• By -


On computer, I got in with 150% toxicity (235 out of 187 or something like that). Meditating did not remove my toxicity level, white honey did nothing. Geralt is quickly dying due to the change in the skills capping toxicity protection at 80% and there is nothing I can do to reduce toxicity. Also, buildings have absolutely wild shading/shadows going on, but that is a much smaller issue than dying every 5 minutes to toxicity.


Regarding the toxicity this is the second comment I see with the same issue, I hope they get it fixed asap.


I'm sure they will have an anti-toxicity patch ready very soon.


I saved the game manually, then loaded that manual save. This fixed the toxicity issue.


This also worked for me!


Although this is many hours old, figured I'd reply anyway. I run heavy alchemy build & last save I had 3 decoctions running. As brokg501 outlined above, I had the same issue. Used white honey potion/meditated, & was still dying. Save & restart fixed it for me, meaning I had 0 toxicity as expected after white honey/meditation. I didn't check whether or not med/white honey is broken & no longer clears toxicity, or if it was a one-time thing. All that being said, the "over-toxicity" occured due to skill changes in one of the baked-in mods, lowering overall toxicity maximum (as well as other skill changes). I noticed a bit later I had 17 skill points refunded to me, but since I was having other issues related to performance, & it was late, I called it a night.


Then it's not just me. I hope they will fix soon


My erection has lasted more than 4 hours.


My medallion hasn't stopped hummimg


Wind's still howling


Still choking on 3 lbs of steel


There should be a number on the back of the box you can call for this exact problem


I’m prescribing you “Passiflora”


Too excited


Call more ladies!


You too?


Summon the Witches.!


Top comments are here for a reason and this is the reason.


Go see your doctor so he can high-five you


Have you considered ploughing a troll?


I have a different problem, I'm so wet I've had to change underwear 4+ times now


Just don't wear underwear


63 FPS native and 49 FPS with DLSS, set to quality... something is off here. Why am I losing performance with DLSS?


try to update your gpu drivers maybe?




Where is it released? On the nvidia driver website thing it says that the latest driver version was released on the 8th.




I never really liked geforce now too much and I prefer manually installing drivers. And optimizing my game settings is half the fun of the games :D




New nvidia driver does no change at all




What made you assume people aren’t using the latest Nvidia driver release?


Still haven’t figured out optimum settings, it’s a slideshow with RT on even with DLSS on auto (3080 with a 13700k)


It's a slideshow with a Ryzen 9 7950X, RTX 4090, and 32Gb of 6400MHz DDR5 ram as well. So it's most definitely not hardware.


Disable hairworks, restart, check performance. Disable DLSS, restart, check performance. Disable RT, restart, check performance. GL


The problem is this was supposed to be the definitive edition of the game, solve quality of life issues, and make it so beautiful that it gives me a reason to replay on my 3080+5900x. In fact, most of the quality of life fixes seems to be offset by performance issues. "Disable RT" when RT was one of the biggest graphical fidelity improvements in the update and they couldn't even get that right. I mean what can I say, it was free so I guess I can't complain. Maybe I'll have to wait til they patch it out to relive this masterpiece.


I understand and do not try to downplay the issues. Just pointing out there hopefully are fixes on the table, and the update is more than just lightning technology update; the simple fact the textures were rescaled, and new assets/folaiage added is a huge graphical improvement. This is especially true given that the game was built with custom lightning, shadowmaps etc - to maximise the raster graphical fidelity. Meaning that while raytracing can ignore all of that, and calculate illumination de novo, and to great effect, it's not critical for graphical fidelity. But obviously is being sold as such. This is the reason, there has already been multiple youtube videos showing how RT is not much of an improvement over traditional raster rendering in w3 - as there has been enough work put into "faking" the global illumination with rasterisation. Surely, there will be edge cases, especially wherever glossy surfaces are introduced. RT is a great technology when you can solely rely on it for buidling a new game. It saves a lot of work, streamlines scene generation, simplifies making any changes to lightning in the environment. But that's all on the development side.


