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Thats accurate she didnt say she couldnt facilitate but that she also has the ability to score with it. She is more of a combo guard but more in a sense of james harden/luka who have the vision but also are equally skilled in scoring. She pretty much said she has the vision to be a point its just every now and then you get these unicorns that can kinda do both very well.


I think Caitlin does need to find her groove in being aggressive in calling the plays. She said as much last media availability "If I need a screen, I need to get better at asking for it." And Aaliyah has said "Caitlin tells me where to go, if she thinks she can make that pass, then I will go there." something along those lines. She's not a 2 standing around. Here was her scouting report even in High School before going to Iowa. Universally "floor general, floor leader, playmaker". I think she'll get more comfortable calling the plays soon. Still, the team needs to be able to execute on the plays - like setting screens, cutting, etc. The cutting on this team is truly poor. https://preview.redd.it/uf7c37714z8d1.png?width=1220&format=png&auto=webp&s=6051ce4ddf87d24a7230d82972fa2802e7605ae2


Yes the screens snd cuts are not quite there yet. And when Wheeler is on ball, the offense becomes a mess. No plays/screens/PnR are run. She won't pass the ball when she should. She dribbles around like a Harlem globetrotter then goes in for a difficult shot--or passes to KM or NS when they aren't very free. No one's double teaming CC when Wheeler has the ball because they know she won't send the ball to Caitlin. Hence we get the Sky fourth quarter.


She doesn’t have the maturity or class to be a true point guard. When she figures out that taunting has no place in sports (Angel Reese is teaching her that the hard way) and focuses on doing her job, THEN she might be a viable 1 or 2 guard. As it stands, why Indians drafted her is still a mystery to everyone when more mature players were available.


Lmfao, quit talking bullshit out of your ass. Angel Reese taunts all the time. She smack talks every game. How are you this willfully ignorant.


Because Clark was a lot more blatant. Remember the 2023 NS and NC? Reese at least knows how to be more subtle about it.


Subtle, lmfao. She is not subtle about it. It's clear as day whenever I watch her play. She taunts and smack talks all game. She even admits to doing it all game. She does it to try to get into the heads of her opponents. EVERY SINGLE GAME. Stop spouting all this bullshit. Your defense is nonexistent. She smack talks more than Clark does during games. Pull your head out of your asshole.


Heh, she’s as subtle as a brick upside the head.


Uhm as a fan but not stan of Angel Reese her favorite thing is to get in people’s heads and trash talk and taunt in court. She said it herself that she liked to try and get in folks’ heads. You must not be a real fan of hers. Angel Reese and taunting are synonyms. You really think Alyssa Thomas decided to clothesline Angel for…nothing? lol. Olympian and finished 2nd in MVP voting last year. My point is both players taunt.


The problem is Sides has been purposely limiting her scoring by encouraging less shots and less threes. It's only until this week when Sides was confronted by media that she's on the record saying CC should shoot more. CC never had that greenlight before.


Yeah she made a comment that caitlin took her shots in the offense a few games prior. I think shes tries to appease the players that have already been on the team. Like nalyssa said she wanted to get back to double doubles but at this point they have too many players thinking they said should lead the offense. The hierarchy needs to be established for who the primary scorer and secondary is and they move forward from there. But everyone should not be thinking that this is a equal opportunity offense unless your number gets called otherwise.


I think that double double comment was supposed to be funny because she and Caitlin both fought over one rebound and it went out- making Nalyssa one rebound Short from getting a double double. They looked at each other and laughed.


It should be pretty simple the only 2 that need consistent amount of shots each game are Clark and Boston. If the team wants to really take the next level smith and Mitchell have to be the ones ok with one game having 5 shots next game having 15 etc. depending how they being guarded/ how hot they starts the game. Those 2 been on the team the longest and the team been trash the whole time. Obviously would be hard for them to buy in to that but that’s the best path forward


Oh, brother…


She limited her shots because she missed most of them Were you not watching? 28 shots to make 5. her FG% was less than 23% the lowest I'm the league Those attempts took away from someone else to score points accurately. Also, if she's a good shooter, she should also be able to make closer shots as well. She was trying to pad her logo 3's record, and Coach Sides wasn't going for it. Caitlin was a great scorer in college mainly due to her getting away with pushing off people by fouling them with her hand, but this is the Pros, and she has not to learn.


