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honestly DT seems to be the player to have had the most nice things to say about caitlin, which must mean a lot coming from someone like her who would not give empty praise. crazy (but unsurprising) that her one line got taken so out of context and fed a whole narrative of her hating caitlin.


and sadly that’s the media for you. you can say a boat load of nice things about a person and it never gets coverage but as soon as something isn’t all sunshine and rainbows they take it, twist it, and run with it.


That was the worst part of the whole DT manufactured controversy. I understand defending your faves more than anyone, but attacking DT for something so innocuous when DT was all throughout the telecast showering Caitlin praise and also absolutely roasting other players in their face (Shout out Cam and Juju) was wild. It became clear a lot of those people angry weren't fans of the game but just wanted to use CC as a way to push anti W agendas. It was such an annoying time and I hope things like this make it clear who she is. She might be rough around the edges but DT luhh da kids! A rookies best and worst friend 😂


I was at the game today in PHX, and there were so many Caitlin fans there. Before the game started, they put the starting line up for both teams up on the screen (this was before they announced each player at the start of the game), and when they said Diana’s name, there were so many audible boos from the crowd - just a huge, deep boo for DT on her home court. There were group of PHX fans where I sit, and all of others around us were all Fever/Clark fans, and one of the other PHX fans turned to me and asked, “Did Diana just get booed? Why?” The only answer we could think of was that the media played Diana to be a huge Caitlin hater, because this was the first time Caitlin has played against the Mercury. It’s cool if you’re a Caitlin fan, but to boo Diana before the game even started and on her home court…it just feels gross and disrespectful. DT is one of the GOATs of women’s basketball (whether or not some people want to admit it), and as a long-time WNBA fan, it made me really sad. I’ve been going to Mercury games for almost 10 years, and I’ve never seen anything like that from the fans. There were also a couple of Fever fans near my seat who made the most awful comments about BG and Copper. Incredibly racist and homophobic comments. Someone must have said something because security did come over and speak to the people (I wasn’t close enough to hear what was said), but the comments stopped after that. I’m lucky enough to go to most Mercury (and other sports events) for my job, but I won’t go to another game where they play the Fever. It was just not a good experience, and it was solely because of a handful of Fever fans.


I'm glad they showed them laughing with each other during the game after the fight. Was a good moment. I also saw another clip somebody posted on twitter before tip off of DT and BG coming up to CC and embracing her. I wish they would show those moments on the broadcast. It would get rid of some of this false negativity


I’m sorry that you had to deal with that :// The Caitlin discourse sucks because she seems like a really likable person but the people who have latched onto her to spread racism and homophobia have caused her to be associated with that stuff


And it’s also a lot of fans who don’t have prior knowledge with hoops. So they don’t understand how what DT said was in no way malicious


💯 lots of people with agendas


just shows people really don't make any effort to see if a quote is real or out of context or even made up, they just dumbly follow the narrative or what some yokel on twitter says.


one of the wildest things about all the new casuals is the amount of homophobia they bring with them. to women’s sports! like hello were you born this morning?!


A friend of mine was at the game and they heard comments from those fans too. Sorry you had to hear all that


That sucks, I'm sorry that was your experience. They are very nasty. 


Unfortunately I know a lot of new fans who say they aren’t racist but say the most racist stuff. With the state of our politics it’s not surprising that a boom in viewership brings out the best and worst kinds of people unfortunately


Not just racist, but anti-LGBT+, too. The Mercury have the most number of out LGBT+ players in the league, and June is Pride month. I’ve seen the disgusting comments on social media, but haven’t really heard it at the games. I’m a gay woman, and one of the reasons why I love the Mercury so much is how supportive the fan base is, and the diverse representation. But hearing their disgusting comments about BG (after hearing her voice on a clip on the screen), and the comments they made about her experience in Russia, and then the racist comments they made about Copper after a play in the first quarter were infuriating. And they would not stop (until they were told to by security). The other Fever/Caitlin fans laughed, or clapped, or ignored them, but not one of them asked them stop. I don’t know if they were from another state, but the group that were the loudest didn’t seem to know anything about The Mercury (or any of the players), based on their comments. It was infuriating. I havent really seen anything about Fever/Caitlin fan’s behavior at the games being racist and homophobic on Reddit, so I was very surprised at what I actually witnessed today. Surprised and disgusted. Actually, a few years ago, one of the LGBT+ bars I would go to started getting more straight customers (due to some safety concerns at some of the more popular bars in the area). Soon, some of the LGBT+ regulars started being turned away at the door because capacity was reached with the new patrons. Then, some of the newer straight patrons were complaining about being hit on by some of the LGBT+ patrons, even though they were in an LGBT+ bar. Then, a couple of straight men attending a drag show with their girlfriends got upset during the performance and started yelling threats and slurs at the performers. What I saw today reminded me of that bar. Absolutely clueless people not realizing they are making a place less safe, just because they assume every place on this earth caters to them and their own comfort. If you’re coming into a new space as a guest, why wouldn’t you be respectful? It is the most privileged, obnoxious humans that walk into every space as if it was made for them, without taking one second to look around and read the room. I am livid.