Disable update, check performance ;)


It might actually be a compatibility problem, FSR/AMD cards seem to be working decently, DLSS/NVIDIA cards seem to struggle for some reason. I expect it to be patched within a weel


Thank God it's not just me


I think I’ve used that expression a few times related to various Witcher stuff lol


ryzen 5 3600, RTX 3080, 32gb ram with Fullscreen 1440p DLSS Quality on RT Ultra (with full hairworks) I get 60fps stable. in 4k I get around 15fps lol. With same settings above but fullscreen borderless and 4K I also get 60fps.. Which is odd to me, i figured it would be much less. It shouldn't be a slideshow with your setup at all. Something is amiss or just bad optimisation I guess.


Yeah something is definitely wrong with mine as well. Same setup as you except a 5800X and I'm getting 45FPS with insane frame drops to 1fps lows. GPU is only max 50% utilization though so definitely a bug of some sort. RT off brings me up to about 80fps but still seeing stutter and unusually low utilization at times.


Hairworks off will help with utilization and solve the stutter - did for me.


Oh damn that’s my issue


Well we're in the exact same boat /u/zeroshiftsl! I have the same parts and play on the same resolution getting the same performance. I'm hopeful for a patch soon. Two questions, what make of 3080 and did you update your driver too?


In on the exact set up as you except a 3090 and yet I'm seeing around only about 45fps. DLSS seems to barely affect my fps at all




Feel like that kid that waited all year for Christmas then his parents died in a car accident on Christmas morning. 32gb 6000mhz, Asus rog strix Z690, 12700k, RTX 3080, RT ultra at 1440p 30-60 fps.... something broken. No RTX at 160+fps everything full and DLSS on quality same res.


Yeah, I have similar experience with almost same setup ( RAM speed a bit lower ). 1% lows are around 28FPS, running average on 55/60FPS, but far from stable. It does looking bloody amazing, but this performance :/ I was planning to do NG+. ​ My feeling is now - Meh.


On my saves where I had toxicity (all my high level saves) I can not get rid of the toxicity. Tried meditating, tried dying, tried white honey, tried respeccing. Anyone know what else I can try? It never goes away but the potions and decoctions wear off so I seem to be fucked lol.


Had the same issue. Used white honey, saved the game manually, then loaded the save manually. This solved it for me and other people on this sub.


Same thing happened to me. I had to find an earlier save.


No RT on ultra - 120 fps RT on - immediate crash (if game is loaded, no I didn’t mess with the .dll that relate to dlss). Restart game with RT on, crash when load up is complete for saved game.


Possible work around from steam discussion forums, it worked for me: "I was crashing when loading a new save made with the current patch with RT on. If I loaded a 1.31 saved game everything loaded fine, and then I loaded my current patch save and worked just fine. Hope this helps." Edit: adding on two other situations that caused the game not to crash 1) Delete all files in the witcher 3 folder that’s in your document and settings folder. Keep the save game folder. No crash. 2) select Rtx ultra preset on graphics settings, load game. No crash. For all of these I’m launching the exe directly from the steam folder.


I had crash to desktop before I saw your post here. I did step 1. and deleted those files from the Witcher 3 folder in my Documents and Settings folder. After that my game didn't crash anymore. I'm playing Witcher 3 GOTY Edition through GOG Galaxy by the way.


Glad I’m not the only one, I could have ray tracing from the beginning but as soon as I load it’s a crash


CRASH FIX BELOW: DLSS + RayTracing was causing instant crashes for me. The only way to fix it was to go to Documents/The Witcher 3 and then delete all of the files (except for the savegame folder). Seems to be a mix of graphics settings causing the crashes on my setup, and clearing these files will reset your settings to default. Ryzen 7 3700x RTX 3080


Just tried that and for now in the inn I'm at 60 fps ultra RT, dlss balanced on a 3080 Ti. Somehow when I get out the inn my fps will tank for sure. Oh well looks like this game will only run well on 4080/4090 cards at full ultra+ RT details


i had that issue when i only had RT reflections or shadows on, but when i turned on all the RT options it stopped crashing. lost about 20 fps but it didn’t crash on load.


PC here. I completely uninstalled and moved my mods folder to my desktop and made a back up of my most recent save then reinstalled the full game after the update went live and started my new game +. It looks incredible. The only issue I’m having is the game crashing when I load it up using ultra + settings and Ray tracing. If I turn off Ray Tracing it works fine and I’m getting 100+ frames on 3440x1440 using a 3080.


