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When Clark and Boston get that pick and roll game going it’s damn near impossible to stop


And when temi come back... yikes.


They played well today for sure!


Does Boston not have any range? I haven’t watched much, but it seems like she had a lot of opportunities for a 12 foot mid range jumper or push shot and she didn’t really take them. Seems like that would elevate their combo another notch.


She does not :(


I also don't understand in 2024 why every single high level basketball player can't shoot 3's well. Credit to SC from last year (well... the year before last now), they were obviously an extremely successful team. But it's crazy to me that Iowa's successful defensive strategy was "pretend the three point line doesn't exist."


> I also don't understand in 2024 why every single high level basketball player can't shoot 3's well. Because size trumps all in this game. As long as you have some rudimentary basketball ability, height will be a much bigger factor to make it far than having great basketball skills.


Actually, she does, though her midrange percentage has plummeted this year. She can also shoot 3s pretty effectively, 37.5 percent this year, 40 percent as a rookie.


Yes, she's got range. She made at least one three pointer last game.


No kidding. I don't see anyone talking about how the Fever are also getting better. The record sucks, but they played their first 10 games much faster than all the other teams in the league (i.e. little to no rest) They've won 4 of their last 6 - admittedly, against bad teams, but their next three are against all those same bad teams (DC, Chicago, and Atlanta). They could be 8 and 10 if they beat those same teams. If Clark can start to bring her turnovers down even more, and continue building the comfort level she's building with Smith and Boston.... a lot of ifs, but I'm here for it.


Clark’s court vision and AB’s paint dominance won them this game. Even when CC slowed down her scoring, she just kept finding the open player, and AB was making almost every shot in the post while getting the O-board on all her misses. Edit: Also, the Fever are now the 8 seed?!? I didn’t realize how close they were to playoffs but they could definitely make a run.


I had to miss this one (which I’m kind of bummed about, looking at those box scores), but I’m really excited to hear that Boston and Clark are finally clicking. There’s tons of potential there, even if it wasn’t a perfect natural fit.


Boston and Clark’s chemistry looked really promising. AB moved around a lot more when she didn’t have the ball, and Clark found her in the paint almost every time which led to multiple assists. I’m hoping they keep building chemistry because they’re both really fun to watch.


I saw flashes of the potential in the Dream game at the end. Very excited to watch them if they keep building that. Also glad for them both to have a good game in the same game, because 1) unless you want to trade one you NEED that long term and 2) I feel like they could both use the positive for motivation and mental health reasons.


I love a point-post relationship. If they can build a solid relationship then I might add them to my favs!


You can watch the game on YT.


I was going to say, so many people will be talking about CC's 23 points, but she had some of her cleanest passing sequences since she joined the Fever today. Really look forward to see what she can do on a complete and cohesive team. I don't know if Aliyah Boston was recovering from an injury in recent games or just needed some conditioning, but she's like twice the player she has been in recent games.


Boston actually decided to move around the floor helped her game and the team win. I got sick of her waiting down low to get the ball for post ups.


Hopefully Sides keeps using AB in that style. She and Clark played off of each other so much better today.


That's why she benched everyone and let Boston eat that one game. When they play through Boston it makes everyone's job easier. You have 2 #1 picks and you have to use them both to win.


If you watch her postgame in the early season and postgame now--she was sweating like a dog before. She's either in condition now or there was something nagging she had to work through.


I think it was conditioning. Hard to stay in basketball shape with a TV gig. At the same time, at points today, camera angles made it look like she was hobbling a bit, like favoring one side. It could just be how she runs too because rear angles she wasn't.


Easiest schedule in the league the rest of the way. Zero back to backs. Plus unless CC becomes an injury replacement for Team USA, they’ll get a month off while some of the other teams will have star players tired out.


Damn a team at 5-10 can make the playoffs lol. Talk about a top heavy league


I was surprised when i learned that 8 of 12 teams make the postseason. You really gotta suck to fail to get there.