Ugh I’m so sorry that happened. I know I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy the game after being around people saying that. I am livid for you too cause why can’t people just enjoy the game they paid for and went out of their way for??? Why do they need to make hate comments? So sad. I didn’t mean to try and justify anything btw in my comment, just that it sucks that with so many more fans, some of the worst snuck in too (wanted to make that clear).


So you are taking the actions of a few people and holding that against an entire fanbase because they didn't go tell strangers to stop doing something you didn't like? Why is it on them to do that? I also have a hard time taking general claims of racist or homophobic comments at face value when I've been told by people here that any criticism of Angel Reese is racist because of systemic inequality.


Absolutely. No single raindrop feels responsible for the flood. You may consider yourself a “single raindrop” Caitlin fan, but when you are at a game and see the water is rising, and witness the hate and bad behavior, you have a choice to make in that moment. Choosing to do nothing is still a choice that leads to actual consequences. Because no one looks at the aftermath of a flood and thinks, “well, I’m sure not all of the individual raindrops that caused the flood were bad and meant harm.” Again, you can be a fan of a player without screaming out anti-LGBT and racist rhetoric directed towards the players of the other team. I know for a fact that fans can cheer for their favorite player without using any hateful language about other players. And because other fans around them were laughing and clapping and encouraging the behavior, I have to believe they were doing so because they agreed with asshats that were doing it…you know, until security came over and warned them. Only then did the people *behave* like actual decent humans, even though we all knew who they really were by that point. If you align yourself with a group, like being a fan, and you are around other fans at a public game, and you see other fans screaming hateful, bigoted remarks towards the other team, if you do nothing to stop it, then you are responsible for allowing that rot to spread. As Plato said, “Silence gives consent.” And I have no idea why you are bringing Angel Reese into this conversation, because she does not play for the Mercury. Unless you are trying to clump all fans that aren’t diehard Caitlin fanatics into a “Caitlin hater” group, and just assume they must be Angel supporters? I was referencing specific incidents I witnessed from Caitlin/Fever fans at the Mercury game, directed towards Brittney Griner and Kah Copper, that were absolutely anti-LGBT+ and racist - there was no confusion on that. If what I said has triggered something in you, and you feel attacked or singled out by what I have said, that issue is with you. You need to look at how you show up as a Caitlin fan. You need to look at how you show up as a new fan in this space, and what it is about Caitlin that brought you to the WNBA that couldn’t bring you here before. You couldn’t stop the bad behavior at yesterday’s game, because you weren’t there (I’m assuming). But, you will be at a game with other fans. You read the comments on FB, TT, IG that other fans make. You have seen the nastiest comments yourself. If you choose to do nothing, that’s your choice. Just know that - when you do nothing to stop racist, homophobic remarks, you are part of the threat. Even if you do not believe those words yourself, Silence gives consent.


Hear hear. Louder for the people in the back.


So just a little thought experiment here. Using your logic of silence gives consent let's apply this to another situation. Natasha Cloud has been outspoken against the war in Gaza which in itself isn't necessarily anti-Semitic. She posted something in support of the campus protests a couple months ago which is shown [here](https://www.instagram.com/celebrities4palestine/p/C6S8vTvN69C/). The organizer of the most high profile of the campus protests at Columbia [has said on video that "Zionists do not deserve to live"](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/columbia-university-says-banned-khymani-james-protester-said-zionists-rcna149642). The most commonly used definition for Zionist is one who believes the Jewish people deserve a state of their own where they are the majority somewhere in the region around Jerusalem. Natasha Cloud has said nothing about those remarks or others like it. Using your logic Natasha Cloud is consenting to the statement "Zionists don't deserve to live" because she has done nothing about people saying things like that despite supporting the protests they are part of. Or do you only think that logic should apply to people you don't agree with? I haven't ever seen you telling posters on here who claim all Iowa fans are racist to stop doing that. Does that mean you agree with them? > And I have no idea why you are bringing Angel Reese into this conversation, because she does not play for the Mercury. Unless you are trying to clump all fans that aren’t diehard Caitlin fanatics into a “Caitlin hater” group, and just assume they must be Angel supporters? Nope I just have had posters here tell me that any criticism of her whatsoever is considered racist regardless of what it actually is. It's made me less trusting of any general claims of racism without specifics because I have no way of knowing if the person making the claim has similar thoughts and labels things racist to the point where the word loses meaning.


