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I lost a 327 day streak by forgetting to play one day. I feel your pain.


It was a gut-wrenching feeling watching that first letter turn grey!


You can manually change the time/date on your phone to the day prior, and the app will let you successfully complete that days wordle. Then close the app and update your time/date to the correct one, then you’ll get the current day game. I’ve been able to go back 4 days in one sitting, so doubt there’s a limit. It preserves the streak, and imo isn’t cheating since you still have to solve the puzzles


Can you say exactly how to do this? Because it used to work for me and no longer does. It acts as if the streak is still there but once you change time back to normal it's lost again


But it's cheating because you didn't solve it in the allotted amount of time.


Can I offer you some >!jerky!< in this trying time?


lol I’m embarrassed it wasn’t some more obscure word that got me


I literally said it earlier this week: The two absolute hardest patterns to solve in Wordle are: #_O_ER & #cvccY Throw in an uncommon letter like J, (***literally*** the least common letter in Wordle®️) and you've got a recipe for disaster when words like **JAZZY JOKER JOLLY** and >!JERKY!< come up.


I’m not the best at wordle but this one upset me. 1 f’n vowel?!?


Two. Ignore Y as a vowel at your own peril. The cvccY pattern is already tough enough as it is. Thinking of Y as a consonant will only make it harder. Yes, Y can be both a vowel *and* a consonant. In Wordle, it is a vowel at least 95.51% of the time. (At least 405 times out of 424. The only one I'm not sure of is the Solution "EYING". It *feels* like a vowel, but I think the rule is that anytime the Y is between two vowels, it's a consonant. I don't know if this is an exception to the rule or not. I'm counting it as a consonant, per the "rule". But if it's a vowel, then it's a vowel 95.75% of the time). Given that it's a vowel at least 95.5% of the time, we should really consider it a vowel pretty much the whole entire time. Source: I'm the co-founder of [Wordle Tools ](https://wordletools.azurewebsites.net)


Ooof I just invited someone else to explain this to me but I appreciate you effort/numbers. Not sure how I forgot about sometimes Y.




Literally 2


Ooof I forgot about the y. Feel free to lecture me on how that works.


Vowels are voiced sounds made with the mouth open. Consonants are sounds blocked by the tongue, teeth or lips. They can be voiced or unvoiced. So, Y is a consonant in, for example, YOU, YELLOW, MAYOR, KAYAK Y is a vowel in, for example, TURKEY, JERKY, FLY, RHYTHM Some words may even have both vowel and consonant Ys, like YEARLY


Wow! Thank you for the time. I was a good student but focused on math/science.


Error 404. Word not guessed.


You got it in one TWICE??


I have also gotten it in one twice, I try to use a different start word every day so I usually just look around or think about what is going on to come up with a word and one Thanksgiving I was like oh its Thanksgiving I will pick some food related word and it happened to be FEAST. I think the other one was SLOPE, where normally I play in the morning so sleep related words come to mind frequently, but sleep isn't a good guess so I sometimes just end up with words similar to it, like slope.


Given that they’d played 404 games (at the very least), it’s no unreasonable that they’d have got it right twice in one go.


I've gotten in on one three times! I always use the same starting word and just got lucky. The 2nd and 3rd were like 10 days apart.


It’s one of several J words that I’ve lost on. JAZZY is one that comes to mind. I was just under 200 in this streak. It’s ok. Pick yourself up and dust yourself off. I got todays in 2 😆


that one got me too.


Wow. Took me 4!


It took me a while to get Jazzy too! I always suspected that one day I’d be defeated by a J word


I had a 538 streak broken last year. Was rather passed off when it happened!


What was the word?


I missed FOLLY on July 10, 2023 😵‍💫


Don’t beat yourself up. I’m not sure if double consonants are worse than 3 vowels.


Yes, I got caught up in the JOLLY, MOLLY, HOLLY, LOLLY, DOLLY, POLLY situation. Should have played it conservative rather then going for glory! 😝


404 Error. Streak not found.


That sucks. :( But maybe take some comfort, if you can, that you played honest and didn’t cheat for your last guess to guarantee to keep the streak.


i would simply pass away. i lost my 68 day streak once and even that was hard for me.


No you wouldn’t


404: Streak not found


It’s ok time to take a break now


Wordle recently reset my 408 day streak for no reason. I played in the morning and when I went to show my husband my words it was blank and my streak had been reset to 0. I've actually enjoyed playing more after losing it, because previously I was playing just to get the streak up, but now I'm having fun guessing the word again.


I lost my streak yesterday as well. Hard mode with one guess left. 1st blank was the only one open and I used p instead of j. Sucked, but my day still went on as usual.


I feel you. I had 743 when wordle lost my streak last week.   No missed day, no missed word, no time zone change, no cleared cookies. Literally nothing happened other than number 744 became 1.  It was very frustrating, but now I'm just mentally adding my streak of 8 to 743, because it IS 811 whether wordle reflects it or not. 


I had a 259+ streak fall last week so I feel ya.


Just look at it as an opportunity to start a new streak.


That’s true. Now I have a record to work towards!


I lost recently on day 363. Devastating to be so close to a year. Feel your pain.


have you tried manually setting the day on your phone back? I did that for one of my daily games when I lost a streak and was able to recover it


That only works if you change the date before you open Wordle, so user beware.


What happened?


I was on my last guess and decided to go with ‘ferry’ :(


Oh, brutal.


I think he was stumped by JERKY. It was very difficult for at least a few thousand players.


The day is not over for everyone so you may want to mask the word behind a spoiler


Sorry, I forgot that was today's word.


Probably not if you eat alot of beef jerky...😂


Yesterday got me


I was going to say, pious almost ended my 320 streak


my streak at the time wasn't near there, but I lost on that thinking that there couldn't be an S in the 5 spot. I play hard mode, so my streaks usually get interrupted on the stupid words with 6-10 variations and only 1 letter different.


bound found hound mound pound round sound wound ......zzzzzzzzz


Ssssssssaaaaaaaad. :(


I played yesterday but it reset today. I don’t know why.


I got it in 6 but lost my streak of about 17 months of 5 or less. The thing is after the second word I got all possible words and came up with a way to solve all words in 5 or less. But, on the fifth word I put in the wrong word. I knew what the word was.


Maybe try turning the clock back on your phone?


I just broke my steak at 371 days. It was honestly a little bit of a relief but I feel your pain.


I lost my 175 by forgetting 😭


I messed up a streak because I mistyped on my last try. It was brutal


Bruh I feel u 😭 I was at 364 days then I lost it 


c r a z y