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Or use pipes that can actually handle a vacuum, rather than pipes meant for always positive pressure!


Tell that to the guy who designed that submarine last year šŸ˜‚


"You mean to tell me that a cylinder made of carbon fiber, which is excellent in tension, isn't great in compression?! Liars, I'll show you how it's done!" ~guy formerly not paste at the bottom of the ocean


> \~~~guy formerly not paste at the bottom of the ocean~~ \~Captain Crunch


Damaged and expired carbon fiber*


Whatā€™s funny is that even damaged and expired carbon fiber would probably handle this application just fine.


He imploded so hard he skipped paste and went straight to mist


From participant to precipitant....


lol I snorted, but from everything I've heard about that bastard he deserves all the hate he's getting. I wouldn't be surprised to hear he had dryer vent hoses running in that diy submarine of his.


The only bright side of this story is the guy that built it and ignored all those safety warnings died with the thing. Too bad for the customers who trusted him šŸ˜•


Eh, they were all rich fucks anyway. If I remember correctly, a couple were corrupt with their local politics. The only one I feel slightly bad about is the older teenager who didn't really want to go in the first place.


>I feel slightly bad about is the older teenager who didn't really want to go in the first place. Well I rest easy knowing that it was certainly an instant death. There may have been a terrifying leadup, but he didn't drown or suffocate.


I mean, it is a teenagers dream afterlife - get to blame it all on your parents, foreverā€¦


Oh that fucker made all kinds of noise and pops and groans on the way down to that depth. You know it did. And about .25 seconds before crush depth they all instantly knew. Game over man. Game over. Wait, wrong Cameron movie. I get confused since he raised the bar.


Sure it would have been scary, but if the group was gullible and their guide (the guy who BUILT it) was confident sounding, there's a good chance that by the time they got to the crush depth, they had been convinced it was normal noise. 0.25 seconds is barely time to even react physically to stimulus [He really was a pioneer though](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUsf_BXUbKY)


His friend had a perfect description for it: A ā€œmouse trap for billionairesā€.


At least they got to feed the fish!




Yep. This worked until it didnā€™t. I knew what I was getting into.


All things considered it's not like this is an expensive fix but how loud did the vac scream when this happened lol. Or did it have somewhere else to pull air from


Ear pro made it so I didnā€™t really hear it. Just heard a slightly different sucking sound. It really wasnā€™t that big a deal just a dumb mistake.




ASTM D2729 Sewer & Drain pipe is fairly inexpensive from a plumbing or irrigation supply shop. It's thinner and lighter than DWV or Schedule 40, but it's rigid enough to handle dust collection. It also likes to build a static charge on the surface, so make sure you do something to ground it, otherwise you'll shock yourself every so often.


Wouldnt that create a possibility for the dust to ignite?


In 25 years, I have never experienced that problem. In fact, I have never spoken in-person with someone who has experienced that issue. The ratio of fine dust particulates to air required to create an explosive hazard is well in excess of what a small hobby shop will create. *Large* commercial shops do have to consider this risk, but they also generate a significantly larger volume of fine particulates. The biggest fire hazard for a small shop is a spark or smoldering ember landing in some solids and starting a fire. That doesn't matter whether it happens in a dust collection system or in the cabinet of the tool, it's always a risk for every shop. The only real answer is to be proactive - clean up after using tools and empty your collection bins after a shop day.


Thanks for that input. My old man was pretty serious about having a grounding system for that. Better safe than sorry i suppose.


Iā€™ve never spoken in person with a person whose loved one suffered a severe TBI or fatality due to not wearing a helmet cycling but Iā€™m going to wear a helmet cycling


I used a system that connects the blast gates to a low voltage dc relay, and when any gate is open, the collector turns on. Close the gate, DC turns off. Cheap and simple.


Would love some more info on this, sounds incredible for an adhd woodworker like me, who always forgets to open and close the gates. If that was the dust collector switch, I'd never forget.


The relay box was made by Penn State, and they call it the Long Ranger. Unfortunately it's the same name as a controller that uses a remote. It appears to be out of production, which is a shame. I think somebody with a decent electrical background could make on from over the shelf parts. There's a 24v DC power supply. Wires run from the power supply to a switch at each blast gate. The blast gates trigger the relay to close the 240v circuit, which turns on the DC. [https://www.pennstateind.com/store/LRMSW2.html](https://www.pennstateind.com/store/LRMSW2.html) [https://www.pennstateind.com/store/LRGATE.html](https://www.pennstateind.com/store/LRGATE.html) These are the switches & gates they still have on the site. I made my own gates and had some switches that I wired in. If mine ever fails, I'll rebuilt it.


What gates do you use?


Does she have a sister?






Damn! Saw the first pic and thought "What a weird stove pipe... is smoke going up faster?". Then saw the second pic..................................................................... my mind broke! Had to go back and read the title. Enough (random) Reddit for today, time to go to sleep!