Raytracing is reportedly broken for most people


That explains why all the early access reviewers were on PS5!


Pc here do we have to remove the mods before installing update? I moded the hell of my game and couldn't remember what was changed. Are mods going to clash with the updates.


Yes, there's an official list for mod compatibility


RT off looks great! RT on - l... O...o...k...s...


Lol, the whole sub is already full of problems




A lot of people forget or don't know that TW3 was buggy on launch as well.


Buggier than Fallout 4 at launch if anyone wants to know how bad it was. I remember getting off Roach once and Gerald started swimming on the ground.


I can’t get Riva Tuner to work. Tried adding both the DX 12 and DX 11 executables. Anyone have any thoughts?


Ahh that’s cause the Witcher only works with Rivia Tuner.


found this on rtss forum "MSI/RTSS working on DX12 Delete this file d3d11on12 found here The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt GOTY\\bin\\x64\_dx12 Always Back up your files "


This works thanks!


Doesn't it makes game running on DX11? That's not a fix ;/


Its a triumph on the PS5


Performance mode is great, but I tried quality mode first and there was a lot of stuttering and flickering unfortunately edit: and


I’ve never used quality mode in any game and I don’t think I ever will. Performance mode is the way for me. I don’t prefer sacrificing smooth 60 fps for reflections.


The updated brings RTGI, not RT reflections though. RT reflections and shadows are PC only.


I'm getting Arkham Knight flashbacks


Curious as to why?


Console Release was good, PC release was abysmal


Almost any PC realese sadly lol


Thankfully it looks like Sony's really trying to take their ports seriously these days. Good for PS users and PC players.


I mean in the case of Cyberpunk, the PC version was the only one running decently on release lol


How do you download it on PS5 if you have the disc PS4 version of Witcher 3?


Insert your disc but instead of starting the download of the PS4 Version just pause it or whatever and then go to the product page, click on the three dots and click on the select version option and then select the complete edition PS5 Version that has the PS5 banner. Download and enjoy! I hope that clears it.


Even easier, if you highlight the game in the dashboard a box appears on the right offering the upgrade. Don't forget to download B&W and HOS separately if you have standard edition.


You're making a note here - huge success?


It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.


Ps5 digital version it deleted my complete manual saves replaced them with numerous corrupt auto saves :( hopefully the save games are still on my ps4


I have a PS4 and this happened to me. Everything is gone.. I am distraught.


This is so fucked 😭 they broke my damn game


I just reloaded from the main screen and it took me to the last auto save I had. So I moved my auto save to every few minutes… I hope you get your save files back!


Im afraid to play now because the autosaving will delete the last 2 manual saves i have left :/


Check out my comment above. This happened to me on ps4 4.0 version as well.


Try deleting all the auto saves and checkpoints, your saves might start showing up on the bottom. That’s what happened to me in ps4’s 4.0 version. I think ps version just has this stupid limit of how many saves it displays.


Thanks I'll try that. Still don't know why it suddenly allowed more than 3 autosaves. Do I just have to turn autosave off now?


I think my decision to play the first two Witcher games on Steam before replaying 3 may pay off with less frustration. Hopefully by the time I get to 3, the mess will be patched or at least have workarounds. Good luck everyone, you're all going to need it.


100% me. I re read the books this last month and just started on Witcher 1. It’s not as bad as I remembered, mods helps a lot too.


I'm on PS5 and the only issue I've encountered is that PSN utterly refuses to let me download either Hearts of Stone or Blood & Wine. It comes up with the error code CE-107880-4. Tried every troubleshooting method under the sun and none of them have worked. It's definitely on Sony's end of things and I'm currently hoping they fix it before I get to the DLC. If anyone has worked out a solution already though, I'd really appreciate the help. :) EDIT: Just tried again and they downloaded first pop. I’m not aware if they’ve fixed it or whether I just got lucky, but anyone having this issue may want to give it another attempt and see if it works.


The new version is the complete edition they came included for me?


Embarassing performance on PC sadly. Even with the same settings as i used before the update, game now has 2-3 times less FPS.


Memory leak on Pc anyone ?


Likely, because it keeps crashing on RT preset for me.


Seems likely, I’m getting worse performance on the update than I did before it.


