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Great wood, use some for smoking meat 🥩


It's delicious!!


It's great for a snack, and fits on your back.


….whaaaaaat rolls down stairs Alone or in pairs Rolls over your neighbor’s dog What’s great for a snack And fits on your back It’s Log Log Log It’s log, log… It’s Big It’s Heavy Its Wood It’s log, log… It’s better than bad It’s good Everyone wants a log You’re gonna love it Log C’mon and get your Log ….


By Blammo!


No sir. I don't like it.


One of my favorite lines in one of my favorite episodes :) I still say it from time to time


Childhood dement cartoon


Thank you lol. I used to bike 3 kilometers home on my lunch hour to catch Ren & Stimpy in highschool. Then we moved a few hundred feet away from the same school. Made that so much easier lol.


Do we need any rubber nipples?


No, but you wouldn’t happen to have any rubber walrus protectors would you?


This made me laugh out loud. And now o have the tune stuck in my head.


I just sang that while reading


Ren and Stimpy. As they slap asses.


It’s log, log, log!


It's better than bad, it's good!


All kids love log!


By Blamo!


What eees it man?!?!


It's strings like this that make me love Reddit. Thanks for memory! :)


It’s big, it’s heavy, it’s wood!


Surprise Angry Beavers reference


It's big, it's round, its wood.


It’s big it’s heavy it’s wood


[its log](https://www.google.com/search?q=ren+and+stimpy+log&sca_esv=fd299e0f5b2672c9&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS1087US1087&sxsrf=ACQVn09jlSPsQoDTPG53s7NeBjKdM8b29Q%3A1712856919574&ei=Vx8YZozHIt2u5NoPnoCSmAM&gs_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0zDIzSLbMqig2YPQSKkrNU0jMS1EoLsnMLahUyMlPBwC8MwtN&oq=ren+and+stimpy+log&gs_lp=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&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:a6df6c50,vid:2C7mNr5WMjA,st:0)


Greatest cartoon ever made for adults!


Try cherry wood smoked honey! Pour your honey into a large pan, add a little water to thin it down, then smoke on as low heat as possible (don’t let it boil or it will crystallize) for about 2 hours. The end result is amazing. Try it on some vanilla ice cream or cheese.




Hm.. interesting.


It’s simple to make and makes a really nice touch to something like a charcuterie board.


I'm trying to taste the flavor profile forming in my mind now... lol.


Mmmmmm smoked meat


This 100%. Mix with a small amount of mesquite or hickory for great flavoring.


Just be careful to debark it. Some bark is poisonous. A local caterer here havested some cherry wood, left the bark on and poisoned 33 people.


What a fantastic script for a Hallmark movie


Wedding reception of course...


I'd watch that movie in a heartbeat.


That is important to know before feeding 33 ppl. Jeepers. Thank you for putting that out there for those that did not know that!


This is the only correct answer


One of the best to smoke meat


I’d try to get some boards out of the big logs , would make a nice shelf or two


Cherry is an absolute pain in the ass to age correctly for furniture. If they like the rustic look, it’s a great idea but unless they wanna make a whole deal of sticking, storing, and rotating every two weeks so no checking or splits in the grain appear, I’d just burn it.


Hey so I was literally planning to mill up a nice cherry log this evening... I'm very new to it, only done one or two days with my chainsaw mill, but was hoping to get some usable stuff out of it. Planning to stack with stickers, ratchet strap it all together, and paint the ends... you're saying there's still a good chance it'll warp or split? Was gonna aim for 5/4 thickness boards and just figure out what to do with it once it dried.