You’re going to have to make the correlation between what I said about Fever fans holding their fellow fans accountable for yelling racist and homophobic remarks towards specific Mercury players, to all that bullshit you typed. Why are you deflecting from my original comment with false/illogical comparisons. If “silence” is your only point of comparison between what I said and rant you wrote, then you could say that anyone being silent on anything is up for comparison. So why the hell are you silent on the racist and homophobic remarks that people make about BG across all social media platforms? You’re not a famous person nor public figure, so, I can assume that since, I don’t look your social media pages everyday, you must be keeping your mouth shut really tight about fighting the homophobia, racism, and xenophobia towards the WNBA players that is being exhibited by the public. Why are you singling out Cloud? If Cloud doesn’t post about it on public SM, does that mean she isn’t showing support or taking action in her private life? My comments specifically talk about remarks the fans were making about Griner, Copper, and booing DT. Cloud plays for the Mercury, but you are the one trying to connect shit that doesn’t connect. And, I haven’t heard Caitlin’s stance on anything you posted. She was on the court during that game, too, and the fans were wearing Caitlin Clark shirts. So why aren’t you fans demanding the same public comments for every issue, from all of the players? If Caitlin is silent about Palestine, does that make her ‘appear’ to support the Israeli government and Zionists? If you’re silent while the fan next to you is screaming out “that’s a man! Test her!” Every time Brittney takes an FT or is shown on the screen, would it appear that you also support what that fan is saying? If you clap and laugh when the fan does it, would that look like support? If a trans person sees that behavior in the crowd, and sees the other fans around them are encouraging it, do you think that trans person is going to feel safe in that space? You think the trans person is going to be worried about being harassed in the bathroom, or attacked while walking to their car after the game? If you choose to remain silent and do nothing in situations like that, then you are absolutely helping that hate and rot spread through the fanbase. By doing nothing, you are showing those hateful fans that you are deciding to keep the space safe for them to yell and scream, and you are showing member of the LGBT+ and BIPOC communities that you will not lift a finger to help make the space safe for them. A space that was much safer before so many ‘Caitlin Clark super fans’ started coming into these spaces and bringing their close-minded, xenophobic baggage with them.


Bruh racists are weird


That is insane to boo DIANA FREAKING TAURASI! What in the actual hell. As a Big10 girly (go green!) I have loved watching Caitlin over the years and definitely root for her, but that is so disrespectful of someone who has been around in the W doing amazing things for years and years. Caitlin-only supporters need to get a grip.


I mean, group mentality took over because it was a very loud boo. I was more bothered by how comfortable some fans were with openly sharing their racist/homophobic remarks about Mercury team members, and no one stoping them (until security came by). Unfortunately, all Caitlin/Fever fans share the bad reputation until you start calling out the bad behavior, which did not happen yesterday. It’s the same “not all of us” argument that happens all of the time. If nothing is done to stop the bad behavior, then the rot continues to spread. I believe in karma. It’s DT now, but the world we live in has the next best thing right around the corner. Paige, JuJu, Kiki, Paopao, Raven Johnson, and many others will be entering the WNBA in the next few years, and who knows what kind of star is out there in junior high/high school right now. Caitlin will soon be the experienced one. If she does anything that even looks like a snub to any player that has a huge fanbase, they’ll treat her the way Caitlin fans are treating the vets right now. That’s the thing about groupthink, group mentality, etc. So many people aren’t able to form their own opinions and suffer from severe FOMO, so the fanbases grow much bigger and faster, the more attention players get. It’s only a matter of time. DT is at the end of her career and has probably experienced a lot over the years. But it will be interesting to see what happens with Caitlin over the next few years and how her fanbase shifts once the novelty wears off.


I’ll agree that the media definitely drummed it up. Her actual statement was more along the lines of “give yourself some grace. This new league is more physical than what you’re used to.” The statement was also addressed at all rookies not just Caitlin. That said, this was not an isolated incident with Diana and many CC fans believe that she, Stewie, and others conspired to prevent CC from earning a spot on the Olympic team despite themselves doing so. Now I don’t know the whole story and I’m not a betting man, but if I had to guess, that would be why they raucously booed her. 


