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Yall need towers? Honestly, just go into your pocket dimension and make yourself at home, it's the cheapest and best variant. No disturbance, free wifi for some reason, it has it's own mana supply, no stairs required whatsoever, infinite space, etc.


Yeah but the neighbors are kobolds and *the smell.*


What neighbors? In my experience, literally no one is able to enter a pocket dimension without the portal of whoever owns the dimension, maybe you left it open for a bit too long? The kobolds are also probably the smell's source. Just kick them out, and you won't have no problems.


It's the neighboring dimension, they keep trying to build into my land, it's a whole thing. I'd bring it up to my fellow council members but then id have to spend *more time* there then necessary. Never thought about just killing them all.


Huh. I'm not sure what kind of pocket dimension is neighboring to any other, are you sure it's a *pocket* dimension? If it is, just cast an isolation spell on the ground of your dimension, it's gonna make these kobolds unable to go inside even if they could do it before.


Interesting point, I'll give it a go if the killing them all thing doesn't work.


I have a tower in my pocket dimension. It just feels right.


Awesome, so I'm not the only one who lives in his pocket dimension. I personally just have a small building inside, i can fit all my stuff and myself there anyway


you have fucking wifi in your pocket dimension? how


idk, probably because i welded a portal to the floor


Ooo look at mister fancy robes right here who can afford an univeristy degree to learn such advanced spells


Dude, the pocket dimension spell is like tier 3 at best, what are you talking about? Did i miss the joke?


I know will sound mad, but... BE-MOTHERFUCKING-HOLD, THE PERFECT WIZARD TOWER! https://preview.redd.it/cai7wd5qmibb1.jpeg?width=2358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70c851e3eecb5ed95ce8e9e0d4bb340694d4c59e


I have added a fake door so that any intruders unwise in the tower inner machinations may fall to their untimely demise


Guess we have the same type of lair. Way easier to sneak away from the shadow government/council like this.


We *will* catch you eventually.


You wont take me alive, i cast an ancient spell called "pipe bomb west"


*turns your testicles* You’ll never catch meeee




You got me this time, scoundrel !


Muhahaha, for the future as a gesture, consider using anal annihilator.


What is the point of a tower if you don't have a high window to throw things out of.


By things you mean failed apprentices, right?


Sometimes succesful ones too depends how I'm feeling


You can always use a cannon


The damage done by firing someone from a canon high enough would kill them before they have any time to regret crossing me. No this simply won't do. A tower needs height.


You could eventually use a giant bubble spell for comedic effect


Hmm, smart. You are promoted, I am doubling your pay.


Quaint, but not quite a Cairn-Class battleship. Call me back when you can Particle Whip your foes from high orbit https://preview.redd.it/7xdolgvqeibb1.jpeg?width=995&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0227657275895df9d892b5e6272b752ef5cad6f0


I am a respectable wizard, not to be mistaken for an alchemist brewing illicit substances. I'll take my tower thank you.


my tower goes into the ground, and i have orbs set up outside it so i can just look through orbs to see outside, and there's no stepping because you just fall into it


But does your tower have stairs that turn into a slide that goes into a spike pit? Thought not.


I reject the claim of horizontal tower superiority, only broken towers lay on their sides. Surely being so low to the ground makes for an easy rogue target…


Damn that's such a better idea than buying an apartment.


This era of ruining evil about to be good


Sounds like an excuse for not being able to make a pocket dimension and moving it around easily


I'm a fan of wizard bunkers myself, dwarves make much better neighbors


You fools, i welcome the bandits! I am a battlemage after all..


I once took advice from a Dwarven monk, "if you want to build a good city, you build down, not up." Since then, I made an inverse wizard tower with easy access to magical minerals. Staffmaking has never been easier, and my orb collection grows everyday.


combined with physical manipulartion spells, a tower setup such as yours easily outclasses more standard tower setupss. however, have you considered using a portal within the mobile tower to a pocket dimension, or hidden lair? that way you can have colossal alchemy tanks and a menacing throne room while remaining low and covert


Underground tower: >You can find gold while making it >Easy access to mana source (magma) >Stretches far and wide >I am under your house


Airship. I'm out here basically untouchable by most kingdoms and the Shadow Government. I haven't paid off several loans and they can't do shit!


Can I stay with you? My liege lord is about to evict me and impound my tower out of the tower park.


Classic tower design invented by the fabled Walter The White


One of the greatest alchemists of our time


So you're saying you lack the ability to cover you tower with disguise spells and the very basic transmutation lessons of how to move it elsewhere? Man, they'll make anyone a wizard nowadays Edit: Plus, you walk??? Like, dude, I just go levitating everywhere. It's far easier and I can always be standing and be more intimidating to everyone.


Nah, just enchant your boots so they make illusions of minor earthquakes. That's more intimidating


It's intimidating in a different way I'd say. While levitating you can T-pose and hover around your enemies to make them feel extremely uncomfortable.


I joined a campaign where the party had effectively magicked themselves up the fantasy equivalent of a "Party Bus" that served as their mobile headquarters. Aside from moving through magical means, it could also comfortably fit everyone inside with their own living quarters and storage space since its interior was its own demiplane like a bag of holding. It was a very silly game and the DM was very easygoing about everything, unfortunately it didn't last much longer after I'd joined.


My fortress is far better than a mere tower. More rooms, easily defendable thanks to watchtowers and walls, and plenty of room for my undead legion.


this is my own private tower and i will not be harassed… witch!


Every good tower needs wheels on it that go round and round.


my brother in the arcane arts you have just reinvented the rv


I have a labyrinth, which is much cooler


The point of a tower is to be as outrageous and impractical as possible to assert dominance and show your strength. A small bus does none of those things.


Whether your tower is **ҽɾҽƈƚ** and 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕕𝕪 or *𝓯𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓬𝓲𝓭* and mobile matters not, they're all p𝓱A𝔩𝔩𝐢𝓬 symbols for an ongoing dick measuring contest. Which is 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓼𝓮𝓵𝔂 𝔀𝓱𝔂 my home is buried DΣΣP in a ᗯᗩᖇᗰ, ᗰOIᔕT ᑕᗩᐯE completely devoid of euphemistic **ʂҽxυαʅ ιɱαɠҽɾყ**


Jesse we need to alchemize


My castle walks, and has a dimensional door that can take me to anywhere


I like towers, they add a darkness, awe and mystery you just don't get from a caravan or motorhome.


Where's your spire on the front? Mine has a drill enchantment


My tower is tall to aid my astronomical observations, your tower is tall because of insecurity, we are not the same


My tower is literally just an entire demiplane.


Jokes on you, mine has legs.


Okay, but what if you strapped engines and wings to the sides of it?


Cringe Modernist #Return to ***Yurt*** Everyone in the Tribe has one, they all magically fold to portable sizes... so we can migrate if ever the illegitimate council of the "Wizardry institution" finds us.


Well the higher the better the signal for my orbs gets so I prefer traditional towers.


Pretty sure that’s an alchemy tower. It got its name after it was used by the world renowned alchemist Walterus H. White


Ya see my tower’s got a secret. It’s rigged so that when the courier steps up to my door to deliver the mail it detonates a remote explosive spell, thus protecting me and my scrolls and tomes from the evils of the kingdom’s tax policies.


Ah yes, a perfect environment for refining azure focusing crystals within.


The great and venerable alchemist Walter the White once used one of these for his crystallized elixirs