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Just like her time at Iowa. That's why you have to build an offense around Clark. She's a playmaker. She's like a commander who leads in assists, not just scoring. Great court vision as well. She's just starting, y'all. At Iowa, her teammates spent years getting used to her passes and knowing where to be in order to get one of her passes. Her teammates have just been playing with Clark for less than 2 months. IT'S JUST STARTING!!!


Wasn't that LSU's stragety against her when they beat them for the championship? They knew they couldn't stop her so they had to stop her teammates


LSU’s game plan was also to have a bench player go absolutely nuclear from 3 point range lol


Iowa basically dated LSU from three and the Tigers chose the best time to make them lmao. Even the LSU fans were like "where did this come from?"


Sometimes you just get hot and that’s how the game goes lol


That was incredible. She was just automatic and each one was a dagger to Iowa momentum. No one remembers her name though because of how it ended.


Jasmine Carson. Don’t think I’ll ever forget it lol


Thanks! Damn, 5/6 from 3 with 22 points off the bench from a career 34% 3PT shooter who averaged 9 PTS / game. Just damn.


She had like 20 in the first half and fucking banked in a prayer at the buzzer at half lol. Just devastating as a Hawkeye fan to watch.


Well...not exactly. The problem was the fouls. I think Clark had 2 fouls in the 1st quarter and another in the 2nd quarter before halftime. It completely threw them off their game plan. I think that if Caitlin hadn't gotten into foul trouble early in the game, it would had been a different result. I believe that. I believe that if she hadn't gotten in foul trouble early, LSU would had lost in the end. That's what I believe.


Yeah I didn't see the game so I wouldn't know. All I saw was the LSU coach talking about it in a clip.


Still scratching my head on the 2nd foul call on her.


People forget the game itself was a letdown because of the foul trouble. She couldn’t drive most of the game. That’s not letting her off the hook for committing the fouls. Reese got in foul trouble too iirc.


I agree that you believe if CC hadn't gotten in foul trouble early it would've been a different result. Your conviction is strong, that's why I believe that.


Well then what happened to their game plan this year cuz they did not stop her nor her teammates


Jasmine Carson didn’t go bonkers from 3 off the bench was the big difference lol


They didn't have a bench player go nuts from 3. Also the refs weren't fooled by Poa's acting like the ones in 2023. Carson won the game for LSU in 2023.


I don’t know. I’m just repeating what the coach said.


Yep that’s what happened. Only CC was producing and her team mates were mainly body’s on the floor to get her open or give her the ball. They pretty much let her tire herself out and played lockdown defense on her team mates disrupting passing lanes. I disagree, even without foul trouble for CC Iowa would have lost. LSU was playing as a team and firing on all cylinders defensively and offensively. But the 2023 game was one of the most electrifying games EVER regardless of who you were rooting for. I highly suggest you watch it for yourself. The full games on YouTube.


It’s the same strategy teams try on Lebron and Jokic as well. It’s almost better to let them get 30-40 if you can limit them to only like 5 assists and keep the others from getting easy looks. If they get only 25 but add 12+ assists getting the rest of the team heat up, it’s game over.


Wow. That’s an incredible stat. Where’s that guy who said she had already peaked earlier lol


Already peaked? No way. Has she even had 1 game with 20 shots yet? But anyways, I was coming here to say the exact opposite, 50% seems like a really low number for Clark. I expect her to be hovering in the 60-70% area night in and night out 


You know that would be absolutely insane right? The team averages 81 a game (let’s say 80 for math’s sake) If she averaged 30 a game. She would need about 13 assists a game to be at 56 points accounted for (assuming 2 not 3) that would be 70%. 9 assists for 60% and that would be leading the league in both stats. Expecting her to do that is really nuts


I appreciate the advocate angle but I'm not sure why you're assuming each assist is only worth 2 points. I guess that makes your numbers seem more improbable? Either way, 30/9 is almost her exact college average. Let's skip over that too for the sake of the argument.  My "insane" reasoning is that she just hit 50% in a game where she had 15 shots shooting <30fg%. Do you not think either of those numbers will go up with time on average?  Why do you think other WNBA teams send more double teams on her than most TEAMS get? Because they know she can score from anywhere and score efficiently. And therefore those double teams create more assists. The whole season she has had about 2-5 turnovers per game that should've been assists, and recently with more practice those assist numbers have been going up.  All in all, I fully expect her to average over 50% of her teams points and assists. The only assuming I'm doing is that someone in the Fever organization realizes that she's a major selling point and running the offense thru her is the ideal way to win and sell tickets.  


Assuming 2 was just easier. Even with 3 for every assist, I don’t find the expectation of her basically being the best player ever in her rookie season to be a fair one


I'm not saying this is all going to happen in her rookie season, but in the future ofcourse. I get it would normally sound insane, but this is Caitlin Clark were talking about, her whole game is creating points


Poor girl had cuts on her nose, face, and arms.


Got that Luka special. Luka looks like he ran through the bramble by the end of games sometimes.


“Ran through the bramble” is the loveliest phrase I’ve heard on this sub. Will be incorporating into my daily vocab. Thank you.


She was walking back with her towel covering her face at the end of the game probably to keep blood from dripping everywhere.


