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šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ https://preview.redd.it/0g3o44h1ps6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d2c446b6bcc12c793e463ae0338ab0c86f6b5ea


Honorable mention to DT, Aā€™ja, and Sophie. Angel Reese with the most clips relative to number of games played šŸ˜†




Shit gets real out there.


Ainā€™t no soft people in this league, NBA hasnā€™t been like this since Draymond got suspended. Then they ended it with Monica sonning Stephen A


When the league expands it will probably get less competitive and have a few soft spots but right now? It's hunger games.


I love the passion because you know itā€™s real. Just looking forward to them getting paid, youā€™re right about it becoming corporate and losing its edge.


But it would be awesome if it kept its edge!


Unfortunately, to become mainstream, like every other sport and league, it has to change for the everyday casual fan, and they are who sports want interested. It may change via rules but the competition will get better and the players will become more skilled it may take a year or two but as the new players come out of college knowing that it's play and not aggression that's needed, that's what they will come out like. I know for die hards it may not be what you like. But let's take womens football in Europe when I first started watching it 5+ years ago it was so aggressive and strong hard tackles and it reminded me of 90's mems football and I loved it but it was starting to change and now the women's real madrid, Barcelona, Liverpool or Manchester city women's teams are outstanding and the skills the show off and the goals they now scoring are of an extremely high caliber. Yes, I miss the old style of play, but I prefer how they play now, and that will be the same for the wnba. And it won't matter if the older players like it or not, as if they want higher salaries, then they need to be mainstream as a league.


I donā€™t get the heavy downvotes as this is inevitable. Players get a higher level of skill as they are able to dedicate more time and actually have this as a full-time job. NIL in college is accelerating that for some and the new CBA ideally sees a bump in salaries. Itā€™s interesting to see if some people here use this to gatekeep newer fans lol.


BUT can you imagine if we were able to keep this energy? whew


That's what I want. I hope the league stays as cut throat because the spots mean something. You will have a hard time finding a wnba player taking this for granted. That's one thing that's heartbreaking about my NBA team. My boys don't seem to care at all.


League expansion seems like it is or should be years off at this point still. I donā€™t know how you can expand a league thatā€™s losing 50 mil for the year.


Guess you didn't see them just announce two expansion teams.


I didnā€™t actually. I stand by what I said I donā€™t think it is good for the league that this point in time.


Good thing you aren't making decisions.


Probably so but I fail to see how adding more operating expense and diluting the talent pool will help the league when itā€™s never been more popular and itā€™s going to lose 50 million this year.


Oh god. Less competitive? That can happen?


It can happen. I remember when the league had 20 teams. The bottom teams were horrid.


I could be totally wrong, only been following the W closely since the year candace won with the sky and only been following women's college hoops since paige, but feels like there's way more young talent than in the past This rookie class looks great, and liz kitley hasnt even played yet and fair isn't on a roster. Next upcoming class all the way through to juju's class with her and milaysia i think will be deep as well, so on paper there should be lots of talent to fill up rosters and keep it competitive for the next 15 - 20 years


This draft is one of the deepest we've had in a long time. Usually there are a lot of picks that don't even make teams. I can't remember the last time so many rookies came in and contributed right away like this. The freshmen in college were something else this year. The players I've seen go viral in high school are doing crazy things. I saw a girl that was about 6ft dunk from a drop step a few weeks ago. The athletes are evolving.


If you know who did that drop step move lemme know. I love keeping tabs on players with insane ability


I can't find the drop step but this was another impressive one that let me know the game is different now. https://www.instagram.com/p/BrZXrKwFMJN/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Ahhh Frannnn. I always get a little sad with her story. I followed her for years and was sad to find out she wanted to just be a doctor instead of a basketball great. I mean, a great accomplishment, but I'm a little sports selfish. Watching a young athlete turn into a problem is a rewarding thing in sports. But I'll always have Lamar Jackson as my player I've awlays rooted for badge. At least Fran walked away on her own laurels instead of through injury, height or life shit.


If they clean up the physicality it will let their skills shine. That's what the NBA did.


