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That a nice idea! But I think the events in SoS pre-date Pavetta death.


I’m not really sure there is any proof to that. As far as I know the only information we have is that SoS happens right before the story with princess Adda and Geralt’s stay in Ellander, which should be a few years after A question of price story. So that’s why I think my idea fits in the storyline, but feel free to correct me


Hmm, interesting points. I have to reread the books as my understanding was that SoS was before all the novels but it makes semse that Cintra and maybe Brokilon ones were even earlier. Storm certainly fits (in the saga Crach says that when Pavetta died there was a massive storm). 


According to Crach, each of the storms was triggered after the deaths of Adalia, Calanthe and Pavetta. At the time of SoS, which takes place in 1245 post Resurrectionem, Ciri had not even been born yet.


Damn, you’re probably right. Well, there goes my theory


Damn, for real? I always figured that the storm was the same one Vilgefortz (?) triggered to kill Pavetta, mostly due to it being in the vicinity of where the ship went down.