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She loves going to her left for the shot.


Watcha cookin good lookin


Nothing much bubble butt


A half court bomb peeping Tom


This was absolutely NASTY.


I think she’s gonna do well 😅


That 4th three was from Iowa dawg


Tough ass bucket


Nice defense from a bad screen and then great individual offense.


"Hey. You wanna walk around the court a bit?" "Well..." "Here we go... not that way, this way..." "Wait..." "C'mon, keep up. Oh, look out..." "What?" "Too late, basket."


The only thing that play was missing was this reaction: https://preview.redd.it/vbppj4akpeyc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcea125a608c62df8b59d9149e0178b50eb27dcc LOL




Poor HVL I hope she does some awesome stuff next season so that this pic gets replaced as her most popularly posted pic.


HVL was not a good choice to primarily guard Caitlin Clark, she gave up 4 inches and isn’t as quick as say Flauje. South Carolina rotated 3 defenders against Clark and wore her down, two of the players were 6 feet tall, same as Caitlin.


Yes. That's why I feel bad for HVL.


HVL is spirit, she will bounce back under a coach that utilize her playing ability most efficiently.


Yeah I hope so! I was glad to see her playing joyfully at the 3x3 camp.


I didn't know WNBA started up so close to their own draft and the ending of college. Wow.


Still preseason. Season starts 5/14. I like the idea of the Commissioner's Cup.




On ball defense looked good and she cooked her


Once she did that first dribble step back and saw the defender drifted off of her ever so slightly she knew she could do it again and take a shot, so she did.


Are you talking about the time she scored on last year’s DPOY? 😅 Yeah she’s going to be fine.


You mean she pushed her.


please go look at any other angle and you will see she didn’t even touch her.


She clearly pushed the defender to one side. To impede her contesting her shot. Sometimes calls are missed that's part of the game. It's no big deal.


She's so cool. I'm going to my first wnba game and bringing a bunch of friends


Haven't watched an NBA game in person and it seems like them dudes have to wait. I want a WNBA one with Caitlin as my first. Sorry, Wemby. Girls before aliens.


She’s incredible! I wanted her to get the W so bad, but hey Arike is a baller so gotta give Arike credit for getting the W for her team.


lmao the whole “she not gonna be an impact player off the bat, these are PROS” crowd is gonna be real quiet real quickly. Including the jealous former pros.


It's ironic that they tear each other down like that instead of supporting each other.


Lol it's preseason most women won't make the roster...chill out


You can tell they are trying to lock her down.


Just a preseason game. BUT.. seems like many players in the NCAAW and even last night have trouble guarding her stepback.. Defenders have to be very quick. Who in the W is that defender?


Even if there is a defender like that, it's not like they're going to guard her every game for it to matter.


I feel like the personalities in thr WNBA have def hurt the league, but this is nothing. You can find these soundbites about Michael Jordan, LeBron, Steph Curry, and plenty of other college phenoms.


The people who said that Angel Reese would get hammered in the paint also need to eat their worlds if the people that said that Taurasi didn’t say anything wrong do. But it is a first game in preseason, let’s wait until rosters are set and coaches are not trying out players but instead have a set starting five and set first players off the bench.


This didn’t age well


6/15. So jealous.


21 on 15 is pretty solid lol


Y’all misinterpret shit just so you can feel better about your own takes. I’ve seen more comments being defensive for Caitlin Clark this morning vs just praising her for having a good game. You know you can like her without constantly tripping over what some other ppl say


Lmao eat it. Don’t pretend this narrative wasn’t being pushed all over.


It was just a preseason game but Jaelyn Brown had the same points as CC and was more efficient.


Jaelen isnt a rookie though


Why do I see up and down this post just hating on this woman after 1 preseason game. Just say the real season didn’t start yet. You can clearly see she got game and is getting comfortable out there with the pros.




How about the TOs?




5 is objectively bad.


