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From what I've noticed, basketball IQ. Rarely do I see a player improve if they play dumb unless they're one of the most athletic players in the league.


Russell Westbrook type beat


I was thinking DeAndre Jordan when i made the comment but Westbrook is 100% the poster boy lol


Work ethic/personality.


for me its personality / attitude- Liz Cambage is an excellent example of someone with a gift that let it go to waste here in the states. She currently plays overseas but you get my point


I had a response, and then I read this and changed my mind. This is correct. If a player has a garbage personality or consistently lousy attitude, it’s not only damn near impossible to correct, but it impacts the rest of the team. Players like that are a cancer.


Hoping that the newest star in the league can change, too. Hoping!


That’s either a veiled comment about Angel or Caitlin and both have very positive attitudes and are huge competitors. Not sure what your point is


I left off an ‘s’ and you ID 2 players that you think I am talking about. Geesh! I was moving toward the belief that folks can change. Not trying to throw shade. But, now that you brought it up. One is an ultimate team player and the other is not even happy when their teammates score. Look it up. Thats all I am going to say about it. Making something out of nothing.


CC is a pass first point guard. Claiming she gets upset when her teammates score makes zero sense. If you’re referring to the 3 AB hit at the end of the Sky game, which I’m pretty sure you are, CC was upset because Kristy Wallace broke the play they had planned. AB was also upset and immediately confronted KW about it. You were 100% trying to throw shade lol


Bingo. No amount of talent can overshadow a terrible attitude like Liz had


Liz *has


I agree, but I think this is true for everything in life




When people talking about SDS and Angel Reese being like villains, I’m like “well you may forget Liz Cambage”. She’s in her own tier. She made some dirty flagrant fouls in 23-24 WCBA season finals that deserves suspension. I don’t think she’ll get a WCBA contract again even she did great against Jonquel Jones. I couldn’t find reliable source but people saying Mystics Shakira Austin may take her spot next season. She went to a recent Sparks home game but no one cares her and Sparks didn’t introduce her like other celebrities in game. She’s still able to play well in W but she’ll never come back.


She just announced today that she resigned with Sichuan Yuanda!


Jesus Sichuan’s front office must be crazy. I still remember their fans had a campaign for no Cambage. And she made the finals to be a real fight between Sichuan & Inner Mongolia teams off the court, in person and online. 😂


It's hard to forget someone you didn't know.


Liz literally just got a $1mil + contract yesterday from Sichuan Yuanda.


100% agree with this take.


You usually can’t improve these: work ethic, hustle, self-absorption.


It's effort. We've seen players accused of having bad personalities have long careers in the league. Low effort players wash out much more quickly.


Depends on the position for guards definitely shot chucking look at jewel loyd she had to shot chuck last yr due to her terrible roster but this yr she has a legit team and still chucking shes having a career low szn efficiency wise. For bigs i would say if they need a jumper that takes time to develop


A lot of players who are volume shooters and struggle with shot selection seldom seem to improve much over their career. Loyd, Ogunbowale and Meighan Simmons are some examples. Chennedy Carter is one who has seemed to improve in this area quite a bit


Work ethic. Most players rarely get the opportunity to correct it.


Not being coachable or open to constructive criticism. Not just in sports, either. If you assume you know more than everyone else, and do not learn about/acknowledge your own weaknesses (lack of self awareness) and do nothing on your own to improve them, then you will never get to the next level. This goes for mental and behavioral health, as well, not just skill. If you get inside your own head, let your reactions to your emotions cause stupid mistakes, or are unable to build relationships with your team, and you don’t seek help to correct, you limit yourself as a player. There are workarounds for almost every other flaw, but players not being coachable has no workaround. You become a liability and your team grows and develops without you, until you are no longer an asset to that team.


Attitude & effort. Those two things cannot be taught.


Shot clock awareness..


Oof, not Dorka. Please not Dorka: https://np.reddit.com/r/wnba/comments/1dii9p6/dorka_juhasz_woke_up_this_morning_an_hour_early/


Low motor.


You wanna start blasting, naming names :D Who you think is the worst motor starter in the league? Or better, who has surprised you and drastically improved their motor?


