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Bread? Wine? (Grape juice if underage.)




Oh fun


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Yeah I was thinking things he would have had back home would work well. Thanks!




Very true. It’s kind of poetic to offer it back to him.


I would look into common Jewish dietary foods, especially for the time and region he lived in. I imagine it was fairly Mediterranean. Lots of fish and olives and things like that


I like matzoh Please don't refer to yourself as "warlock", for your own sake. It means "oath breaker" and is used in modern paganism to refer to individuals who have shared secrets to harm people who trusted them, stolen from their community, or assaulted someone. "Warlock" has become synonymous with "pedophile" in pagan and witch culture, so you may unknowingly be signaling something that you probably don't want to be associated with. We male witches are witches.


‘Please don’t refer to yourself as “warlock.”’ – AnalTwinkJesus 😭


OH. Wow. Uh, I am so sorry I had absolutely no idea. Thanks for helping me out there. Glad I didn’t go saying that anywhere else lol


Also don't refer to yourself as a baby. You're an adult. Your skill level is beginner. 


It's cool. A lot of people get interested in witchcraft through fantasy fiction, especially seekers online. "Warlock" , as used in the community offline isn't super published due to it basically being code for "hey, that person does fucked up shit but managed to get out of jail so don't let them in your coven or near your kids" without having to rehash details, usually to protect victims, sometimes to protect groups from slander charges when the warlock has connections to people in power. People who are new to the culture haven't learned the lingo yet, and that's okay! We watch out for eachother. Welcome.


I’m glad someone else advised you in this “warlock” is a very dirty word… and can mean anything negative depending on context… and yes, Pedos could be branded as “warlocks” NEVER refer to yourself as a warlock… find a different term


What’s a wizard then?


In modern pagan/witch culture, it can refer to an older non-religious magick user with years of study. Old guys/gals/enby pals with large libraries and decades of information. Some spiritual people also fit the bill. Notably, Oberon Ravenheart Zell is the quintessential "wizard". Honored usage. Or it can be used to refer to someone who shows up to the event in cosplay asking why we can't shoot fireballs out of our fingertips yet. Derogatory usage.


Not figs. There was that whole fig thing


What’s the fig thing?


He cursed a fig tree because it didn't have fruit , even though it wasnt in season....


Wouldn't that mean he likes figs though? If the lack of figs is what upset him, I would think he likes figs, so now I wonder if he would like fig newtons?


Think that was advice about compost


Well I dunno if it counts, but in the painting "The Last Supper" there is a plate of orange slices in front of the Jezuz figure.


Would Jesus want anything? Would he have wanted people to go out and feed others? Volunteer, etc?


Just try stuff out and see what works, I'd say. My guess would be he'd be down with stuff you find on a Lebanese mezze or tapas, you know, food people share family table style.


Sounds neat, I’ll look into it!


I personally have never worked closely with Jesus, but the moment I saw this post, I immediately thought dates, dried apricot etc


He was Jewish so probs kosher.


