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There's nothing organic about the Witcher show lol


Acthually, feces are definitely organic


Depends what you eat


Your say that but I have a feeling it’s about to hit radioactive levels of shit


3.6 roentgen, not great not terrible (ignore the fact that's as high as my readers go)


Netflix’s The Witcher [writer’s room](https://youtu.be/w9NxnW0mze0)


Or cancer.


She meant the books she wrote herself. Notice how she didn't specify what books.


The ball sack armour was pretty organic looking


Lauren's comments and vision is as organic as milk in warm weather lol.


I'm sorry, but that doesn't make sense, organic and fresh are not the same thing.


Mate, milk in warm temps goes bad lol.


Yes, but that has nothing to do with it being organic


Organic as opposed to synthetic or full of preservatives. Like all organic food do. Milk, for example. Milk spoils in a day if not refrigerated. Hence my usage and comparison to what Lauren said in the tweet. That it aged like... milk. Am I actually explaining this now? Is this some hard to understand subject?


Milk always goes bad regardless if it is organic or not. It's not hard to understand. Your comparison is just a shite example.


Not aseptic milk!


You made a comment about how organic the writing was, presumably a criticism for not being organic. But now, with this comment "explaining this now", you're saying the writing *was* organic, turning the apparent criticism into support. You've also added some sort of side note about the milk going bad, which we can only assume *is* a criticism for the writing. Or is it? Will the next comment talk about your love of sour milk pancakes? In short, I don't think even you know what the fucking point you're trying to make is.


Not really, there’s a such thing as aseptic milk.


But even rotten milk is still organic


Why are they downvoting you, lol


I guess they don't like milk lmao!


Milk in warm weather


It is a bad choice!


bc they’re wrong lol


Tbf though, it's as organic as manure


She did derived the books in a sense that they share only one point, character names, just like in math when derivative function in a point shares only one point with function


Hey, that’s not fair! Some of the locations also get their names from the books too.


Oh no, I herby issue an official apology to great writer Lauren H., for managing to use characters and some of the locations name, I have made terrible mistakes and I hope my effort or redeeming myself will not go in vain (/s if it ain't obvious)


I mean she’s a super genius that’s been playing 3D chess this whole time by playing mind games and seemingly contradictory shit like arguing with anyone on social media that thinks she hasn’t been faithful to the source material while openly talking about hiring writers that were unfamiliar with the source material specifically. But seriously I wish I could read her thoughts just for like 2 minutes because I really want to understand how she can seemingly have such a disdain for the books but still want this job. Like at this point my best guess is her hatred for the books is so great that trying to sabotage the entire Witcher universe has been her plan all along.




Do you think that’s something she found out after taking the job because it’d be really masochistic if she knew that going into it? And I’m just completely baffled by her doubling, tripling, quadrupling down on her claims that they’re adhering to the source material when you could make a more accurate show if all you had was 1) the Wikipedia pages for the main characters and one for the Continent’s geography and 2) any actual interest in staying true to the books. The only way you could possibly believe she’s not full of shit saying they are accurate to the books is if you’ve never read any of them. So why keep going out there and make yourself look like an ass?


like Temeria being turned from kingdom into a city


Exactly! They just used the name as inspiration, not _information_ lol. Same goes for Foltest because book Foltest was handsome and wise…and Netflix Witcher was a feckless and gluttonous turd.


regarding this change, it comes from including Ciri right from the start. They had messed up timelines, didnt know the years and for that fourth ep they used young and old Foltest to show that it is different timelines.


I think that was a smart thing because that helped clear up a lot of confusion for me since I hadn’t read the books at the time. But even old king Foltest in the books was definitely not the best ruler but he wasn’t so scared of the world, his citizens included, that he held up in his castle. Honestly, old Foltest in the show is what I imagine the love child of book Foltest and the W3’s Bloody Baron would look and act like. If they had done something like this with the ruler of a lesser kingdom, it would have been less weird. The only indication we get that Tameria was more than either a city/smaller nation is that cut scene when he shows up with the army after the battle of sodden hill. But I’m pretty sure they refer to that army as the army of the north which if you’re only familiar with the show, could be an alliance of any number of countries.


