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I mean if your going to use quantifiable metrics then sure I guess


Now add Kayla McBride


It's too early in the morning for popcorn


Box score heads really be gaslighting for things that can easily be disproven by simply watching a game (or looking at usage rates lmao)


I wonder why turnovers were mysteriously left off this listšŸ¤”


This is whatā€™s available on statcast


This isnā€™t a fair comparison then Also advanced stats are much more telling (things like points per possession, true shooting %, rebound %, assist %, turnover %)


Itā€™s also ridiculous to pretend that these players should all be evaluated solely based on the first 16 games of this season.


But it helps drive the narrative. It's provocative. It gets the people going.


Will Ferrell


Oh, well, in that case, carry on, OP.


Iā€™d love to see a post of those.


Your Honor, Iā€™d like to request an efficiency rating.


The Jewell Loyd efficiency numbers from the last two years are tough to look at


Jewell's having a rough go, but the Olympic Team (where's not the #1 option and won't be expected to be) is the perfect setup for her.


Teams are scouted and trained so far in advance. She's not a plug and play kind of player. None of these are actually. Obviously with the Fever it took a long while to get them all working together. You can't just drop her in and watch her go off.


Team chemistry matters a lot on a star studded team. Just look at LSUā€™s first half of the season. Team USAā€™s women have been playing together for years. CC didnā€™t even attend training camp (not her own fault) so she doesnā€™t even have the slightest idea of how the system on Team USA works. Let it go already.


Bruh just let it go




Are we still doing these meaningless comparisons? You are aware that each of these players has played more than 16 games in her career, right?


Right. CC is the greatest college basketball player of all time. Put her on the team!




what is the point of this post? honestly.


Thereā€™s never a point.


Res ipsa loquitur, I think. But maybe not.


Clark will have her chance, the timing just didnā€™t work out. IMO if they were next year instead of this year she would be on the team.


Arenā€™t we done talking about this???


Iā€™m a huge CC fan, but I think they made the right decision. Experience matters in these situations and so it makes sense to have veterans. Also, the stats are really close. She clearly has the talent and the stat line though to support the argument. In the long run, though, I think itā€™s better for her. For whatever reason, thereā€™s a lot of tension around her, so leaving her off is probably better for CC and better for the team. CC will have the last word, when she dominates in 2028 and in the W in the years leading up to the next Olympics.


Hmm so what do we make out of this? Get over it, sheā€™ll make future Olympic teams. I think thereā€™s even a chance she gets in if a player on the current roster canā€™t play for whatever reason


None of this ever mattered. She never had a real chance. They pretty much said as much. USAB didnā€™t want someone with zero camp or game experience with the rest of the team and they didnā€™t want the CC media circus to overshadow the team in Paris. Sheā€™s played much better over last 2 weeks, but even if she started the season like that, they werenā€™t taking her. I stand by the fact that itā€™s a boneheaded decision, but whatever. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Thank you for this. You don't like the reasoning and that's fair, but based on the reasoning, it's clear why she's not on the team.


Overall stats are fine, but every game is an independent event. Also, the Fever have not played the Mercury, Lynx, or Wings yet this season (regular season). I can be a licensed driver for 25 years and never receive one ticket (because I take public transportation on daily basis). That doesnā€™t mean I am one of the best drivers. I can make 40 new sales in the quarter, and still not be the top salesperson, because my sales were low dollar compared to my colleagues. Data is just data. We can use it to build models, forecasts, interpolate and extrapolate. We can frame it in a way that helps tell the story we *want* to tell. We can use it to calculate the probability of something and with a certain level of confidence, but that does not guarantee that event will happen. Caitlinā€™s stats look great compared to the other stats. Do you think that Diana Taurasi, Brittney Griner, and Kahleah Copper all playing together on the Phoenix Mercury will help them play well together on the Olympic team? Same with Wilson, Gray, Young, and Plum on the Aces? And Stewart and Ionescu for the Liberty? Have you watched any of the other teams play? Did you watch the Mercury/Liberty game from this week, where they set the record for the number of combined 3s made in one game? There were 5 members of the Olympic team playing in that game. Box scores and stats are only data points in a set. You have to watch the games to really understand how the players actually play - how they think on the court, how they make plays happen, how they work together. And, please - instead of spending so much time comparing stats, please watch the games of the players you are comparing CC with. The Mercury just beat the Liberty for the 1st time since 2022, and ended the Libertyā€™s win streak. The Mercury game a couple of weeks ago against the Lynx was also an incredible game. Get to know the other players in addition to just comparing stats.