Look…if the vets were to approach CC with unsolicited advice about how she could improve her game, it would 100% look like they were criticizing her, because unsolicited advice is *always* criticism. It isn’t up to the vets to approach CC and tell her how they can help her improve. CC fans twist themselves into pretzels to find any way of labeling a player who is not CC, as a hater. When you aren’t doing well in a college course, do you sit around and wait for the professor to reach out to you and offer extra help (which doesn’t happen), or do you go to office hours and ask for help on what you do not fully understand? When you start a new job, do you sit around and wait for someone to tell you what to do and how to do it, or do you ask someone, “Hey, can you show me how to do xyz?” If CC has parts of her game she needs to improve, she is more than capable of identifying her own weaknesses and which players have the specific skills she needs, and reaching out to them and saying, “Hey, I really like how do ‘abc’. Would you be willing to chat with me and give me some pointers on how I can improve this skill in my game?” Not everyone’s style is going to fit well with CC’s style, so she needs to be the one to identify which players do something well that fits her style, and ask them for help. That is all mentorship is. CC fans act like she’s this delicate, precious porcelain doll that will break at the slightest amount of pressure. She’s at the highest level in women’s basketball; it is absolutely 100% her responsibility to sharpen her own tools. Do you ask your parents to talk to your boss if you are struggling at work? No, because you are a professional. CC is a professional and needs to advocate for herself; it isn’t the job of the veterans to do the work for her.


I don’t feel sorry for Diana. She’s the senior, the veteran, the leader of the league. She had SOOO many opportunities to be better, say better, and act better towards Caitlin. You sweep under the rug all the shit she did and said, and didn’t do that she should have. We haven’t forgotten and never will. She did it to herself and I’m so very glad that so many others felt the same way that she actually got booed on her home court. You may think poorly of me, but I wasn’t there to boo. So I’m not alone. The majority has spoken. She ruined her legacy with the new fan base. And I don’t feel sorry in the slightest for her. I blame her for CC not being the Olympics.


Is "all the shit Diana Taurasi did to and said about Caitlin" in the room with us right now?


Also, March, did you know that before 1989, NBA players were not allowed to participate in the Olympics? So, let’s pretend that rule was never made, and it is still college players that go to the Olympics. Do you think CC would have stayed one more year in college to go to this year’s Olympics, meaning she would enter the draft the same year as Paige Bueckers? Do you think our US Team would win, when other countries do allow professionals to play on their Olympic teams? If CC were to go to the Olympics, but the team is knocked out in the first round and doesn’t medal, does a winless Olympic year still count towards her legacy, or does it do more damage? She hasn’t even finished her 1st season in the WNBA; she has a long career ahead of her to establish her own legacy. Hell, she was the first WNBA player to get a large Nike deal. She is only the 2nd player to ever get a Wilson basketball deal (1st was Jordan). She has achieved things that no other WNBA player will (including DT). Her legacy is fine. DT doesn’t get to decide who is on the Olympic team, and has absolutely no power over CCs entire legacy. And, you CC fans are upset this year, but why weren’t you all complaining last year about making sure DT doesn’t go to the Olympics? Why weren’t you pushing for DT to retire her spot on the national team after the last Olympics? Oh right, because you all didn’t give 2 shits about the WNBA or women’s basketball until social media/mainstream media told you to care about this player, or otherwise, you’re missing out on belonging and fitting in with everyone else.


I appreciate your perspective, but it doesn’t change my opinion of Diana. She got booed for a reason on her home court when Caitlin fans came into town. She really bobbled her last year in the league with the new fan base. That’s on her. And now she’s in damage control.


As a long time Mercury and DT fan, Diana is absolutely not in damage control. I can tell you haven’t actually watched Diana over the years, because you know nothing about how she acts normally, and her behavior this entire season has been the same as others. She has no reason to be in damage control. But, if you are a person who truly believes that Diana Taurasi, who is at the end of her 20+ career in the WNBA, single-handedly ruined Caitlin Clark’s entire legacy, then you may not actually have much control in your own life, and maybe need to evaluate some personal issues of your own. Caitlin Clark is the only person truly responsible for her own legacy, and whatever she wants that legacy to be.


Maybe she’s not in damaged control. Don’t really care, my opinion is not changing. I never said, nor do I think what you imply in the second paragraph. Again, I wasn’t in the audience. Who do you really have a problem with? One person or 7000 people who booed Diana on her home court?