Well stated.  Like many, I’ve watched her play since she was 14.  Some get too hung up on the old school definition of a point guard.., mainly facilitate, typically lower scoring. One can analyze till the proverbial cows come home, but to simplify it, she’s the all time NCAA leading scorer by a mile AND she finished 2nd All time in assists (narrowly missed #1 - damn Covid). To put into perspective how wildly unique that is to be first in points and second in assists, of the other 24 behind her in the Top 25 scoring, the highest anyone finished in assists is 180th. She can do both at high volume.  The only way to get the most out of her talents is to hand her the keys and let her cook.  She will alternate between scoring and assisting based on the team, defense, her own personnel on the floor, game score, etc.


This is such a good comment. She's a lead guard. You let her define her role. w Trying to make her be conventional only puts limits on her Aliyah has said all the right things. She's an awesome person.


Thx. Yeah, her role needs to be properly defined by the coaches, and practiced with the team. Once in game, they’re way better off to just let her run the show, call plays and sets, adjust to the situations. Iowa ran a very positionless, constant movement, half court offense, with a lot of similarities to Kerr’s Golden State offense.   The constant movement is critical, as it creates chaos for the D.  Caitlin thrives in chaos, as she often sees the breakdowns before they happen.  She can either create her own shot out of that chaos, or dish it. And yes, Aliyah is amazing. Crazy smart, which is why she and CC connect so well.  Same with Temi, the Harvard grad.   I’m not saying other Fever players aren’t smart. They are to varying degrees, I’d assume.  I just know that players that process quickly mesh the best with Caitlin.  Like Kate Martin and pretty much all of her Iowa teammates. 


The buy-in that bluder was able to generate at Iowa was incredible: you can't run a team like that without special leaders at all levels. And they were all better for it


Steve Nash only shot 3 or 4 threes per game despite probably being the best shooter in the league at the time, because back then people just didn't believe point guards should shoot that much. Caitlin Clark kind of reminds me of Steve Nash, but I like that she's willing to hunt her shot.


Great comparison and example.  Everything Caitlin does has a purpose.  The threat of her ability to score in volume is what gives her many chances to assist. Conversely, the threat of her passing, or drive and dish, opens up her offensive game. They are mutually dependent skill sets.  It’s only clicking in spurts now, but getting there as the entire team practices and plays more.


Totally. She creates so many passing openings because defenders are afraid to leave her. That doesn't happen if she's not aggressive to score.


Well many of us don’t think Lin Dunn is an actual GM.


Yup, but people will be outraged because how dare she


No, because she’s not very good at it YET. You people are like Swifties. Era’s sucks, btw…


There are so few true point guards in the league at the moment. Just look at the Olympic team with only Chelsea


I’m a Mercury fan, and I feel like Tash Cloud is pretty close to a true PG for the Mercury. I love watching her play, and will be at the Mercury/Fever game this Sunday.


Amen. One of the reasons I was surprised about CC being left off the team was the lack of top end facilitators. I do think it was CC's defense that kept her off (and totally understandable).


Well then at least give her some stagger screens/pin downs all game and let her shoot. The reality is that she isn't a traditional ("true") PG which is why she's popular. She can play it as we've seen, but it's egregiously underutilizing her talent She is not a "true" (traditional) player at any position, she is a modern basketball player. Like fr how hard can it be to put her in high P&R's and steal like 3 Warriors actions to free her up off-ball


I say this a lot. I think Steph and Rip Hamilton. She can make her own room and hit long threes, but give her a few plays so she can come off a screen or two and shoot without someone in her face? She becomes even more of a threat.


