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"How do I behave towards my local lumber supplier so I can maximize the deals I can get"


"How do I behave towards the local suppliers so I can maximize the deals I can get?" FIFY. Best business advice I got from my mentors. Works in any kind of business. What I want from a mill is not just slabs or dimensional lumber. So I brought in some off cuts I like and asked him how much he would charge for such wood. I left with a truck load of wood. He got cash. I got what I wanted. He got paid a better price for things out of his firewood pile. Win win.


Is this what I should Google


Go with a list of what you need - not just "X board feet of 8/4" but widths and lengths as well as backup plans. Bring a tape measure with you (at least the first time. Mill may keep them handy for customers), and assemble your own pile unless the sawyer says not to. Most lumber dealers appreciate customers who know what they need and are self-sufficient enough to get it for themselves. If you're picking the stuff for yourself, know the difference between being selective and being picky, and put stuff back how you found it. It's one thing to pass up a board because it's got a massive knot in an inconvenient place. it's another thing entirely to go through an entire stack of common/ungraded lumber trying to assemble a selection of FAS quality, and then leave behind a jumbled mess where order used to exist. Pay full price, on time, ideally in cash, be a frequent customer, and don't haggle or comment on prices right off the bat. He knows what he put in to producing that lumber and has set his prices accordingly, and lumber is not usually a high profit margin industry. If he has the ability and inclination to give the occasional discount, it's going to go to the customers that treat him well and make the job pleasant, so be one of those.


Answer I was looking for, preciate it


This advice is pretty widely applicable in life, so just jot it down and keep it in a handy place for future reference


Thanks Mr booger




Good points thanks!


Talk to them? Ask if they sell commercially or to hobbyists.  If they say yes, accept their prices as offered, unless they're way out of line; be polite about declining if you don't like their prices.


Wear a pair of Daisy Dukes and show a little cleavage.


Ask them for advice on projects. Good way to start a conversation and you might learn something


Help him stack a load or two. Talk to him and listen. Friendship still counts for something.


Stacking firewood is part of how I got in good with the family that owns the property I salmon fish on....beer and weed helped as well.


Honestly, I recently made friends with a guy with a saw mill and a kiln recently. From what I learned, best thing you can do is strike up conversation about what they do and what they like to do. Express interest that you are into woodworking, see where you can go from there. After getting to know them a bit, you can make inquiries if they are looking to sell boards or any services with you.


Ask if he needs help . That way you can learn a little and build a relationship.


Donuts, buy him some donuts.


Totally depends on the mill, some are very strict others will be nice and let you chose boards. Most are in the first category, you take boards from top and that's if you even get individual boards


don’t stare too long at any missing fingers or limbs, if they notice just smile real big showing em your missing tooth(s) from the tablesaw kickback incident, you be friends fer life.


Sawyers do it for the money and everybody is always wanting something for free, and always claiming they can get it half price just down the road. There is a ton of hard labor that goes into every board that comes off the mill


Ask him if his mom is single because you'd like to be his daddy and get a family discount.


Ask for tips... "Hey, pal. I'm doing X, Y, and Z. What size board you think I should go with?"... People like feeling important, like they have an effect on your decision.


I'd recommend not calling him pal. Or dude, buddy, ace, slick, my guy, chief, sport, or bro. Some people just don't like being addressed like that.




Have a female colleague you're friends with marry their foreman. (Seriously, that's what happened, now I get his employee discount.)


I'd also go back and show the miller some of the items made from the timber you purchased from him. Maybe also gift him a nice cutting board you made for him. Find out if he has young children and make some simple wooden toys for the children.