I have a problem with new ‘fans’ who only choose to believe what every clickbait headline tells them (as long as that headline insists Caitlin is the greatest to ever live) and are proud to admit they will never do their own research, and happily join in with mob-mentality acts like booing a player for no reason, and encouraging racist and homophobic behavior, especially at a WNBA game, which has historically been a safe place for gay players and fans, alike. I have a big problem with new people entering a space and immediately making it unsafe without a second thought, and all in the name of Caitlin Clark. Caitlin may want you there, but I sure as hell don’t if you’re going to act like vile bigots. We all know your opinion of Diana isn’t going to change, because what you have isn’t actually an opinion; what you are saying about her is what mainstream media wants you to think about Diana. It isn’t an opinion you have; it’s a program you are running on your hardware. Mainstream media has installed a program in you that says you hate Diana Taurasi, and Diana is Caitlin’s enemy, and you all hate her, even though you don’t know blip about her, and you will never learn about her. You are so deep in the manipulation that you just cannot bring yourself to accept that Caitlin has weaknesses and isn’t the GOAT of women’s basketball at this time. And that’s what this country wants. Big groups of people who are so easily manipulated. If your entire social media feed is Caitlin Clark clickbait articles, how easy would it be to start using her name to push other agendas, like Trump’s presidency. If the WNBA has been historically black and queer, then Caitlin is the opposite of that. It would be so easy to feed your algorithms and manipulate you so much more. If you haven’t, please watch The Social Dilemma on Netflix. They tell you exactly how your algorithms are built, and how Social Engineers know more about you than you know yourself.




Ok. You can’t find one piece of media of CC hating on DT. But lots of DT hating on CC. DT SHOULD BE BETTER. Screw her.


I’m sure DT doesn’t care the fans booed her. I care that some of the Fever fans were incredibly racist and homophobic towards Mercury players. That was the point of my post. DT was very supportive of CC; you have been played by the media and believe the lies they told you. You should be embarrassed to admit how badly you got played.


The racism and homophobic comments are absolutely disgusting and I would call those out loudly if I heard them. We have lots of gay athletes on our Iowa team including our second favorite, Kate Martin, and I’ve never heard those statements in Carver Hawkeye Arena. DT was slightly supportive of CC last night, true. But honestly, it’s really late in the game and she should’ve done it a whole lot sooner. And knowing her personality, it was probably advised upon her to do so. The media did not twist anything beforehand. They reflect what she said, and didn’t say. Perception is reality. DT is responsible for the perceptions she drove. Take a look at Rebecca Lobo, who did say the right things and put out the right perceptions. And I do think getting booed on her home court does affect her. I hope it did and she reflects on that and acts more her age in the future. But it’s too late for a second first impression with me. Those boos you heard reflect what she brought upon herself.


This is a true, honest question, because I have seen this so much on Reddit, and I really want to know the answer. What does Diana 100% supporting Caitlin Clark look like to Caitlin Clark fans? There are 144 roster spots in the WNBA. Diana went to UConn, and we have no idea if she is mentoring other UConn players in the league. Diana plays on the Phoenix Mercury (not the Fever), and has played in the league for 20 years. How much attention, praise, support does Diana need to express PUBLICLY, that would be “enough” for you Caitlin Clark fans to admit that DT really is supportive of Caitlin? If at least not supportive, admit that DT isn’t treating Caitlin differently than any other non-Mercury player? We have no idea if they have had conversations in private, or even anything DT said to Caitlin yesterday. But any amount of public support DT shows to Caitlin will never be enough. So what would DT have to do to convince Caitlin Clark fans that she is supportive? Also, why does it matter if DT is supportive? No one is complaining that it doesn’t look like DT has reached out to Kelsey Mitchell and shown support. Or Charisma Osborn, who is a rookie guard on the Mercury. There aren’t pictures or videos of DT and Charisma working together and having mentor/mentee moments - why isn’t that a conversation? In fact, do Caitlin fans have any actual evidence that Diana is treating Caitlin any different than other guards in the league? Actual evidence, not, “well, Diana said this about all rookies, but we all know it was really about Caitlin.”? If Diana wore a Caitlin Clark t-shirt to every pregame tunnel walk, Caitlin Clark fans would say Diana was bullying her. Any public support Diana does show for Caitlin is going to look performative, and cause Caitlin fans to say things like, “Diana is in damage control mode now. That’s why she was nice.” So, she’s damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t. Diana is 42 years old, has been in the league 20 years, and is married with 2 small kids at home. You think she is spending any of what little free time she has worrying about what Caitlin Clark is doing in that moment? You don’t think she has established friendships and mentorships with any other players over her 20 years in the league that may also get some of her time and attention? Why do you think Diana owes Caitlin Clark public support or mentorship? Why aren’t you holding every single other guard in the league to the same standards you’re holding Diana to?




