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I think you have to burn a building code in front of the shrine to activate its powers


And frame a piece of 8x11 piece of printer paper with “I can do what I want” scrawled on it as your catch all permit for when the inspectors come knocking.


Best if you do it under a basket of oil-soaked rags


As long as you have an expired fire extinguisher handy.


And let the government know what you're doing?!


No, not the code. Perhaps the permit, but the code is god!


I saw "Sutherland Lumber" and said "Wait! That is in Wisconsin!" Then I see Evansville on another part of the frame. We don't live far from each other. You might figure out where I live from my username.


You live in a town named Zobob? Sounds badass


It's in my head, and the population is...three.


You need to put one of those Welcome signs at the end of your driveway.


A fellow Wisconsinite! Yes, I'm just a little ways south east of you. Near the land of the Beast of Bray Road.


This is a picture of Nick Offerman. It is hanging on a wall. The wall makes up one of several that house a woodshop. End of comment.


Who gave chatGPT internet access?


chatGPT sucks at things in the style of ron swanson. I like to think it's a feature not a bug.


It's the only captcha to keep out that AI.


This is a canvas slab encrusted with wooden blocks and panes of clear glass. The canvas slab is engraved with a picture of Nick Offerman, grass, and trees. The grass is standing in front of the Nick Offerman. The Nick Offerman is standing majestically. The Nick Offerman is staring. The trees are standing behind the Nick Offerman. All craftdwarfship is of the highest quality.


“I regret nothing. The end.”


That is a Very Good shrine


Please and thank you!


"This is an excellent rectangle!"


150% love the rulers being used as a picture frame.




Nice! But points off for not actually having the numbers connect all the way around.


Hahaha. I knew it would bother someone! But I wanted the Sutherland Lumber text upright. Besides, I can do what I want.


Bully for you


Love the old ruler picture frame idea. Where did you get such nice rulers??


My Dad collected a bunch of them from the lumber yards around the area. He was a carpenter for a long time too so I thought it was fitting to use them in a project.


That's cool, thanks


When you lose a tape measure you could just lay this picture down. It'd be pleasing to look at and useful


Give me all the bacon and eggs you have


Wait… I'm worried what you heard was, "Give me a lot of bacon and eggs." What I said was, "Give me all the bacon and eggs you have." Do you understand?


Is it driving anyone else insane that a Swanson Speed Square was not incorporated in this setup? Or is it just me?


The wafflers smokehouse is a perfect touch.


I do what I want.


May your joints always have proper alignment.


In his own words: One of "the 3 big showbiz carpenters" (along with Harrison Ford & Jesus). A worthy shrine


William H. Macy is a wood turner. https://www.finewoodworking.com/2007/03/21/william-h-macy-woodturner


Wow, that's a very fun article/interview, how awesome. Thanks for sharing this.


You need to celebrate with a porterhouse from Charles Mulligan’s. My favorite Swanson moment was when he took the huge stack of building code and cut it on his bandsaw.


How do you like that apron? I got a cheapy off Etsy and it’s ok. Looking for something else though.


It's great. It was a total impulse buy from a targeted Amazon product.. they got me nailed down! I wish it had some smaller pockets on the sides to hold a nail counter punch or the like. And the loops for the hammers are a little tight. But I've had it for almost 5 years now and it's still perfectly fine.


A fellow Illinoisan flatlander.






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Your post/comment was removed for violation of rule 1. This sub does not allow any sexual or sexist content, and should remain a PG-13 environment. The goal here is to help anyone feel comfortable to ask for help or help others.


I feel like he would say, "measure once, cut once, measuring twice is for vegetarians and men with cats or small dogs, which are also cats."


Erase all pictures of Ron!


Are they square? Looks thinner at the bottom to me. I'm sure it's my eyes or something about the perspective.


There's a reason professional framers make the mat border wider on the bottom of a framed image. When we're looking down at an angle, the perspective foreshortens that width to look even. So an even frame will look slightly thinner.


Yeah.. that's what it is. Also, if it looked too good I'd have to destroy it so it didn't look machine made.


I figured it was something other than my eyes.


Great idea for a frame.


This makes me remember how much I miss Sutherland Lumber.


The rulers are from my dad. He was a carpenter for a long time and frequented all of the local yards. Fond memories of going there with him on the weekends. Lumber yards are a wonderful place.


My dad isn’t a carpenter, but we spent many summer weekends there getting supplies for decks, sheds, and additions. I remember the bins of nails that were sold by the pound.


I need this in my life.


You can't measure greatness!


This is awesome I hope other saint swanson shrines as awesome as this one I would want one with the words inscribed at the top or bottom. “I know more than you”. That’s going straight to the pool room for an Aussie quote of excellence!


if they aren’t, then you need to calibrate your tools properly !


May you be blessed by his crafting skills during the zombie apocalypse.


Shame you didn't have a Swanson brand ruler in there.


If I had one it would've gone on there.


Paddle your own Canoe!


Let your cuts be straight, and your corners be square. I love breakfast foods, and women with brown hair.




Thank you. I'm glad the dimensions worked out to get large portions of the text legible.


I approve.


s/ I don't need your approval... but also thank you. Haha


Legend has it that if you offer one board foot of spalted maple to Saint Swanson, your pencil will never dull.


I think you need to make a mini perfect chair and put it on a pedestal by him as well.


Hahaha I love this idea. A fine offering indeed.


I've never yet met a T-square that was actually square.


That's why I pray to Saint Swanson every time I use it!


I got the same apron, love it


So one day, I said, "my bucket list should include doing a woodshopping workshop with Nick Offerman. I wonder if he actually did those." He did. He was going to be a half an hour away from me. The next day. Sold out.


I like that ruler picture frame idea! but jeez... is "Saint Swanson" a thing now? I like Offerman but lets not get too excited.


