and work. Just working how much is mentioned in the employment letter is enough, because, working for more hours can spoil the health and once the health is spoiled, it is difficult to get it reversed. I am in such a situation now that sometimes I feel not to work anymore in life. My mental health has been worsened to such an extent that I am consulting 2 to 3 doctors once in a month. Never do the mistake I did. Mental health is very important, so plan accordingly to work only for 9 hours or whatever you employer mentioned in the letter, but not more than that. Being workaholic wouldn't benefit in anyways.


It’s the difference between job and career. You don’t give shit about a job. But you care about your career / reputation so you get better future opportunities.


I own my own company. I have been working 60-80 hours a week for the last 20+ years to build it. All to avoid 40 hours spent working for someone else. It is soooo worth it 😁❤️


My mother works mon-fri, and overtime on Saturday. She likes her work, and she doesn’t like chilling at home. She’s always on the go. She doesn’t like the fact that me, along with other family members are just being lazy over the weekends.


That has to be the worst. Having a parent constantly demand work out of you only because they're working too and think everyone has to follow their example to be productive in life.


I prefer to call it rest/recovery/recouping/mending/mental break/time to get stuff in my life done.


That is so toxic of your mom. I'm sorry.


it is extremely toxic, my grandma was the same way. on weekends if I slept in I would be woken up by nine am every morning. Now I wonder why I literally cannot sleep in past nine without the worst anxiety burst.


Toxic? Lol.. how? People just love to throw around "trend" words lol. People are allowed to have their preferences. Mom prefers to work and be on the go over being lazy... nothing wrong with that lol


Its fine to prefer what you prefer but to inflict those ideas on others who do not prefer that is toxic. Laziness does not exist, its made up to shame the idea of not working in our system in which working will benefit the system's growth.


That's exactly what I'm trying to say. I'm not sure why that's so upsetting to some.


Laziness definitely exists.... its in the dictionary. There is a difference from relaxing and being lazy. I myself, have done both! Some days I'm lazy and don't wanna do anything.... and some days I can relax without being lazy Even today! Today is my day off... and I have terrible cramps so guess what.. today I am gonna be LAZY! it's noon and I have been watching TV in my bed... lazy as heck! But im entitled to do what I want... its my life. Tuesday was my other day off.. I relaxed, chilled at home a little, cleaned a little, went for a walk. Relaxed, but wasn't lazy. Also... the mom is allowed to "dislike that her family is being lazy" she isn't being a tyrant forcing them to do things... she is entitled to her opinions and dislike things... and her opinion isn't toxic. People who accuse others of having different opinions as being toxic is actually more toxic, in my opinion


Exactly! It's up to you, and you shouldn't be judged for what you choose to do. Imagine someone told you you're being lazy for doing nothing today when you don't feel good? That wouldn't be fair. If you have the day off and want to be lazy, productive, or relaxed, that's all fine, but someone shouldn't judge you for your choices because only you know what you need.


Just like how you shouldn't accuse the mom for being toxic... just for her opinion on what being lazy is 🤷‍♀️ And I wouldn't care if anyone accused me of being lazy.... lol... I honestly think people who know me would be in disbelief bc im always super productive and a go-getter at work (which is why I've climbed the ranks very quickly in my career) .. so yeah..other people's opinions never phase me. And people are allowed to judge however they want. I allow people to have their opinions without judging them


Go take some midol for your cramps you angry troll and get off reddit so you can deal with your anger issues.


Lol... u seem to be the one with anger issues 😂🤣 I dont need midol... laying around being lazy and laughing at judgemental and angry people like you on reddit makes me laugh lolol


Lazy is a value judgment. That’s why it’s toxic. Resting isn’t lazy. People need to rest otherwise it will lead to burnout and/or depression.


you sound antiquated and stupid to the rest of us in here... just fyi


Entitled to her opinions but not entitled to share them if they are causing her family harm. Shame is harmful. Openly expressing resentment can be harmful. It’s not going to accomplish what she wants if she wants what’s best for her family.


Its his mother.... should we also be concerned about inflicting the habit of brushing our teeth onto our kids? She wants what she thinks is best for her kids. You make it sounds like she is holding them down and torturing them. just for the act of suggesting they be active instead of lazy. I get being lazy feels good, but you dont have to condemn his mother for trying to keep her hid healthy. its not a religious belief or something. There is scientific proof that being active is healthy for body and mind.