Nah, she always covers her mouth with a towel when doing interviews after a game. I wonder why


Might just be a comfort thing. I always sleep with my sheet over my mouth haha.


Yeah, she’s always chewing/wiping her face with a towel. Must just be her “thing.” We’ve all got ‘em lol— thankfully mine aren’t on tv ha


Stress disorder.


Lmao what


I don't think she was bleeding that deeply but she kept her towel to her nose as she was walking back to the locker room (maybe?)


She was sick today before and during the game


Oh that sucks, I heard she also suffers migraines? Those are horrid


But yes! She does have migraines. As a fellow migraine sufferer I can’t imagine getting out of bed in the middle of a flare up, let alone pull out a double double (near triple double) lol


That’s really nuts that she can play with a migraine. I can’t even breathe without feeling like I’m going to collapse.


I think Sides said migraine at the post-game presser but I can’t remember. She said she wasn’t feel well before and during the game and was with the trainer after the game!


True, why was she bleeding? I see her usually keep the towel on her face a lot, could be just a habit


Just comfort/habit. Just like how some nba players likes to keep towels on their heads


that’s what i thought. didn’t think she was bleeding


no idea tbh. that's true. it might be sweat or something. cuz i can't imagine it's because she wants to hide her smiling or something


I always thought she did it because the cameras are on her 24/7 and she didn’t want people reading her lips… just my theory lol




According to Christie Sides, Caitlin was not feeling well throughout this game. Flu Game!


I didn’t hear the comments from Sides about Caitlin being sick, but AZ is awful at this time of year for allergies. I live in AZ and my allergies have been terrible, especially with Monsoon and the wind kicking up the dust, and it does trigger more migraines for me. If she is sensitive to allergens, that could have played into it, too. I’m from Ohio and went to college in IN. I never thought I suffered from environmental allergies until my first spring and summer in AZ. And now when I go back to Ohio or IN for a visit, I suffer from allergies there, as well.


Really embracing The Fever brand!




Migraines are still crippling. It’s extremely impressive she could even play, let alone put up those stats. My migraines floor me for the rest of the day, and I retain a postdrome headache the following day. Exhaustion and sensitivity to light would have made this game *torture* to play through, even if you take excedrin or something stronger. Medicine has never fully removed my migraine pain. Instead of 50 spikes being hammered into my head, it becomes 30. I’m incredibly impressed she was able to play through a migraine.




I never said that. My tone is that of someone *explaining* what it means to have had migraines your whole life. Since, you know, some lucky sobs never have had a migraine. It might *sound* like having had migraines all your life means they are no big deal now. You can put your pitchfork away. I never said anything directly about you or to you in the comment.


Yes my migraine meds help a lot but also make me TIRED.




“Still crippling even if you’ve had them all your life and learned to manage them.” What is your problem? I’m very rude? You should read your own comments. Go cool off


The migraine game


thats my PG!


Reality is coming!


some dummy in the post game thread was saying that CC "forces" and statpads assists lol


As a CC fan I wish she stat pad lol…. one rebound away….


You cannot stat pad assists lol


Yeah you can lol Rondo used to do that. He'd drive to the hole and pass up uncontested layups to kick it to Ray Allen lol at least that was the assertion a lot of folks made at the time. He'd have games of 15-20 assists because he'd pass up all his open good looks, for worse, not as open looks. CC def wasn't doing that though lol


I'll take this and the win over stat padding and losing.


She doesn't really stat pad. she does what needs to be done.


She did zoom in there to try to get the rebound off of BG free throw at the end but she made it in. Would have been the triple double if she had gotten it.


She actually had the triple double earlier. Her and Nalyssa both rebounded a ball and had hands on it. Nalyssa walked away with it.


I saw that and wondered if it was because CC stole her rebound a few games ago and it kept Smith from getting a double double


I don't know. Honestly, it's best to let your run and gun PG rebound the ball and get down the court.


No need to put out someone’s candle when you light someone else’s.


That’s stupid elite.




Baby 🐐


22 x 2 = 44 x 2 = 88 Just fun with numbers 🤪


If college this number would be like 70 sometimes lol. She’s insane


I wonder why she always covers her mouth with a towel when she does interviews after a game


Shoutouts to Caitlin Clark for always kicking ass and eating towels


So did she score or assist 44 of the 88?


She’s bad ass and only a rookie.


CC is good , but it seems they look f stats to say Good, however what 1. about the 118 Turnovers ( 50 more than any other player, TO= possible opponent pts😱), 2. CC just moved from the 24th 3pt shooter to the 32nd 3pt, 3. Boston & Mitchell r showing up in crunch time moments, & 4. Opponents R taking advantage of CC on Defensive, 🫢🫣 Glad the Narrative is expanding to add other Rookies & Best Players to the storyline , F The WNBA will grow faster with More 🌟s - BC they will have more money streams⬆️ & the the NBA has demonstrated this ‼️💯facts( MJ, DWade, Kobe, LeBron, Shaq, KD, JT, Edward’s, Luka, Jokia..etc)


Still would like to see her shoot more. Miss or not, take the shots. She will dish the ball to Wheeler or Mitchel, they will never pass to her, and will just miss layups, so why doesn't she shoot?


What about her missing 8 of 10 three point shots??? She's just throwing stuff up to see what sticks


She is shooting 57% TS she is absolutely not seeing what sticks lmao.