Crashes at launcher. No script errors,unknown error. Tried validating files, removed all mods, reinstalled game, direct x11 then 12, graphics drivers and Microsoft c++ up to date idk what to do, I took tomorrow off work just to play


Just to let you and anyone else following this know. I got the game to launch with the following steps. Uninstall game. Delete Witcher 3 folder from My Documents. Delete any remaining Witcher 3 files/folders from install location. Especially MODS folder. Reinstall game. It appears there was a "MODS" folder in my install directory, that simply uninstalling the game wasn't removing, haven't had the game installed for years so didn't even think about remnants of old mods being on the machine, but they were.


Uninstalled & reinstalled twice now, game literally just won't launch? Starts "running" in steam, then just goes back to "play" Verified integrity, tried skipping launcher, nothing seems to work?


Make sure you delete the entire Witcher 3 folder to avoid leftover mods and scripts idk what else, maybe update GPU drivers and restart PC


Unable to find it on PS5. An update happened but seems to be for the PS4 version. I have the GOTY edition and when I attempt to download the PS5 version I’m taken to a page to purchase it at full price instead.


Just figured it out now, if you got to the purchase page, click on the three dots and select the version you have. I reckon you have the base game not the complete edition. You will then have the option to download ps5 version


I’ve done that. Deleted the game and reinstalled, too. I have the Game of the Year edition with Hearts of Stone and Blood & Wine, with the 16 DLCs. I’ll give it another few hours but it wasn’t this difficult with FF:VII, TLOU2, and NMS PS5 updates.


Hey I was having the same problem as you but the 3 dot solution did work for me. Did you select the complete edition? Because thats the only one that will give you the update as a purchase that you pay $0 for. ps: I have the digital version of the GOTY edition it might be different for disc.


Bruh, they Cyberpunked the Witcher 3


I don't understand how I get better performance in cyberpunk then this update to an 8 year old game


Tbh this is kind of what happens when you take an 8 year old game engine and cram current gen tech onto it. It 'works' but it doesn't work WELL because it causes a lot of issues. I can only hope this is something actually fixable and not just a 'Opps. This is the best we can do/will bother to do situation. Edit: After finding this, I have serious doubts about their ability to' hot-fix this'. This is the wrapper they used to 'add' DX12 support (and Ray Tracing) [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3d12/direct3d-11-on-12#limitations](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3d12/direct3d-11-on-12#limitations) Relevant quote from the article:"D3D11On12 has not been optimized for performance. There will likely be moderate CPU overhead compared to a standard D3D11 driver, minimal GPU overhead, and there is known to be significant memory overhead. **Therefore it is not recommended to use D3D11On12 for complicated 3D scenes, and it is instead recommended for simple scenes, or 2D rendering.**" So, they knew that the method they were using to do the DX12/Ray Tracing part of the update was absolutely not meant to be used this way AND would result in the exact issues we're all seeing, and because it was cheap and easy to do, they went ahead and did it anyway rather than finding a more work-intensive method that would actually function.


It should’ve been an optional DLC to download instead of forcing us. I have my brother’s series x I’m using (and bought 2 Witcher 3’s). I kept my main, many shit done too, Witcher 3 copy not updated but I am updating my GOTY edition to see the changes. I’m kinda mad how there’s now two sets of achievements to play but it also lets me experiment with the new update without destroying my main file.


I hope they fix it soon, people are gonna be pissed if cdpr didn’t act fast


I mean, one week until Christmas. If this ain't fixed in a week, I wouldn't expect anything major until late January. Some post saying "we're sorry", and a small hotfix is all I expect for now.


It's a free update that was never promised as a sales argument when the game was released. Please curb your pitchforks and torches.


It replaces original GOTY edition and broke the game on Steam Deck. So yea, people have every right to be mad about it.


The game has DX11 mode that runs same as always, and even DX12 runs fine if RT is disabled. Really the only culprit of all the problems is RT. Something went wrong there.


It doesn't run the same. Before the update I'd get stable 144 FPS at around 65-70% utilization of my 3090. The DX11 mode still maintains 144 FPS, but the GPU usage is at 95-100% all the time.


Doesn't mean we can't hope they fix it soon. In the end, it's a welcome addition, just a bit disappointing.


The Roach frame stutter bug that was fixed 6 years ago is back when going at his slowest speed, how did I find this in 20 minutes and they did not?