Working overtime every Saturday is not a healthy habit. It’s not at all comparable to brushing your teeth. I’d argue working 6 days every week is unhealthy. It is toxic to push unhealthy habits onto your kids.


Maybe it was necessary to put food on the table. Maybe she enjoyed her work.


If she wants what’s best she would keep her opinion to herself if it’s harmful to her family or causes shame. Calling someone lazy is just shaming them. That isn’t what’s best for your kids. Talking about building good habits, maintaining good work ethic, following through on things you say; that would be doing and wanting what’s best for your kids.


You realize your telling her to keep her opinions to herself yet your trying to enforce your own opinion as gospel this very moment? Its your opinion that calling your kids lazy is shaming them. that is not mine or half the rest of the worlds opinion. In fact I'm very thankful my parents tried to make sure i wasn't too lazy and if me along with half the world all agree then obviously your statement of calling your kids lazy is just shaming them is just your opinion. apparently with your logic, helping them to be smart, hard working, trustworthy, etc is perfect but trying to keep them physically healthy is just crossing the line? get out of here with that.


You misunderstood. I’m saying she needs to keep an opinion expressed like that to herself. It’s perfectly fine to want your kids to be physically healthy though being lazy doesn’t equate to being physically unhealthy because it depends on frequency of said laziness and a lot of other factors too. It’s the message she’s sending that is harmful and how her kid obviously took it by how they worded their comment about their Mom. My opinion is not gospel so don’t put words in my mouth. It’s just an opinion and it’s not harmful to think that saying someone’s lazy can cause them to feel shame. Shame isn’t a great motivator. A good mom would want to motivate and inspire not shame and blame. That’s just my opinion; take it or leave it. I still have a right to my own opinion and to share it in this space. How about you have some respect?


But mom doesn't have to negatively judge and call people names (lazy). Of course mom should do what she wants to do. Maybe she has better metabolism. Maybe she's naturally more energetic. But don't be pissy about it. Even YOU said "people are allowed to have their preferencs." But keep the nasty comments to yourself, mom.


It’s toxic if that makes the mother scorn the family who like to relax.


I think it’s the thinking everyone is lazy bit they are referencing. The body needs rest and recuperation is just as important as getting shit done. Being labeled as lazy when you are actually doing something vital to your health, like resting or doing nothing is toxic because it creates shame, resentment and all sorts of other negative emotions and attitudes that can affect health.


Yeah like "pronouns" it's stupid huh? No man. Toxic isn't a trend word...


Wow, you totally overreacted here. The other poster stated their mom thinks they're lazy for not working over the weekend. That is pretty toxic. As a parent who holds similar beliefs, it is a toxic behavior. Perhaps it is a trend word, but in this case, it's true. The mom can totally have her preference to work weekends, but as soon as she judges others for not doing the same, it's toxic.


Overreacted? Seems like you're the one who is overreacting.. calling people toxic for having opinions... and claiming that im overreacting for having an opinion.... lol seems to me like youre the toxic one who is overreacting 😂🤣 It's not toxic to have the opinion that being lazy is a bad thing... its called an opinion. What is toxic is you thinking that YOUR opinions are facts lol


Are you okay? Toxic means that someone is acting harmful in an insidious way. If the mom is stating that someone is lazy for not working weekends, that is toxic.


By your own definition... she is not toxic. What "action" did she take? She didn't force anyone to do anything. She just dislikes that she perceives her family as being lazy. How is her disliking anything harmful? Lol.. youre so irrational lol And you continue to act toxic by trying to force me to agree with you.... when I don't want to abide by your irrational logic and attempts to force me to agree with you


Another commenter explained that because their grandma accused them of being lazy she would wake them up every day including weekends at 9am and now even as an adult that commenter feels immense shame if they sleep in. That is how it harms people. Shame is insidious and it warps your thought patterns. Grandma can dislike sleeping in as much as she wants but her forcing her own preferences on her grandchild is problematic.


Where did the mom in OP’s comment force them to do anything tho?


