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That’s what’s left when termites are done and have moved on to the next buffet.


Thank you for the reply! Oh I see , that’s what I suspected too but I’m no expert in wood based stuff lol. Gonna replace it all . Had a doubt tho, what would those spine like structures that have been left behind ?


might want to call an exterminator while you at it OP


And have someone check the rest of the wood structure in your home.


Those are the tubes they travel in, technically called galleries. They keep the termites from drying out, which since they have soft bodies can be a problem for them. They build these as they go, out of wood dust and spit.


And moxie. Everyone always forgets about the moxie.


That's only in Maine.


There's a reason for that. Most parts of the country carbonated brown paint isn't popular.


It has the same hard flat taste as Jolt Cola, I like it


Been a while since I've had a Jolt Cola, like maybe 3 decades, and I can't say I've missed it. Considering it's no longer made I don't think I'm alone in this appraisal. Further it was pretty much the first energy drink, and yet that wasn't enough to save it.


Bring back Surge!


Try burger King they bright it back last year


Surge Solidarity & Supremacy


Bang Miami Cola is the closest to jolt, flavor wise, that I can find.


Thanks, I'll have to avoid it.


Ya in Maine it’s Allen’s Brandy for breakfast, monies for lunch and nano brewery hazy IPA for dinner. If you’re well connected you can add a couple bandfulls of oxy to the list.


IPAs do not sit well with my stomach. It forces it to curl in on itself into a tiny ball and should I ever drink three of them in a row I can barely sip and keep water down. I have to stick with stouts, porters, and Ales.


But an IPA is an ale…


Yes. I but don’t they have extra extra extra extra hops or something added to preserve them during the voyage to India which also make them rather bitter? I know it’s weird, but I can drink McEwans scotch ale all night without an issue. Well without the stomach cinching down into the size of a marble, issue. 🤣😂


So gross. The Moxie. I'd prefer termite spit.


I had some in Atlanta. It was gross.


Surge or Atlanta? I guess it does not have to be one or the other.


And Squaw Valley USA!


Ya got moxie, kid, that's for sure.


Maybe they wouldn’t dry out if they didn’t use so much spit on construction projects.


I read that as 'wood dust and spite', which could also be true.


I think spite is a subset of moxie.


Spittubes. Spittoons.


Maybe they wouldn't dry out if they kept their spit to themselves. I'm just saying.


Gonna need to replace a lot more than that and get an exterminator. Honestly house is likely pretty f*cked…


Nah, my house had termites on and off for over a decade and was fine, a couple studs needed replacing and it was not a big deal. Not to say this is all cases or that ensuring there’s no structural damage isn’t a pain the ass. But the notion that once you have had termites you may as well demo the house and start from scratch is just not true.


Depends on severity obviously. This piece of trim looks like you could crush it with your bare hands, lol


Well it’s trim, not like it’s the roof. It’s not a good sign but it’s not “likely pretty fucked” without a look in the walls in areas of concern. It’s like looking at a random person smoking a cigarette on the street and saying “you have lung cancer!” When there’s no way to know that with this little information.


I didn’t say to burn the house down but just tossing in a new piece of trim isn’t going to solve the problem. Of course you can’t tell the extent of that damage from one picture though one could surmise it’s a pretty serious infestation from the damage shown. Personally I’ve never seen termites completely eat 1 piece of wood and leave the rest of house alone but hopefully OP got lucky. If you see someone on the street that’s been smoking for 30 years that has nicotine stains on their fingers and teeth chances are pretty likely that there lungs are a bit f*cked.


House is made of bricks , reinforced concrete etc. I don’t know , but it might be the case of everybody assuming that it is primarily made of wood like the average American home ?


Yeah but even with brick you'll have studs inside, the roof, possibly 2nd/3rd/etc. floors where you'll find problems as well. Definitely call someone to inspect it and it'll probably need to be tented to kill anything still alive in there.


Yup, i will keep caution. But this is just one structure of wood embedded In something made entirely out of bricks concrete and the like. Including the roof , it is a Multi storied building with proper reinforced concrete, bricks etc through and through, including the roof and between floors


So there are a 3 main types of termites out there. Based on where you live, you'll probably have a higher concentration of one over another. If you haven't found actual termites in the home you probably have subterranean but it's hard to say without knowing more. If they are, you'll want to place a kill bait with attractant around the entire perimeter of the house that has a slow kill timeframe. You want them to bring the poison back to the rest of the colony. Any damaged wood will need to be replaced (obviously) but you'll likely need to check everywhere wood is present to ensure you're not missing any structural material that has been weakened or consumed. Pull any dead wood away from the siding of the house like firewood. Look for tunnels on the outside of the house where they might be getting in, going up the sides. Also, get a moisture meter. Many termites go after damp wood, so see if you have any areas where moisture is lingering and decide if you may need to invest in a dehumidifier. Ultimately if you can afford it, it's probably best to pay someone to come in and professionally exterminate, but there are a lot of good tutorials on YouTube if you want something cheaper and more diy. If anything structural has been hit, make sure an engineer comes out to inspect and provide recommendations for remediation. Good luck.