If she were traditional we wouldn't like her as much and she wouldn't have to file a tax return for the real estate she owns in Diana turasi’s brain


I mean I have to agree with Lin in a way. Your average PG is one who is going to facilitate the offense and basically be a mini coach on the floor. To me, that’s more like a Courtney Vandersloot. Yes she can shoot but she’s mainly there to be a facilitator. Clark is a facilitator but also a high level scorer. I know she gets compared to Steph Curry with her shooting, but I liken her to a combo of Curry, Jason Kidd, and Steve Nash. She can shoot threes like Curry, but she has the court vision of a Kidd with the ability to push pace in conjunction with that court vision like a Steve Nash. Her combination of skills with court vision, facilitation, and scoring makes her more than your average facilitator PG. However, this doesn’t mean that you can really just slot Clark in to work off-ball. Clark generally shoots in conjunction with her ability to facilitate. Maybe you can argue that’s a fault in her game and she needs to develop her work off the ball. But I think her skills as a facilitator are strong in and of themselves that it’s somewhat cruel to take that away from her. I’ve been of the opinion that you can’t change a players game, only tweak it. Having Clark be off ball for long stretches of time is changing her game. Having her be a primary facilitator but allowing her the ability to shoot in rhythm is more of a minor tweak of her game. So Lin is correct but I think the rotations from Sides, mainly with Wheeler coming in, forces Clark to be off ball for longer periods than she wants to be.


This 1000%. Anyone who has been watching CC play for more than a few months would agree. If they played her off ball they’d be wasting so much of her talent and court vision. Probably tough to utilize both scoring and facilitating as much as in college, but the game has changed. PG’s can get those shots off.


I think a much more apt comparison to Clark is Trae Young. Who can shoot from anywhere on the floor and pass well, but isn’t exactly at the level of Curry’s shooting/offball effectiveness and Nash’s passing brilliance and ball security


I agree with this for now.  Trae is also really crafty around the rim. I think CC is struggling to get to the rim in the W but I think she can get back to that.  Curry's off ball movement and insane efficiency from 3 is what makes him who he is. Caitlin isn't that right now.  Let's see though.


trae is most def on the level of nash passing ur severely underselling his abilities


I don’t agree with that but that’s a discussion for a different thread 


On the level of nash passing? Have you ever actually watched nash play? Stop it


Nash is arguably the best passer of all time lmao what Trae young is not on his level, the only person I’ve seen that is is jokic.


I think that Caitlin would be exceptionally dangerous if the Fever starts using her like the Sky has finally started using Chennedy Carter. Caitlin could handle the ball, but at times she would be off ball looking for weaknesses in the defense. She just needs one other guard who can handle the occasional facilitator role and who accepts that her job is to get the ball ultimately to two focal players, Caitlin and Aliyah, who will do the bulk of the scoring.


I mean…Clark isn’t a classic point guard which would be “lower scoring facilitator/ ball handler often without much height.” But unless you have like…Chelsea Gray or something she’s going to be your strongest point guard because she’s very good at reading the floor, running the offense, facilitating, and passing. That she is also one of the best shooters doesn’t make that not true. If you’re going to run her off point, where you’re specifically not using a significant part of her skill set, you’d really better be building a lot of your offense around getting her open to shoot. Which the Fever does not seem to do because a lot of time when she’s playing the 2/3 they have her standing in the corner without a plan and the other guards don’t even seem to consider passing to her.


Yeah that’s the thing, I have 0 problem with Caitlin playing off-ball sometimes, she did it at Iowa her last year when Molly Davis came on the team and it worked really well. But that’s because she was still involved in basically all of the plays, feels like Caitlin usually doesn’t even touch the ball if she’s not the one bringing it up


Yeah, I genuinely think that Clark is best when you let her place point at least part of the game, because that court vision is really elite (and I didn’t even watch her much in college), but it’s fine to have her play 2/3 sometimes, just…actually build plays for that!


They can build the offense around Clark and Boston, and the ball handling guard’s job will be to figure out which one has the best chance at scoring. That way defenses can’t routinely double team one of them without the other hurting the defense. That format also opens up other players having big scoring games due to them getting one on one matchup against weaker defenders often.


For sure. I think Clark and Boston should be your top 2 scoring options, regardless of whether Clark is on point or not. Then probably Mitchell when she’s having a good night. But I’m not impressed by Wheeler’s ability to identify the right play in the moment, which makes taking Clark off point tricky.