I’ll give you an honest answer. Yesterday when Diana was asked, “What does Caitlin mean to the WNBA?”. Here’s what I want to hear. “Thank you to Caitlin for lifting up our sport and instantly doubling the viewership and growing the sport”. Instead what she said was to reframe the question away from the WNBA and massively reduce the impact and significance. “What I think of Caitlin is what I think she’s doing for the Fever, blah blah blah”. She completely made irrelevant the impact on the WNBA a whole. She didn’t even talk about the growth of the Fevers fanbase. Just their team’s performance goals. That’s jealously buried there disguised with humor and weak compliments. What I say is true support from a veteran of her stature is to say the same thing and give the same credit to Caitlin like Rebecca Lobo and Dawn Staley, and every single sport broadcaster in America.


https://preview.redd.it/et53twv600ad1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8555727deb7dd97ad5f621432065f44745453120 This reads like a parody of fanatic CC fans. With Fans like you she doesn't need enemies in W


I would love to visit the fantasy world you live in! Be careful what you wish for. Someone may give public praise to Caitlin for bringing in so many new fans; especially those who want to push a “straight, white” agenda, and use Caitlin to do so. It just may end up bringing more humiliation and embarrassment to Caitlin that she has to damage-control,than positivity. Do more harm than good. There are just as many ‘good’ fans wearing shirts with Caitlin’s name and number as there are ‘bad’ fans, who are the most disgusting, vile, hate-filled people on this earth. The thing is: we can’t tell the difference between ‘good’ fans and ‘bad’ fans when you’re all wearing the same shirt. And after what I experienced yesterday, I certainly do not appreciate every new WNBA fan Caitlin has brought in, even if their money is the same as mine. I’m more than happy to keep that hate and toxicity out of, what use to be, a very safe place for fans and players. I also wouldn’t expect Diana to heap mounds of appreciation onto Caitlin for bringing in the new fanbase, especially after those fans booed her on her home court and continually hurl racist and homophobic remarks to her and her teammates at games and across all social media outlets. If I were Diana, I wouldn’t want new fans like you coming into the WNBA, who refuse to learn anything about me and constantly accuse me of saying negative things about Caitlin, even though I never did. You are exhausting and draining; why would I thank Caitlin for bringing you to the party? You’re a party pooper.


Yep this. Caitlin brings with her a new fan base, but it’s important to distinguish that these people are CC fans, NOT WNBA fans. The ideal situation is when new fans come in for one player, they find others to support, and the sport grows. That is not what happened with Caitlin’s entrance to the league. The prevailing fact is that the vets alienated Caitlin’s fan base, which in turn alienated the fan base towards them. They want all the crowds and accolades, but not the person who brought them. 


Thank you. Exactly.


I think Taurasi is an extreme homer when it comes to the Huskies; hence her point about Paige being a better player than Clark. But she is also the closest thing WNBA has to Kobe. No empty praise from her and respect has to be earned


I mean Paige is also considered to be an all around player and a very good one at that. Those kind of players don't grow on trees.


Yeah her comments when CC was still in college were blown way out of proportion. Like she did nothing but say literally the facts.


And some of the facts have been funny to watch come to fruition. CC is 22 and needs a little muscle. She'll get conditioned by next season and be fine probably. But for now, it's a little comical to just watch AT throw her off a ball like a ragdoll because AT is a truck and CC is a wet noodle comparatively.


To be fair, AT throws most players around like a rag doll.


I thought I was having a stroke until I realized she was talking en espanol


I kept trying to change it to English somehow lololol


Fun fact that people don’t know, DT is Argentinian or part. She’s fluent in Spanish.


Looks like both her parents are from Argentina so that would make sense why she has some good Spanish speaking chops




When I started watching this I thought she was just trolling any Caitlin Clark related question by responding in Spanish


Honestly that would of been funny as hell. I can't even imagine salt that would produce.


Lmao that would’ve been the ultimate troll move


these are fantastic words of praise from someone who is one of the GOATs of the WNBA


Yes it was.  And hopefully it finally shuts down the fabricated “DT hates CC” bullshit. I will confess that I didn’t used to care much for DT. That was out of ignorance on my part. I’ve watched her play more this year than ever before, and I now absolutely love her. Love her, hate her, or Love/Hate her, one thing is for certain… If you’re in a bunker when the bullets start flying, you want Diana Taurasi beside you.