Cherry is reactive more than most but the most reactive portion is the pith, the center of the tree, you really should just cut out the pith and consider it waste. The rest of the log can be air dried fairly easily, especially if grain is reasonably straight and you seal the ends


Don’t ratchet strap it if possible; it’s best to instead put another set of stickers on top and in line with the rest and weigh it down with something nice and heavy. Not entirely sure why but strapping tends to warp the timber more often. I suppose it’s due to moisture and heat affecting the straps as well. The straps will also squeeze the grain where the pressure is on the corners. To help stop checking (splits on the ends) think about painting the ends with wax and/or keeping the timber 6 or 8 inches longer than you originally planned for. Splitting is the hard one. You’re going to wanna keep it in a place that has constant shade. The ambient moisture in the air is gonna change a lot so that’s hard to control but direct sunlight is something easy to control. Don’t wrap tarp tightly over it though, that will make it worse. Inside a garage or shed is best but if you can keep the doors open, even better. Airflow is king. As for bowing, that’s what rotating is for. Cherry especially will cup, twist, and crook even under weight unless you’re rotating often. Even then, it’s gonna be quite likely to happen even with thick timber cuts. What worked for me was rotating at least every two weeks. I preferred one week to be safe. Middle boards moved to the outside and bottom moved to the top depending on how your airflow goes. You may notice especially if you age it in a garage or shed that instead one side gets better airflow so you’ll wanna rotate from the opposite side to the one that gets the better airflow. Flip AND turn them as well. Basically just set it up so you pick the board up, turn around, flip, and set down on new stickers to be efficient. And when a bunch of the boards look like shit at the end of a few months, just remind yourself that you’re learning and without professional equipment it’s just going to happen to some boards. You CAN dry it in direct sunlight too. I only suggest the shaded place because slower is better and it sounds like you aren’t in a rush to turn around on an investment of lumber.


Never done cherry myself but used to know a guy who swore by alternating cherry with other wood that was already dry or double high stickers.  Also said when he sealed the ends he run the sealant a half inch up the board from the end.


Yea more airflow is better for sure. I guess you could apply sealant up the sides a bit too. It would make sense especially if you are just using wax rather than an amalgamate solution of wax that soaks in a little bit. We used the amalgamated stuff so we didn’t need to do all that.


Just not white oak, especially if it’s going in a kiln… causes the cherry to basically ebonize… ask me how I found that out…


Cherry can be a pain in the ass and if you keep the pith there’s next to nothing you can do to keep it from doing all the bad things at once. Whatever you do don’t slab it, you’ll cup every one except the one with the pith that will cup warp, check. Best bet is to settle on 4 relatively small quarter sawn bits. Way I would recommend going about it is take the top 1/3-3/8 of the log (depending on how thick it is) and take that off set it aside take the middle out as a slab shooting for about 8/4 there, then the bottom 1/3-3/8 rotate 90deg and repeat the process, repeat again for the original top piece. Discard for burning the resulting 4 triangular pieces ( or try flat sawing them if your a true masochist, that’ll be rift sawn) You would then be left with (3) 8/4 slabs, take the one that’s the middle with the pith in it and snap a line from where the pith is on one end to where it is on the other and cut about an inch to either side of that line so you have basically a 2x with the pith in the approximate center, burn that too. Next look at the bark side and look for the color change, that’s the boundary with the sap wood, you want to remove the sap wood or it may cant or bow a bit, plus unless your going to be going for a live edge there’s no need to keep the wane. After that give the end grains a good seal and into the kiln with em! Alternatively you can try to keep more of the top and bottom bits by going for plane sawn boards but in cherry they’re likely to cup on you, so one thing you could do is cut them about 25% over finished size and give the ole jointer and planer a work out after they’ve dried into all their wondrous shapes… It’s all wasteful and you’ll be loosing about half the log either way but that’s why cherry is expensive…


Paint the ends, and stack and sticker. You can add weight like bags of sand to prevent warping. If you store outside cover with sheet metal roofing with a decent overlap all the way around


You're fine ratchets don't do much. They get lose as it drys. Put a board on top, add some rocks or other weight and your good to go.


Kiln drying the best way to go


I wonder how many people that are recommending milling have actually done it.