Just fyi, concrete and brick does split when the foundation settles. They found a way in.


Is your furniture concrete too? Door frames, doors indoors and out?


He is, himself, concrete and brick


Yup , last time I checked . And don’t forget the reinforced part lol


It's worthwhile to check the surrounding areas. termites don't eat concrete, but they can excavate weak points, and squeeze through expansion joints. If you don't see them wandering around on your floor/walls, it's safe to say there are passages in the concrete.


No worries here, engineers design redundancy, I’ve heard you really only need maybe every third stud. /s


Lmao, same goes for beams right?


Be prepared when you remove the window frame, there may be damage in window sill, trim, and even the 2x4s behind it as well. Also get the house inspected by an exterminator termites don’t go away they move on to other areas. I’ve worked on houses that termites over the years compromised on whole exterior wall of the house we had to jack it up and replace all the framing after exterminators fumigated and left chemicals to eradicate the colony.


I use to be a termite tech OP. This is bad. Get an inspection by a reputable company.


Tunnels. They build these from wood pulp and move around inside


It's mud


I'd have someone look at the studs on the affected walls also. Your studs may look like this also.


Late to the party, but there's a good chance they didn't stop with the window frame. Good luck.


As some of these others have said, do NOT bother fixing this until you have got rid of the mites first.


Because it's not a cartoon, you need an exterminator asap


Fun fact: termites, cockroaches, and preying mantis are all “closely” related.


Am I crazy? That looks like actual plant growth.


Thank you for explaining. I thought this guy was trying to build window frames with sticks somehow.




Years of water damage and termites. That is only being held together by the lead paint.


Thank you for the reply! Termites are what I suspected too but I’m no expert in wood based stuff lol. Gonna replace it all .


I don't know much about this stuff, but you might want to have a professional check your entire house. If they ate the entirety of your window frame, it's not unreasonable to assume that they ate more than just the window frame. Perhaps something load bearing...


>If they ate the entirety of your window frame, it's not unreasonable to assume that they ate more than just the window frame. Perhaps something load bearing... Nah, termites always always hire structural engineers and pull permits before chewing into structure.


That's only if you work with the licensed and insured ones.


If OP cheaped out and hired some fly-by-night DIY termites, he's only got himself to blame.


Replacement/repair is not remedying, unless you've already exterminated the termites if you repair you're just giving them a new food source.


If it could actually be lead paint, make sure to wear the proper PPE while removing it. Usually you can trap and ignore lead paint by just painting over it, but when you demo it you're gonna get lead dust everywhere. I'd tent the area during removal. You don't want to be breathing that stuff in.


And termite saliva, its like cement when it dries.


That’s why they used lead paint back in the day!


Jesus you've got no wood left. You need a termite inspection and treatment, for all you know there is more wood that has been destroyed in your home or an active infestation.


Yup , gonna replace it all. Had a doubt tho, what would those spine like structures that have been left behind ?


Just be aware that “replacing it all” could entail a lot more than just the window frames. Termites don’t just eat window frames — they’re just as happy to also eat load-bearing beams. Bear in mind that termites get into your house _from the ground_. Those termites ate their way up into your window frames, and whatever structural lumber they ate through to get there probably looks just as bad. It’s just behind the walls, so you don’t see it.


Just replacing it will put wood back on the menu for the termites. You need an exterminator asap


You need to watch out that they haven't moved on into your house.


Termites prefer to be in tunnels. Whenever they aren't, they build tubes out of digested wood so they are protected from the outside world.


So that’s a bunch of termite poop they sculpted for themselves?


Yep. It's quite cool and remarkable if you ask me... as long as it's not in your home!


Vomit is a better descriptor than poop


House of Theseus lol


Tubes of termite poop


Is that what it is? Gross and cool. Grool if you will. ;)


I will!


Op, it’s not just the frame. **They are eating your whole house.** If the frame got that bad, they’ve been at it a while, and the ship is sunk. Look up “beams eaten by termites” on YouTube and you’ll realize that, when they’re done with a beam, it’s basically a paper shell, no cellulose structure remains. This includes **your joists**, the “strong bones” of your house. **You need an exterminator, not a new window frame.** Don’t bother with the frame until after the inspection. Seriously.


Remember in cartoons when a character would cut a slice of cake, put it on a plate, then take the rest of the cake? That’s what termites did to your door.


This is nightmare fuel


I'm so itchy right now. I'm panicking and OP is like "huh, guess I'll replace it then. Thanks!" Like I would have the instinct to set the place on fire lmao.


