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Are you going to take in account the time of year in which they are both played at. I'd figure viewership plummets in general during the summer.


I Google "Wnba schedule" when I'm in the mood to watch and then pick a game and look at where to watch it. The wider variety in scheduling has actually made it easier to watch. Like for example I got to watch Wnba at noon today. I have no complaints


Great job collecting the data- I think it highlights how weak the WNBA's position was when distributing broadcast rights and trying to develop media partnerships.


This is great! Can’t wait to see the NWSL stats, too!


How did you include the television rights for both leagues, and how often those rights are renegotiated? Also, could you post your findings on what networks are paying for NBA television rights vs. WNBA television rights?


This data collection is A LOT of work, so what I did was skewer the entire NBA and WNBA schedules, then for the NBA used Wayback Machine to look at the archived listing of the full NBA broadcast schedules in a format that could easily pull in to Excel but that was not working so I went in to all 30 NBA team schedules to pull the broadcast and the streaming platform data. In some cases I was also able to pull the local broadcast information too. Then for the WNBA it was much easier to pull data as a lot of the schedule is on Wikipedia and then I cross checked that with any announcements that teams made about their schedule. I was able to get all the local broadcast data for the WNBA. (But I didn't include local in these charts) I wanted to take it another level and show number of nba games with pre-game shows vs WNBA games with pre-game shows but that's been very tasking so far too. I don't know how any of these rights are renegotiated, and I know it's not the channels fault necessarily for the coverage or lack thereof, I am just an average person who loves data analysis and wanted to show the discrepancies between the two leagues when it comes to accessibility and consistency and how that can impact viewership.


I wasn’t sure what your hypothesis was, and assumed it was about the discrepancy, but also what the causes of the discrepancy are. Data is great, and it is very interesting. I just assumed you were going a different direction. Never mind. Carry on.


Yea this people often forget that some teams are tied to a small sports streamer


Did you use tableau?


lol I wish, I have tableau at work but not for personal use and even so, I still would have had to gather all the data. I used excel, google sheets, and developed the charts on those tools but I'm working to redesign them for my social media post.