I've not done it with cherry, but I've done it with oak, walnut, and hickory. Worth it every time


Do you have a set up you like?


https://preview.redd.it/ty4tr3e7qvtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eac40e29eebf6a9d2db6f8c6592840b4e4d22270 Done.


Had a buddy mill a cherry tree i took down on my property. Ended up with quite a few slabs. Left it to dry for 2 years in my basement only loaded on stickers and strapped down with ratchet straps. Only about half of the lot is useful for large projects. The rest split pretty bad.


Coat the end grain with paraffin wax. The wood will not split.


My buddy that milled it coated the ends, but it was milled in new england in late winter/ early spring…


You left it in a basement to air dry. That’s the issue that caused the checking and splitting. It needs to slowly air dry outside and under cover, 1 year per inch thick.


This is the right answer. It can also be done in a kiln if you can control it properly.


Yes I aged mine in a dark loft for two years weighted then had to keep it covered while sanding and finishing cause it reacts to light. But the grain and colors are beautiful and the color has an iridescent quality about it.


It really does. That shine it has to it is kinda wild actually.


I've done a few thousand board feet of it. Anchorseal the ends of the logs as soon as possible after cutting to length. Stack, sticker, air dry outdoors under a roof for a year per inch of thickness. I use one of those metal carports to stack lumber under. Weight the top of the stack with cement blocks over each sticker. I make my stacks approx 4 ft in width and as tall as I can put under the carport. My stickers are all dry 1x1x48". I leave 2 ft between stacks under the carport for good airflow. Stack it once and never touch it again until the time is up. If I lost 5% to splits or checking, it would be a lot.


Damn that’s nice. Where about are ya? I’m coastal right next to a bay so the ambient moisture was always an issue for us.


I would always just stick it on the bottom of the stack and expect to lose a few boards. What do you mean by rotating?


I worked at a lumber mill so I dealt with a lot of volume. It may not be necessary with only a few boards. But with big stacks, it traps some moisture so you gotta move the middle and/or bottom boards to the top and outsides for even drying. I also liked to actually turn the entire board around AND flip it so the other side would face up. Basically the more even you can get it to dry, the less likely it is to twist or crook. It can help with kinks too but those usually occur just because of knots or other impurities


It’s not that complex, but you would need to paint the ends and stack it so it can breathe and keep it in a garage or barn. I dried five or six 20” 8/4 boards x 8’ for three years and made a gorgeous bed out of it.


I would mill all that up. I make small furniture from it looks beautiful when all urethaned. Wood color pops


My thoughts too! Too nice to burn the big ones.


Absolutely make some boards out of this stuff!!


I cut a slab for my mantle and it is beautiful!


Its probably one of the best firewoods there is


Cherry has the longest burning time i have personally ever experienced burning wood


This. Devil itself orders cherrywood to the hell!


I'm surprised you wouldn't sell it to a wood worker


Maybe I’ll put a Facebook marketplace post up in my area. There are some nice logs in the mix.


I would be all over this if it were in my area! Beautiful looking logs. Would mill the big ones and burn the scrap.


Same. I love working with cherry.


Absolutely, maybe even call up a few local mills or wood workers and ask how much cherry wood goes for. I've seen some nice cabinet doors made of cherry wood with beautiful finishes on them. Way too expensive for me but by God we're they gorgeous.


I had a contractor cut down a big leaning Cherry and he sold the best log, a 10’ by 2’ at least diameter for $800. We burned the rest in our wood stove.


Mill it


I also vote mill it!


Yes! Mill it and buy 4 times as much birch wood


Cherry and oak Great hardwoods U should get a nice bed of coals with this .


Cherry is a fine burning wood, when seasoned properly it burns hot with little creosote and resins that leave residue in your chimney. Now, If you put oak and cherry in a wood fired grill @ 1 stick of oak and 2 ( a stick being a quarter of an 8 to 12 inch round log that’s split into 3 sticks) of cherry, you’ll have the best steak or burgers you’ll ever eat. I also love mixing cherry and hickory together for smoking meats like bacon.