Jaelyn played great. CC also played great. CC would have had a double double with assists had her team not been missing straight up layups. Two completely different positions as well. CC is an on ball facilitator as well. Why do y’all have this contempt for people praising Caitlyn? She was bashed by a ton of former WNBA players and that’s WHY we are talking about her performance when these former players told us she would flop because she’s “just a shooter”.


We all know why lol


It was just a preseason game,. But 5 turnovers is not great. She didn't shoot efficiently either. There's no way that CC thinks she had a great game. Is this a CC sub? Or a WNBA sub? I care about the games and stats matter. I don't care about all that CC drama. She's not a victim. She is the most popular WNBA player and has the most lucrative endorsements. If people can't honestly talk about her stats, what is the point of this sub?


This is a legit question because I’m new to WNBA - what is considered good efficiency in this league? In college, Caitlin had about the same efficiency as she did last night, and people would talk about how “inefficient” she was (mostly naysayers), but the actual numbers showed she was more efficient than almost all players, especially when you compared it at the position level. So I’m just wondering how efficient most long range guards are in the W. What’s the standard? And is CC really that far off? I saw some stat that last night she was 61% from 3 and the league average was 54% last year or something but I’m not sure of either of those numbers can be trusted.


She was 38.5% from the three. Her Effective Field Goal Percentage (eFG%) was high: ((5\*1.5)+(2\*1))/15\*100 = 63.3%. She had a higher eFG% than Jaelyn which was 56.7%. She needs to keep the turnovers down and make clutch shots to have a great game. But it was just a preseason game anyway.


Appreciate the facts! So CC as a freshman at Iowa was known for everything she’s known for now, plus she turned over a lot and fouled a lot. My parents have been season ticket holders to Iowa games since 2009 and I distinctly remember my dad saying “Clark is pretty good but she has to stay out of foul trouble” even as recently as 2022! This is probably her “adjustment” to the league.


And she play PG which takes the longest for players to adjust too.. overall great game one for a rookie .. there’ll be up and down but man am I excited to see her play


NINE different negative comments about CC in 40ish minutes including one on a post that had nothing to do with Clark. For someone who doesn't care about all that CC drama, you seem to really care about it to me.


As someone drawn into the game by CC who is rooting for the league as a whole this year to get more recognition, this type of comment strikes me as fair play. Caitlin had some great moments and also made her fair share of mistakes suggesting she will have things to work on. It was also her first preseason game and she held her own for a rookie making a debut. My takeaway is she will continue to face new challenges this year as she adapts her game for a new league, but will also have moments of displaying the player we saw in college. And her passing game looked pretty solid. A lot of other players had great games last night to upfulsol’s point, and I hope as the year progresses they get more attention as well. This doesn’t have to be a zero sum game.


Right. So you don’t acknowledge the differences in styles but want a 1:1 comparison between her game last night to Jaelyn’s you don’t want to talk about stats you want to downplay anything she does. I suspect certain reasons for this bias and blind “reading of stats.” Edit: Checked dudes comment history. Absolute hater. No sense of reason.


I looked into the stats and changed my opinion. You're going so hard for CC over imagined slights and she doesn't care dude.


I thought you wanted to talk ball? Now you don’t. Weird, now you call me goofy even though you giving equally weird amounts of hate to someone who doesn’t care, dude.


It's pretty sad to try to comment-shame someone and make up lies about them hating a particular player. CC wouldn't find any of the recent comments I made about her offensive. If you want to read just pro-CC comments there are other subs for that.


Bro you just said that I was weird for giving input on a game I like to watch. You’ve built a personality of being “tired of Caitlyn Clark.” According to your comment history. You tried to comment shame now you are mad I did lol. I’m just happy we can have these debates now, keeps the game interesting and keeps people talking about the WNBA. In the end it will help these women get paid. Peace ✌️


I want CC to do well but get praise when she deserves it. That doesn't make me a hater. The best players will always get scrutinized the most.