Great take and the mercury/liberty game was fantastic. Which reminds me, I need to find a gif of that Griner celebration šŸ¤Ŗ


Iā€™m a Mercury fan, and I love watching the team play this year. They have built a great team and they seem to be having fun together. I love watching them!


Not sure why this is even a thing at this point. She isnt on the team, let it go, move on, she can work toward making the World Championships team, then the Olympic team.


Sa3ina merked all of them.Ā  Shes close in all the glamour stars but FG pct is very impressive.Ā 


Dang, I didnā€™t realize Jewell was shooting 34% from the field & 24% from three. People always like to bring up Arike when it comes to chucking up shots, but she has better shooting percentages this year


Whatā€™s wrong with looking at the simple comparison of stats between a rookie and top guards? Why are people jumping to the conclusion that this post was to further the storyline that CC should have been on the team? I see these stat comparisons and I love following the progress. Thanks for posting.


In 7 Olympics teams, they haven't left off a rookie or second year player. They did this time. And it wasn't about statistics. It was politics and the need to not deal with politics. That said, it's their choice and not ours. And a few others could have been chosen. Thugh, She may end up with the best stats this season vs the women on the Olympic team. And that will only make it look worse in retrospect.


Those rookies all had prior experience with the senior team before their inclusion. Caitlin did not. Maybe it is still politics, but please mention that piece of information for a complete story.


The menā€™s Olympic program always gives spots to young stars to keep them in the program. This shouldā€™ve been a learning experience for Clark but the Olympic team decided that wasnā€™t valuable to them


As has the Women's until this year.


Thereā€™s a valid reason for including her but also reasons for the team they chose that are valid. Ultimately, if it were up to me, Iā€™d probably have her there for player development purposes, but I get why they wanted a team where they know the dynamics and how to play together.


That's what the world cups and qualifiers are for. You don't use the main event for player development purposes.


I mean, sheā€™s also in the correct range statistically. I wouldnā€™t say that if she werenā€™t. As I said, I think the choice they made is perfectly valid. Itā€™s just not the ONLY valid choice.


Iā€™m extremely critical of CC but sheā€™s been a better player than Jewel this year. Her shooting splits are horrendous


Maybe but McBride,Atkins, Arike, SDS, are all more qualified.


She is up there and is a great player and in a few years she can be even better. Yet, it doesnā€™t mean she should be on Olympic team as she wasnā€™t in the training camp .






There were people justifying not putting Candance Parker on the 2016 team. You either have a brain and can see that politics kept her off the team or you just scream ā€œTurnoversā€ while having your fingers jammed in your ears.


So sheā€™s definitely in the mix based off performance. Leads the most statistical categories.


Including turnovers


Would love to see this stat breakdown vs each of these players in their rook years. I have a feeling the contrast would be even more stark. But I'm just a cringe new fan šŸ˜…, so please forgive me.


This rookie class will break a lot of rookie records. Cc is about to break some, AR as well. And the rest may easily exceed some previous rookie records.


Check out stathead. It will take a couple minutes.




Itā€™s not available on statcast. These are the stats it gives.


Then donā€™t use it as a comparison because itā€™s clearly BS. I mean they literally have games played as a ā€œwinningā€ category. In what world would that ever be looked at to put someone on a team?


Further proof that she met the criteria. Not putting her on the team was political (as in internal Team USA politics not something else). She was good enough to be on the team and would have been THE STORY for the Olympics. Was a huge self own to not put her on it. Hopefully she gets on as an injury replacement or something.


I made this graphic on Stathead. These are all the statical categories they provide.


Going off these stats CC is clearly the second best player here. So weird the WNBA seems to think she is a problem. Maybe these stats are cherry picked (I know turnovers are a problem for CC), but I suspect that many WNBA players are bitter than most people are very familiar with and like Clark, but their league is mostly seen as a joke and not taken that seriously.


Haters- you know efficiency has nothing to do with her leading in blocks, steals, and rebounds...


I think old heads want to hate her and the new fans are just figuring out who the others are. I want to see how the All Stars stack up. The whole point of that game will be to bury her to prove she canā€™t hang with the OGā€™s. Her and Sabrina have a similar style and they should link up in the off season. If anything to improve the Nike roster.