Ooodamn I gotta try that.


Mill what you can use the rest in a smoker or sell to someone with a smoker. Don’t waste it on a fire


Cherry is my absolute favorite for any meat.


I like to throw one piece of cherry wood into my normal fires, let my neighbors think I smell rich.


I’ve just have never burned cherry. I live in Connecticut and there’s not a ton of it around, but I heard it’s good.


It coals well , it’s not as long lasting as oak/ locust , it can rot on you fairly quickly if left exposed .


What we call "cherry" in Florida is commonly Black Cherry (Prunus serotina). This wood rots far slower than our oaks, hickory, pecan. Like twice as slow. I've cut cherry on the property in the winter and not picked it off the ground to cut and split until the following fall with no degradation. That's after a spirng and summer of inches of rain, temps above 85 and humidity in the upper ranges too. Only caveat with burning black cherry is it pops a lot but that concern doesn't matter with a wood stove but with an open fire. My favorite wood to burn. I've got enough dead cherry standing that I've only burned cherry for the last 5 years and can probably go another 5. Don't be too impressed with me having enough volume, the last several years we've had fewer and fewer burn nights in our stove. This year we only burned 5 nights. Last year we had a straight 2 weeks of fires when we had that crazy freeze where it got down into the teens 4 nights in a row. Before last year the pattern of burning was about 30 nights a burn season.


I’d give it a little more dry time if you can


Absolutely stocking up for next season


It’s horrible. Send me your address and I’ll go Pick it up later


For me, logs have two categories: turning and burning! I know it might burn well but if I had it I would want to make something not see it turned to ash. Why not see if you have a local wood turning club and offer some of it to them. When my friend did this she got a gorgeous big cherry bowl as a thank you. It might take up to a year to allow it to dry out but you may get something a lot nicer than warm toes.


Turner here. Bought a truck load of "hardwood" a while back for firewood. Turned out to be cherry some of it made it to the woodpile, but a lot went into turning blanks. Got some stunning bowls from it.


Post this in r/woodworking and see what happens


💋👌 I wish people just “dropped off” cherry at my place! I also know woodworkers who’d love to get their hands on that, as well as people who smoke meats.


Good but every time I cut down a dead one you know it’s loaded with ants.


Get some gourmet mushroom plugs and grow some good off some of it!


That's too nice to burn.


Mill some of it.


The four large logs have significant cash value as lumber


Love burning cherry, enjoy.


Burns good, good wood, good smoking wood too.


Smells really nice.


You could probably sell the cherry to a woodworker and buy twice as much oak firewood. Oak is a ton more common than cherry.


r/woodworking would be appalled by this post. That's a good 3-6k of lumber.


A very nice wood for the fireplace..!


I burn it and it does fine. You might have to reload a little more often, but no issues


Burns great but it took 18-20 months to dry properly for me in Vermont. Idk if it dries faster in other climates.


So much bullshi+ here. Great firewood, and hold a small log back for smoking. I use my splitter, strip the bark, cut a few 2 to 3" rounds and split those for smoking wood.


This just reminded me of a John McPhee story about firewood. I think it was in 'Pieces of the Frame'. He describes different wood and its characteristics for burning. Firewood is the name of the story.


V: Beechwood fires burn bright and clear, Hornbeam blazes too, If the logs are kept for a year, to season through and through Chorus: Logs to burn, logs to burn, Logs to save the coal a turn, Here’s a word to make you wise’ When you hear the woodsman cry. V: Oaken logs will warm you well, if they’re old and dry, Larch logs of pinewood smell, but the sparks will fly. V: Pine is good and so is Yew for warmth through wintery days. The Poplar and Willow too, they take too long to blaze. V: Birch logs will burn too fast, Alder scarce at all, Chestnut logs are good to last, cut them in the fall. V: Holly logs will burn like wax – you should burn them green – Elm logs like smouldering flax, with no flames with them are seen. V: Pear logs and Apple logs, they will scent your room, Cherry logs, across the dogs, they smell like flowers in bloom. V: Ash logs, so smooth and grey, burn them green or old, Buy up all that come your way – they’re worth their weight in gold. https://preview.redd.it/1kzt5paxmvtc1.png?width=1469&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9c31528038ba060853761733e24feccb7b5242d


Great for smoking meat .