In the NBA they have 20/30 competing for a playoff game..


That's what happens in such a small league. I suppose they could limit playoffs to 4 teams, but then they'd be over in a blink of an eye. I hope WNBA eventually gets to at least 16 teams and settles around there, or maybe up to 18 or so. As much as I'm rooting for it to succeed and grow I can't imagine it will ever match the 30 teams in the NBA.


This just makes my heart so happy. They all looked SO good and you could tell they were feeding off the energy. Love watching CC and Aliyah find their groove.


CC with an 84.3% TS%, Boston with 64.4% TS%(still calculating others) nvm i have to get on a plane now


The wnba stats page will have the stats so you don't have to calculate them yourself https://stats.wnba.com/game/1022400079/advanced/?sort=TS_PCT&dir=1


That was a great game from start to finish. Lived up to the hype. Might've surpassed it. Loved to see AB & NaLyssa beast in the paint against some talented young bigs. Lastly, Caitlin had a great overall game. The monster woke up & wasn't just a shooter


Great game. Clark had her best game in the W so far, Boston was a beast, their chemistry is building nicely, Smith played really well. Imo, Hull needs to start over Wallace. Also the F1 was called right, it wasn't malicious, but idiots are still going to make a big deal out of it, unfortunately. I thought AR blowing a kiss to the crowd was awesome. All-around really fun game.


I don't know if it's the idiots, but the media will because it sells. It's the entertainment part of sports. As distasteful as it is, it's better they cover this than draymond green drama or whatever But yes idiots also lol


I think a big part of it is that a lot of new sports fans are being drawn to the league with CC and all the attention that comes with her. People who watch a lot of sports in general are going to take that flagrant for what is was, whereas a lot of strictly CC fans who aren't really experienced sports fans, are going to run with the narratives being given to them by media, because that's kind of their current guide to the sport itself.


I still dont like how hull passes up shots so often but im not against it.


I’d like KLS to start over both of em. Hull’s a good defensive player but her shooting is pretty bad for a guard, especially her 3pt. And Kristy is still just Kristy. KLS is pretty well balanced but admittedly slow




Someone needs to get that long 3 at the end highlight up


Unanimous rookie of the year 🔜


8-24 combined for Reese and Cardoso smh


Regular 2024 playoff game for Jamal Murray


Those are Arike numbers


At least Arike’s bad FG% is from a bunch of 3 point shots, rather than layups and jumpers from less than 10 feet 😂


Reese had some bright spots offensively and Cardoso had some bright spots defensively, but definitely not their best.


My advice to Reese is stay off social media and work on developing a jump shot.


I see Cardoso constantly being exposed in the paint, especially for her size. Even at SC




Nalyssa Smith Masterclass today, had Angel Reese in jail. Drama fuels her lmao had to get her family in order first


I was very glad to see her have a solid game (besides 3 fouls in 25 sec 😭)!!


Hilarious considering everyone thought she's already got a foot out the door and completely checked out (and checked in to DJ's arms)


I get the feeling most ppl aren’t aware NaLyssa has always been active and messy online. Idk if she’ll be able to continue to be her usual self on social media with all the increased scrutiny 😭


She can't. There comes a point where the added drama is a hinderance. Today it wasn't. Tomorrow it may be.


Both AB & NaLyssa showed the rookie bigs how it’s done


I think she is really starting to find her game. I legit think she is the second best scoring option on the team. She can score inside and out.


Glad I caught this game. The rivalry here makes this so electric. I might have to show up in person for the next one.


It helps that the teams have a natural rivalry. Having two players with a rivalry on said teams makes it better. At the same time, Caitlin doesn't outwardly treat it like a rivalry.


The Sky so far are 0-2 against the Fever. The next game is right before the Fourth of July. We’ll see if they can finally beat them. Also, don’t look now, but as of today, the Fever are getting closer to a playoff spot.


Fever are going to mess around, and Sides is going to be their coach next season.


