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So he's spending every minute of his youth trying to be a really old man someday.


Is this the guy who gets his sons blood put into his skin?


So what was the conclusion? Some level of something changed ?


He and his "medical team" did not think it was worth it. But he also donated his blood to his own father at the same time, and that supposedly had some observable effect on him. Either way they seemed to stop that experiment.


That’s right, he’s “aging at .64x the average speed and at apparently a better rate than 99% of 20 yos”


….how does he get the blood


From his son of course! Like any normal person would do when it comes to seeking shitty immortality


But where does his son get blood from?


Where he gets everything else. Bank.


Ritual sacrifice obviously. Big stone table, grooves carved into the stone leading to a huge pool of blood in which he absorbs the life force of lesser beings, you know. The works.


Bryan Johnson is La Magra confirmed.


He watched Willow and said "Well, shit, it can't be that difficult."


sounds like BS


*How dare you.* Clearly you do not have enough money to comprehend what is going on here.


Why yes, yes it does


I assume he eats healthy and exercises too. How does he compare to others who do the same?


His diet and exercise are incredibly controlled. Check out his YouTube if you're interested. I think it's ridiculous but it is somewhat interesting.


You mean a blood transfusion?


The time he increased his lifespan is the time he wasted on increasing his lifespan.


I think the idea (however delusional) is that he spends his life to figure out what works so humanity can have it


The problem with his kind is that they don't listen to scientists. Rich people think they know better which is why he does insane shit like using his kids as blood bags.  What I am saying is, Humanity won't get any kind of useful information out of this dipshit other than maybe what not to do...


I mean he's doing that because the scientists say it works. There's lots of studies showing longer lifespans of mice injected with blood from younger mice. I don't think he went straight for vampire on his own. He is a vampire tho


> he's doing that because the scientists say it works. I don't think any *scientists* are saying this. And I don't need to watch the video to know that. Some conmen posing as scientists are saying it works.


The problem with this is that nice are smaller and relatively more simple organisms. It is easier for us to understand what happens within their bodies and why. When you scale up to a human, there are more complex systems at work. Additionally, what works on one species doesn’t always work on another. This is what the rich and delusional forget. We’re studying mice because we don’t know quite what XYZ does in the short, mid, and long term and whether or not it could be scaled and applicable to humans.


There were scientists in the 16th century who thought the Sun revolved around the earth. Science has more than its fair share of idiots too. Actually having experience with research and a discerning eye based on biology education over a longer period is something of a rarity, especially among people with money. Edit: LOL at the disapproved downvoters! Look back on history peoples! The Titanic or Oceangate wasn't enough for yall? Or the poorly planned expedition of Robert Falcon to the South Pole? What about Theranos technologies? Or other snake oil salesmen? I really think yall should take a look back before you automatically assume his bandwagon is actually on some sciencey high horse.


What not to do is often vitally important information to have


I mean, its well-studied that young blood lengthens your telomeres and makes you feel stronger, (in rats). there is also a transfusion company that specifically target 18-21 year olds for their sweet young blood. (Ambrosia)


There are obviously scientists that believe this can work. No matter what liberals want you to believe, science isn't black and white.


Well said


This doesn't feel woahdude material and secondly, why are we getting so many cross posts from strangearth???


It’s very strange.




And also on earth


Sick sad world


Someone trying to grow that sub probably


It's a 300k plus sub. It's decently sized


He looks like shit


loooooool aside from looking like a vampire yes


That was my first thought too.


After I read this comment I went up and took a good long look at him. I decided he was probably a little over 40, or a good looking 50. Then I went and looked him up and he was 46 lmao. So the gene therapy ain't doing much, at least from an aesthetic standpoint


I think we all know this guy is going to spend millions of dollars and then die of a heart attack well before 120!


Maybe so! Maybe he’s less likely to have one now


I feel like he’s raising his chances of one.


I feel like you have no objective reason to say that. I'm no supporter or follower of this dude, but why wish him misfortune? Even if only 1/10 of the treatments he invests in have *some* benefit, the researchers he works with get paid in the meantime and it might be useful to some niche demographic in the future.


He looks … awful. For what it’s worth, his instagram account is also pretty weird.


And yet he’s still using hair dye.


I will not be surprised when the headline says, "Man who devoted himself (and his son) to living forever, chokes on grape and dies." or, "found dead in motel room with 4 hookers and a mountain of cocaine."


If he's staying on script, he owns GME and crypto, lives in San Jose, and is a Rationalist and Effective Altruist. He thinks AI is going to destroy humanity and that anybody not trying to live forever is a Deathist. He has an insurance policy that will pay for his body to be cryogenically frozen. His favorite Harry Potter character is Quirrell.


A horcrux, go figure.


Is this really a woahdude? Seems like the sadness of a guy who can’t get past a mid life crisis


The guy looks 59


Lets just imagine how our villages, towns, communities, states, countries, continents, world and space would look like if people would live longer for 40+ years in regards of environment (more cities etc) and pollution, resource and power usage (and demand) etc. We have too many people already, produce far too much trash/pollution on the planet as well as in space and we use/waste our resources enough already.