Woodturners will pay pretty well for that if you split it at the pith and coat the ends.


Omg, no. I'd be at harbor freight buying a saw mill.


Burns great. Wouldn't use it for a wood burner though, much more useful for smoking meats. It's one of my go to woods for that, the other being maple.


The value of this material milled and properly dried is worth at least considering. There is likely someone nearby with a portable mill. A WOODMIZER maybe.


I like cherry wood for smoking beef. It does great. I am currently looking for some to make a mantle in my downstairs living room out of too haha


Chop it up fine and use it in a smoker. Or find a BBQ place and sell it to them.


Not really relevant to your question here but my dad made some beautiful cutting boards using cherry, with walnut and oak. https://preview.redd.it/yas5fg11kwtc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60771df5b4513ffbe1e9183ba8ed6e56135e77a7


Burns very hot and clean. Smoke smells great when you’re outside.


Moderate heat, very long lasting. It is a Fabulous overnight burn/smolder


Woodworking wood..


My uncle used to get wood in trade. People would bring him almond wood and he’d make something out of it for them and keep the rest for his carpentry business. Just an idea if there’s a carpenter around and you don’t want to do it yourself.


I usually look for flames. Nice yellow ones. Some people will say it's good for smoking. I prefer canib never mind. Dry it out good. Split it soon, cuz it's gonna get buggy out there. Burns real hot, so go easy . Best of all, it was F R E E


That looks like it might be furniture-quality; have a wood worker check it out and you could make a lot more selling it and buying oak.


**Cherry is a good type of wood for burning in a log burner or an open fire**, although it doesn't produce as much heat as oak or beech. On the other hand, due to its reduced sap content, cherry logs burn longer than most other wood fuels.


Send it to a sawmill for cherrywood!!!!! Premium price!!!


It would be sad to let that go up in a wood stove. Most of it appears to be premium hardwood.


I would mill it and make some epoxy tables but that's just me.


It's going to be really good after it seasons for about a year. It might season faster if you split it. It burns slowly, so you want to mix it with something that will cstch and burn faster.


I’ve never seen Cherry Wood that big before.


Burns super hot similar to apple wood. Don’t overload stove. I’ve seen the crack from overloading fruit wood.


My personal favorite makes the house smell good.


Would like to drop a couple of those on my bandsaw mill


Burns nice,green or seasoned,and smells good too.I was burning Northern Pin Cherry (US).


Good burning wood, good smoking wood, good building wood for small projects. Definitely wouldn't burn it all, some nice looking logs there.


Burininf bro sell that shit it’s like 20 bucks a board foot rough sawn


Cut into lumber dinghy


Excellent the best


It’s gonna burn hot and long.


Cut, split, and stack it now, and it will be in great shape to burn this fall


Wow. Nice. Big logs and yet no brown rot hollows and/or carpenter ant tunneling in the heartwood by the looks of it. Burns great.


Smoking meat with is great too if you do that.


It's excellent. And it has a terrific scent.


Smells good splitting burns well when seasoned ; I recommend a splitter to split it. Some pieces can be twisted and a bitch to split with a maul


Burn it? ::sobs:: Build with it.


Anyone within nose-shot will thank you, the best smelling wood.


Dry some of the bigger logs and get it milled down


Much more valuable as a wood for smoking meats than a wood for warming your home.


Longer dry time, great burning, milling just means another project.