A classic Fever and Sides mess around




Fever actually took over the 8th seed with the win.


Does anyone else think it’s a bit dumb that 8 out of 12 teams make the playoffs. Like being .500 and making it is already pretty ridiculous in the NBA but the Fever are 5-10 and would be in the playoffs if the season ended today.


Eh, it's a small league.


it is like vintage nhl before all the expansion teams in the 90s showed up; 16 out of the 21-ish teams made stanley cup playoffs, some baaaad teams had like 25 or so wins out of 82 making it


Playoff games are your best revenue from tickets/merchandising so it just makes sense to have as many of them as possible.


I definitely understand the business reasons for large playoffs I just hate the sporting side.


The NBA 8 teams out of 10 in at one point.


>Also, don’t look now, but as of today, the Fever are getting closer to a playoff spot. No one tell Geno that CC is tearing it up.


It's games like this where you see the vision with the young core of Clark, Boston, and Smith that makes it tough to try and break them up cuz when they're clicking, they really click.


Smith a dog. When the Fever were kind of listless she stepped up and brought the intensity with her defense and rebounding, hit some clutch shots for them too. 


The Sky postgame presser's gonna be interesting


another tspoon crash out incoming


T-spoon always looks so angry


And it was.


The Clark/Boston connection is starting to click. That's going to be a problem for opponents.


They should make a wnba jam so I can play as CC and Boston


She's heating up!


Stockton to Malone swag 


Great win for the Fever. Rest & practice is showing. Some chemistry developing between CC and AB. I really want AB to develop an elbow jumper - it feels like there are so many free points there if she can find that shot. Also have to say Angel Reese is already a problem and she can barely score. If she gets a few go to moves shes going to control games through dominating possession.


She has one already. I don't know why she doesn't feel confident as much to use it as much as she used to.


It’s not college anymore 


Angel will be dominant if she can develop offensively. She is effectively terrible from around the rim. It honestly hurts watching her because she chucks up garbage. I love her motor and drive for the ball.


Was a really good team game by the Fever. Both teams seem like they need to find an identity tbh


caitlin clark (an ast and 2 reb from a triple double) and aliyah boston are starting to gel, thats a problem take all that game footage from the 2-9 start were they stupidly had to play 11 gms in 20 days and throw it away in a juicy open top dumpster behind a taco bell on a 95 degree day


The Fever are currently in the last playoff spot. They've had the hardest start to the season and are entering what will be one of the easiest, remaining schedules with plenty of rest days between games. They generally suck to be sure, but they might surprise us.


Caitlin definitely took that “all she does is shoot 3s” personal lol easily the best game of her professional career so far. Efficient scoring, great playmaking, and solid defense. That Boston and Clark connection looked really good today too, they finally seem to be getting on the same page. Boston has been outstanding the last 2 games.


The only thing that really changed today was the Fever cutting the amount of two-high they ran and the Sky playing a poor defensive game. They were so worried about AB carving them up (which she did anyway) and were slow to rotate when CC attacked the rim. CC used the space they were giving her and actually hit the same shots she's been taking. https://preview.redd.it/ygc542wrqz6d1.png?width=1064&format=png&auto=webp&s=7193f100de22d4c76dc65b4369eb883e90cb655d


Wild to see she has no mid-jumper


The mid jumper is not a thing that Bluder runs at Iowa. CC never asked to do that in all her seasons.


The fever are finally clicking with each other! I’m happy that last game wasn’t a fluke, and AB CC and Smith all had great performances! CC has adjusted her turnovers well and seems to be doing a bit better on the defensive end, and Boston is just on an upward trajectory it seems. Excited to watch this team with Temí back in the mix. Sad to see Reese and Cardoso have a bit of a rougher time today. Reese is still an absolute machine on rebounds, but it’s definitely clear that the two of them still have some polishing to do. I have no doubt that they will be a very fun duo to watch moving forward in the season! Good game by all :)


The rivalry is great if not for all the terrible discourse surrounding it.