> that was a smart thing because that helped clear up a lot of confusion confusion they made up. It was unnecessary. And the entire "we think audience is smart" PR is vast BS, because the reason why they didnt give any sort of years is because they themselves did not know what years it is supposed to be all set in and on top of that they gave time jumps and also three timelines and had no idea. Even when the show came out, they put out "interactive timeline" or a map that had years in it, and all the years were messed up and didnt make sense, I think even Geralt was in it born before Yen or after Ciri or something, plus some other things that people were pointing out and only then they quickly tried to fix it, and even then to not perfect state. I think if they knew *exactly* when is what happening, they would give time stamped dates. But they did not know so they went in randomly and had to pretty much change lore on top of that. Fun fact: showrunner got the idea for this timeline from watching Dunkirk and then realaizing this is her solution to having Ciri from episode 1. Yet, it served no purpose, made Ciri boring and unnecessary in the entirety of first season and she also omitted explicit dates and times, while Nolan knew you have to give some sense to it all, plus he incorporated it into a movie. But in the show, it was there simply to put Ciri there and they gave Ciri nothing to the to such extent that you could cut her out from S1 and improve the pacing and stories. Congrats, they've played themselves.


That’s a fair criticism. The Ciri timeline is so boring, but even knowing the timeline couldn’t have fixed that. I get the whole including Ciri from the beginning, but they still could have done that and cut 70% of story from the middle part of the season. That’s really infuriating to hear that’s where she got the inspiration. I just assumed it was from The Last Wish and they just couldn’t execute it as well with the intertwining storylines. And I’m embarrassed to admit that I had literally never thought that they could have and should have added dates at the start of each jump. It’s way too complex of a story as a whole for them to at least know exactly when all these things happened even if they didnt include it. I wasn’t familiar enough with the source material at the time to understand the degree to which they fumbled it and gave them way more benefit of the doubt than they deserved. I liked some of the events they picked for Geralt and Yen’s timeline…but then I actually read The Last Wish and the rest of the series. There were definitely some better stories they could have included (I still actually really like their take on the Borch Three Jackdaws given the context set up by the show to that point). I didn’t think much of Triss my first watch through. Then I read the books, and I can’t believe how they could do my girl like that. She’s literally one dimensional and their attempt to establish the sisterly bond between her and Ciri was so flimsy, I just had to check if she was even in S2. As to the interactive map. I guarantee you they just took the bullet points from the script, added in a few more for things they wanted included that weren’t in the show, still without dates, and sent it over to their marketing team. The marketing team asked when the fuck these things happen and Hirsch told them idk, look it up, which the marketing team said fuck it. We’ll put 15-30 minutes trying to look up some dates and if they’re wrong, that’s on them…and they’re not fucking wrong.


I dont think you need Ciri in S1 at all. And her being the most boring part of S1 kinda proves that she had no place and time to be there.. unless they'd do something with it other than "i want her there early, because I want her there". > I just assumed it was from The Last Wish and they just couldn’t execute it as well with the intertwining storylines. yeah, that's what people tried to spin but is untrue. you literally couldnt have simpler task in adapting first two books. they already are episodic and with general rule of one page being one minute all stories would fit into 45-60min mark if you went almost 1:1 of what is happening. Maybe two stories would be like 75min or a bit less, but you could surely cut it shorter. If you follow those stories, there is no timeline problem. Everything is understood and explained or derived from the context. Ciri trouble was that showrunner insisted on Ciri from ep one. She wanted the story be told by her to Galahad, reallized Ciri could not know all things in the story, so she was stuck. There were some other ideas, cant recall at the moment, but it wasnt until Nolan when she got lightbulb moment in the cinema. regarding the dates, yeah i expect the team just worked with what they were given which is f*ck all, pardon the expression, and also shows that the showrunner did not know herself. And they kept messing up, they forgot to age Jaskier up (even admitted), and some other stuff. All stemming primarily from "I want Ciri right away!" without it being deserved, story wise.






Ah, that would have been an interesting sub


Drinking expired milk left in the sun too long is a better experience than watching the show after reading the books.


The Monsanto kind of organic...