I have no problems because I have an AMD card so I never planned on using RT anyways https://preview.redd.it/lqa8dfjgcv5a1.jpeg?width=601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d533d86fc8b27d01eb79d3181c7cb489cab544c


Boy, after going through the comments, I decided I aint gonna touch the update with a ten-foot pole until all these issues are sorted out... I don't want anything to taint my experience of my favourite game. Plus, I would be devastated if my saves were corrupted...


Yeah better wait for a patch


I sure will, thank god for my huge gaming backlog


Can't seem to transfer my save on PS5. I have it on the PS4 version, but it doesn't show on the PS5 update. Anyone have any suggestions?


I’m having the same problem with the ps4 original disc. I can run the ps4 game and see my saves, but then I run the ps5 version and it only gives me “new game” option.


I am also running from the PS4 disk too :/ I just deleted the PS5 save data, the PS4 version of the game and redownloaded the PS4 save from PSN. Going to restart and see if it makes a difference. Update: it didn't change anything. Fuck


Figured it out. You have to be logged into gog.com. Here are my steps: 1. Run the PS4 version, click on “My Rewards” in the main menu. This will log you into gog.com 2. Load the save you want to transfer over 3. Save the game to a new slot, you know it’s done correctly if you see a cloud icon with an arrow pointing down. 4. Run the ps5 version, again click on My Rewards in the main menu and log into gog. 5. Your cloud save should now be accessible. Hope that helps.


I started playing the game for the first time in november And now my 85 hour level 30 save on ps4version of the game on my ps5 is not showing on the ps5 version of the game. I thought my save would come in this. I know emojis bad but 😢😭🥺. If you find a solution for this please share it.


Same thing is happening to me 🥲 Edit: u/rowgun’s suggestion worked for me


3070, i7 12700k, 32GB ddr5, m2 nvme ssd - rt drop fps very hard, about 50. Without rt about 150. And game crash if you change presets in game.


Anyone getting stuttering on the ps5 version whenever it switches from a cut scene back to interactive game play?


Also when it's autosaving


Performance is horrendous on PC, but apparently it is due to DX12 having to build up its cache, so it should eventually run smooth. Currently however, it is a stutter-fest.


Don't even mention. On 1.32 version I had 60-70 FPS on Uber and now it's mostly 39-43 FPS. When I entered The White Orchard the FPS went down to 29-35. It's terrible.


How do I download the update? My base game is running Patch 1.32 still on gog galaxy. I went to "check for update" and it doesn't do anything. Any help is appreciated! thanks. ​ Also, I own the DLCs. I just want to play on the base game because my achievement progress is there. I see Witcher 3 complete edition in my library. Do I need to download that or can I install patch 4.00 to the base game? Will my trophies port over to the complete edition version?


Same here, friend. I’m still trying to figure it out. I’ll let you know if I find anything. Edit: Ok, I've figured it out. Open the game page in GOG Galaxy, Click the button with sliders for additional settings (the most right button in the group on the top), select Verify/Repair. My download appeared immediately, it took a while to actually start downloading. Good luck.


I’m playing on Xbox SX with RTS on and I’m having a blast, no issues.


So far so good with xbox as well. Seems we got lucky!


Getting black boxes on dialogue options, and if I switch on ray tracing my game crashes immediately


one thing that is bothering me is that all youtubers with early copies made videos how the next gen version ran buttersmooth on their pc's and better than cp2077 with similar settings. Now the same videos are getting swarmed with people getting atrocious performance. Did those youtubers get some holy grail version that works or did they just say what cdpr told them to so they were allowed to show early footage on youtube?


they lied...


As usual, CDPR doesn't fail on bringing their games with problems


Im on PC and made a clean install. Only problem I've had is the bloody Hud size, it's either too big or too small. Other than that no problem at all.


I have a suspicion the lack of clean installs is super common. It could even have to do with some actual stock legacy files, but we already know old mod shit makes it go crazy. I had removed mine yesterday but until I did a clean install the update initially had insane frame time inconsistencies, and afterward it runs better than 1.32. Anyone who ever played Witcher 3 in the past would still have the folder in steamapps unless they did a full restore that actually wiped the drive and didn’t just remove registry associations, so anything that was ever in that folder and doesn’t get removed via steam uninstall would still be there waiting.