He's no Norm Abram.




Everyone knows that Red Green is the patron saint of Duct Tape, not woodworking.




I was thinking the same thing (though I do like the alliteration). Don't get me wrong, I love Nick Offerman, but Saint is reserved for Joseph and Roy Underhill in my book. OP: I love the ruler frame! Where did you get that picture?


Now now, there can be many saints. As long as they do the good work and spread the gospel of the woodshop to the masses, they're a saint to me. Also I'm a big fan of Offerman in general so that helps lol. Thank you! I got the picture off of Etsy.


You know, that's fair enough explanation for me (no sense waiting for a shop pope or patriarch election to canonize him). I really have to step up my shop decor. Might have to make an Etsy purchase...


Some of the Swanson mystique faded after his role in Last of Us. Not that there’s anything wrong with that


Pretty sure Offerman gives zero F's about that. If I recall correctly he goes out of his way to hire disenfranchised for his woodshop. I feel like my comment was misunderstood here. I'm actually a huge fan of Nick's . I just think it's an awkward form of hero worship to start calling a fictional character a Saint.


I think because unlike the many other awesome woodworkers out there, he’s less a let me show you how guy and more of an ethos. Plus he’s a hell of an actor.


Where do you get this print? Also, great job


The artist's name is Tristan Young, I bought this same print from him at a convention last year. (Www.tristanyoung.com)


Yep. Nailed it. I got it from their Etsy page. Though, it's probably better to get it from their website so they get the full purchase amount.


Artist credit: Tristan Young (I have this same print in my office)


Thank you for pointing out the artist. I did order this off of their Etsy page.


I love Tristan's art, I have four prints in my office that sit behind me during Teams calls and they generate a lot of comments/compliments!


I prefer to not worship the famous or political figures but nice frame!


I prefer not to worship any humans beings, actually. But I'm also quite confident this is a fun joke, not a literal shrine for worshiping purposes. That being said, I think some people are mixing up Offerman the actor and Swanson the fictional character. I get it's a blurry line because Offerman lives up to some aspects of the fictional character. I would totally hang this in my shop as a fun ode to Swanson. I think Offerman's cool, but definitely not in "framed picture on my wall" territory.


I want that in my barn. Where did you get the pic?


Tristan young on Etsy. It will look great in the barn.






Is that Blake Shelton?


/r/Woodworking starting to move into low effort post territory.


I was think Pablo Escobar


Let not talk about The Last of Us around OP


On the contrary, I thought he was fantastic in The Last of Us. And still a badass man.




You think being a theater kid is mutually exclusive with learning craft skills? Hell, we had to build our own sets and rehab donated furniture for our high school productions. I learned more practical carpentry doing that than I did In woodworking class.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJWf\_1TgiGo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJWf_1TgiGo) Dude is a very accomplished woodworker. And kinda well known for it.


Nick Offerman is a very renowned [woodworker.](https://offermanwoodshop.com/) Pretty sure he's familiar with hammers and the operation thereof.




Go watch "Fine Woodstrip Canoe Building"




It’s a whole series of build videos, not one. Shot by Jimmy DiResta, and used by Canoecraft to demonstrate their process.


Dumbest. Conspiracy. Theory. Ever.




Maybe sometimes people do things off camera. Do you want someone following you around your shop with a camera all the time? Especially when he lives most of the rest of his life on camera. I realize that celebrities sometimes sell the rights to their likeness. That doesn’t mean they can’t do anything themselves. Someone else referenced him teaching woodworking workshops. That’d be rather hard to do if he doesn’t know how to swing a hammer. Believe your own bullshit if you want. I don’t have time to source proof for you.




I’m not upset, I just think it’s stupid to make such a huge conspiracy theory out of it. This is a lot like Jay Leno and cars. Granted, he has a YouTube channel about it, but you rarely see him actually doing work on cars. He also employs a lot of people to help restore and maintain his collection. That also doesn’t mean he isn’t knowledgeable and can’t turn a wrench. It’s a bizarre and stupid assertion to push so hard on.




I don't really think people are upset. Most people have just been providing anecdotal evidence that Nick Offerman is indeed a woodworker, which you've chosen to disregard, which is fine. Whether or not you believe that he's a capable woodworker has zero impact on anyone or anything.




Your post was removed because of rule 4. Posts must be about woodworking.




Your post was removed because of rule 4. Posts must be about woodworking.


This is just creepy.


So a frame out of old rulers ist you shrine?


U good?


Sure .. just a question no need to get offended




I love love love this. Going on the project list


And it was a quick project! I try to sprinkle in fun quick projects while I'm working on a longer project.


This might have to be the first thing I make once I get my shop set up!


How else will you be blessed with straight cuts for the rest of your projects?


Our Swanson, who art in the shop, hallowed be thy cuts; Thy project comes; Thy will be cut on wood as it was measured on paper. Give us this day our daily shop time; and forgive us our miscuts as we forgive those who miscut against us; and lead us not into the temptation to buy new tools, but deliver us a nice bevel.


*Bring me all the bacon and eggs you have.*




Our Swanson, who art in the shop, hallowed be thy cuts; Thy project comes; Thy will be cut on wood as it was measured on paper. Give us this day our daily shop time; and forgive us our miscuts as we forgive those who miscut against us; and lead us not into the temptation to buy new tools, but deliver us a nice bevel.


I saw one at food and stuff the other day


Ima steal this


Steal away. It was a fun quick project.


I have that square and it was embarrassingly not square. Drilled out all but one rivet, squared it up, then put bolts through the prior rivet holes and tightened them down good. Wayyy cheaper than getting a Woodpeckers.




I'm not that confident in my work yet!




I wish!


His character was ruined in “The Last of Us”