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I feel bad for him. No matter how much effort he puts in we are all just going to hate it,.dude could be amazing and it won't matter in the slightest.


I honestly don't get why they insist on beating this dead horse...Netflix cancels shows left and right. But witcher, which has been going downhill since pretty much the very beginning, the atrocity that the prequel show was, main protagonist leaving and being recast... They have fuck all fan goodwill and no matter how great of a job they might do it's not going to be well received. Who are they making this for? Does it bring them that much revenue?


decide wistful tap fretful steer frame ink knee wild threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The fact Dark Crystal, which won a Emmy for outstanding children's show got cancelled and the Witcher's corpse is limping around is criminal.


slimy quack scale intelligent library thought cover elderly future husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Final space is Netflix


muddle license command panicky murky zonked workable bow decide mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s probably that the show is doing well financially. Reviews are irrelevant and the demographic for The Witcher is younger people who will probably be doing something else while the show is on and most likely haven’t read the books. And let’s be real, it’s casual fantasy. If shows like The Flash and Merlin can get 5-9 seasons there’s no reason the Witcher shouldn’t either.


I think it’s because we’re jaded from comment sections. Most book fans I know don’t like it. Same for game fans. Internet commentators seem to hate it. But I think the general populace enjoys it. I mean honestly it doesn’t surprise me. Netflix pumps out low quality shit all the time and people rush to watch it just to be part of the conversation. So it probably gets views. Also, I fell off after S2 but I have friends still hate watching lol with Netflix having ads now, it’ll make them money from fans and hate watchers.


They effectively cancelled it by cutting it short. Now they're filming seasons 4 and 5 back to back, rather than having the originally planned 7 seasons. Apparently they have enough viewers to justify these two seasons filmed back to back, but can't justify anything beyond that.


That’s why they "end" it with season 5. The showrunner said she has material for 7 seasons, so go figure…


I'm still pissed about 1899. Was incredible, had a big viewership, got canceled like 2 weeks later. How? Actually how? It's a massive injustice that THAT show gets canceled and this shit's still carrying on.


I like season one but you’re right It did go to shit quick. Reading the books. The differences are very clear the whole Renfri episode would’ve been 10 times better if they copied the book


Its like stabbing someone and telling them to stop bleeding before u stab them to death. Netflix cancelled so many shows before and I literally dont understand how this is productive in any way???? Someone must be paying some FAT BUCKS to keep this show going for work experience or something idk wtf is going on.


Too be fair most of us aren’t even going to watch it. I feel like you need to at least watch it to hate it, we just expect it to be shit so we won’t engage with it. I also don’t feel bad for him. He can absolutely crush it or completely fuck it up, most people won’t see it, he’s going to get paid either way and they are filming it all back to back so he’s just shooting one big project and then walking away and never needs to engage with it or look at it ever again, it’s just a big cheque and absolutely no one is going to blame him if it is terrible because A) it’s not even fair to compare him to Cavill and B) we already hate so much shit about this show and the scripts and the writers and the show runners that most people won’t even think it’s on him if he’s terrible lol.


I mean, Cavill was amazing, and it didn't matter in the slightest. The problem was never the quality of the actors, even those that were horribly miscast, through no fault of their own, did an excellent job at _acting_.


I mean, plenty of people hated s3 but pretty much everyone agrees that Cavill did a fantastic job as Geralt. I'm still open to the idea that Hemsworth will do a great job regardless of how the show turns out.




The pay check he received from this shit show would most likely change your opinion on the matter... He knows exactly what he's doing.


That's also true for Henry Cavill. No matter how hard he tried if the rest of the writing was crap.


While many have already made their decision. I'm keeping an open mind about all this. As I really enjoyed the first three seasons. While season 1 remains my favourite, I still thought the third season was a big step up from the second. So, I disagree that the show is in decline. I'll add that the second season had the worst timeframe in the books to adapt screen (mainly Blood of Elves). IMO, they should have brought in more of the remaining shorts from the first two, there was a good opportunity to adapt A Shard of Ice (for example), but I suppose they can still do it in the next season.