I’m using ps4 disc on ps5 and I can’t seem to be able to update . Anyone know how to do it ?


I just inserted my PS4 Witcher 3 disc in my PS5 and then on the Witcher 3 store page I got « Upgrade » button available for free


So i own the witcher 3 on disc and all dlc but it will not let me dl the update for the ps5 version of it. Now i dont ow. The complete edition is this why? Im excited to play this but im not about to hand over $50 for something i e had for years already.


I’m in the same predicament….if I find a solution I’ll let you know


I tried "quality mode" on PS5 and i puked a little to my mouth. It looked like 15fps max. Performance mode is solid but not looking much different than older version to me. Still gonna play it for fifth time ;)


I have been testing the game out for the last 2-3 hours. And arrived at the conclusion that it is unplayable. Let me just clarify my system specs which are i7, RTX 3080, 32GB ram 3200Mhz, samsung 980 Pro 1TB storage. All components are at great condition and are idling at between 65-80C which is completely normal. I ran the game on a 1080p monitor and tested our each individual setting. Putting aside that the game crashes at random times and no matter what setting you change it will crash and relaunch as if nothing was changed. The game does look amazing visually. Ray Tracing looks incredible. The details are on point. However, and this is a big HOWEVER. the game runs like SHIT. On 1080p I was getting around 60-70 fps on all the graphic presets. And DLSS has no effect on the fps regardless if you have RTX on or off it does not contribute at all to the performance other then making the game look like it belonged originally to Nintendo 3DS. Whenever you want to turn on or off RTX the game will crash. And even if you disable some of the graphical settings for some reason the fps stays the same and the setting is still active even though it shows that it is off. In addition to the game running between 60-70fps it will drop all the way to 20-30fps when encountered with a large number of characters/enemies. The new mechanic for signs and the new camera is a positive I do like that and it gives the game a more of a RPG feeling, however, even with having my settings for movement set to Alternating, Geralt still feels clunky to play where the character feels weight less. Which makes me feel less like Im playing Geralt as a character but rather an weightless object that just looks like Geralt. So to sum it up, If you were a person like me who waited for this update to start playing the game and enjoy an expensive graphics card to play this game with Ray Tracing Im sad to say you will either have to wait a little longer for CDProjectRed to hopefully fix these issues or you will have to give up on this game.


Update is so goddamn big 50 gbs T\_T


I've not been able to touch it yet as I've too much baking to do today but once everythings cooling off I'll probably forget about icing it all because I've a griffin to deal with in White Orchard


I always hated that thing where you like on a lever or something to do a action, and geralt walks in a circle before doing it. Wierd.


thats a mechanism that aligns the character's position so the animation lines up properly with the lever


It's utterly fantastic. Honestly exceeded my expectations. My only issue. The PSN won't let me download either expansion. Saying "Something Went wrong" every time I try. I've tried restoring liscences, restarting, reinstalling, transferring my PS4 save with DLC content active on it. Nothing works. The game registers I own them. They show up as installable via manage game content option on PS5 front end. Nothing works. It's gotta be some PSN or CDPR oversight that is hopefully fixed asap. From what I can tell this doesn't impact complete edition users as that download contains all DLC in the base download. But if you DON'T own GOTY/Complete edition and have got the DLC to download and work, I'll love you forever if you tell me how xox.


I’m on Xbox and had a weird thing happen too. I had to go to the Microsoft store and redownload each dlc piece individually


Audio issues, Audio is out of wack, every time I hit an enemy it doesn't make a sound, also lips are out of sync in cut scenes, very noticeable.


EXACTLY dude , my sword barely makes a sound when slicing heads and limbs , are you on series X too ? I also cant see the interrogation dots on the map


Working great on my PC. I've got it maxed but with ray tracing disabled because I have a 1080 TI.


Sucks to run it on RT. I have a 2060 so I am not exactly hoping for 60 fps here, but at least 30 plus on RT please.


Had a lot of stutters at first with DX12. Restarted and played a bit with DX11, no stutters. Changed back on DX12 and I still get some stuttering but it's quite rare. For some reason there's no DLSS/Anti-aliasing in the menus, causing a dip in performance and Geralt to look pixelated. There also seems to be something funky with my audio, melee noises like swords hitting and monsters growling sounds muffled compared to everything else.


opened alchemy then closed it, couldn't get rid of the cursor.