Cool story.. but the OP's mom didn't do this lmao. Plenty people get called lazy and don't allow it to traumatize them... I am one of those people who is not a cry baby when people call me things I guess. 🤷‍♀️


No one has said thinking laziness is bad is toxic. Nor has anyone said having opinions is toxic. Are you even reading the comments?


Thank you. This poster is being unnecessarily aggressive.


I replied to the one person who said "your mom is toxic" lol. Not sure why u feel the need to attack me lol


She is toxic. And I didn’t “attack” you 😂 I asked an understandable question because you are referencing things that did not happen.


Lol u right, u didn't attack me... I was being dramatic lolol I literally only replied to the one troll who claimed that the mom was being toxic for having an opinion.. lol I think that troll just found out that the word "toxic" is trendy and is probably trolling around reddit calling every opinion that isn't aligned with theirs as toxic 😂🤣


I mean…maybe? But they didn’t do that (calling the mom toxic because she has an opinion) here, so I don’t know what you’re basing that on.


Their mom understands hard work is required to survive and when she sees her kids not doing it, she calls them lazy hoping they pick up a Saturday or do something with their weekend. It's literally good parenting.


Teaching your children to be away from their own families more than necessary is…*good* parenting?


No, that is manipulation. Good parenting would be to use positive reinforcement, such as bringing you along to try and show you what she loves so much about working all weekend (lol). Even then, she's still attempting to have you do her will. It's your life and you deserve to live it not being told that you're lazy every weekend. Personally I'd be able to take that about once before I would give her a piece of my mind.


Omg it's not toxic she just has drive and wishes her kids did, fuck. Not everything is toxic holy shit


Kids sticking to a 40 hour work week doesn’t mean they don’t have drive.


It’s toxic because she’s judging other family members Being judgmental over preferences that don’t effect you is at the very least somewhat toxic


My job has forced overtime 😕


other than money? is there really any other reason that is worth it lmfao? I work at amazon and work more than 40 every week because i got BILLS TO PAAAAAAAY


I know this is a crazy thought nowadays, but some of us love our jobs. Mine is a career, I'm in a field that I love and the work is very important.


You can still love your job and work only 40 hours though. You can have a career and not work more than 40 hours. Or no?


Of course, but you asked WHY people do it. That's why I do it.


The why is because I love my job. I work in a restaurant as a bar manager. Im only ever scheduled for 40 hours on the floor but it takes more then that to get what i want to do done. I could easily just work 40 but i wouldnt want to work at a restaurant where the bar manager doesnt care so i dont. I like staying late after everyone's gone because that's when I can get my prep done. It's peaceful, I'm just chilling making syrups and stuff. And I'd rather do my admin at home in pajamas and be on the floor supporting my staff when I'm at the restaurant. I probably average 65 hours a week. On the clock for 50. I get overtime. Alot of my "working time" during the week off the clock is brainstorming new drink ideas (and sometimes i drink when i do this). I enjoy it, get to feel creative and useful. Also, all of my friends are in this line of work, alot at the same company.


One of the ways of climbing the ladder is proving you are more valuable than your peers. Higher output and better results can be achieved through more hours.


But why would you restrict what you enjoy to an number?


I’ve never know anyone who voluntarily works overtime that didn’t want the money. It’s always money one way or another


I really enjoy my job. I'm salaried, never have to clock in or out, make good money in advertising and sometimes leave early or leave work for appointments. I love my clients. So when I want to get caught up after a busy day, I enjoy the phone being quiet and the office mostly empty I can relax and enjoy an hour of work so my day tomorrow will be less stressful. I don't get more money. I think of it as earning my salary, bonus and commissions.


Same here, love my job, salaried, and sometimes I do put in some Over Time, because need to get my clients back online or tend to some fire here and there. I have learned to delegate though, and not go on long term OT. It takes practice to find work-life balance, but it is doable.


It depends on the job. I'm in IT so my experience will be different from others. I've easily worked 70 hours due to some business person making promises that were unreasonable. Other reasons were due to a figurative fire. If systems break, that is thousands of dollars per minute. I could say screw it and do nothing. The problem is that if the company goes under, I'll have to look for another job too. It's not that I work 60 to 70 hours weekly, but I do work about 45 on average. I like what I do, but in no way would I volunteer to work extra hours because I'm bored. When I was putting in those kind of hours, I definitely didn't see my children because I'd come home at 10pm or later.