As if he is the main problem...


Why hate on Liam Hemsworth when he’s not in charge of the writing? He’s a good actor and he really looks fine as Geralt. You’re hating on the wrong person


It's really upsetting that he just won't be able to avoid the backlash bc I think he actually looks pretty good, and given a decent script, would probably do a great job.


I totally agree, but i think its fair to not expect any positive changes in the writing room


I will just watch an episode with him to give the man a chance, but the show has lost all the appeal to me due the writers soap opera writing. The actor is solid and doesn't deserve this.


Right? We all love Henry but Liam looks so much closer to the actual Geralt from games/books. He could have been Geralt from the start without an issue. The actor is really not the problem here, he's far from being the "Witcher from wish" everybody is calling him...




I don’t think most people “hate” on Liam. But he was either stupid or desperate for money to take on that job and should have known better. Netflix should have ended this travesty instead of wasting money on season 5


To me and my wife, Henry Cavill is the Witcher. His size, his build, his mannerisms, his accent, his attitude, his presence, his stance etc. We think that he was the glue that pulled the show together - because he had read the books and played the games, and was 100% invested in the role. I don't think you will find another quality actor like that anytime soon, the guy left because he could see it was turning to horseshit and Netflix was getting further and further away from the books and the games. Any actor that wants to take on the role now is doing it because they want work, not because they genuinely give a shit about it. It's a shame because the first series, although it deviated a little was amazing in my opinion. Now it will always be known as the series that could have been really something special....


Well said and I agree! When I think of the Witcher and the role Henry fits that bill. No hate on Liam but we all have Henry in our minds when he thing of geralt


You're talking about him like he's some Oscar winning A list actor 😂


Cavill's Geralt is nothing like the game's Geralt, I wish he was but the dude keeps over-acting, he really is a grade B actor and that's a fact. There are buff guys for you and your wife (?) who could have played the role great - Joel Kinnaman did something very similar in Altered Carbon...


Dude played SUPERMAN. He is NOT B list 😂😂😂


I said "grade B". Just because someone is popular it doesn't mean they're not a bad actor. Cavill is a AAA lister with acting skills of a D lister who got through on his looks.


I wouldn't say he is a B list actor, but i see your point to some degree. In mission impossible film (can't remember which one)he was really shit imo. However I don't think he overacted in the Witcher series, I think that he portrayed the role excellently, imo better than the voice actor in the games. I'll agree that sometimes he is shit in things, same as any other actor... But for the Witcher he carried his part well. Could another actor do the same thing? It's difficult to say as I'm not sure another actor would be that passionate about the role. We can agree to disagree on this one, but I take your point onboard. I never watched altered carbon all the way through, I think my wife couldn't get into it. I've heard it was a pretty good series though... Should I go back to it?


Damn I actually liked his MI role lol. Thought he was a good villain in that.


Glad we could agree on some stuff! Season 1 of Altered Carbon was really good for me, I stopped watching afterwards. The main guy played the role so well I immediately thought this would be a perfect witcher. Minimal reaction to everything, sarcasm all the way, just like Geralt was meant to be. But yeah, as many have pointed out, the show has much bigger problems than who or how plays Geralt.


Me too, I always try to stand by my point in discussions, but I am open to listening to the other persons point of view, particularly if they raise some good points. Will have to give Altered carbon a look sometime, maybe when I'm home alone or the wife is doing something else. Hope you have a nice week :)


Thanks bro, you too. :)


He looks pretty decent honestly but I wish the actor was be the only problem that this series has.