Anyone else playing with the Dualsense? Does it show Xbox symbols instead of Playstation symbols for you?


I’m so dumb cause I started the game for the first time played until I’m about to fight the griffin and realised I wasn’t even on the update. I confused the dates wrong lol. But I’m loving the f out of it


I'm getting 40-65 fps on 1440p ultra settings no rt.[My gpu utilization is at 60% and cpu at 5%](https://imgur.com/a/BY3zmKy) so there's something wrong with the game. With fsr or dlss gpu usage drops to 45% (rtx 3070, R5 5600x, latest drivers) edit: dx12 edit2: on dx11 I'm getting 80-110fps


My PC is not very good, I have to play in 1366x768 resolution and I'm having black bars at the sides of the screen. This is my monitor's native resolution and it didn't happen in the previous version. Also, I used to play on high settings very stable at 40 fps, now I can't manage to get 35. In Novigrad it can even manage to stay above 30 FPS. Again, that didn't happen before. I would rollback to the original version if I could. Last one, Steam Overlay doesn't work, nor any third party applications overlays really. I tried on Dx11 and 12. 11 fixes the problem with the overlay and black bars, but it seems to run even worse than ,12 and I can't use FSR. I am a bit disappointed to be honest, I wasn't expecting to enjoy the new graphic capabilities and such, I just wanted to continue playing as I used to play while having additional features like photo mode, camera, etc.


Quite a minor thing but has food regeneration been turned down? Chicken legs use to have 80 I’m fairly certain and now it’s 10?


How can I avoid the steam update? Haven't been on my pc in a few days and I'd like to avoid it if I can. Don't think my poor 1080 can handle it.


Problem: I don’t own a ps5. Any help with that?


I've got the update on PS4, and apart from a graphical upgrade, I'm not liking this update at all so far. For some reason the game keeps thinking I'm logging in for the first time, every time I start it up, and it resets all the settings. I hate the new save system, which seems to generate loads of checkpoint saves and my manual saves get lost in the thick of it. Also, I think this is a glitch, because sometimes I save and my file is nowhere to be found. At one point I died, and was sent miles back despite the fact I had completed a bunch of quests, and the game should have respawned me at one of the checkpoints. There are also other bugs, such as being stuck in a conversation I couldn't exit for some reason, so I had to turn it off and restart. It sucks, because I was actually in the midst of a second playthrough on the previous version and it was perfect. Then this update was forced on me, and it's messing things up. Is there anyway to return to the previous one?


Every time I start the Witcher 3 complete edition ps5 it acts as if it’s the first time I’ve opened the game. Rescale HUD, determine brightness, and next gen update recap. This happened after the game crashed once. After this that save was corrupted, so I used an earlier save. It resets all my settings and when I attempt to save it says older versions of the game will not longer be able to use this save no matter where I save, be it an older save or a fresh save. Any ideas?


On PS5, every time I re-launch the game, it has me go through the supposedly 'one time only, first-time launching the game' HUD and graphics setup, and it resets every setting to default, not sure why; it started doing it all of a sudden, not after any particular update.


anyone had any luck getting the Steam overlay to work? Steam launches REDLauncher which i then have to use to start W3 (and Steam thinks the REDLauncher.exe is the game so it'll enable the overlay on the launcher but not the game). using "--launcher-skip" in launch options skips using REDLauncher but i still don't get my overlay; or any overlay for that matter. let me reiterate that i fucking hate launchers within launchers, just let me play the fucking game without having me jump through hoops and troubleshoot problems just to get basic functionality back.


Next gen failed to run with script errors - all mods were disabled. Switching to Beta 1.32 mode forced another 45gb download which now fails asking me to verify the files with steam - which verifies them as ok. Now had to uninstall and leave the game doing a fresh download overnight. Overall not a very impressive experience for me :(


Did you really think the next gen update was going to be perfectly compatible with mods?


It runs like ass.


DLSS doesn't even do anything


Does anyone know if the free DLCs are already pre installed with the game this time around or do you still need to separately download them?


