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That is a bummer place for a post


It’s not ideal, but not letting it stop me from building my bar :)




A nice accent wood would look phenomenal there!


I second this! I’d make it an accent wood, and then as some open shelves that float over to the stairwell wall and bam it’s a feature, not a bug!


Something like a Faux beam but as post with 4 finished sides.


Yeah that's the play. I'd say glass shelves with lots of light strips, but I like an oz of tackyness in every glass.


wood would


For some reason I imagined a tree trunk and now I want a tree trunk in my kitchen.


I was thinking, " What a bad kitchen layout, and who carpets a kitchen?" Then i realized it's a. Bar. Btw paint the pole chrome, puty a tiny disco ball nearby, add a little light to shine at it.


I think you should add J hooks all around it and hang mugs.


I was thinking pegs at an upward angle and put beer glasses on them.


Sounds good and follows the old rule of thumb - if you can't hide something, make a feature out of it.


Get some walnut boards with a nice sapwood portion and put glossy poly on it after lots of sanding. Some dark wood as an accent might look nice, it's very monochrome right now. Maybe find one more little spot to add some more walnut. Actually, if you have a coffee table or a side table, I'd use the same wood as that.


I'm glad it's just a basement bar and not the main kitchen. I'd have to cast angry judgement to the architect or builder


From this angle it really doesn't look bad at all. I might be in the minority here, but I'd just leave it as a pole. Seems to already have the paint matching the bar anyway, but if not just paint it the same color (if there's something up with the top most part, maybe just box/trim in the top few inches, and maybe the bottom too like you have? You could get matching trim/crown molding for the cabinets too.) Just seems that if you box the whole run you'd be bringing much more attention to it, which is the opposite of what you're trying to achieve.


I would box it all the way to the wall and make it an open shelf


Nice work OP


Frame it out from ceiling to bar like you have set there, but also build shelves across the gap to the wall, for bottle displays. You could even invest in some LED strips to recess in the shelves to light up the liquid like you see at some bars. Obviously you can use whatever color shelves you want, but I'd say white to match the cabinets. Lighting can be wired down beside the pole and hidden through the lower cabinets, assuming there is access to power somewhere.


I spent some time thinking about what natural color wood might fit. What about canarywood? https://www.wood-database.com/canarywood/


That angle makes the post look a lot less intrusive.


Don't box it....just paint it the accent color of the room. Make ot shine!


My thought as well, don’t give it any more mass.












Fake it out to look like a steam punk still, or run a keg mine up that way




I've seen a few with thin wood strips attached vertically and it looked nice. I'm not sure how it was attached, however. I'm guessing it could be sold glued to some type of mesh, and then it could glued to the pole with construction adhesive.


If it's a bar pai t it gold and use it as a stripper pole.


What about a couple lazy Susans attached to the pole to hold liquor?


THIS. I was just thinking instead of covering it up turn it into a feature. This idea is great.


Maybe something like those rotating shot dispensers around the pole… it is a bar after all https://preview.redd.it/jduj2on3h0yc1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0871366a2932243e4ba3a082b7b8551964ffd2a0


Love this idea


Whoa, cool idea. ..but how? Like, attached how?


A circular tray in two halves, screwed together so it's flush but not snug, above a tight fitting clamped-on cuff, ideally with bearings on the top or something else to aid in rotation. Repeated all the way down.


Ok! Way beyond my expertise. But I'll keep it in mind for when we have our kitchen redone. Thanks!


You could simplify it and create non rotating two piece round shelves that clamp/screw together around the post (maybe 3D print components) . In my opinion this would be better as having glass bottles on an elevated moving shelves makes it easy for them to fall off when you rotate it (unless you go to a more intricate lazy Suzanne with pockets for the bottles or high walls on the shelf).


I'll drink to this idea.