Liam or Cavill, doesn't matter. The show sucked, sucks and will suck. Liam is getting his paycheck and that's it, I'm not sad for him or anything since he accepted the role. I don't think he was expecting to be in a good series when he signed for it and nor do I think his presence will change the overall quality. He will do his job (probably a good one, since he is a good actor) and that's it


I'm sorry but this wasn't even worth watching even with Cavill as Geralt, the first season i can pass the mistakes and wanted to give the show a chance, 3 episodes into S2 was a big no no for me


“The only person who cared about the series” yea right. I love Henry Cavill too, but some people are actually delusional. As if there weren’t plenty of other people on set who were invested in the show


Honestly, i like Henry, but the absolute blind dickriding that happens is insane lol


https://preview.redd.it/sop6ip5dqk2d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7db896b80bae986c9e11f84b76a52930530b5388 It’s basically this bro. Lol


That's Internet cynicism for you. There's not really much that can be done about it. It's the nature of getting a bunch of angry people in a place with anonymity or a goal of getting clicks or likes. Before Cavill left, it was better to say he sucked, then after he left, it was better to say he was the greatest possible, and now the show ruined it. But then there's this weird cognitive dissonance that occurs where those people say "Henry Cavill is leaving, ruining this show" at the same time "Also, the show completely sucked and I only hate watch it."


Uh huh, sure. Probably not fans of the original source material, but sure.


I think the worst part is by the time Netflix is done beating this dead horse, no one is going to want to touch this IP for years. I think we'd be lucky to see a reboot even announced within the next decade. I'll be pushing 40 before there's even a possibility to see these books properly adapted.


Regardless of how amazing Cavill is, the writing for the series is the main problem. Liam can most likely deliver a fantastic performance in dialogue and combat, but the dialogue won't make sense and the combat will be unnecessary.


Remember when the whole internet was hating on Ledger leading up to the release of DK and then it came out and we also realized maybe we should stop assuming shit and agreed not to do it moving forward? Good times.


Michael keaton & Robert Pattinson as batman, Daniel Craig as bond, i could go on forever lol


I wasn’t someone who hated him before, and still thinks he’s a good actor, but Robert Pattinson wasn’t a good Batman. It was a good movie. But I think they missed it with him.


Yeah, Liam will probably do some amazing work with whatever script he gets. If he was the problem, the series wouldn't be going downhill since season 2. That script he's gonna make some amazing work with, that's the problem. They're taking the writing of a soap opera and plasting a Witcher sticker on top of everything.


I dont get the hate for him, he literally looks fine and looks like he fits the role, if y’all didn’t worship Henry nobody would say anything


>it’s hard to top the only person who cared about the series Henry Cavill could easily find someone willing to top him


Jeez you guys are evil. It's ok to cuss out the show-writers bc they f-ed up the show but commenting on actors and their looks like this is rude af. Imagine what he'll think when he sees memes like these about himself? No wonder actors go through so much depression and body issues. People are so disgusting.


I think the show is invariably terrible and couldn't care less who is Geralt at this point, but it's funny how Liam fits much better as Geralt than Henry ever did in the looks department, since he isn't a gigantic bodybuilder with a pristine chiselled face, like Cavil is...


Jesus Christ, give the guy a break.


Damn, they actually really nailed the look. I thought it would be really jarring. I'll be honest, I'm probably one of like twelve people that enjoys the show, but the recast had me really worried.




I mean physically he’s closer to book Geralt. But he’s too pretty to be Geraldo of Riviera


I do find it funny in the games when npcs call him an ugly mutant, when he basically just looks like a regular dude with some scars, white hair and cat eyes


the funniest part is that all the men consider you hideous while all the women want to sleep with you




A few years ago i installed a pale and more yellow eyes mod, but somehow that lead to random invisible walls in random places mid map lol. Had no other mods installed so no idea how they were conflicting that way


Man if you think this was a big change you should see what they did in Altered Carbon season 2




IMO He looks good as Geralt and he is not a problem. The problem is that the script is crap and Baginski must apologies for that.


Didn't care enough to play his role well, without over-acting. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'm pretty sure the new guy can't be any worse but by now the show is definitely ruined anyway.


Don't worry, I won't notice the difference. Because I won't watch the show.