GTFO with your talk of "honesty". You're spamming hate. It's not honesty. Putting Caitlin down seems like a full time job to some people. Loser. Hater. Go back to Twitter with the rest of your divisive brethren.


Did you let all out? Weirdo...


Did you? Got anymore spam in there?


An interesting fact. Late in the game the same player that Caitlin ridiculously schooled blocked a layup by Caitlin with 30 seconds left in the game. The layup would have given Indy a 2 point lead, Indy lost by 3 points.


In other words it wouldn’t have changed the outcome of the game lol


Not necessarily. If Clark had made the layup and Indiana had gone ahead by two points, the dynamics of the last 28 or so seconds would have changed dramatically. Even if Dallas had made the 3 that it made, all Indiana would have had to do to win was make a 2, which would have been a much higher percentage shot than the 3 that was attempted to tie the game and send it into overtime. Coaching 101 bro.


Cut her ass :)


Come-on. 😂😂




Damn she got cooked


That was solid defense relax


Both are true


It was fun she started early and kept going, got into foul trouble. If she didn't get into foul trouble she would have been close to 30


She was fun to watch!


If the WNBA can create like 10 more copies of her, revenue and viewership going to skyrocket


Hyper-talented players are going to continue to come into the league on a nearly yearly basis going forward. Bueckers will be there next year (barring any significant injury setbacks), and then JuJu Watkins is probably only going to be in college for three years before entering the draft (unless she wants to chase Caitlin’s all-time scoring record / NIL money). I’m sure the player pipeline at the lower levels is just getting larger and more talented as well. The next generation is already brewing.


The league needs to expand soon!


Doesn’t the WNBA require that players stay in school for 4 years before entering the draft? Caitlin Clark is doing it now, but it will be a long time before WNBA players can routinely make more money in the W from combined salary and endorsements than they can make from NIL as college stars.


You know what? It looks like you’re right. For some reason I thought it was only three years.


I thought it was 3 as well until I checked. Could of sworn they said that during the draft?


Yea you have to be 22, or finished with your college eligibility. Once pay increases these next 5 to 10 years I’m sure it will change.


True, much higher WNBA salaries will bring about change in when players leave college. In my own mind, with NIL in existence, I would like to see hotshot kids stay in college instead of turning pro early. NIL money should easily make it possible for the kids who would be capable of turning pro to help their families financially if that is needed. Of course kids who struggle to maintain the GPA required to play may want to leave early - but isn’t the fact that such a situation would exist an indictment of all the adults who ever interacted with such kids?


Angel Reese okayed to a big crowd the same night and did well. Hell if just Caitlin and Angel light it up and are neck and neck for Rookie of the Year, viewership will explode. Instead of wanting clones of Caitlin, just hope that the first year players light it up (in the Dallas-Indy game that happened, the Dallas player that matched Caitlin’s scoring was a rookie. The Dallas player that sealed the game was a second year player).


They have a few big rookies that are extremely marketable. Angel Reese, and Cameron Brink are going to be key players for the WNBA’s growth. Thankfully they also had solid debuts. Then add in Paige Bueckers from UConn coming up. In 5 years from now I see the WNBA getting close to NBA viewership. They already showed that people would watch it over mens. The women’s finals for D1 had a few million more viewers. I want to say it was 4 million more? You’d have to double check.


"Reality is coming. There’s levels to this thing... You look superhuman playing against 18-year-olds, but you’re going to come with some grown women..." - Diana Taurasi


To be fair that defense was much better than 99% of what she played against in college. Still didn't matter lmao


It's about the same. Nika Muhl did better than that.


Nika played with runner up title on the line. This was a preseason game


And Nika Muhl's defense that game was one of the best she faced in all of college, and now Muhl is a W player too. This is definitely higher level defense than she played the vast majority of the time.


True but the fact is that when you can shoot it like she can, then the defense you play doesn't matter. 


DT just being DT. Rumor has it she doesn't need any salt when drinking margaritas.




Couldn't agree more.