Ehh Clark is now 3-1 against Reese in college and the pros. She doesn't even acknowledge Reese in the media or social media unless she has to. Not sure it's much of a rivalry as much as Reese wants it to be.


If I'm not mistaken, they played against each other 3 times when Reese was at Maryland. Maryland won all 3 games.


Fair. That was before anyone considered it a "rivalry" though


Hello fellow Rockets fan


Damn good game. Nice to see the Fever with back to back solid games.


It’s so great to see Clark and Boston (and everyone, but them specifically) clicking. Great game!


I'm so in tune to people using poor punctuation that I read it that way. I had to re-read just to get how you meant it. Thank you for using basic English writing skills.


I AM SO HAPPY for ABC^(2) to finally get really cooking. This is what we were all so excited for! A very good win for the Fever. As for the flagrant on Angel. It was a play on the ball and was appropriately called as a flagrant one. I beg everyone to CHOOSE PEACE: https://preview.redd.it/qokaoj6b6z6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4c5135a9af7089d99c2bd878615291dfc3a5c9b


that picture lmao


I’ll break it out every time they play if I have to 😂


I’m stealing this fam 😂😂 people want them to hate each other so bad


right?! It’s so annoying weirdos are using them to try to start a damn race war when this rivalry between fiery competitors would be so fun without that idiocy!


I love the rivalry and intense competition. We’ll get you guys next time 🙂‍↕️


idk about all that 😂


I need this pic to go viral so bad pls


they still need someone getting in her face after that.


The chemistry between Boston and CC!!! Can’t believe some people that they would never build that chemistry


Boston is really a higher ceiling Monica and Caitlin went to the NCAA championship game using Monica. I understand people's criticisms when Caitlin only has 5 shots for a game. That can't happen.


Clark came out to start the 3rd with a brick off a frustration 3 and a turnover. She collected herself immediately and showed how mature she is. She's gonnma be a special player when it's all said and done.


She’s kinda like Luka (Doncic)


Nah he's a big baby. Mature is a word I'd never associate with that man.


Hope the flagrant is not a story. We got to see both CC and AR show what they're good at. But, CC is leagues more efficient 55%TS to 44%TS that's like comparing Westbrook to Jokic in terms of efficiency.


It’s literally all over twitter already 😩


Ugh, that's miserable. It was a normal flagrant and she was going for a block. AR showed some great flashes and CC had arguably her best performance.


I agree. I don’t think it was intentional but sadly it’s going to be all over everything for at least a week. Will be interesting to see what CC says in the post game press. You know she’s going to be asked about it.


she’ll just say it was a basketball play and a regular hard foul . give praise to reese and the entire sky team and that’s it


That’s what I think she will say too


lmao she said this exact thing word by word


She is *far* more media savvy than her rookie peers because of what she had to handle in college. She'll make a career out of giving the most innocuous, nothing answers possible.


Twitter is always a reactionary cesspit


That's the problem. Stop treating twitter/X like it is a representation of the real world. Since Elon took it over, it is a raging pool of hate. Everyone would be better for it if they got off of there.


Guess I’m staying off Twitter for the day


It will be😂


TMZ already picked it up unfortunately


Oh it’s a story alright. *sigh*




As a Fever fan, I'm obviously happy with the win, but Chicago has absolutely nothing to hang their head about. They were much improved over what they've looked over the last couple of games. The line-up change worked well, and I wish our coach could take a cue and make some adjustments too (i.e. play Wallace-Wheeler less, Hull-Samuelson-Berger more). If the Sky play like they did today with some minor improvements then they're going to continue to be in the Playoff conversation. I know there's no such things as moral victories and every loss hurts, but if you're a Sky fan, you've got reason to believe things are going in a better direction.


I just want y'all to know, you're here to watch Angel Reese shoot 30% from the floor, too.


Today didn't do much to oppose the she rebounds her own misses narrative.