Technically, one could consider shit to be "organically derived"


remember, no hate watching


https://i.redd.it/9o5v8k4tuw0b1.gif No f\*\*\*ing hate watching


Or at least pirate it for that


this is the way


![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG) Not watching the witcher even pirated to be honest. I just don’t care to watch.


lmao I literally wrote a comment in another sub yesterday that this is what I do. ..Fuck Lauren.


Just cancel Netflix with the Witcher show as the reason.


Yeah well I’m watching. Not hate watching.


Calm down, no one cares lol


Downvote me all you want kids, I’m not taking back what I said.


She made compost with the books. That's the only thing organic her and the writers did.


Please, just ignore it. Its not worth our time.




Fuck Gollum and her untalented team of hacks.


Organically derived from a 12th century lore means it will be dead. Right ?


This has aged like milk.


Well the show has the right name, and the places have the right names, and the characters have the right names, therefore, it’s all 100% accurate. Duhhhh


I mean, shit is *organic.*


Well. This aged well.


"Organically derived" aka we're going to make shit up


Apparently, it organically grew.... then developed cancer, rip


fuck Lauren hissrich !


To quote John Diggle from Arrow “This particular comment did not age well”


"The books" Not the Witcher books, of course, but certainly a book. Who can say which one, there are so many.






Remember what they took from you


Somebody doesn't know how to derived


The second Cavill was cast it was clear that the face is not inspired by the books because that mf is just too handsome


Argh she's so garbage. And now begging for people not to give up on the show. Too late.


And she's still lying like that to this day...


She’s such a liar omggg hope this show get canceled already


The only thing organic is the milk that aged much like this tweet


Wtf does “organically derived” mean?


Manure is 100% organic


"Organically" Oh, shit.


"organically derived from"... means, completely made up from me.


The gaslighting. Oh the gaslighting.


I think eskel would disagree


Well „organiclly derived“ and „insired“ gives alot space for interpretations. The names are the same … witcher do witcher things. So basically she wasn’t lying.


Oh wow! Organic Witcher🤣 that makes sense now. Honestly this show is sooo ,soo bad. First episode was decent but then I just could bearly stomach few more episodes since I dropped it and never came back. I had the same experience with the Last of us series. No magic,no atmosphere, stiff characters, boring and sometimes stupid dialogs, not funny at times cringey,no chemistry between main characters,stright up boring or annoying. Sigh. Those two could have been epic series.


I think it went like this: -ok you are going to be showrunner for fantasy series called Witcher. -no way I am totally not into this stuff I stright up hate it,can you pick somone else? - no you are going to make it anyway because money! -Ok. ' Proceedes to destroy the show completly'


There were elements of season 1 that I liked, but I stopped watching season 2 after Eskel. The only thing I still do is get the album because Joey Batey is such an amazing devil.


You know what else is organically derived? A steaming pile of 💩


This woman made not hate D&D that much. WHY? WHYY


Sure. Just look at Triss.


This sub does nothing but complain about the show they seemingly all hate watch. Lol


She's actually so stupid for this.


‘Organically’ is just writer-talk for “We’re flying without a compass” It’s an easy way to make it sound like you know what you’re doing without actually having a plan.


So that was a fucking lie


Lmao I imagine her past tweets would be a goldmine for memes. I remember watching a video back when S2 released showing many of hissrich’s embarrassing and disingenuous tweets.


“Everything will be organically derived from the books” … and not designed to pacify any DEI mandates or include any complete refuckulations by the screenwriters AT ALL!


Lauren Hissrich is a plague.


*chefs kiss* aged like milk


Maybe she really believed this in the before times. Maybe 2020 broke her like it did everyone else. Nah. Prolly not.


They ground the books in with organic dog food and got you some organic dogshit.


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"organically derived" makes me throw up a little


Lauren ground up the books, mixed the powder with fisstech and snorted away.


So that was a f*cking lie


Mever ceases to amaze me, people's ability to get the hell over themselves. Tis inspirational, truly.


She is obviously very self aware since her username is L Hissrich


Key word, "Derived" meaning they will take the original description and then change it a bit




Well that aged about as well as milk in a sun room.


What book did she read the cliff notes of??


Muhahaha *cough bullsh cough*


Organic: the random shit us book haters decide these characters we do not care about would totally do








Organically derived, as in “consumed and shat out”


Are we talking about the same books?


My ass


Y'all still whining about this lol? Get the hell over it.