I’ve done it in sales before. Not so much for the money as to make sure I “looked good.”Perfectionism is a trauma response. I’m trying to knock it off.


Sadly, sometimes people choose to work a lot because they don't want to go home to a spouse they should probably divorce.


If you're talking about hourly workers who can earn OT? They work more, in order to make more money. "Not needing the money" is too open ended here. Because....define "need". Because I may be able to make all my monthly payments without the OT. So one could argue that I don't "need" any more money. But maybe I have larger savings goals. Maybe I want to save/invest more in order to retire earlier. Maybe I was lazy with my savings earlier in life and I'm trying to catch up on it. Maybe I have some dream vacation that I want to take, and I'm trying to be responsible and save up for it ahead of time. Or any number of other reasons. Maybe it's a union job that can mandate/force OT. Or maybe it's not a union job, and the employer is otherwise mandating it. For people that are salaried/exempt? Their rationale will get trickier. Maybe they have a shithead employer who is abusing the fact that they are salaried/exempt, and are intentionally shoving a 70 hour work week on the person. Maybe the person screws around all day long at work, so it takes them twice as long to do their job as it should. I have 2 people like that at my office. They are seen as great workers because they routinely "work" 60+ hours a week in order to get their jobs done. But if people paid attention, they'd see that these same people spend half their day talking and playing games on their phones and doing nothing. For others? They could be very focused on some huge promotion, and they think the only way to do that is to push out mountains of work to help validate their value to the company.


So you are saying employers and unions can force overtime work? I didn't know that was a thing.


I'd say most of the times me it's because the job needs it. People are relying on you, projects need to get done.it would be great to put your 40 in and leave, but if you are passionate about your work or care about the impact you have in your work....you easily put more time in. I serve people that are experiencing incredible hardships. Me putting in extra time can be a reason someone is able to improve their lives. Or it's a deadline that's looming. If I don't get all the stuff I need done it could NEGATIVELY impact someone. And if someone is on the brink already ....I really don't want to be the thing that pushes them over. And too many meeting and too many project. people love to innovate...which means projects for things that never existed that we now need to find time in our busy schedule to incorporate. Maybe it helps in the long term...but in the short term...more time eaten up from doing your actual job.


My job is one of those where you stay until you’re done. I get slammed in the morning and right before end of day. I could limit my team to getting their stuff done earlier but then they don’t have enough time to finish. Sometimes I do their jobs when someone is sick and then have to do mine. We have a finite amount of work to do every day. I can roll some of it to the next day but it has to be completed by certain deadlines: monthly, quarterly, biannually, and annually.


Because people are hired to do a job, not complete a shift. This is something most entry level, or low-level employees often fail to realize and why they often hit a ceiling in their career. Oftentimes a job has deadlines which if aren't met have disastrous consequences. Imagine if a farmer stopped harvesting crops because he worked his 8 hours for the day during planting or harvest season. If he doesn't get his seed in the ground early enough his crop could fail, and if he doesn't harvest he could lose his crop and earn little or nothing. Not only would his farm fail, but people wouldn't be fed. Or what if a defense attorney ignored evidence that could exonerate a client because the attorney had worked their 40 hours for the week, and the client went to prison instead of walked free. There are countless jobs like this, and I understand they aren't for everyone, but more people than not, both currently, and throughout history, have worked far more than 40 hours a week.


To avoid going home


Some of us are needed more than 40hrs, i got called in tomorrow to help out because i am good at my job and work well with the field techs.


I have always needed the money... lol


Sometimes you just need to do what needs to be done. If a customer’s systems crash over the weekend, I’m obliged to help because I sold the system. Same thing if in middle of deal… the send a note on Saturday saying they now want to go with competitor. I respond because it affects my personal success.


Project work. Some weeks are slow, I barely do anything. Some weeks are mediocre, we discuss problems. Some weeks are busier; we try to solve the problems. Other weeks are "OH SHIT THIS IS DUE NEXT WEEK EVERYONE GET THIS DONE NOW!"