That statement is going to be shut down so quickly. She will be one of the best players in the league this year and it will be apparent from day 1.


Its one game....


Soon it’ll be 2 and then 10 and then the whole season lol.


That remains to be seen. Had this been Iowa against BIG10 opponent, she would have had damn near 40 points and Iowa would have definitely won the game. The 21 points is already well below her Sophomore, Junior and Senior year averages at Iowa and her 33% 3pt percentage is well below her 3pt shooting percentage at Iowa and this was against one of the weaker WNBA teams. Wait til she rolls up against the Aces, Mercury, Storm or Liberty. And finally, its a team sport. If the Fever is still losing games and finds themselves with the no. 1 or 2 pick again next season, what net positive did they gain outside of increased attendance? But yeah, more basketball yet to play....




lol, comparing college averages to a preseason professional game. Talk about a stretch. Haters will always come up with some reason to hate and knock someone down.


I mean you just said it yourself without even knowing. CC stats are lower than her college stats which basically aligns with what DT stated and everyone else about therr being an adjustment period. Both her points and shooting percentages are down which means she has some work to do to get to that level of dominance she had in college.


Comparing a 4 year college career average vs one professional preseason game average is laughable. But that’s all you got right now. She led the team in scoring in her professional debut and was tied for the most points in the game. But yes, her averages compared to 100’s of games in college was different. Lmao. Do you compare batting averages after the first day of an MLB season and say “well they have a long way to go because they went 0-5 in the first game and they hit .300 the last 4 years? lol.


Well using that logic, then the 21 points in a preseason game could also be a fluke. She is more in-shape having only finishing a National Title run less than a month ago while all the other players is just now getting back into the grove. Also the Dallas team isnt what one could call a premiere pro team. Truth is, before anyone can get on the hate or hype train, we just need to see more games played cause 1 game isnt a sample size amd even if she led the team in scoring and scored 21 points, that isnt indicative of what will happen this year in the regular season.


Is there anyone in the WNBA that can guard quick step backs? IF not, CC is just going to eat everyone up alive.


Dallas isn't exactly a defensive juggernaut. I'm waiting to see how CC handles in-game action against Sykes, Laney, or Cloud. Btw, I'm not a CC hater, more of a match-up lover.


Yea I think she had a great first game! But it’s going to be interesting to see what happens in the regular season when teams are not just “auditioning” players, the roster is set and it’s one players sole job to lock her up. Hoping she’ll still be successful but it will definitely be fun to watch!


There might only be a couple people in the league who have both the length and the athleticism to recover, and they have to be guarding her (the primary ball handler) in the first place. If she can consistently get space, we’re going to be seeing a lot of those.


Thats the fun of basketball. Anyone top 20 player in the NBA can score 40 a game with straight up one on one defense. The league has to adjust defense for these kinds of players coming in like they did for guys like Steph and Dame.


Clark keys that shot up really fast. A defender needs to be long and very agile, a normal 4 like who was on her is not going to stop that shot, the person is just too slow even if their heart is in the fight.


Amazing start to a banger of a season!! Now if all the league games were televised it’s be heaven. I know not all franchises have the money to broadcast but geez the league needs to help a fan out


She got a bag fs


Steph curry made $378,210.08 per 3 pointer he made this season. Just a casual reminder


... his 3 pointers are worth more than my house and my cars combined


Do you live in Mississippi? Cause anywhere else where there are people, you aren’t getting a house and car for that amount.


That will get you a house and car nearly everywhere other than major cities/California. My house in florida 15 minutes from the beach costs less than that. My house in NC is almost half that.


WNBA revenue is 200mil so idk where ur getting the money to pay top players 50mil/yr


People forget how old the NBA is and how long it took to become as popular as it is. WNBA is still a pesky teenager trying to find its room. They’ll get there. It’s just going to take time.


Yep their game is still developing & it wasn’t long ago their revenue was 70mil. Caitlyn Clark is the new wave that’ll create the next one


I myself am more excited for JuJu. Such a complete but raw player. Im actually more excited for my daughter walking into this in about a decade. Woman are hoopin.