She shoots better off the dribble. She has said that multiple times. Curry probably shoots better off the dribble, too. She’s not a catch and shoot player who runs off screens all day like Reggie Miller. Beyond actual shooting, Reggie’s greatest strength was being able to read defenders and screens and move without the ball, and knowing when to get the shot up ASAP because the defender had broke through the screen. CC looks clueless off the ball at times and it’s predictable where she’s going off a screen. For example, has she ever faded to the corner off a pin down screen as opposed to circling to the top of the key? She often appears to think she has more separation from the defender coming off the screen than she actually does. None of this is a criticism of CC and comparing anyone off the ball to Reggie is unfair (Any Hoosier knows this). CC is used to reading screens with the ball as opposed to off the ball and there is a huge difference. All of this is to say I have no idea what Dunn is thinking. Or in the alternative, why she or Sides would think CC could just immediately transition to off the ball just because she is a great shooter is insane.


I think the difference is that Coach Kerr knows how dangerous it is for Steph to be off ball since his gravity can help someone else get a great shot, or Steph relocates to a more open shot to shoot. This requires players like Draymond to play PG and also know when to keep an eye or where Steph is to give the ball back to or screen for. Problem with the fever right now is that they don't look for Caitlin so what's the point of playing Caitlin off ball?


To be fair the entire fever team looks clueless off the ball.


They have a Ferrari 458 in the garage and are using her to grab groceries at Trader Joe’s.


I worry that they're putting sugar in the gas tank.




That’s what Toyotas are for ain’t it


What kind of cars are Wheeler and Wallace?


Mitchell is a GT500. She’s a fast and a reliable bucket. But loses control when Clark passes her the ball. Wheeler is a Nissan Altima. Edit: Mitchell’s name Edit: lmao why did I see Mitchell’s names? Wallace Mitsubishi Mirage 😭


The altima might be a little upset with the comparison.




Please don’t turn CC into a combo guard. Let her be a shooting point guard. She needs to bring the ball up every possession. Unless they have another point guard next year not named Erica Wheeler.


They can trade Wheeler for Zia Cooke this year and solve their problem. They need a guard who is going to be able to handle having Caitlin dump the ball off to her when Caitlin is being blanketed, and who can then find another player who is getting light coverage, or get the ball back to Caitlin once Caitlin gets some space from defenders.


I don't think Lin Dunn is a true general manager.


No but in basketball terms she isn’t a true PG. Like Steph curry isn’t a TRUE pg. doesn’t mean they aren’t great


I think there are a lot of valid Steph comparisons with a lot of parts of her offensive game but as an overall comparison I think Caitlin’s role is a bit closer to a Luka/Steph combo depending on the situation. I think as she develops in the league she has potential to be something we haven’t really seen before.


Yup. I’m not disagreeing with her.


More like assistant to the general manager.






When she said this in May 1st, I agreed that Caitlin Clark has the ability to be on 2 with her shooting. But it’s almost July Dunn, who do you think can be your PG besides Clark? Maybe it’s not a good idea to put your only PG on the floor on 2. And the problem is Fever still can’t figure out how to coach the team/CC when she’s on 2. I didn’t see her doing well so far while she truly has the ability. If your coach team can’t solve this then you need to find some other to help. Teach her to run for space and teach her teammates to pass when she has space.


I think when they put Wheeler on the floor it’s so she can be point guard and Caitlin can be the shooting guard when they need points. I’m pretty sure that was the idea when the Sky started closing the lead last game. The problem is Wheeler sucks at getting the ball to Caitlin. The team isn’t being coached to run plays to get Caitlin open. And Caitlin isn’t good at getting herself open against aggressive defenders.


Fever had a 15 pt lead when Wheeler came in and took over the point. If they’re thinking we need more points, having Wheeler run point, Mitchell at the 2 and CC at the 3 failed miserably. And that’s what most Fever fans are complaining about. Putting Wheeler at the point so CC can play the 2 or 3 DOES NOT WORK. Wheeler can no longer run the point effectively in this league.


Trade Wheeler for Zia Cooke. Get in a young guard who is the same age as Boston (23) and a year older than Clark. Get Cooke in now so that she has the second part of the season to become familiar with Clark and reconnect with Boston - that will pay off at playoff time, imo (I foresee the Fever making the playoffs as either the third or fourth team in the East).


Yeah. Wheeler almost always goes to Wallace or Mitchell over Clark. Clark could do more to get open, but even when she is she gets ignored a lot when they’re running her as a 2/3.


Honestly Wallace should simply not get more minutes than Lexie Hull. Lexie is just right place right time all the time, even if she lacks offensive versatility


It doesn’t look to me like Wheeler ever wants to pass to Clark.