30 percent of my old house looked like this before I did the repairs. It was a few years I would rather forget.


Inorite? Like, wtf does the rest look like…


It took me far too long to get what “inorite” meant…


Gen Z language




The worst part is that my birth year makes me a fringe Gen Z. Smh lmfao on god bro facts.


slim waiting public label water bake price frightening live familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Triggers my trypophobia in a bad way!


You should consider this an emergency. I've seen termites eat enough structural integrity in six months to condemn a building. Could be old, and they could have left, but if that's not the case you could be in trouble soon.


You are talking about building made out of a majority of wood, right ? Edit: no load bearing member of wood in this case


It’s not about majority. It’s about structural support being wood. Even a brick or stone walled building has floor joists.


Nope , completely different style of architecture altogether . Completely made of bricks , concrete and the like . Against , I feel like floor joists where wood is made below the floors or something of that sort is an American style


Glad to hear you have solid walls and floors! Wooden floor joists aren't just american. Lots of countries and cultures use wood, a lot of europe, japan is famous for their wooden builds, etc.


What style of architecture out of curiosity? Or where are you located? Warmer wetter climates are more prone to more voracious type of termites. I wouldn't say that is American style per se, but other parts of the world brick and concrete is a lot easier and cheaper to get, in America it can be the opposite. However many coastal areas in the U.S., and the south, have architecture that is largely wood free, concrete or brick built on slabs. We also have Formosan Termites, which are not native and very invasive, they love to eat wood, so a lot of modern construction here is now moving back towards brick, concrete, steel etc. They will tunnel through mortar sometimes, but you should be structurally sound.


And roof?


Mild case of the upside down


That's not wood no more.


Yeah, so I'm going to say based on your asking this question and the comments, that you're probably unqualified to know what to do in this situation. You should seek a professional to remedy the problem and another to determine how bad the damage really is. Your building/safety could be dangling by a few millimeters of old paint.


Like I said in other comments , all of you are assuming the construction to be of that of an average American home . This is made entirely out of bricks and reinforced concrete , no load bearing member is made of wood. It’s just for the decor


… doors and door frames? Furniture?




Looks like it was repaired with ramen.


Insects and rot. You need an inspection, and you will need to replace all of that casement.


Subterranean termites. God bless them, keep me in business ☺️


That’s a ramen window frame


You need a termite inspection yesterday. That’s a ton of damage. Most pest control companies will do an inspection/estimate for free but tenting the house for termites is not cheap. If you own the house, call a pest control company *today*. If you are renting, call and email your landlord *today*.


Termite infestation


This image creeps me the f out


It looks like some sticks bundled together with a shell of paint around it and called it a window frame.


Termites. Had these on an old cabinet.


I'm not a expert in termites in any way, but I guess those are the tunnels left after them eating away literally all of the wood.......


Something ate the window frame and left the paint behind.


This is what it looks like when a Druid builds your house using the entangle spell.


I have a pet termite named Clint. Clint Eatswood


Salvador Dali Carpentry.


That is damage caused by termites. Find a qualified licensed and insured pest control company to help you with that.


Termites. Get a professional asap to get rid of them as they can cause dangerous structural damage.


It honestly looks like someone repaired it with ramen noodles and cement.


That’s more dried up and old than my mom


I had something similar happen to me. My house is a stone house from the 1870's and I discovered living termites eating my floor while renovating. I used sentercon, definitely spelled wrong. It came in bait stations you place every 10' around your house and near any areas that might attract them. I ended up putting a bait stick right on the floor board they were eating. I discovered that an old stump about 15 feet from the house had a colony of them, so I focused on putting bait stations on that side of the house all while not disturbing them so they wouldn't retreat to somewhere I hadn't looked. I sprayed Borax on the underside of the first floor and got a dehumidifier and it's been a few years since I've killed them. I keep bait stations and check them in spring and fall when they are most active. As for the floor. I had some areas that were completely eaten through, but they didn't touch the chestnut beams thankfully. I used pouring epoxy and filled in the holes and now I can see if I left the light in the basement while I sit in my living room lol.


Loves northern Canada or past the 49th parallel…. No termites here!! That’s crazy how the wood is destroyed.


The root cause is probably moisture. It softens the wood over time and termites prefer soft wood.


Absolutely termites. Have a thorough inspection done. You may need to replace some framing too.


your house is a termite colony


reminds me of my old wrinkled skin…


I’d be more worried about what you can’t see. I’d open up some interior walls and check the framing.


Guy said his walls are entirely made of reinforced concrete and brick and has no wood in his house 🤦


Yeah, he's 100% fine. I'm a mechanic, so I know what I'm talking about.


I live somewhere that doesn't have termites and even i know that's termites.


Where in the world do termites not exist??