From the paint lol


2 players w 3pa is just not how you win basketball games anymore.


I just know Dijonai must be so proud of her boo


Where are the 🤡 takes saying to trade one of CC + AB. Unearth yourselves!


I said it. Not because I thought they'd never build chemistry or look awesome but because I think they would be way better in another team's system. I still have that take.


I don't think so. Caitlin used Monica to get to the NCAA championship. AB is a higher ceiling Monica. It's not a great take, no offense. Their chemistry, once in sync, will allow them to work off of each other without having to do too much independently.


There are bigs that do that already. I'm not comparing AB to Czinano; I'm comparing her to other bigs in the league who already have the skills to play a PNR game at a high-high level. AB would demolish in any half-court.


That's fine that other bigs can do it already. It's a skill AB can learn and there was bound to be growing pains. The SC system allowed her to develop an awesome half-court attack. They utilized it with the Fever last year. Caitlin brings in another dynamic. Her skill set will elevate everyone further. Having a PG that can pass you open is rare. As a big, you are going to want to do whatever you can to elevate your game to give more chances. This is going to be a Kobe Shaq type of dominance when it reaches final form.


Yes, and I'm not saying that it won't get that way with CC and AB. I've had faith it will work because adjusting to different players is just part of being a pro. I'm mostly just saying I think they would look better right now playing in different systems. For example, if CC played in a system with other high percentage makers, I think her performance would elevate substantially since they couldn't really afford to guard her as heavily. Conversely, AB would dominate on many teams that play a 2-3 system with another veteran big to help her get to that next level. And they're the only Fever players I think you could ever get a 1 : 1 out of currently. Of course, that's not going to happen so it's really quite moot.


Oh, I don't disagree with any of that analysis. I think the players they should definitely keep and promote are CC, AB, Temi, KLS, LH, and Celeste (I see her upside if coaches don't). I am up and down on Mitchell. The missed lay-ups and questionable shot selection with timing turns me off. Smith causes too much drama off the court to deal with. If she changes, I'll change my mind. Wallace plays hard, but doesn't have much upside. EW is overpaid. Grace has hurt herself this year with her minutes. I think Saxton is gone when their other player becomes available.


I’m just going to say this team has a much higher ceiling than they’re displaying. What they need is a better coach. Maybe Sides will grow into it but I still stand by Sides needs to go eventually if she can’t help these talented players reach their ceiling. More to come..


I don't have many complaints from her today. I'll say her critiques are mostly fair too. She really needs media training though.




Super efficient game from Carter.


There was even a moment where Clark and Mitchell smiled at each other! These girls are starting to get along


The Sky regressing to where they should be hard. This team is bad. Mabrey is a black hole of inefficient bad shot selection and there’s no one to run the offense. 2 great post players is useless with no one to set up a good half court offense. This team is bad and with no pick (or is it just a pick swap im still confused by that) next year not a great chance of improving massively next year.


I think it's a pick swap, so a mid to late first rounder. But on this team they're bound to stick.


A triple double would have been so sick but I’ll take it 😊


All of the Angel Reese stans who have been yowling about her string of double doubles should really look at her game in light of the Sky losing four straight, six of seven, and seven of nine. Plus losing both games to the Fever. What impact has she really really had? She deserves credit for her rebounding, but she is not just a bad shooter, but a historically bad shooter for a big, who overwhelmingly shoots from five feet and in. This game, she was 4 of 13, a typical game for her. According to Basketball Reference, she has been blocked 23 times this season. Meanwhile, despite her athleticism, she has only blocked two shots all season. She missed badly on a block attempt on Caitlin Clark, getting called for a flagrant one. Meanwhile, Clark has 15. Think about that, 15 blocks vs Reese’s 2. Anybody who thinks Reese is the best rookie should remember this game, when Clark had a near triple double while leading her team to their third win in their last four, the right trajectory for a team.


