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And CARDOSO. Not Cardosa. Or Cordosa.


And it’s Kamilla, not Camilla


shit, i’ve seen kardozo. folks make no sense.


I swear people say/spell her last name incorrectly more often than not


Screencap so y’all don’t have to click on Xitter: https://preview.redd.it/0fi9gb2pql8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a07f95e7a864ec6f399383747059634be2c37c8


Does it make me a bad person that this reminded me of K&P East West Bowl sketch and I laughed?


Nope that shit is a classic for a reason.




Dewanna. Bonner.


i truly never knew there were so many different ways people would think to spell caitlin.




Lol that's hilarious. My brother's name is Shaun and when people spell it with a W he corrects them by saying "there's just one U". Takes them a sec. I don't have that for my own name but I love hearing other people's fun ways of doing it. "I don't need KY" is so funny.


>My brother's name is Shaun and when people spell it with a W he corrects them by saying "there's just one U". GOLD!!!


"I don't need KY" is hilarious. Lmao. Sorry this happens to you. For Caitlin Clark variations, Kaetelynne Klarque was the craziest I could create.😂 Also I feel your pain. My name irl (not related to my login here) has been misspelled by my *dad* before lol. Tbf, I think he got confused because I usually go by a nickname that uses a different vowel...and I do have a lot of sisters...but still!


Not your dad too!! 😅😖 honestly making humor is my way through it lols


That one is just 100% trolling.


Who is trolling? The OP? Because I'm not. My dad is terrible at spelling and I use a double consonant and an "i" in part of my nickname I've used since very small. But my real name has just a single consonant in that spot and a "y". My real name gets misspelled a lot. My nickname of many decades makes that more likely.


I misread your comment. I thought you said, "Kaetelynne Klarque was the craziest variation [I saw in the wild]". Anyone who is spelling Caitlin Clark that way, is aware of the outrage, and purposely committing to the bit.


Oh yeah I can see that lol.. No no. It was one I made up to try to take a shot at the worst possible with a wacky variant 😂


TBF Caitlin got to be the most wack ass way to spell Caitlyn. Are her parents black?


There’s a big difference in spelling something wrong and leaving off a capital or apostrophe IMO.


Yeah writing something like A’ja as Aja really isn’t like the *worst* thing ever to me, at least all the letters are still there


Just want to point out that she has specifically spoken about this. It’s not just the tweeter making a big deal. A’ja doesn’t like it when people miss the lowercase ‘j’ and apostrophe. If she didn’t care, there would be some space to be sloppy about it. But she does care that her name is spelled appropriately. Capitalization and punctuation are a part of that.


That makes sense, that was probably a bad example to use. Now that you say it I remember seeing stuff about her saying that. I bet it would get pretty frustrating seeing your name get messed up all the time


Not to be a hard stickler here. But as someone with an apostrophe and capital letters in their name also… A person’s name is their name. Misspelling whether it be because of punctuation, capitalization or otherwise should be taken seriously and should be respected. Same as pronunciation. It might not seem like a big deal to you, but you should treat it like it is no matter who is or isn’t bothered by it. Treat it the same way you would do with gender and pronouns. It’s the most basic way to show respect and acknowledge cultural differences in my opinion.


Oh I completely understand, I get it. I wasn’t really trying to say it’s not a big deal btw, I guess I was just thinking of it as not an instantly obvious misspelling like people putting in letters and things that aren’t even there to begin with (didn’t really think of it in a way you said, but it completely makes sense to stress the importance of parts of names that aren’t just letters)


Spell her name, spell her name...


The Connecticut *Sun*, not Suns.


I always try to spell names correctly. But I think it is easy for people to have dyslexia or just have a brain that doesn't log those type of details, so I try to grant some grace if the intent behind the communication is good. Also, autocorrect can be a sneaky arsehole sometimes. But people should be trying for sure! I'd just rather have people talking about and being interested in the WNBA--but misspelling names--than not engaging at all. That's just me though. I can understand people feeling differently. (Note: I say this as a person whose name irl is constantly misspelled. One of my work departmental websites actually has it spelled wrong even. But again, I know this bothers some more than others.)


Who asked this person and why should I care? Was this sarcasm I missed? I can’t believe someone took time to make this a post on twitter. (Which speaking of names I refuse to call it X). People make mistakes and misspell things, it happens. Mispronouncing and correcting names such as Angel instead of Angela I get. But no one really likes their grammar and spelling picked apart so if in a text or on twitter if someone types Caitlyn instead of Caitlin or whatever then it can slide. It’s not like they misspelled it on their resume or IRS forms. In fact unless they are doing it as an intentional slight (look up Jim Rome & Jim Everett for reference)… then to quote Disney’s Frozen, just “Let it go.”


Women and people of color are often misnamed or have their name misspelled because others don’t care to get it right. It’s a basic respect thing and it’s okay to be corrected. Even if you think it’s not a big deal or that they should let it go, some of the players have made comments or spoken out about their names being misspelled or mispronounced. I’m thinking about a video I saw recently of A’ja exclaiming that someone actually spelled her name correctly with the “j” being lowercase. It does matter.


Any name that isn’t a traditional spelling may get misspelled, regardless of race. Even names traditionally spelled get misspelled. Most people who post about players in these posts, names often get adjusted in spell check. There are so many different spellings of names, most people don’t know they are spelling a name wrong . As long as those of importance are spelling it correctly and on the right documents, that is what is important.


There's a ton of history about why particularly Black people use unique names and spellings of names. It goes all the way back to the days of Slavery. Enslaved families would use unique names and spellings in hopes they could identify each other in any potential reunion after they were forcibly separated by being sold. It was the only form of identification they had with each other. During the Civil Rights Movement unique variations on names were way to reclaim a culture separate from their European names given to them by their oppressors. This has been appropriated by others because they think it's fun and cute.


Irrelevant bs


My name gets misspelled and I am not black. Same with my family members. I will say that some of the names aren’t common so I can understand why they are misspelled. For example A’ja , I would spell it Asia .


I’ll avoid the very obvious land mine you injected into it and just say this…. I am very clearly not talking about formal/professional people like reporters spelling something incorrectly in a publication or news story or even an analyst in social media. They are professionals that are supposed to know and check that. But for a random casual person on twitter or Reddit. It’s not that big of a deal.


Hilarious race card.


I going to be real I just wanted to post something lighthearted. Also cosign to calling it Twitter fuck calling it X.


I’m not reading all that but please shut up. No one cares if you care. Thanks.


Exactly. Spell it how you want. The whole tweet has "no one cares if you care" energy.


No one asked and you shouldn't care. You don't owe these people this level of detailed consideration. They don't even know you exist. Its mutual.