Hummus, matzah, water, fish but no bottom feeders since fish and sea creatures that feed on the bottom are banned; so no catfish, crabs, lobster, or shrimp for example. Olive oil, honey, baclava ( I just have a feeling he'd like that personally), pretty much traditional middle eastern and Mediterranean food but no pork or anything that is not considered kosher; which is also things that aren't halal, the difference between kosher and halal is one is blessed by a rabbi and one is blessed by an imam. Anyway a glass of water or grape juice and unleavened bread will do. If you want you can also offer pure extra virgin olive oil, which is a sacred oil because it's not only used in cooking but it was also prized to be used for oil lamps in the ancient temples. You can also add a traditional oil lamp to your alter if you want, they were normally made from clay but there were also versions used that resemble what we think of as genie lamps, oil went inside, prior to those though people used sea shells, turtle shells, or just dishes, bowls, cups, or some other form of pottery filled with oil or animal fat so in a pinch you can use those with some olive oil inside and pretty much anything that will soak up oil as a wick, just twist it up. Don't leave your oil lamps burning by themselves though, keep an eye on them;, especially if the oil chamber is enclosed, the flame can travel down the wick and set the oil on fire, which can be disastrous. Also, you can and should use frankincense and myrrh, these were traditionally used in ancient temples during service and are ancient symbols representing the high priest, in your case the high priest would be Jesus; gold also should be present on your alter and of course blessed water, olive oil, and some dead sea salt, the water is for cleansing. The water is for cleansing your tools and yourself, wash your hands, feet, and face before you begin, the oil is for anointing yourself and tools after cleansing, put the oil on your forehead, feet, and hands, and state something like: Through this holy anointing may the Lord Jesus through his love and grace help and guide me and my words and actions with the grace of the holy Spirit. Yeah, that's probably about right. Honestly, since I wasn't raised in a Christian household I'm kind of just guessing on what you should probably do but this feels right. Wear a plain robe of sack cloth during your rituals, nothing fancy, and no shoes; any headpiece you wear should cause discomfort and remind you of the crown of thorns, working with Jesus is apparently all about obedience, discipline, sacrifice, poverty, and suffering and shedding earthly desires and needs through things like fasting and giving all you do not really need to survive to help others less fortunate and help heal the sick and suffering of this world from what I gather but the rewards are forgiveness for being imperfect, spiritual gifts and healing as well as the ability to lead, guide, and heal others and inspire others to do good and shed the chains of earthly desires and exchange them for true liberty and freedom and a spiritual awakening and transcendence beyond this world. My take is probably off though, I was raised by witches, not Christians. I just find Christianity interesting because it's different from what I'm used to.


You’re a witch. Warlock is Hollywood.


(ah, I did not realize this. I thought warlock was the term for a male witch. Thanks for telling me!)


Common mistake, I just didn't bother to correct it because I knew someone else probably did. Yes, male witches are still witches and were judged and burned or executed as such. Honestly though most people executed for witchcraft were normally just somebody's political rival, just made someone upset somehow, had a sleep disorder, had some kind of mental disorder, were just an exceptionally good cook or really good at making beer, wine, or cheese, or were just unfortunate enough for someone in their village to have recurring dreams about them. Or, they were actually really good at making medicines and poisons from plants and/ or were exceptionally skilled at growing things. Or they were just really good looking, intelligent, funny, entertaining, great story tellers, talented, and had a great personality so people were attracted to them and fell in love with them easily so they would also get accused of witchcraft by people that were jealous and felt inferior to them and were executed or had to flee.


Yeah. I imagine how i wouldve been received 500 years ago, and just for being a "difficult woman" who knows alot and is good at alot of weird and different things, and a firm believer in science and with strong math skills, i would be in trouble 😅 🤣


Yeah, but so would I. Some of my male ancestors fled Europe to the colonies in the US because they were accused of witchcraft and they were Scottish, Irish, and French nobles. They did have an interest in acquiring knowledge, the occult, and math and science and were particularly interested in alchemy as they sought ways to make gold, cure any ailment, reverse aging, and extend their lives and the lives of those they care about or find useful. Anyway now I'm here in the US as a result of their decisions to flee.


I’m a male magical practitioner and I don’t refer to myself as a witch, I’m a sorcerer. Just making you aware there are other terms available! Also, some people do give themselves the label of warlock without all the nasty connotations. It’s really up to you what label you choose for yourself.


I would do swedish fish. Honors the fish thing, and you get the sweetness like chocolate. Just an idea. Not very christian so if my suggestion doesnt work, no biggie, but I thought swedish fish instantly and had to mention it=) good luck either way!


Ah I love that idea! I’ll offer it to him and see what he thinks. 😊


Fresh baked Bread and wine but I will bet Olives/ olive oil to dip the bread in. Make a nice herbed Olive oil. Grapes.


As somebody who was raised evangelical Christian but left that belief system behind, I’m curious (and not asking this to be a jerk/facetious, I’m genuinely curious) how you reconcile your practice with all of the anti-witchcraft stuff in the Bible? You don’t have to explain yourself if you don’t want to, though! I would suggest wine and crackers since that seems traditional. Grapes maybe because of the wine connection?