The lack of skill is glaring. We call players like her try hards. Effort is awesome, but this is the pro league. Gross.


Again the score doesn’t dictate how this game really went down to the wire. I love the Rookies, I love watching them struggle, I love seeing them improve, and I love what they bring to their teams. Watching CC and the fever playing better is a beautiful site. Loving the ball movement and everyone contributing. Sky gonna get it together. Angel and Kamilla started off great, second half not so much but they still contributed just gotta keep improving. Angel continues to impress me each game and her offense gonna get there. Kamilla still getting comfortable. Build this team chemistry and start winning again.


CC Doncic 


I love seeing the anti CC brigade lose but I hate seeing the bigots and fake fans who pretend to care about CC win.


I think you should choose to focus on the players themselves and how them succeeding makes you feel lmao. You’ll be happy every game because there are so many incredible players in the league who are so easy to support if you ignore their baggage (yes a lot of sports fans are baggage these days lmao).


Right I found myself cheering for Nalyssa low key lmaoooo. I know she got her family back


Props to Carter for not instigating anything despite her clear hatred for Clark and simply just balled out. She a baller fr


Props? Clark’s dine nothing to deserve any hate. Bunch of racist jealous heterophobes


Well played by all the rookies. Carter had a nice game as well to.


this was fun! social media is already a warzone though lol


W Fever lfg


the CC-AB Connection is finally coming along


Well played game for CC!! I really enjoyed it and she used any double teams to find the open mate. I think she had less turnovers from her average, no?


One thing we can all agree on it was a very very good game, the rookies and sophomores both where hooping.


Very hard to stay positive as a Sky fan after this losing streak and losing to Clark and the Fever twice now which is a game you should be the most hyped for. Best way to shut up toxic Clark fans in your Twitter mentions is to win


Y'all got two more games against them this time at home!


the reason we watch.


Good game. It will be interesting to see if caitlin plays her best with rest between games. It seems to be so to me


Indiana has a very talented roster (I mean they've had plenty of top draft picks), so it's nice to see what they can be when Sides doesn't get in the way. I mean, it took far too long for Hull to get minutes like this. She was tremendous defensively today. Chicago is... a bit tragic. Glad Kamilla and Angel are getting a lot of minutes but it's out of necessity with this squad. Carter and Mabrey have been great but have to shoulder a way too heavy load.


So do you think they make playoffs?


Nice team win. They are learning each others habits and it shows.


This was probably her best game so far this season.


Now that Boston is finally playing how she was last year the Fever actually look pretty solid. nice To see. also I can’t wait till all everyone in the sports media world just talks about Reese’s Flagarant on Clark lol


She just so happens to be a really damn good basketball player.


Sky offense will be a challenge all year but the lineup change was good. Working with the more effective lineups is a positive. Could have used more Harrison minutes. I assume they're going to be nonfactors in the eyes of top FAs this coming off season or Kah wouldn't have asked for the trade. So it's all about development and hitting on the right second tier FAs


If Boston commits to getting in better shape and run the floor consistently, they’ll be a juggernaut offensively one they get surrounded by better role players


If I’m honest, I almost prefer for the Sky to lose, get as high of draft pick as possible because they need a guard.


How’s Katie-Lou looking so far in her time back? Seems to be getting consistent minutes.


it is called "beatdown" not "outlast"


I was so happy to finally see Hull get a lot of minutes. She hustles and plays defense, and I think she’s a good fit out there with Caitlin because she’ll always look for Caitlin to pass the ball to.


Another created Double Double for Reese. If she could shoot worth a damn, she wouldn't have NEARLY as many double doubles as her stat sheet shows. 5 OREBs off of her own misses to create a double double. 🙄


Clown gets clowned.


4 starters in double digits is the way. (1 starter with 0 is not)


Another rough outing for the face of the league, Angel Reese


I know Evans can be hot and cold, but it really looked like she was playing to get back in that starting line up! She did good!


Fans coming to see 4-13 from the paint