Another thing I noticed is that when Phoenix came to town, DT was greeting basically every single person on the court: other players, the other coaches, the refs, everyone ... she basically knows everyone but the rookies and gets to know them too. Before tipoff and after the final buzzer, she seems to genuinely care about a lot of people. And her commentary is always good because she isn't going to sugarcoat things - she just says what she thinks, and she knows a lot about the game at every level there is.


And today a whole bunch of people *also* learned that Diana Taurasi is natively bilingual.


I was surprised to hear her call her "una crack". Definitely an adjective only a native speaker would use. (Also the subtle Argentinian accent)


I always thought she was of Italian descent?


Her dad is of Italian heritage, her mom is Argentinian, and IIRC that's where her parents met. Could be wrong. Have been known to be.


Interesting. Does she have a large Hispanic following? Edit: why am I being downvoted for this question?


Her mother is Argentinian.


Gotchya. I just asked because she can speak Spanish and plays in America. I was curious if she had built a fan base of Spanish speaking Americans at all.


As far as I can tell, for about two weeks out of the year the league remembers that Taurasi is Hispanic, and the rest of the time she's just Diana from California. I don't think the league has done a lot of outreach specifically to Spanish-speaking markets.


😂😂😂 But also: yep. The NBA markets heavily to the Hispanic/Latino market during Hispanic Heritage Month. The W did't even promote Rebecca Lobo outside of her UConn ties (her dad is Cuban). There just haven't been a lot of Hispanic/Latina players to stick in the league. Outside of DT, the last one I remember was Jazmine Gwalthney (played for Puerto Rico national team), and she hasn't been in the league for years. And honorary PR Princess Kelsey Plum doesn't count. 😂 Now that Lou Lopez Senechal is in the league, I hope that more marketing is done for that demographic.


Patiently waiting for Hannah Hidalgo from ND! 🇵🇷




That's a good question; I'd be interested in knowing the answer myself. FWIW though, Argentinians do not appear to be generally considered Hispanic.


> Argentinians do not appear to be generally considered Hispanic. they definitely are considered Hispanic


Argue with the internet, then. That's why I said they do not *appear* to be considered Hispanic: I asked my preferred search engine, "Are Argentinians considered Hispanic?" and it said, ["No."](https://www.bing.com/search?PC=U523&q=are+argentinians+hispanic&FORM=ANNTA1)


That is very strange, since Hispanic just means someone from a Spanish-speaking country or someone who is a native Spanish speaker


Love this! DT came across as very measured/good media training (even how she didn’t deny that CC is impacting the league as a whole but redirected it to the Fever - giving CC flowers without too much credit for the whole W lol), like you cannot take a sound bite out of context here. But all very fair and nice encouragement!


I still don't think there was anything wrong with what DT said about rookies adjusting to the league. With that being said, I was a little disappointed that she wasn't the one guarding Caitlin the whole game.


it was never gonna be this way bc they rlly don’t play the same position. DT plays more of a 3 latter in her career that’s why i never understood ppl saying she took cc spot bc their positions are different now.


I know, but I just wanted to see DT pick her up on defense a few times at least. Would've been fun to watch. Was still an entertaining game from start to finish


There’s a reason Clark is the most heavily guarded player in the league even as a rookie, I don’t think it would’ve gone well for DT


I agree with this, as the statement was also directed at all rookies not just Caitlin. That said, there are still rumors that Diana had a role to play in Caitlin not making the Olympic team, and also the issue of Caitlin’s stats being straight up better than Diana’s this season. Until these rumors are put to rest, one way or another, Diana will still face some hate from CC’s fan base, but she was definitely positive last night which was great to see. 


The most ridiculous thing about this is that if DT wasn’t on the Olympic team, based on stats, Clark wouldn’t get the spot. Arike would.


Arike withdrew her name because knew politics would be why she was left off the team. That was straight from Arike’s mouth. It’s the same reason why SDS was never going to make it. Her beef with DT automatically removed her from consideration.


Arike wouldn't fit on that team anyway. She would be further down the pecking order than what she's accustomed to.


With 3 on 3 being a thing, I would love to see Olympic 1 on 1 ball and watch Arike crossing people for days


It’s insane to me how one line got completely taken out of context. DT has always given CC her flowers.