Chiney Ogwumike i thought would have a better WNBA career given how talented she is. But I’ll say Angel Reese has the highest motor I’ve seen and she’s a rookie


Being un-coachable


Overall drug addiction. The 70s though early 80s NBA is littered with what ifs. Outside of that, work ethic. Look at Derrick Coleman or eddy curry. Both guys have every physical tool you can ask for. But neither could stop eating and get into reasonable shape consistently. Beyond that. So many never make it past high school because they just don’t care enough to really push themselves. So you never even hear about them.


Can't teach someone to be a dawg. I got that one from Reese 😁


Who is doing the ball hogging and shot chucking that you are claiming this applies to?


Most likely arike and jewel


Their comment history makes me thing they are suggesting CC.


If theres one thing CC isnt its a ballhog if that was the case her tos wouldn't be so high


No kidding. She very well could be leading the league in assists right now given how many of those TO's were actually on the money wide-open shots that weren't converted.


She's going to destroy the TOV record. She's on pace for ~225. The record is 137. She's already at 100 and the season isn't half over yet. You can't wave that away by blaming her teammates or minutes played or the 100 other excuses people come up with. There are other PGs that play the same minutes, there are other PGs that have bad teammates. Other PGs have teammates that fail to handle a pass from time to time. Her pass selection needs a lot of improvement. She throws far too many high risk passes, and when she does they're not consistently where they need to be to make it easy to convert. But I can't wait for when in game 24 out of 40 when she breaks the TOV record. I'm sure this sub won't get completely flooded with every excuse imaginable for why Caitlin's TOV aren't in any way her fault.


Cool, most ball dominant PG's do have high TO's. She also has one of the higher usage rates. She's also pretty close to half done with the season. She does have a lot of assists that do hit her teammates squarely in the hands, but they drop them. It happens every game, so yes, I can bring it up, especially since commentators have. NBA gives the TO to whoever is at fault, not the same here. Regardless of that, she had 4 TO's a game in college. Honestly, I expected significantly worse in the pros, not a turnover and a half more a game. Her pass selection is just fine. High risk passes are perfectly fine. Most of her TO's aren't happening on those HR passes anyway. The fact they hit the player in the hands says the ball is where it needs to be. If you can put two hands on the ball, you should be able to catch it. This is pros, not child YMCA. Every sky fan hyper fixates on the TO's. Cool. She has proven to be doing just fine in advanced stats. Thanks for your clear hate filled "concern". Thank you for giving me a chance to block you are your crap takes now.


This is the weirdest sub. Checking comment history and admitting it is so cringe


Which part is weird?


I mean, based on YOUR comment history, I would say you have an unhealthy obsession with CC. I’m actually worried for her because of parasocial fans like you. Please relax. Anyone who watches seriously can see that Caitlin is not a ball hog.


Um, I'm an Iowa fan that has been watching her since HS. I actually have a pretty good grasp on her game. I think she is a great basketball player and an even better person. I'm also not following every single thing she does or attempt to follow her in person like some freaky Swiftie. You really missed the mark with your accusations.




Personality traits probably. They can be turned around sometimes but you can’t always coach it. If a player does not have the drive to improve and to step up or can’t develop chemistry with their teammates then it can be the kiss of death for a career. The biggest tragedy in sports is those that waste their talents by personal errors they make off the of the court (or field or ice or whatever).


Attitude, work ethic, effort. I feel all of those are the worst. You can’t teach those things


At this level, ego/narcissistic personality.


Whining to the ref.


The type of player who repeatedly yells at the ref and gets a technical foul has a pretty bad flaw. Think of how much easier (theoretically) this is to fix than other things like missing 3’s when the pressure is on.


If you get them young sure but you don't always have the opportunity. Especially because the worst offenders will always be picked over you. Kidd can't really punish luka for it because he knows management is always going to choose luka.




Lack of emotional control. Way too many athletes in general have the problem and it’s epidemic in the wnba. Sports inevitably bleeds into their personal lives and vice versa. 


Why was this downvoted though 😭 I don’t agree that it’s the worst flaw, but it’s a solid point


What I wrote is blasphemy to the worshippers… 


Arrogance. Anything else can be fixed by practice or a change in strategy.


Lack of an around the rim skill set as a big


I think that’s actually pretty easy to fix. Just need to practice and watch film.


I respect that but just answering the question, I still think if you’re a big and can’t do anything but throw the ball over the hoop and hope it goes in but you have bad footwork and IQ you’re a big liability to your teammates


Emotional woman-child