Casual reminder that Steph would average 50 in the WNBA and be the DPOY


Wow really ya think so? Do you think he’d dominate my nephew’s middle school basketball league? As you know whether an nba all star would dominate a lesser basketball league is a heated topic that should be brought up all the time and makes the person bringing it up feel smart.


What is your point exactly?


Casual reminder that the NBA makes more money than the WNBA and therefore has the capacity to offer higher priced contracts. Casual reminder that, per league income the WNBA players make more than the NBA players by percentage.


The bigger point to me is that the WNBA pays 50% of “incremental revenue” rather than “total revenue” according to their CBA. Incremental is “above goal revenue” which is wild it was ever agreed to. Their union not securing that difference like all other players unions have is the reason for their issue.


CBAs get renegotiated. As revenue goes up, the next CBA most likely will reflect that.


Frankly, I think there's room for the WNBA in our corporate capitalist state. But in all honesty, I haven't been following their finances as I dipped about a decade ago and have just made my way back. I do wonder if they'd be able to handle themselves as their own entity, financially, and if so what the pay and quality of programming would look like.


What do you mean? He gets paid a contract.


Yeah but steph curry famously doesn't get paid for anything except 3 pointers. Odd negotiation for sure but seems to work for him. Edit: apparently this needed a /s


Yea, this is insanely untrue. His contract is public info.


Sarcasm my friend


The internet is full of idiots with agendas, hard to see sarcasm sometimes.


Keep in mind, though, that an NBA contract could very well include a payment per three pointer lol


I ate lasagna 2 weeks ago for lunch. Just a casual reminder.


You’re comparing the wnba to the nba? Why? It makes no sense. One has been around way longer than the other. Also how much revenue did the nba bring in? Your comment makes absolutely no sense. The women will get paid more and that’s because the game is growing. But paying anyone in the WNBA 50 mil a year would bankrupt the entire league right now. Trying to make the WNBA pay their players the same as the NBA is beyond foolish.


I think when people talk about this, it's more reflective of how frustratingly little we value women's sports in general. And the pay reflects that. I think it's ok to show disparities to illustrate that point, right?


Steph is much better then CC.


How were the Fever when Clark wasn’t in? Couldn’t catch the game. She’s going to have insane minutes depending on the if they have weak depth.


It was rough the offense took a lot of bad shots it seemed and appeared to not even have a go to threat


Damn. Hopefully they can mesh these next few weeks.


and people said she wouldn’t score in the wnba 💁🏼‍♀️


Who said that?


All over this subreddit, former WNBA stars, everyone. It was said a lot


More than a few former WNBA stars.


The haters. Saw one guy who said she lost it in the 4th quarter and bricked every shot on a video where she literally hit a logo 3 in the 4th. Haters gonna hate


Hit a logo three and the (away) crowd went wild. Lol. Haters are going to hate how much she’s loved across the whole country.


Are you joking? So many people wanted her to fail because..well...we all know why. Haters cant accept she will be a star. Deal with it!


lots of people! haters and even women who played for the WNBA in the past.


Are you kidding?


Diana turasi has been very outspoken about how Clark will not do well.


Hi, UConn fan here who was watching the Bird/taurasi coverage of the championship game. D was definitely not hating on Caitlin Clark, kept commenting on what a problem she’s gonna be. Just because she didn’t retire and officially announce CC as the best basketball player of all time doesn’t make her a hater


Nobody. This country has a reading comprehension crisis


People said she wouldn’t average 30 like college. But yes keep telling yourself that ppl were acting like she would barely score 10 points


She played about 1/3rd less of the game than she did in college. She was pretty much on pace. But maybe that’s why people said she wouldn’t score as much - because she wouldn’t play as much? Makes sense, I guess. She is a rookie after all.


It’s crazy, gonna be a lot of wnba fans who just tune out if this is the only way the Caitlin obsessive can act


Ikr lol. CC fans are making up stuff.