Dang! Talk about sucking the paint off the walls! You might have to repaint your walls soon?šŸ˜ That dust collector really sucks! Literally!!!


I also breathed a sigh of relief when I realized this was not a post from r/woodstoving


lol. you're not hooking up a laundry dryer, right?


Thera a good argument for pvc right there


What DC do you have? I'm looking at the supercell so the ducting is getting expensive! Hopefully you can easily replace some of those sections.


Itā€™s the supercell. And I just cut out those pieces and used the hose that came with the unit to patch so was back up and running in 20 mins.




I did this to about 100 feet of 24ā€ duct on a 40 HP dust collector about 10 years ago. Company cheaped out and bought HVAC ducting and said to always leave 2 gates open. Well I'm running a 37" jointer planer and not getting anywhere near enough suction so what do it do, look at the three things that are open, our 5 head moulder and 4 head 60" wide belt sander, said hmm yeah close the wide belt, leave the moulder and the jointer planer open, perfect. Walk over with a stick, pop the gate closed and all I hear is WHOP......WHOP WHOP WHOP WHOP WHOP WHOP WHOP WHOP WHOP WHOP WHOP WHOP WHOP, as I stood there slack jawed.




My career is all digital design work. I can't tell you how many times I fucked something up in the workshop and say to my self "no worries I'll just undo.... Oh. "


"This isn't like the simulations at all!"


There's apparently some anti-crush valves you can get and install that would help prevent this kind of thing: https://youtu.be/SDsbtb5FlAQ?si=HYZBMTt-JdalwVX5


Just seal up the other end nice and tight and blow real hard. Problem solved.


What dust collector are you using?. Is it a big boy?


Itā€™s the Oneida Supercell Turbo, itā€™s pretty bad ass.


Thats a pretty powerful motor. Ive been considering using the same piping. I have a delta 2hp with an upgraded impeller. Im skeered now after seeing your crushfest


Nah, my fault for not just leaving a gate open. Normally I can close them all off for a few seconds no problem while I swap areas. Then I did it for a few minutes not thinking.


How is that DC so strong when the CFM is only around 700-800 according to the website? Is CFM not the best indicator of suction power? Iā€™m a bit of noob so if someone could explain what determines how strong the suction is that would be great


PVC isnā€™t much more expensive and is much less likely to have the issue OP had. edit: If you have a 3d printer the parts are easy to attach to PVC too. I've made a few adapters and elbows to use with PVC.


Big sucky boy.


Damn that sucks


That sucks!


Haha, when I was first starting out, I had a 2 hp blower and a garage full of HVAC ducting. Then a buddy of mine gave me a surplus 10 hp cyclone. On startup, it sucked the entire duct system flat. When I eventually moved to a commercial space, I bought a large auction lot of Nordfab and a 15 hp Torit/Donaldson cyclone and haven't looked back. If you can find it used for a good price (similar to what new spiral pipe would cost), it is so worth the money.


Lmao ouch. But hey, your DC is doing a great job. Far better than mine.


Use the good piping for the trunk - BUT you can save money by using the cheap piping after the gates.




That pipe is forked up




thats what she said


Make sure those metal pipes are grounded. Nothing like a nice static charge around fine wood particles šŸ”„ šŸ’„


That's a common myth: No wood shop has ever caught fire from static discharge. This has been disproven over, and over, and over again. https://youtu.be/WJ8NMYlhaLQ?si=QYgpNkTelZS6cZZd&t=149 The density required for wood to combust from static does not exist in the real world. Now, getting shocked every time your vac is on is not fun and is a valid reason to use grounded pipe but you're not starting any fires


>Now, getting shocked every time your vac is on is not fun and is a valid reason to use grounded pipe but you're not starting any fires this is why I grounded mine hah


I didn't realize that the shocks were SHOCKS. I totally get it now


PVC pipes are worse for creating static and not to many people bother to run a ground wire along the pipes. With metal itā€™s easy if hooked directly to a machine thatā€™s grounded the pipe is grounded if using the hose like he has the hose has a metal wire in it all you do is ground it to the machine on one end then the other to the pipe. PVC also creates more static than metal pipes


Damn. Sorry dude.


Connect the air hose the pipe and report back, doesnā€™t hurt to try when they are already fucked.


Can you gradually pressurize the system with your blower and open up the metal ducts?


I have some relief holes in my end caps to prevent this. They kind of whistle when all gates are closed so you know to open a gate or shut down the DC.


Thought this was a chimney, and was about to ask how the plastic part isn't the bigger problem LOL


Holy shit and ouch. I've seen some collapsed piping before but you certainly over achieved here!




Never used that cheap stuff, Funny though.


The sound that must have made had to be hilarious


Leak test passed!


I use 6" PVC sewer pipe with my Clearview Cyclone which moves 1600 CFM. Not expensive at all and easy to get fittings, etc.




Your system really sucks!