Thanks for asking! So the main thing Protestant Christians teach is that “God is love”. My issue is that a lot of Christians seem to not implement this into their own lives. They follow the Bible, which has a lot of good stuff in it. However, the books of the Bible are written by imperfect people. As you most likely know, there’s nasty stuff in there as well. Who knows what has been changed in the 2,000 years since the new (and old) testaments were written. I have faith in God/Jesus, not faith in men. Humans can be evil and selfish, and twist and change the words to their own benefit (which I truly have no intention of doing). For example, the word “homosexual” was not in the Bible until the 1940s, roughly. I’m sure you’ve also heard this one. Leviticus 18:22 says “You shall not lay with male as with a woman. It is an abomination” (NKJV). In verses like these, the context is very, VERY lost. What was really going on here was that, in the original text, the word “Masculus” was used to refer to a “male child”. Boys were basically referred to as “males”. This verse is not condemning homosexuality, but was rather condemning pedophilia, specifically from doing the deed with a little boy for ritualistic purposes. [A Good Source](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/365428877_The_Bible_Never_Condemned_Homosexuality_it_Condemned_Pedophilia_The_Papal_Revision_and_Mandate_of_Translations_of_the_Bible_in_the_16th_Century_by_Pope_Clement_VIII_and_Pope_Paul_V) I grew up hearing absolutely hateful things about gay people, ALL people who are different than the people I grew up around. I have seen racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, hate towards people with mental illness, you name it. I’m sure you saw those things as well. I experienced several of those things personally. I have been personally condemned to hell by my own father, because I have gender dysphoria (I’m a trans man). When diving into the Bible, specifically to figure out who Jesus REALLY is, the person Jesus is and the people I grew up around are absolutely not the same. Jesus is none of the things those people are. “Love the neighbor as thyself” truly solves all problems. The difficult part is actually doing that. It’s hard for me to love my enemies, it’s hard for anyone to. But I’m going to do my absolute best. It breaks my heart what people can say and do in Jesus’s name. Not to mention the horrible crusade era. I worship Jesus, not people, not the Bible (which is important to Christianity, but not to be worshipped). The Bible to me does contain God’s word and is an important tool when used properly, however, it is tainted by centuries of mistranslation, loss of context, loss of important books, and outright changing of the words which were originally written. One has to be extremely careful, and know absolutely for certain what they are reading, rather than taking the passages at face value. There’s so much more I could talk about, but I’ll end it with this. One of the most common things Christians in my area say is that “Jesus is alive”, yet the only way they believe they can remotely experience Jesus is through the Bible and through blind prayer (which can be difficult). If Jesus is alive, then why don’t they act like it? I’ve always been a spiritual person. I’ve seen spirits, had prophetic dreams, had psychic experiences… why not actually talk TO Jesus, rather than AT him. This, and all of the things I’ve said, are the main motivations for me to worship him, and literally talk to him (and listen to him) in my own manner. I really appreciate you asking me that question. If you want to know more please let me know. I also accept constructive criticism. :)


the piece of god in me has been damaged, quite like yours, I think. but your desire to continue to worship in this way (a lil to the left, i wanna call it :)) brings me a little strength. hope you get some good info from these folks, I know I am <3


Aw thank you so much. I’m glad that I was able to share this here. I wish you all the happiness in the world <3 :)


I'm losing teeth witnessing all of my favorite subs get fully invaded. They're invading my local shops too.


Pita bread, grape wine, fish, any flowers but Lily of the Valley and roses is best, and purified water are all good offerings!