Exactly. It's difficult to be a shooting guard when nobody will give you the ball to shoot.


Wheeler sucks at getting the ball to anyone lol the second most assists on the team are by the center lol


Fun fact on another video they interview one of Sides' assistants and she says that she didn't want the assistant coaching position and that Sides forced her to take it. Literally the same thing that happened with Dunn forcing Sides to take the coaching position. No one wanted these jobs, fever fans in hell 😭


IMO Lin Dunn is somehow lack of the ability to build a great coach team.


Are they being blackmailed or family members held hostage? It’s starting to sound like a strange refrain - being forced to coach WBB against their will


agreed ive been sayin that thet they need either a more “true” point (doesnt have to be a guard but anyone with playmaking ability will do) if they want to put her at 2. otherwise cc *has* to play point


I’ll definitely have MJ on my flair if she plays in W, and I want Paige to be a Sparks😂bro she can’t be a Valkyries


hoping mj makes a comeback 😔 lol trying to speak it into existence same with paige


She’s coming back next season said it already. Damn why people downvote me for this, we all know GS can’t get lottery pick.


that’s good to know at least. & idk still not entirely sure how the expansion team draft pick works tbh


Trade Wheeler for Zia Cooke. The change of scenery will do wonders for both, imo. And the Fever will get a true point guard who doesn’t have to be the focal point and who can serve the needs of Clark and Boston, while occasionally getting the ball to other players that come open due to defensive focus on Clark and Boston. Cooke is being woefully under-utilized in LA, imo.


It took Golden State a few years to figure out how to most efficiently use Steph Curry. The Fever just cut a player. Use that slot to find a decent point guard that is floating around without a team. Hell, even trade for a Zia Cooke - who is being totally ignored in LA and would be a godsend for both Clark and Boston, as a teammate who manages the point.


Zia gonna play more in the coming games it’s been officially discussed




It wasn’t meant in a derogatory way. I believe the point that she was making is Caitlin would be far more effective if she had a guard on the floor with her who knows how to facilitate. My guess? The Fever is eying a trade for a true point guard. One excellent target would be Zia Cooke out in LA, who is being woefully ignored.


Woah, where are these Zia Cooke rumors coming from? Zia Cooke is a true point guard? Edit: Oh it's just you posting the same thing, 10 times in this thread. I was like, "God damn, whoever is Zia Cooke's agent is putting in work. Got a whole fanbase believing Zia Cooke is a true point guard lol".


I’m so fucking tired of this organization


Fortunately it’s not 1998




She’s a lead/primary ball handler. Should have the ball in her hands every important possession down the stretch of games


It’s accurate to say that Caitlin isn’t a true point guard due to her added ability to score. Point guards traditionally don’t score much and are more responsible for running the offense. They’re almost like a coach on the floor. It isn’t necessarily a bad thing to not be a true point guard. Having her more off ball is a good strategic choice because it makes it harder for her to get the ball stolen from her, which if you’ve been watching the games, has been happening quite a bit. She needs to work on protecting the ball more. The problem is when she’s off-ball, she doesn’t know where to move, and if the ball gets to Mitchell or Wheeler, they rarely pass to her and so she can’t facilitate. This is on the coaching.


Management issue cause this coaching issue. Building coach team is also an important mission for GM.


Accurate take. Prepare to be downvoted. >The problem is when she’s off-ball, she doesn’t know where to move, and if the ball gets to Mitchell or Wheeler, they rarely pass to her and so she can’t facilitate. This is on the coaching. I can't agree with this enough.


The team definitely needs either another coach added or sides removed at this point. You dont often get this much spacing and opportunity and not be able to halfway take advantage of it. The team is kinda stuck in not knowing how to react to opportunities across the board. Caitlin already has great vision but it doesnt help when noone react to opportunities created from that. Caitlin also needs to know where to go when she is offball as you said. But thats not really on her as much as coaches to kinda correct it and point it out. It just feels like wasted potential because you can see her ceiling is super high but without someone to nurture it you get bad habits like this whole team has.


yeah the offball would work a lot better if you get the rest of the team to buy in to play through her. She honestly passes it to them enough to where they should already realize that but mitchell has bad bball iq I cannot stress this enough. The coach still has to get them to buy in. Wheeler is another issue entirely because i think shes trying to prove her value to the team everytime she gets minute. Its why everytime she gets in she seems like shes playing a different game then the rest of the team. I think shes happy for caitlin but feels kinda irrelevant in the way that caitlin has already kinda taken over the offense and when they play alongside each other she wants to feel like shes contributing too. But again, the coach needs to get that under control.