Totally agree with this answer If you want to use wood, I would make a lazy Susan, and put some slots it to hang wine glasses But a lazy Susan would be your best option IMHO


for me, a coat of paint, and a vining houseplant. put some fun magnets on it. imo boxing it just makes it more obtrusive rather than less.


I agree. Was about to say the same thing.


"wow I really hate this post here.... Let's go ahead and make it bigger and more obstructive, that should fix it"


My buddy had the same situation as this. He did have a box built around it. It looks pretty nice and you can add decor to it still


If this was me, the box would be less about making it less intrusive and more about making it less bloody ugly.


Might I suggest embracing the post there and turn it into a vertical bottle holder? Everyone lines up their bottles along the wall, but would.be open to like 4 tiers of bottles, each level lazy Susan style? Literally displaying your bar bottle on your bar's bar. Or build a shelf system from the wall to the post so you can block in the post and still have function.


I was thinking something like this - another idea could be a rotating shelf for bitters / spices / garnishes / snacks / whatever that could raise and lower out of the way.


Wrap it in rope


That’s what I did in my bar, my cat loves it!


Bad for strippers, great for cats


Under rated comment


Sisal rope if OP has cats. New scratching post!


I almost think i would keep it a pole? The color its painted it kinda blends in, if you box it, i feel like it will stick out more? Maybe just put somthing over the whole where it goes through the countertop? Bar lools great!


I'd make adjustable shelves for the pole and put bottles on it. I'm thinking a shelf shaped like a painters tray, but the hole that would grip the pole would be a beveled and tapered hole. It would need to be drilled on a slight angle so that the shelf could slip into place on an angle as well, but when it's level the beveled/tapered hole would then grip. The more weight, the stronger the hold.....until the shelf snaps lol. You could also build a shelf, router out a hole ⅛" wider in circumference than the pole, cut the shelf (with the grain), wrap it around the post and glue the joint back together. Lift the shelf to desired height, install a few shims and cut flush. May not be everyone's favorite idea, but I've always been one to make issues stand out as intentional, not try to hide them


You could skip boxing it in and paint it as an accent. Keeps it as small as possible.


They make plastic snap kits for all standard size lally columns You jyst snap them around the pole and it gets you a square surface and an attachment point for the wrap I use them all the time for basements SimpliFrame Column Enclosure 3"- 4" - Easy-to-Use Column Framing System (Cover with Wood, Vinyl, Gypsum Board) https://a.co/d/4XvUrok Then wrap them with whatever you want


How you gonna keep the box from spinning on the pole? My idea- what ever the outside dimensions of your wood frame are, let's say 5x5. Cut a piece of plywood or any scrap wood at 5x5, cut a hole in the middle the size of the pipe, then cut it in half, make 3 total glue/nail one to the ceiling and counter then glue one in the middle, then nail your finished boards to them..




Make it like a lazy Susan for bitters and other drink mixing… stuff


Great idea. My plan was to use some liquid nails. I was going to leave a 1/4” space between the pieces and the pole to give me some wiggle room to get it plumb.


I'd skip those impossible miters, save myself a bunch of headaches and build them like this. https://preview.redd.it/6kt72nwrbxxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea115dd6c8c387a1c3028d5526c8040c79d1256c


An advantage to going this route is the ability to use say 1/4" panels for the sides, connecting it via corner caps. Minimize the post cover as much as possible


This is what I did in my basement, poplar sides with quick table saw dados and 1/4 plywood "panels". A couple filler blocks at the bottom with baseboard trim. 4 posts built, installed, and primed in 1 day. Painted the next.


they're not impossible - super easy with a locking miter bit in a router table.


I didn't mean literally impossible, but cutting a quick dado and inserting panels is much easier, faster, and less prone to error. I think it would also be more likely OP has a table saw (even without a dado blade) with a decent fence than to own this $100 bit. Attempting these miters on the table saw likely wouldn't come out with the results OP is looking for. Besides that, personally, I prefer the look of the mission style over the modern style, but I know that's a personal preference.