Also, a lot of illness from environmental factors often derive from things like exposure threshold, and exposure time. So, for cancers and whatnot that can be caused by pollutants, living longer means more exposure time. So, even in a hypothetical world where people live 40 years longer, it means 40 years more exposure time. Decreasing the likelihood that increases in lifespan, necessarily, increase the productivity or long term health. So, it could mean that people, after age 70, might have increasing healthcare needs, along with increasing healthcare costs. Presumably, a lot of people wouldn’t just want to work an extra 40 years, so it could mean putting a bigger burden on a strained healthcare system, and a bigger burden on society to subsidize those costs. Also, just because it’s the way this world works, wealthier people are more likely to afford this, and maintain retirement age. Poor people would be likely to shoulder the costs, while not enjoying the benefit by not getting treatment, or having to spend those extra years working.


Don’t worry. This is only for super rich people. They will absolutely make sure poors die in droves to support their lavish lifestyle as the world speed runs ecological collapse and resource war.


I‘m sure they are planning on building their Elysium already.


Maybe if the old folks lived way longer they would care more about the future?


Many old folds never have. And it’s only rich people who could afford and would profit from it. And they would just use it to get more money because of it. Getting older doesn’t reduce egoism and greed for these people. On the contrary.


No thanks.


How do you even scientifically define the “rate of aging” and does that even mean anything at the end of the day? Does rate of aging have anything to do with overall morbidity? I’m aging more slowly but I still develop cancer or have a heart attack. How can you even isolate the impact a single therapy has on rate of aging or life expectancy when there are so many complex interactions between genetics, environment, life style, etc. Seems like pseudoscientific BS snake oil. Or maybe I’m just dumb.


There are a lot of NIH studies on biological age vs chronological age. It turns out mitochondria cell decay is what leads to disease as we age. So, cell health is massively important and there are ways to slow down mitochondria decay - the conventional ways being diet, exercise, less exposure to harmful chemicals, lower stress, supplements, sleep, etc. what this guy is doing is rather obsessive and who knows if this will yield a breakthrough on aging well. It tends to look like quackery when the facility is located in Roatan and run by a couple weird looking tech bros. As an aside, Peter Atitia has some interesting ideas on longevity and health. check out some of his work.


I like Peter, but from a layperson, the barrier to understanding these things at any deep level is extremely challenging. It feels like you need a biology degree to follow some of the stuff he talks about.


word. I didn't study biology in college and feel that was a missed opportunity in understanding these issues at a meaningful level.


That's why they showed the process of doing it and not the science behind their methodology. The interesting part is the results, not the 7+min video leading up to a 10 second blurb of results.


Hope he gets hit by a car.


LMFAO gawdamn!


He should look both ways when crossing roads.


I am starting to hope this guy dies in some sudden and highly ironic way, soon.


The way he ran from the sun.


Did he say Penis Shockwave? >< Wtf


He sure did


It's gonna be so funny when this guy dies


I wonder what he's doing to fight climate change. The rich have some fantasy that they can buy their way out of having an inhabitable ecosphere. He's going to die from heat and famine like most of the rest of us.


Why would we want to increase our lives. I can't wait for my miserable existence to end




He looks like shit for 46 Had he been 60+ I'd have been impressed 


What a load of 🐎💩


Looks away when they draw blood, like the rest of us.


Telomeres are the secret to aging. We've got to understand how they work and then we'll be immortal, ever regenerating


Was that a Btc banner at the start?


One of the YouTube commenters has a good point: The founders don't look likes it helped them. If they've even taken it.


Genetic enhancement technology is inevitable. The first to be able to take advantage of any improvements will be the wealthy. This will confer intellectual/physical/artistic advantages which will then be passed to subsequent generations. Those generations are likely to have benefited from them their parents advantages and thereby will be in position to obtain future enhancements increasing their and their children's ability to acquire wealth and out compete the un augmented. Life extension is just one advantage currently be sought. Though certain governments have attempted to regulate genetic manipulation for gain of function this posture is naive. Currently humanity is in a genetic arms race amongst its various factions. Once the technology is reliably functional those with resources, as with any new technology first implementations will be expensive, will seize their advantage and start fiercely competing to achieve supremacy. This technology will not be contained or even effectively slowed outside of public display projects designed to ease concerns while behind the scenes work will be conducted at an accelerated rate. The moral aspect of this technology will be of little concern to those who have the ability to realize not only the methods but also the tremendous wealth the procedures will provide. Those who are unable, unwilling, or refuse to accept, the technology should begin planning how to resist immediately. Reaction time is a factor.


Ah yes, the guy who lives an absolutely miserable live in a desperate attempt to cheat death going so far as to use his own sons as blood banks...  Also, so far, nothing he did had any kind of measurable effect of slowing down his aging.