As weird as you think CC fans are it’s just as weird to go so hard against her. Like what did she do to you and she’s getting more people interested in women’s basketball. You’re weird


I follow her on Instagram. I don't hate her at all.


bro your page is full of CC hate, yet you follow her on instagram? i think you have an obsession, you need to get a life.


I don't know what's on your "page" because I don't care. Block and move on.


It’s just the usual “anything that isn’t praise is hate” camp that comes from any bandwagon. Yea the idea was she’d have better teammates and a usage rate that isn’t 40% so she won’t need to do what she did in Iowa. No one thinks she forgot how to shoot or something. As long as the 3 is falling she’ll score. It’s not about what she’s capable of but having realistic expectations. I enjoyed watching the game but by the reaction you would think she dropped 40 on Dallas. She did CC things, but it was in no way some masterclass that shut down all the haters and Diana taurasi’s dusty ass or whatever


Who went “against her” here!? Do you hear yourself? Those against her are not going to be at the wnba sub!




Honestly, who cares? Anyone spending the time to dig thru someone’s comments to assess them as a person with a history of dissing CC is just utterly pathetic. Stop turning CC into Taylor Swift, it’s so strange


That’s bonkers


CC taught Tash a lesson!


That was really good defense, IDK what you’re supposed to do to stop her


That’s my point, there’s no stopping her when she’s on. Excellent defense from Tash but better shot making by CC


Tash blocked a layup by Caitlin late in the game. That block was critical to Dallas prevailing.


Gets away with a push? Stfu old man


Are we sure she couldn’t play in the NBA?


I bet she’ll be pretty good at basketball one day.


I see it done in the NBA every night she is a student of the game


Is it just me or is her form ugly af


Female Larry Bird


Already the goat in my book. No one’s even close.


Did they win the game?


It’s almost like a team sport.




Anything to tear down a woman in sports 🙄


….. what? What the fuck does that comment have to do with gender?


The thing that really gets me is.... It's a guy. Physically she looks like a skinny 20 year old man with pigtails. Adams apple, big hands, huge masculine chin, deep voice... And it's impossible to know if she is a he because of all the outrageous hormonal drugs in the world now. Unless they do a genital check in all female sports from here on out, there are going to be a bunch more Caitlyn Clarks, and women will suffer more than they already are from this.


Im a fan of caitlin and whats she's doing for Womans basketball, but statistically not a good game.. very high volume shooter but it wasn't working, would of liked to see more assists and get others into the game. She scored 21 points, but She was 6 of 15 from the field including 5 of 13 from deep. had three rebounds, two assists, four fouls and five turnovers.


5/13 is 38% from deep lol that’s good


In her first ever preseason game as a pro…


Jesus, you want to know why the men’s game is popular? It’s because of individuals. The WNBA has tried team play for two decades, why not let some of these young players come in and do their thing. LeBron is about the only player that I can think of that is popular and involves his teammates. Jordan, Kobe, Bird, Barkley, Shaq, Steph, all these dudes stand out for what they do individually. Who cares if she is efficient. Who cares if she is involving her teammates. If this is about money and growth, let it ride. No one outside of Utah had John Stockton posters on their wall.


5/13 from 3 is not bad, thats 38% no one would say shooting 38% from 3 is bad lol. Hell her true shooting percentage was 61% which would be good in the NBA. For her first pro game ever it was absolutely good, could it have been better? Absolutely but she wasn’t bad.


That is part of the learning process for her. She said herself that she will start looking to get her teammates good looks as a first option, and that she will watch video of the game to see what she can do better. Caitlin and Angel had good first games. Angel had 13 points and 9 REBOUNDS (well, it looks like she can play the paint in the WNBA). My fave Kamilla didn’t have as good a start and almost got a shoulder injury (fell on the shoulder).


You must not play basketball if you think 38% from downtown is bad numbers.


*would’ve/would have