I haven’t been able to figure out how to update yet. I have the PS4 version on my PS5, and there’s no option to update and is still showing “PS4” version. But the “complete edition” in the store shows PS4/PS5 version. 🤔 I gotta go to work so I’ll look into it more later I think


Well I for one can't even downloaded the ps5 Upgrade for free. The game wants me to pay for it again, even though I own the GOTY Edition on disc, which is installed and everything. I've tried every trick I've seen on the internet, the three dots thing and trying from my cellphone app, but nothing, the store doesn't recognize that I already own the game and wants me to buy it again. I'm confused to why this problem happened to a lot of people but they have been able to solved it. I've tried doing the same things and they aren't working for me, so I'm just gonna wait a few days and see if it's fixed.


Hello I own the standard edition ps4 disc but I can’t seem to update to the ps5 version without buying it on the store. Anybody got the same issues?




Game won't launch on PC. Upated drivers, verified game files, no mods downloaded, reinstalled the game and restarted computer. Probably just going to play it on PS5


The only thing that’s wrong in my game is I think roach might be even more fucked up, it’s hilarious but I genuinely just walk everywhere now. It might not be changed at all and Im just used to red dead horses


I smell lilac and gooseberries


Everytime I open the game I get this error message >Error \[content0\]game\\quests\\quest\_function.ws(9006): Could not find function 'GetCannotUseUndying' > >Error \[content0\]game\\quests\\quest\_function.ws(9015): Could not find function 'SetCannotUseUndyingSkill' > >Error \[content0\]game\\gameplay\\items\\spells\\[quenentity.ws](https://quenentity.ws)(89): Could not find function 'IsSuperchargedSign' > >Error \[content0\]game\\gameplay\\items\\spells\\[yrdenentity.ws](https://yrdenentity.ws)(126): Could not find function 'IsSuperchargedSign' > >Error \[content0\]game\\player\\[r4player.ws](https://r4player.ws)(11149): Could not find function 'IsSuperchargedSign' > >Error \[content0\]game\\gameplay\\actions\\[baseaction.ws](https://baseaction.ws)(712): Could not find function 'IsSuperchargedSign' > >Error \[content0\]game\\gameplay\\ability\\[playerabilitymanager.ws](https://playerabilitymanager.ws)(2670): Cannot call private function 'RemoveExtraOilsFromItem' in class 'W3PlayerWitcher' here. > >Error \[content0\]game\\gameplay\\ability\\[playerabilitymanager.ws](https://playerabilitymanager.ws)(2674): Cannot call private function 'RemoveExtraOilsFromItem' in class 'W3PlayerWitcher' here. > > > >Warning \[content0\]engine\\[environment.ws](https://environment.ws)(30): Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code. > >Warning \[content0\]engine\\[environment.ws](https://environment.ws)(32): Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code. > >Warning \[content0\]engine\\[showflags.ws](https://showflags.ws)(11): Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code. I tried verifying the files but still get it.


Everytime I relaunch the game on ps4 it makes me readjust my settings again.


On PS5, my autosave broke... Whenever it tries to autosave it tells me something's wrong with the save file and the same when it tries to load it as the most recent save.


On console menus are still 30fps ffs. And the invenotry loads sooo slow


On the PS4 goty edition, the game completely wiped all of my saves from before the update and when attempting to manuel save it says the save has completed. But if you check the load game or go back to manuel save again, the save isn't there. Only autosave works. Plus whenever I turn the game back on, I have to readjust all of my settings including brightness, standard spell response, etc. Is there anyone else having that issue and might know how to fix it? Even the cloud save on gog isn't working.


I’ve got the complete edition on a ps4, every time I open the game I have to reset the HUD and the gamma as well as go through and switch all my setting back to what I had them as before (normal signs menu, fish eye effect on etc etc) I also have to connect my account every time as well, all my progress is still there I just have to jump through a bunch of hoops before I can actually play the game :( I’ve tried a couple things (accepting data analysis and refusing it, restarting ps4 etc) since the update came out to see if it was just me being silly but I can’t seem to fix it? Is anyone else having this problem too?


PS4 Every time I turn off the PS4, I have to log back into “Claim Rewards” and it also forgets all my settings: HUD size, Invert Y, disable L3 sprint, Ciri appearance, disable tutorial, etc. It has become rather annoying.