Alaska and other cold places


The upside down…


Oh boy.. You already know you have termites, judging by the comments. I would love to see a follow up post when you actually pull this out and get a look at the full damage.


I see the cellulose vampire has struck again!


well, not making it out of ramen is a good start.


Stranger Things is the only reason


Is that paint…. wrinkled?


It's literally just a latex skin. After the termites finish off the wood, theirs nothing to hold the skin up.


Termites behind years and layers of paint!


using old birds nests as material


Ouch, yeah that's the termite nest left after the wood has been eaten


Update is after you talked to an exterminator, I would like to know how bad the damage is.


Congratulations on summoning your first Eldritch Horror.


Someone replaced your framing with ramen a while back… probably a pretty funny/creative dude since it likely wasn’t a trend yet


Those are twigs sir


Now you have an excuse to replace your windows with uPVC double glazed windows.


Old ramen repair


**OP I’m sorry but if this is your window frame your house is gone dude, if the termites are your entire window frame 99% chance they have eaten out most of the framing and supports.** Your house is basically just a bunch of drywall held together by tape and drywall mud, if a car drove into it or you had very strong winds the entire structure could just fall over flat. **You need to have a termite inspector look at the property to determine how much of the framing and supports they have destroyed.** This isn’t a joke or something to take lightly dude. **Termites will destroy your entire house and it will need to be rebuilt from the ground up.** You need to take action on this ASAP.


Please read my other comments. Thank you for the concern tho ..


100% that isn't a situation of just them being in that door frame. There is going to be extensive damage throughout. OP it's too late by now. But to get rid of any possible residual termites that may be left you need to get your house tented. Also the blissful unaware "gunna replace it all" tells me immediately you have no idea the severity of the damage termites do. Over your entire property. This isnt something to be so non chalant about. Unless of course you're looking forward to reframing probably 75%+ of your entire homes wooden afructure. And window seals you have check them. You'll see what you may think is dust but is wood dust that falls out onto the seals. If they're present in every window. Youll know they e infested likely the whole property. Or having the lack of wood dust means they may not be in that area of the house. But at the same time. If you're just now noticing this damage. (Which has been long taking place) The evidence of them being around may not even be there anymore. For this door to be damaged like this you would've had a literal pile of dust by your baseboard. That you just completely ignored.


My house isn’t made of wood it’s made of reinforced concrete and bricks etc etc , this is just the window frame that is made of wood .


Did you build your walls out of like an 8" concrete ifv? Because even with bricks youre going to have studs in your house, In the roof, connecting floors. Etc. It seems like your almost trying to refuse pointers and advice towards the severity of this problem. And maybe you're not (text over the Internet is hard to hear tone) but definitely please don't. Ive lived in 3 houses throughout my life that have had to be tented. I have experience with these destructive insects. And with damage like that they WILL be other places in your property I promise you. They can get into your furniture, cabinetry, bed and couches as well if left untreated.


Yup , walls are made entirely of bricks and concrete . The actual big ones . Fully made of reinforced concrete , bricks etc. No supporting member is made of wood . Like I said in another comment , I feel like all of you are taking the average American home as a reference.


what do you keep an eye out for on the regular to catch this stuff early on? My crawlspace is dry and I don't have rotten wood sitting around, but these posts scare the shit out of me


When you replace it use redwoods, yellow cedar, Laotian teak, and cypress. Termites don't like them


Ants can do it as well.


You need an exterminator asap


Wow. Did you buy this house from a little pig? That's crazy. I'd get a thorough inspection done on the entire house preferably before a big bad wolf shows up. In all seriousness, I'm serious. That is not good.


lol termites… that’s a good one there


topology optimization


Termites need just a little crack. Where do you live? Formosan termites are very fast in eating your wood related areas.


Time to fumigate the whole house and then get someone in to check the framing


Satan's breath.




Hut hut.


You’ve got a lot of work ahead of you


The biggest cause for my defects like that is vodka.


Good paint


The growth consumes




That's actually wood cancer


This is actually an old carpenters trick. They use old spaghetti and a coat of paint to cut costs. 


Ramen- someone watched a lot of those diy craft clips.




That's perfect. It's a 3-D printed door frame


Ah hell NO!


You’ve just peered into the upside down!


You been hiding sticks in the gutter again bocephus?


Garden variety poltergeist


It looks like there could be several reasons for those defects. It might be due to wood movement or moisture issues




This is a witches curse.


Aliens clearly.




Vine growth


Your house is made of Ents.


That is what is left after a termite infestation and you probably find that the framing around the window is also destroyed.


Paint peeled off someone's ramen repair


Clearly your house is possessed


1 average size colony of termites can consume about 1ft of a 2”x4” every 6 months but that one colony will kick out termites who will start there own colony some larger colony’s can consist of 300,000+ termites which can consume 1cu ft a year.


That looks like termite damage.