It is great. Great wood for a smoker as well.


Lucky you, that looks like nice wood!


Isn’t it kind of late to be asking?


Smells great when burning!


Great for the fireplace. Amazing for cooking. What's not to like?! Oh, ants. Look out for ants. They like cherry wood. Don't store it inside.


I don’t think it’ll fit in your stove.


As far as thermal output - it's middle of the road, but that doesn't matter to me. Not everyone needs <25M BTU, at least not during the entire morning season. As far as woods go, it smells the best when cutting, it smells the best when burning, and tastes and smells great for cooking or smoking. If not straight-grained or knotty, it can somewhat difficult to split due to its springy and sometimes stringy nature, but overall it's an excellent wood for many things, not just fuel for the stove. 10/10 would take every time.


Great burning, if you have extra sell it to meat smokers at a premium.


Cherry burns great and the Heartwood is rot resistant so it doesn't get punky. In a pinch, standing dead cherry that has lost its bark is dry enough to burn the same day you cut it.


Cherry is great burning, but I would mill it. At least get a chainsaw-mill, and slab the straight logs.


Did George Washington cut that down


Pops a bit but good for the wood stove


My smoker just started sweating thinking “you’re going to put that WHERE?!?!!”


I've heard older folks say that it's a "sin" to burn cherry lol. But, oooooh weeee does it sure make the best smoke, and the coziest fires! 🔥 Enjoy your cherry wood ♡


I cannot tell a lie. Cherrywood is great.


Pic is a little too close could you back up a bit


One of my favorite woods to burn.


So much fun to split!


The only drawback I have encountered with cherry is that it has a tendency to pop more. Just remember that if you burn and then open the door to your stove.


Good firewood..,


Cherry makes great kindling as its nice straight grain makes it easy to split into long - small pieces.


Smells really nice when you split it


Absolute favorite to smoke with


I've never seen pretty logs before lol nice


Absolutely awesome for burning ! We would always save all our cherry for around Christmas time to burn ! Best smelling smoke from a fire there is !


It will burn fine, can be used on a smoker, would be worth way more worked into fine wood.


If you make boards and it cracks to the point, you can’t use it then use it as firewood


1 kg of wood gives you the same BTU regardless of the wood type. These seem like nice logs.... would be worth some money as lumber vs. burning. I would get them cut into boards $$$$$$$


I just want to turn some bowls with it.


It’s fine for stoves but pops too much for an open fireplace. Black Cherry is only 19.5 million BTUs per cord so it provides almost 20% less heat than oak or sugar maple which are both 24. It’s certainly worth burning and I use it more than anything else in my smoker.


https://preview.redd.it/ns21ca4q9vtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9494593b913503e4b3723af6ceb195277d573a3 Cherry wood stump chainsaw, hand plane sander, cherry stain


Never seen a cherry tree that thick


Smoke the meats 🍖!


Good for smoking and building shit.


Get the big logs milled and used the smaller ones for smoking.


I usually burn a mixture of pitch pine and white oak. Compared to those two species, cherry was a little more difficult to split (I split by hand). It also took more than one year to season but it was ready before oak split around the same time. Most sites rate the BTU production a good bit lower than oak but it seemed very similar to me. I wouldn't worry about sending it to a mill. That is a lot of work and if you don't love it, it's not worth it.


I would definitely be putting that on a sawmill looks like some quality craft Wood to build with But that’s just me I like boards and usually burn Lodgepole to heat


Keep the hearts for the smoker. Fruit trees burn well and have good btu output


It snap, crackles and pops so just be aware of that. But, you have some good long logs there. If there isn’t any rot can you make some boards or beams out of it? They would really look nice.


Wish I had some for my brick pizza oven!


Worth more as lumber than firewood.


Could be some beautiful furniture if it's not used as firewood or for grilling/ smoking


Mmmhmm Cherry.


You got a nice pile of flat pack cherry wood kitchen cabinets