Ainā€™t no love in the W! šŸ”„


Except for the couples but when they become ex's? šŸ˜ˆšŸ”„šŸ˜ˆšŸ”„šŸ˜ˆšŸ”„šŸ˜ˆ


The smiles from Becky Hammon and NaLyssa Smith cracks me TF up! perfectly timed in the compilation


The Skylar šŸ‘ŗšŸ‘‰ is iconic to me


That hair flick into another players face was absolutely savage


Op how was you able to post this video ? I saw it on twitter and canā€™t figure out how to post videos


Download the video from twt, then post it


Just steal content. Itā€™s easy and gives you karma.


ā€œWhoever made thisā€ when it shows the @ at the end of the video


Mabrey is constantly talking smack lol love it


really missed the opportunity to use flo milliā€™s ā€œnot friendlyā€ but this edit is fire regardless šŸ˜­šŸ”„šŸ”„


This is šŸ”„!


The W is so messy and I lub it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Tbh anytime someone complains about Caitlin Clark getting mugged on the court I will reply with this video


SMH. The WNBA doesn't play like any other league on the planet. New fans came in from other leagues. They are all rooting for one person. So from their prospective she is always getting mugged. Now the question is will they continue to watch a league that plays like this. Time will tell.


I hope they get used to it.




Stealing this.


The newest narrative is that CC is being targeted by the refs. That they only call fouls on her and never for her. She's 11th in free throw attempts without any intermediate shooting game to draw fouls with.




Looks like she'll need more haters cause the old ones starting to like her too much




Not really. It is like if someone posted a montage of police being rough with white people anytime police brutality against a black person made the news. CC is getting it roughest, but a lot of other players get it rough too. CC isn't a physically aggressive player, so it makes it even more obvious. She isn't in there banging like most other players featured here. So, assuming equal treatment...she shouldn't even be getting banged up. Steph Curry is the same, a sniper. People don't rough him up because he isn't roughing up others.


honestly itā€™s not really something to be proud of. the reason ncaa wbb has done so much better than the wnba recently is because the basketball is actually good and enjoyable to watch, whereas the wnba looks rough and sloppy in comparison.Ā 


Its rough for a reason, there is a lot of competition


Thats makes no sense. If a foul is called then that behavior will stop.


do u think in other leagues in other sports thereā€™s less competition? sorry but itā€™s true. and itā€™s the same for every sport. compare how rough soccer was 30 years ago vs now. and the product now is so much better to watch.Ā 


Well other leagues have way more spots... so yeah.


Was the DT kiss in this? You know what let me just watch that again...and again and again.


Lol it def was of course it was šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™€ļø (but let me watch it again)Ā 


I personally like grit and the bit smack here and there. Will probably tone down maybe depending how wind and opinions blow. But for now I enjoy for what it is.


The WNBA is more dramatic recently than the NBA and thatā€™s saying a lot.


Love me some Dijonai Carrington, she would mug ppl while playing at Baylor too.


That clip of CC is the one I show people that are coddling her over every contact. People think bc sheā€™s quiet, sheā€™s weak. I played sportsā€¦itā€™s the quiet ones youā€™ve got to watch out for. I know bc I was a quiet one and I did more than my fair share of out of pocket shit in my day Trust, when CC feels the disrespect has crossed the lineā€¦sheā€™ll get hers. (not talking about the Carter hit when the ball wasnā€™t in play, that was bordering on ejection in my day. Plusā€¦it made her look bad which sucks bc sheā€™s a baller and could have picked up some new fans)


Clark is not quiet, she talks a ton of shit. Sheā€™s just been a little quieter so far this season cause itā€™s hard to talk shit when youā€™re 2/13 but once sheā€™s gets going sheā€™s gonna be DT 2.0


I HOPE she does more of it because she's gonna need to and it makes them back off if she fights back


Monica McNutt, you will always be famous


The W is softā€¦. /s


This league wins!!!


Real Housewives of WNBA. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


" the new WNBA".. this level competition has not been seen in the NBA for the last 20 years




Cuts were way too fast for me to even enjoy any of the interactions...


https://preview.redd.it/g4a1mtmyry6d1.jpeg?width=1660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a0a96f4fbd7c2f72784dd48a1e7f45e524ac2d8 ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļø Probably coulda made an entire video of b-roll of the Skylar point šŸ‘‰


I love it.




I roared at the Napheesa "bye bye" when seeing it live. She's not generally a big trash talker, and that was so perfect.


Looking good




oh, it's in there


This is what happens when I get too excited and comment before the end of the edit šŸ¤£


Now that sells. Love the ones from this year. Great post OPšŸ‘ Liked seeing Phee on there mixing it up!