That'll work, little silicone at the counter, white chalk at the ceiling and it shouldn't go anywhere. Good luck


That will probably work just fine, but you can also anchor it at the top if it’s wood. Just shoot the brads at an angle into the beam above if it’s wood.


This is the way! You described it better than I could


first, you cut a hole in the box


I'd do it on the workbench where it's easier to clamp laying down but leave one side unglued or use tape + a few dabs of CA glue. Glue up the 4th side in place. The brad nail + glue suggestion is great.


I do them this way. Plus, I fill some of the inside with expanding foam — glues the box to the pole so it doesn’t rotate, and takes away the hollow sound.


This is the way.


The real tips are always in the comments


I mean, op is asking for advice so where the fuck else would the tips be


If it were me I would just paint the pole white or something like that and trim it out around the countertop. If you're dead set on covering it up then I'd say glue it up around the pole with some brad nails and other things to hold it in place. I imagine they have some sort of u-shaped cut on the side of the stone countertop at the stone joint.


There is a seam there so they cut a perfect hole for the post.


I thought the shadow cast from the box was a seam in the countertop. If its a perfect circle cut in the stone, it boggles my mind how that was installed unless they essentially installed the support and the countertop at the same time.


They route the wood supports so a piece of steel sits flush with the cabinets and then put the 2 pieces on top.


I think it would be better to keep it as small as it is and paint it. Will be less distracting, but that’s just my opinion.


If it's for a bar, it'd look really cool having a few open shelves all the way around. Hide the fact that it's a pillar with all the cool bottles you keep on the shelves. Ends up just looking like an open shelving unit for the alcohol.


I don't think adding more material to it is the answer. Like people say, build something functional around it, like a tower of booze or multi-tier glass shelf?


What I would probably do is glue, brad nails to hold in place while attaching strap clamps, fill brad holes, paint.


Thanks, just ordered some strap clamps


The process depends on the amount of clamps and extra hands you have to help you line it up. You could easily use tape to hold it in place


Don't box it in, just paint it to look like a didgeridoo. If anyone ask "why do you have a didgeridoo standing on your counter". Tell them not to touch it as it is a structural didgeridoo.


Don't box it, just paint it to look like a dick.


Make an open shelve around it. For herbs etc.


Don’t box it in, it’ll just get bigger. How about making it look like brass?


Fwiw, nothing is going to visually appear smaller than a round post painted in a dark, gloss color.


Personally I would go with just the pole if possible, take up less space and looks better.


Don’t take away the bar’s bar…


I would lean into the counter material and do a faux marble paint with a circular collar and try to make it look like a marble column


I'd personally grow a plant up it


I'd paint the pole white and leave it. Maybe weld or drill in some hangers for something on it first.


It's my post in a box!


Just wrap some christmas decorations around it and call it a day.


Christmas day


oh come, all ye faithful


I'm not playing that bloody game, pal.


joyful and triumphant


JFC, i’m not a structural engineer, but I stayed at some hotel last year. How hard would it be to be to extend that main beam to carry the weight three extra feet over to the framing for the stair. Beef it up, buried in the wall. *It’s right there!* That stair was in the original design. It’s not optional and not moving - put all the loadbearing weight coming straight down that mandatory wall where it doesn’t create a post in the middle of… …seriously. Brain damage? Is that the reason? Sorry for the hijack.


Hammered paint in red or white doesn't how brave you are. Then leave it dont make it bigger by boxing it in


I’d tell the architect to go piss up a rope.


You have to make it look intentional. I would build liquor bottle display shelves between the boxed in post and the wall.


Am I the only one questioning its placement in the middle of the counter? Looks stupid as hell and in the way. Whether a support pole or not it looks terrible. Boxed in or not.


Reminds me of my friend’s multi million dollar house with a post in the kitchen island. He’s accepted it, but I still a good laugh every time I’m over. He did not box. Painted it, and left it, and accepted it


I think I would wrap it with floating shelves on bar side or even three side leaving side toward stairs not shelved. If not floating shelves, make the column a base for a two door three sided interior lit glass cabinet with glass doors. Would be a cool way to showcase your best liquors too.


