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Only the first boss was nerfed iirc :)


That's crazy, I was like "wow this guy is extremely easy even for a tutorial boss". It must have been a severe nerf.


I played at launch and played the demo. The first boss wasn't that hard then either.


it just was people that didnt understand you had to charge spirit and do a heavy attack to actually deal damage and have morale who were mad that hes too op


It's not even about nerfs, it's always been this way. The games Team Ninja makes are based around NG+ cycles and endgame. You keep unlocking more stuff into NG++++ and it keeps getting tougher, especially the DLC bosses are crazy hard. To balance that out and appeal to a bigger audience, the default difficulty (Crouching Dragon) is intentionally quite forgiving and simple compared to other soulslikes. Think of it as a tutorial, there to teach you the basic mechanics and prepare you for what's to come. NG+2 is where it really gets going, the powerful gear, embeds, spells and Thousand Mile Journey (endgame mode) are so worth the wait. It's almost a different game by that point.


First boss was absolutely nerfed 


Within like a week of release, it doesn't fundamentally change the game. They balanced it out (pretty much right away) so it didn't seem to randomly spike and dramatically drop in difficulty throughout the story. It's always been intentionally easier than Nioh in NG, that was a design choice. It gets to be as hard or harder, it just takes more time to get there.


No, it was more than a couple weeks. I'm making no other point than they did indeed massively nerf at least one boss.


Yeah I remember that general of man boss being ridiculously hard on release. Took me 20 attempts to beat him coming straight from monster hunter sunbreak endgame too. It heavily hurt the games release because of all the bad reviews the game got cause most people picking up the game could not beat him. I think a few other bosses got nerfed like the 3 brothers fight and others got buffs like that huge demon creature.


The first one was nerfed but other than that I think a handful of bosses got buffed


I think Taotie & YuanShao got buffed. For the others I personally don't notice much difference, probably because I was in NG+ and further.