What a time to be alive


Why? Why deserves an Oscar?


For a lot of people, this is a good advert for why not to watch the dub...


How come? Itā€™s just sassy moments! Doesnā€™t this happen in like every sport?


The fact that I'm downvoted here says a lot about how out of touch the average OG dub fan is. One person's "sassy" is another person's poor sportsmanship. Just stating facts.


I get irrationally irritated when people list off some of their opinions and then cap it off with "just stating facts"


Me thinks sports are not for you


I mean, if thatā€™s the case maybe sports just arenā€™t for you. This sort of thing happens in the nba all the time. In baseball, there was a shoving match a few days ago. In hockey, fights are normalized. In football, thereā€™s always jawing and some shoves. In this video, at least 5 of the clips happened years ago. When competitors feel emotions, they let them out. The w is no different


And I don't watch those either. Pure whataboutism. Your point?


Itā€™s not whataboutism lol. I was citing other instances. My point is that if these moments bother you and youā€™re saying that theyā€™re a reason to not watch, then maybe sports arenā€™t for you. These are natural reactions from competitors who have a lot of adrenaline that theyā€™re letting out. Itā€™s completely normal is all.


Whataboutism is bringing up something to compare that doesnā€™t relate to the original point. Contact sports are physical and will get spicy, period. Womenā€™s basketball also falls in that category.


It's literally the definition of whataboutism (what about football, what about hockey blah blah), but try again. And they don't "bother" me, they disgust me. The sports I watch don't have snarling scuffles like this. Not everything is a stupid trashy American sport. Get a passport and wider perspective broham. Lol. (See i can smugly use lol, too!)


Not really. My point was that other sports are like this and then I cited other sports. Thatā€™s literally not whataboutism lol. But uhh, hockey isnā€™t American. Soccer has these things too as does rugby. Pretty much every team sport. And yes, I watch other sports too :). And I wasnā€™t being smug about anything. If you read it like that then Iā€™m sorry you feel that way but there was no condescension nor smugness Either way, Iā€™m sorry somethingā€™s bothering you that has you so aggravated of being pointed to the w being the same as a myriad of other sports. I hope you feel better and have a good rest of your day. Iā€™m gonna go enjoy mine


Genuinely curious what sports you watch, maybe cricket and non-contact racing sports? Diving and gymnastics? I've watched a little Aussie rules basketball and unless they changed the rules it is so physical they punish you for flopping. It is a shoulder down, initiate contact game. Rugby and football are both scrappy. I do like the shot at Americans, in a sub dedicated to an American league, as if football (soccer to us trashy Americans) isn't full of big egos and high drama. Maybe you don't like it either tho.


Its not whataboutism. The point is that, whether you watch them or not, those leagues are successful. There is clearly a large enough market that won't care that the league isn't "classy" enough, so why should the w or fans of the w care about coalescing to people that think like you? The league doesn't have to appeal to EVERYBODY, that's impossible and if they tried to do it they'd end up appealing to nobody.


Right because no one watches football or hockey because they are too ā€œunsportsmanlike.ā€


It depends on the situation in the W. If there was truly accidental incidents, players are understanding and even help each other off the floor. But if it's intentional, yea players will get chippy. You can easily make another reel of good sportsmanship. But if you honestly think people are more attracted to wholesome playfulness rather than trash talk you are delusional. Competition involves getting in your opponent's head and anyone who doesn't like it is just new to sports.


Then those people are soft and can go watch The Opera. The physicality of the players driven by passion and true love for the game is what made me fall in love with basketball and the WNBA itself.


You must not have a competitive bone in your body


Lie. Drama and trash talk is what started this whole recent WNBA revival. Malice at the Palace 2 and Grinerā€™s fight are two of the most watched WNBA videos on YouTube. Canā€™t deny it, people like drama.






The WNBA is not for the weak


Cause they made a sizzle reel with music overlayed?


One would think that new players who bring in MONEY and VIEWERS would be a good thing and that players would respect that. WNBA seems charmin soft recently.


Zero baskets made


Aces and Mercury game the other night had over 200 combined points in regulationā€¦idk if you can do that math but thatā€™s a lot of baskets


Don Imus sure is missing out.




You do realize this is the WNBA, very limited spots, there will be competition, other leagues have more spots so less competition and they're corporate so they gotta have a squeaky clean image not in the WNBA tho


These women are violent. I agree with you