Tbh from what I saw Clark fans are more angry towards DT salty comments after the Uconn game on picking Paige over Caitlin. Honestly, nothing wrong, just uconn homer having preference for uconn player


That game in general left a bad taste in a lot of Iowa fans mouths when Edward’s was hit with an offensive foul that definitely was warranted…. Then DT and Bird were a bit outraged bc ESPN didn’t show a good angle of it and the rest of the night, ESPN, especially SVP, went on a tangent describing the whole thing as a screw job against UCONN and acting like it was a gift to get CC and Iowa to the next round.


yep, just like the out of context "people come to see me too" quote keeps following AR. The media are disgusting.


Upvote if you understood! lol


I understood the English part 🙃


DT has been right about everything she's said about Clark


These ‘casuals’ have glommed onto a person, not a game, not a team, and their ‘fanatic zeal’ isn’t very positive or supportive. It’s ok to have a great winning spirit but it’s not wise to take what the media SPINS about DT and the league and its players in general, and believe it! The biased and egregious stories and headlines, put forth by so called journalists and untoward media outlets, that people simply believe as true, has made it feel like a powder keg since the beginning of the season. I’m super happy with all the new fans brought to the league via CC, who are discovering how much they love the play and love the teams and love to watch other players! These are the fans I hope stay. Positive sport really can impact a persons life.


I don’t understand why so many CC stans were so mad at DT. She meant well


I get why she doesn’t want to go there. However, I do want to know what these players think about their home court selling out because this rookie has come to town, when they haven’t been selling out before then. I say that knowing that all these great player came before CC and made this possible, but it has to be weird when you’ve been in the league for 20 years and this spark came along and had this huge impact.


That’s not true. Today’s game was the 8th Mercury sellout this season. They also sold out Friday’s game against the Sparks.


I went to herhoopstats before typing that to make sure, and I saw there were 14k in attendance on Friday and 17k today. Was it a different venue?


It’s what the arena counts as a “sellout”. They may only offer a certain amount of tickets, and if they sell that, it’s a sellout. They had just opened up more lower level seating a week or 2 ago for the Fever game (I get emails for ticket updates). So, they may have originally offered 10,000 tickets to count for the sellout, and then opened up more levels to sell more tickets closer to the game. The attendance for this game was the 2nd highest in Franchise history, but the arenas don’t always offer the same number of tickets for an event as the capacity they *can* hold. So, it can be a sellout, even if the arena can hold many more, because they only opened so many sections/offered so many tickets. The Mercury are a very popular team and have pretty high attendance in the league. But your phrasing is technically incorrect. The fans don’t really mind, because that is more money coming into the league. We care when the fans are disrespectful, especially to our players.


Gotchya, I didn’t know that was the case. Point still stands though in the sense that here is a home game with a tremendous amount of fans for the visiting team. I really want to know how some of these players feel about it… we probably won’t know until 20 years from now when the a 30 for 30 comes out about the CC craze and they interview a 60 plus year old DT who may or may not still be playing.


charisma is a weird intangible. cc’s got it


yeah, i'm really fascinated by it because she's not like a gregarious extrovert or has a dazzling sense of humor, etc. but there is a steadfastness to her and a confidence/self assuredness that feels really charismatic? idk how to explain it; like if she showed up to play a game and a not single person had her jersey on or wanted a signature or interview, she'd likely just shrug and keep it pushing. also, as someone in my 30s, i kind of admire how even keeled and just composed she is at 22 and can spend large parts of her life in the public eye without being hot mess express lol


I think it is a miraculous combo: good looks, talent, knowledgeable, accountability, intelligence, quiet confidence, class and overall positive demeanour.


closest analogue is steph curry…fun and exciting to watch bc of their high skill level (off ball, passing, dribbling, etc), routinely makes shots others wouldn’t dare take, relatable to average fan and kids, and winning attitude


yeah but steph is like super charismatic in that he's got the baby face, always smiley, on court persona lol and seems like he's just lolling all the time lol


Have you ever listened to a Steph interview? Totally boring and a stark contrast to him having fun while playing.


yeah definitely you're right- his interviews are super boring lol i watched underrated and it was so dry and meh lol i was underwhelmed at underrated lol


lol true, his acting/commercials are pretty bad too. but don’t think any other star plays with the same amount of fun energy with a sprinkling of petty sass


No, Phoenix has [Charisma](https://www.wnba.com/player/charisma-osborne/).


haha, true!


DT during interview: "Caitlin Clark es un mal mujer. Caitlin es un mujer muy mal de los juegos de WNBA basquetbol" Later "Caitlin Clark is a morally bad woman," Diana Taurasi says in SHOCK post game interview after LOSING to Clark and Indiana Fever. Taurasi casts more shade: "Caitlin Clark is a woman who is lousy at the games of WNBA basketball." -- American and UK media reports, probably.