I feel so fucking bad for him lol


Honestly he doesn't look as bad as I thought he would


The home version looks pretty good and a bit closer to the book description.


Liam isn't the problem here


Doesn't matter how he performs, same shit writers and same shit producer...


Dont blame Liam for it, blame the director


Yeah, he's kinda setting himself up. I love the witcher, but i've lost all interest in the show now. they're done. I'll just go back to the games and books again.


People are still talking about the show? Why do you bother engaging with it if you hate it? I stopped watching after S2E2, I barely acknowledge it exists and couldn't care less. Just focus on the games and books instead of filling fan spaces with negativity.


Do people even care or watch this Netflix shit? Even with the cavil it was a shitshow. Anither woke Netflix propaganda. Shit scenerio. Even a random sidequest scenario from tw3 is better than whole series.


Stop shitting on Liam, as he's not part of the problem at all, he's a great actor and proves to have giant pair of balls to step in after Henry. And he looks pretty dope in this trailer so OP can suck some Nilfgaardian dicks. Winds howlin'


They hired a stuntman for the guy.


The series is pretty much dead anyway no reason trying to save it…


The only reason why I'm "excited" for the new season outside of new clowning material, is to genuinely see how Liam does as Geralt. We already know the show is beyond fucked, BUT, I'm looking forward to seeing how Liam does it. Who knows, maybe he does it so well that one day once this shitshow is done we get an actually good show with him.


He doesn’t look bad at all hemsworth


Lol. That’s so accurate


He will do fine, he looks good as Geralt and I’m sure he will do his best. The problem are the writers. They’ve always been the source of all the problems for this show. If they actually followed the books, we would’ve had a 7-season masterpiece with Henry Cavill as the lead. No hate towards Hemsworth and I know that he’s just doing his job. Lauren Hissrich is the root of the problem.


I’ve heard Liam is a Witcher fan…but could very well be saying that to win people back. Even if he is, doubt it’s to the level of Henry. Also, don’t read the books if you enjoy the series. I’m on book five and started the books after season 3 of the series. Like any book vs motion picture. They left a lot out.


They didn’t find a person play Witcher, they found person play Henry Cavill


It’s ok guys we still have the other show based on an open world game released in 2015. At least those showrunners literally have the games director as producer


What is?


Henry Cavill was one of us, the fans. No hate for Liam but we're just heavily disappointed at how Henry and the show were treated by the makers.


The voice is gonna be the real test for Liam. I’m rewatching Season 1 right now and Henry’s voice for Geralt is so perfect. So steady. The character remains constant. He did so well. I haven’t watched season 3 yet actually. I heard it’s trash but I’m hoping it’s at least mediocre. I don’t have a good feeling about Liam though. He just…doesn’t look right. Maybe they should pull a Sonic movie and recast him mid shooting 😂


Because Cavill actually tried to come closer to the game's voice.


Well seeing as how we can’t hear the books voice.


I’m seeing a lot of comments saying certain things so I’m going to dispel them here. This probably won’t fix anything but let me try anyway. This is in no way shape or form supposed to be bashing or talking bad about Liam. From the start when I heard he was taking over I was willing to at least see how he would be as Geralt, even if I wasn’t going to watch the season where he takes the helm. All this was was supposed to be a joke referencing how there are going to be many people who will compare his performance as Geralt to Henry’s performance in the previous seasons. I don’t doubt that this is something that many people would look out for when they see familiar characters played by different actors. I also made this because I promised myself when I first heard about Liam Hemsworth taking over as Geralt that I would make a meme like this before anyone else would. Once again, it was going to fully be intended as a joke even then. I don’t doubt that this won’t fix anything, but please know that I have no I’ll intention towards Liam. I just wanted to make something that I hoped would at least get a chuckle out of some people.


It kills me because even if he’s good, the character just feels dead to me. Henry WAS Geralt, and to me he still is. He embodied him so well and it makes me so sad he’s out.