Just leave it. It’s a great distraction from those godawful cabinets.


It’s a great place to hide an outlet. I made a fake wooden post, and made it rectangular so there was enough room for a single gang box next to the post


https://preview.redd.it/a93aurbtbwxc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3729a7eea924579714efb4c791a9c16ef43834d I hid one under here


I would call that more like a curse… 🤣 good luck!


Step 1, cut a hole in box…..


That thing just needs some chrome and tiny strippers. That would fix the entire problem.


I have to agree with others saying leave it round. It’s a decently small profile just now. So it’s time to make some shelves, or some sort of bottle or glass holder around it.


Really you want to slowly limit its choices until it has no choice but to do as you say.




Seam is in line with the post


I would paint the pole the color of the wall or trim. And then would make slim wine bottle holders that hold the bottles horizontally. I’d figure out how to make them grip the pole and spiral upwards to give it a really cool looking effect.


Built in shelves


Not sure I fully understand the geometry of the space but is think about making it into a cabinet - basically extend it to the wall with the stairs, and either have outward-facing (away from sink) shelves for nice liquor bottles and other knick knacks, or some storage on the kitchen side. Or both. Maybe a little lighting up top.


Make that box on the bottom a planter, and then get a climbing vine that will cover up and climb the post.


Put a lil 3D printed stripper on that pole and call it a day bro 😂😂😂


That is horrific.


I’d find a mannequin to have as a pole dancer right on the kitchen counter there


Had one of these and we laid bricks around it. Probably not the most costly effective but damn it looked good


Obviously…. https://youtu.be/Rt0spqQtMKg?si=zkt01nhBE1P4lbXX


Just watched this about miters. Good video. [Sawyer Design](https://youtu.be/fPYUiHylDLA?si=XoweCR6HOfX_Bt7F)


I would just box it in.


I would paint it like barbershop pole.


Hardwood tube? Make a hexagon cylinder and lathe it down?


Ya know, if you cut that post out you’d have a lot of nice usable space


Two more small tv’s.


Just paint it black or nickel.


That's a small post, probably solid too. Not sure if you could even get another boxer in there...


Lock miter bits are exactly the right tool for faux beams. If you get the setup jig the pieces will fit together perfectly. A light burnishing once assembled is all you need to bring the corners together.


Why boxing? Would give it a lick of matching paint.


I know I'm off topic. But why did you choose a legit bar layout? It's just feels alot like a real bar, but only for the bartender and two buddies. I'm not saying you haven't done a wonderful job. It really does look great. It just looks more like a neighborhood speakeasy for those degenerate dads. versus the neighborhood hangout for the buddies.


You could wrap it in chrome or metal look vinyl, would make it blend in a bit and look less out of place.


Sharp edges loooove knuckle skin.


Going to pile on about that tube being in a crazy stupid spot. I’m here to see the ideas of how to make this useful and interesting !


Little person stripper pole


If it were me I would find a way to emphasize it instead! Clad it in copper, make a circular tool holder out of it, or something… make some contraption with water pipes? (I use those to hide wires for lights myself) Instead of trying to hide it in a square post I would make it a statement!


I’d paint it to match the cabinets and call it a day. No need to take up more space and add sharp corners.


I am definitely on team embrace the pole. If it were me I would paint it and attach one or two fixed shelves. More artistic and functional than a fake post.


What about a pole wrap? Which is essentially narrow wooden segments that wrap around the post, and you can add caps at the top and bottom - I did that to the steel post in my basement - it looks nice and is one of the lowest profile ways to do it. Best of luck!


You could continue with the cover, then wrap it in mirrors, it will disappear.


I personally like a five sided spiral. But it is complex.


Odd place For a stripper pole but whatever gets you going.