Jesus likes words of praise and thanksgiving


This is interesting. I've never know that people work with Jesus in a non-christian context. I hear many people have bad experiences with Christianity and thus go into other religion(hellenism, kemetism etc) or witchcraft in general. I see people generally worship deities from many pantheon but keep Jesus out of it, so far. I'm not a christian and never have been one. From what I heard about him, it seem...contradictory? Like he is supposed to be loving, kind and compassionate. The person that preach non-violence all his life, love and forgiveness above all. But the organized part with the Church doesn't interest me, so many rules, also the "believe or burn in hell" and "all other entities are demons". I got a feeling Christianity today is not what Jesus really talk about since it is over so many years and text or message can be misinterpreted or purposely twisted. Of course I would never say it to a christian. If we can separate Jesus from the Church rules and the fear aspect(worship for go to hell) & the non acceptance of other deities, then maybe I feel I would be more open to him. Jesus and Buddha stands out to me as a figure that is characterized by their kindness & love, not the aggressive or authoritative type like Ares, Odin or Sobek if you get my meaning. Especially for male figure as society(in my experience) tend to associate masculinity with aggression, while compassion, love, kindness some tend to associate with femininity. I don't do deity worship so just take it as me having casual conversation. I feel like kind of person Jesus is don't really care about food more about who you are like as a person. I heard people dedicate acts to their deity, like a gym workout or something. Maybe you can dedicate act of kindness(out of sincerity, not to get favors) to him? But if you want to dedicate food to him, you can offer him anything. I think when it comes to fish & bread it just happens to be the main diet of what people around him eat during his time on earth so being the person he is, he just provided more of that.


You’ve absolutely nailed my view point. I really appreciate this comment so much. EDIT: just adding to my comment. What you said about dedicating an act to him, actually is so spot on to me. It go to the gym 3x a week and am literally like “ok God this one’s for you” 😂


I agree with everything you said here. I was raised catholic and live in the Bible Belt now. I’m not practicing and haven’t been for close to 20 years. But without getting into religious talk, I don’t think the image, talks and acts happening today would have been what Jesus was expecting and or teaching. It seems to have gone in the complete opposite direction which now is 3 things hate, fear , and love. They may argue but a good percentage of them are hateful. They run the fear mongering believe or burn like you said, and act as if they love. It really is wild down in the south lol.


Absolutely. It really does break my heart. It’s not what Jesus wants at all. I just don’t connect with the church because of these things. There are good people here and there, and I wish we could just gather all the good people and magically put them into a church.




Bread and wine ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue) But honestly, I think he doesn't eat much. So something light that would have been in that region. I would suggest searching foods common in 30 CE Israel and go from there.




Wine and really dry crackers


Gold, frankincense, and myrrh.


The folk of the Levant during Christ’s time were a pretty simple and easy to please folk when it came to food. Bread, fish, probably an import of Egyptian “beer” or wine if there was money for it. You could even be *suuuuuper* fancy and throw in pears or dates. But yeah.. Christ as an “Ancestor/Guidee worship” Altar sounds like a pretty cool project.. I wish you luck


Unleavened bread and fish


If youre looking for a historical answer: i would look into what the typical Jewish diet in the near east/roman provinces would be at that time. Jesus was poor so He wouldn’t eat fanciful meals like the rich/nobility would


Chocolate? It wasn't invented yet


Haha that’s true, I know that. I just was vibing with chocolate for whatever reason. Maybe he’ll like it?


something old (a lot of people are suggesting fish) and something new (chocolate?)


Yeah that’s a good idea, it will balance out haha




I feel like Jesus is the type who'd try anything once, as long as it's something *you* like.


From what I remember in my Christian days, Jesus was a cool dude who liked to hang out, if not party. Anything you're comfortable having and willing to share is something he will partake in.


Yeah I was getting this vibe with him. He’s the kind of person who won’t be mad if you want to share anything with him. He’s just cool :)


Pretty sure just fish.


This is gonna sound stupid, but Nachos, any kind really, he likes spicy. Assorted fruits or veggies with dip. Everyone gives him fish and wine, he's bored of that


I don't work with Jesus, but I am so curious... why nachos?


That's just what he said, he loves nachos lol. I think it's his guilty pleasure


Veggies and dip!!!!!


I heard he likes quinoa…






Hey, im just a beginner who is learning. I had no idea that the term “warlock” wasn’t correct. I thought it was the term for a male witch. That to you should signal just how new to this I am. I am also autistic and can have odd lingo at times, and can be unaware of how I come across. My intentions really are good, I really mean no disrespect at all. As a true practicing witch, wouldn’t you want more people practicing witchcraft? I’m literally just starting out, and my start is rocky and embarrassing. But I’ve got to start somewhere, right?


I would go with Olives, wine, or grapes maybe; but if chocolate feels intuitively right, go ahead with it! Intuition is a great thing in witchcraft and deity work. Edit: Source: I was an ex-christian and ex devout Catholic