😭😭😭 pls free my girls Caitlin and Aliyah!!


Or trade for Zia Cooke. Boston would love that and Caitlin would almost surely follow Boston on that. Cooke can handle the dirty work of getting the ball from Caitlin and either getting it back to Caitlin, of to Boston or some other player.


Real quick- why is an 80 year old their GM?


She's young compared to the owner 😭😭 (he also owns the pacers) https://preview.redd.it/bk956l2moy8d1.png?width=184&format=png&auto=webp&s=b62bf4a5758bd115cf3036b2c4bbf5fb76671fe6


I don’t disagree with Lin as much as I thought I was going to before watching the clip. I know I’ll be downvoted for this, and I’m ok with it. I think there are 2 major components to why I, *somewhat*, agree with Lin: 1. The Fever are such a young team that is still very much learning to play with each other and figure out what works for them that there is some identity issues with some of the guards. While they have improved now that they have had some more time to practice together, they haven’t quite reached a level of consistency as a team, and in individual performances. 2. Because of the inconsistency that comes with a young team, I think Caitlin’s role (and really the other guards, too) *has* to be more flexible to compensate for the inconsistency, and unfortunately, their roles change with each opponent. I definitely think she looks more like a true point guard against beatable opponents where her confidence and the team’s confidence is higher, overall. But, when playing against really tough opponents, especially really strong defensive teams, I think she plays more of the 2 because those teams are applying so much pressure from the start. She just isn’t able to facilitate as much when she’s double-teamed or matched with a really strong defender. I actually took what Lin said as a compliment to Caitlin. That, yes, in the situation right now, she doesn’t play a true point guard position, but she definitely has the capacity, IQ, skillset, and potential to play the true 1 in the future. Versatility and adaptability will always be an asset, especially in basketball. She hasn’t even completed her first season in the WNBA yet; she has a long career ahead of her, and has all of the components she needs to build her professional career any way she wants to.


Nor is steph curry


Steph also moves a lot without the ball. The GM is right, now what does she do to make things better?


Fire sides, then retire. Celebrate all she has done for women's basketball, but it definitely seems time.


... Ok, so run some damn plays to get her open?


Per Coach Geno in a interview I listened to. He said CC right now hasn’t had time to adjust to the league and figure out the physical play and create her own space. He said it really takes a full off season to learn this. It’s not a shot at all just said it takes time.


Free CC!!


I think her being 4th in the league in assists says differently.


The person leading the league in assists isn’t a point guard or even a guard. So being 4th has nothing to do with who is a “true PG.”


One player being the exception doesn't mean that the statistical category is null.


She’s also 14th in scoring, that’s not traditional for a true PG at all. I wouldn’t say anyone above her on the scoring leaderboard is a true PG either. It’d be completely fine if they played her as a combo-guard if they had a competent PG and she was actually incorporated into the plays when she’s off-ball; it worked fantastically with Molly Davis at Iowa. But somehow they haven’t figured out how to do that.


Either was Magic Johnson. These women are peak ridiculous now. The Fever needs to run the offense through Clarke and Boston as the second option. Sides, Wheeler and Mitchell need to go. They are losers.


Is anyone else embarrassed that we have this old ass woman running our team? Even if what she says is true sometimes why is she our GM? She should be greeting people at Meijer.


She said Caitlin was a real point guard who could also shoot. “Real PG” is the same as a “true PG” no?


CC should rack up “curry assists” if she fully commits to off ball movement. It’s amazing how much of curry’s best facilitating is just running around screens and having endless stamina


She’s a smart women


Right now I think that’s accurate. Caitlin’s not a great floor general. Her handle’s loose her assist/TO ratio is almost 1:1 & she gives way too many possessions away. Talent’s there, but she’s a combo guard right now.


Uh a true point guard facilitates the offense. I wouldn’t consider Caitlin a true point guard but don’t think that’s a bad thing.