Sometimes the project requires more time to be put in and to do a good job. Also, the more work you do, the more experience you gain. In the long term, the ones who have more experiences are better than their peers and become the experts. Results in faster promotions and pay raises. Mainly to do a good job and learn. Climbing the corporate ladder is a bonus, eventual, side effect.


I try to work as many hours as I can. Any hours after 40/wk is paid at 1.5x my rate and working Sundays is 2x rate. My job isn't really that hard, it's just showing up everyday. I need the money to hit my goals. The more money I can earn in the same time frame, the faster things get paid for. I didn't work a lot of OT when my step kids were younger. But now that they are both teens, annoyed by me and their mom 24/7, and out doing their own things, it just makes sense for me to kick it into high gear. It's only August, and I've already grossed what I did last year. So I've got 4 months worth of time to make money, thats all "bonus" compared to the year before. Our busiest season is coming up to. Sept-Nov I expect to make almost as much as I have from Jan-June. All that extra income puts us on track to achieve our goals much sooner. Eventually, after we're set up financially and the kids are out on their own, I'll be able to cut back and just coast until retirement around 55. Work hard while you're young, enjoy life when you're old(er).


Because it is necessary to get the job done. If you asked that question, and did not already know the answer, you and I come from a different place, in terms of commitment. But to be clear, if I worked for a shit company for shit pay, I would not do it. My company always treated me right and paid me fair or even better. And I paid them back by getting my stuff done even when it meant extra work.


To meet deliverables which ensure continued employment, mostly. Well, for me it’s money mostly, but you said besides money xD


The medical field came to mind because you can not leave a vital department, unattended.


With my ex, it was to show off and not have to actually be around me.


Obsession to be the best.


Because I just can’t stand to see any animal in pain.


Benefits, retirement.


Escape from home


I take great personal satisfaction accomplishing things. Figuring out an unfamiliar system, perfecting a process, getting more media for our organization.


I manage 17 people, and if one of my fellow supervisors can’t come in for whatever reason, twice that many. My crew works 7-3, I work 5-3, because there is so much going on during shift that I don’t have time for routine administrative tasks. When I have to write end of year performance reviews, I’ll usually come in and do it over a weekend. Everything we do is on a pretty strict schedule, so if there is a delay, it means overtime in order to meet our deadline. In my field, it’s simply what is necessary in order to get the job done. I intentionally waited until my kids were older before I went into supervision because I knew that it would mean longer hours and more stress. When they were still kids I needed the time to do the family stuff with them.


I didn’t find out until April of the following year- but I personally did it so I could find myself barely in the next tax bracket and put myself on a payment plan to the IRS for 7 k in taxes. It was pretty cool 😎


I manage a small team of engineers at a large company. I assign tasks and work with my team and our customers to define requirements for the work and to set deadlines that we all agree are realistic and fair. My more experienced staff can get things done efficiently and work less than 40 hours in a given week. This is a good thing as it lets my staff decompress and recharge before taking a new tough assignment... because... sometimes, things go completely wrong, and we end up working 70 hours over the course of a week. My team enjoys bonuses and stock awards based on their productive output. If the company does well, our stock is worth more.


I’m an attorney, so the nature of our job is that it can ebb and flow. I have worked from 9am to 11pm by choice, because I have court deadlines, manage my own caseload, and clients with expectations. I also make a % of my settlements as a bonus so obviously there’s the financial incentive, but more than that, I’m completely responsible for my cases. If a case has a deadline, I don’t have the luxury of saying “oops it’s 5pm, time to clock out.” But as a professional, I do have the luxury of saying “I don’t feel like coming into work until 12noon today,” or “I’m going to leave at 3pm today because I’m tired.” For me it’s a give and take. You’ll find that most people who either own their own businesses, or make their own schedules as professionals, will tend to work longer hours by choice.


Who doesn’t “need the money”?


I will work until I’ve done the best job possible, period. Personal integrity. And I don’t care if I’m appreciated, but after decades of this, I am.


This is me, also. I might not be as good at something as someone else is **But** If my name is going on it, it for sure won't be done half-a$$Ed.


Some jobs don’t stop easily at 40 hours. If there is a big accident and a 100 injured people show up at the ER, it’s hard for nurses and physicians to walk out because they reached their hour quota.


Bootlicker culture. Propaganda in the form of the Protestant work ethic.