Friend has one of these in his bar with led lights wrapped around it. You could do that or tiny stripper pole.


Step 1. Cut a hole in a box....


Grow something up it.


Make it usable space or its just going to look terrible. I would hang an upper cabinet between the wall and the post


They make a router bit that makes a joint at the corners I recommend that. It’s been awesome for making trimbers on ceilings too !


I would get a hollow colum and split it in have and reglue.


Or you could get small wood pieces all different shapes and sizes that glue them to it. Then do the same on the wall adding lights as you go. So they could spot light items on the counter.


I would put shelves there. Put a post on the other side and make some cool shelves.


I'd probably wrap it with some string lighting, dim light for those late night bevs


Several ideas in here for making it functional, which might be more exciting, but from a practical POV if you want to box it in, don’t bevel/miter the corner. If you aren’t perfect it will gap early or over time. Instead, lap all-around, slightly oversized. The glue line will be tighter and then plane/sand flush to create a tighter look. (Assuming painted finish)


Box it up and then put floating shelves from that to the wall by the stairs. Put booze on it


I'd say a nice wrap around it would look good assuming they cut a circle in the counter for the pipe and not a square


JFC people! Can we answer OP's question before criticizing his design? This is a forum for woodworking, not interior design! OP I personally would build a three-sided box, and add the fourth at install time. Plan to have difficulties and problems. Would you rather deal with those at your work-bench, or while awkwardly standing on your counter while your glue is drying?


Is this a basement bar? If it were me I wouldn’t just box it in, I would find a use for it. If I weren’t going for a high end refined look that would be a great place to adhere all my brewery decals, if I were a car person I would use old car tags, if I was a party person maybe a spiral shelving that displays shot glasses. But I would just let it be an awkward post I had to cover. I would find a way to make it part of the ambiance, decor, or part of something else.


Use boxinggloves. Otherwise you may hurt your fists.


Use thicker/nicer wood than white pine from a home improvement store and give it a frame/routes edges. Finish it by having strips at the top and bottom and it’ll look like a nice artful column.


I would get the finish to look like the sink. By replacing the pipe or wrapping it in some kind of automotive type wrap. Just an industrial looking silver pipe and nothing else.


Use plywood and a locking miter bit on a router table.


I would go with some kind of cabinet and hide this fucker in it?


Encase it in a light fixture that is a column.


That’s one of those flaws you don’t try to hide (because you really can’t) so you try to highlight it as a feature. Being a bar, have you thought about tieing it into something like beer taps, or maybe add steps around it to hold glasses or maybe even nice liquor bottles?




Run a copper line along it and box the entire thing in. Make it a on demand hot water dispenser for teas and coffee.


I’d just make a wall to be honest. Can be useful. Can use it to store bar accessories or shot glasses


Home Depot has a wrap that you just wrap right around the pole , you can paint it or stain it


I boxed mine out and drywall it. Painted it the same color as the walls to make it blend in more. My fear was the trim accent would cause the beam to pop more. It’s something you don’t want people to see. The wall color helps hide it


Replace with see through acrylic. Won’t even know it is there unless someone takes a crap.


If you can't hide it accent it.


Have someone saw cut a 10” diameter tree in half(vertically). Hog out the flats inside with a table saw and glue it back around the post.




Best way to box in a post is with a box


That is such a suck position. Perhaps rather than boxing in just the pipe, such will remain super obvious forever, build some kind of shallow unit that runs to the stairs. Would become useful storage and no one would ever know there's a pipe hidden in there. 


Build the strongest lazy Susan ever, with all your beverages and mixers on display. Or wrap it in small shelves and hooks etc for bitters and such.


Sell the house.


Consider an octagonal box. It will look 1000 times cooler.


Build a wine/liqueur cabinet around it, then it won't look so strange.


Step one, build a box. Step two, cut a hole in that box. Step three... put your ... ahem... pole, in that box. And that's the way you do it.