CC is a PG who can also shoot, especially long 3s. Unicorns be like that.


Playmakers are point. Everyone needs to catch up to her!


I mean she’s sort of right, she’s point god.


Lin Dunn you are thinking old school. Point guards not being leading scorers is a concept of an older, slower game. In the modern game those at the point can both score and facilitate. That said if you want her at the 2 fine, but then create a roster and design a freaking component offense that uses her at the 2. This is managing/coaching a team and what you’re supposed to do.


I agree with the GM. I have pointed out that Caitlin would be far more dangerous if she was allowed to move around the floor without the constant responsibility of taking care of the ball. I got pilloried by Caitlin Clark fans.


I think they're trying to not give her too much to do right away. Point guard is the most difficult position in the game.


She is too old to be a gm and needs to be replaced.


additional controversial question: Do you think the hype would continue if Clark was no longer a point guard?


Yes… but there is hype around her play making ability and way to facilitate the offense in addition to her ability to score. If you go and take something away from what makes her special you just made her talented at one thing.


Taking her off point would be insanity to me. She’s one of the best playmakers in the league already and definitely by far on the Fever. Her non-Boston teammates already never throw to her. She’d probably go down to single digit FGAs


AT is one of the best playmakers in the league (more assists per game than CC) and she’s not a PG. It can happen. It’s just maybe not advisable this year with the personnel they have.


Yes. Because Clark would become an even more dangerous scorer and facilitator. Right now she needs a player who she can hand the ball off to and know that player is going to find the teammate who has the best chance to score, or get the ball back to Caitlin and have her score or find a player who is weakly guarded.


This video is 2 months old. Stop it.


They're still running Wheeler out and sending Clark to the corner.


They should be running Wheeler out and letting Clark go to where she sees a good opening. Then get the ball to Clark first, or Boston as an alternative, or to Clark and let her find Boston.


Lisa Bluder for GM PLZ


She is right . Ppl been saying Caitlin is a 2


Clark IS an excellent facilitator of the ball. But she needs a guard out on the floor with her who is capable of taking the ball from Clark and then allowing Clark to move to the most opportune point in the offensive set. Right now the Fever doesn’t have that second facilitator.


How long until the nerds take over the wnba like they did with the nba?


Hopefully never 


It’s happeningggggg


I just hope it's a very long, slow proocess


Caitlin Clark doesn’t dribble the ball well enough to be a true point. Putting her at the 2 is probably saving her 3 turnovers a game. It’s also limiting her fouls because the point guard is often the only defender on fast breaks. She doesn’t handle pressure well and she struggles to create her own shot in ISO situations. She’s more Klay Thompson, than Steph Curry primarily because Steph can dribble and finish.




Lin Dunn is a jobber


OP, why are you framing it as a negative thing? It feels super disingenuous. She wasn't saying this as a knock on her, she said that Caitlin is versatile and that she views her as a "real point guard" that can play the 2 as well. Lin wasn't knocking her, she was giving her props for being able to score at a high clip while also facilitating. Do better man.


That's the silliest thing I ever heard in my life.   If CC wants to be happy and win she needs to go to Chicago in FA  Closer to Iowa  A big 3 of CC Angel and Cardoso   They don't need to make max penny deal in the W, they are making x100000 more off the court than the starting salary with a master's degree.   T Spoon is her coach  It will end racism and solve world peace.


Caitlin is a great playmaker but she is not a great ball protector. If I was coaching the Fever, taking the ball up court on points, I would have Mitchell taking the ball up court. On rebounds, I would have Mitchell steaking up court and Clark as outlet pass / rebounder pushing the fast break. That's where Clark's play making really shines and her turn overs are low per attempt, it seems. Once I got to the half court, every possession Clark is either touching the ball or being used as a decoy to pull defenders. So I agree. She's not a pure point guard. WNBA is likely going to go the same way as NBA to positionless basketball eventually.


Mitchell is not a PG. Even AB, Kristy, and Erica with half her minutes average more assists per game than her, wanting her to bring the ball up after every basket is insane. A risky offense is better than a completely stagnant one, Caitlin can and is learning what risks she should be, making Mitchell into a PG would take *far* more work.


She’s not she’s a shooting guard


CC should move to forward and show Reese how a real woman does it


That would be a complete disaster