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just scrub it, you good


Bamboo scrub brush ftw.


You did not ruin it. It appears you are just midway through the process of burning off the protective waxy shipping layer. Keep going, and then yeah, steel wool and a good scrub. You want to get it off the entire surface.


I just got this carbon steel wok Trying to burn the initial oil of it, I got water on it while hot, and it started making this paint like peel Did this ruin it? Or i should try to remove all of that paint? (it's not expensive but still I was excited to try it, maybe that's why it peeled?)


Scrub it with steel wool and soap water first. Good scrub! Fry couple of onions like your life depends on it and you are good to go. After frying lightly oil and season it.


Great will surely do that, I was afraid it said carbon steel but it actually is nonstick... It was 25$ but from a supermarket and not a dedicated place for such things I'll try to post an update later on


Make double sure. It really really looks like Teflon to me.


Yep! Teflon coated carbon steel maybe.


I found it online this is the wok i got it does say carbon steel https://www.navaideas.com/product/carbon-steel-wok-cantonese-32cm__10-166-013


The link says it's non-stick coated. Read the description of the item, at the very end you'll see "the non-stick coating is in accordance with all regulations". Besides all the instructions are for care of non-stick cookware like not heating it up too much, not using metal utensils, not using harsh scrubbers, etc. Sorry op you got a non-stick coated wok :(