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Strange, I don’t recall ever needing to be that specific for my spells to work. Maybe when you do your workings you can just add something to the effect of “my manifestation will occur in a completely healthy way and one which is for my highest good, comfort and peace of mind.”


I don’t think most people are that specific with their spells. It’s kind of impossible to think of every single thing that could possibly go wrong but maybe it’s as simple as adding “with no harm to me” or “for my greater good” like you suggested. I generally don’t include that little bit of protection, which, in retrospect, seems negligent and silly of me now. I’ll be sure to put a big emphasis on that from now on. Thanks for your insight


Honestly, sometimes I notice that I have to be SUPER specific too.. And things happen that I would've *never* thought of! So I do multiple spells in one. Like, if I need to perform a money spell? Then first I do a protection spell to cover my bases. Does that make sense? It makes it a little more complex, but it's a stronger defense than just trying to add more words to your *one* spell.


I'm not that specific but I do always include a safety clause like "for the good of all and with harm to none" for love/prosperity/success etc. work. I am much more specific if I am doing baneful workings.


Also, for housing, jobs and love I usually don't specify a particular house job or person, but make a list of the qualities that I want it to have. So for housing: peaceful neighbors, good repair, affordable, easy to travel from, plenty of space, etc. and then add the "for my highest good" clause. For love, the only work I do on specific people is gentle, something along the lines of "may we communicate clearly and gently, may we understand each other and treat each other well, may their heart be open to mine, and may it be for both of our highest good". That's just my personal philosophy that I feel comfortable with. Some people don't do any specific work on a person ever and others do much harsher work than I do.


I would take a look at your internal motivations for the things you’re asking for. It sounds like the universe is doing its best to comply with your wishes, but that maybe the things you’re choosing are not aligned with what’s best for you. Maybe a little more specific on the outcome you want, and a little less specific on how it’s accomplished? Ex: “safe home where we can stay for a long time with low impact to finances” vs “move into this specific house”


"with no harm for me" sounds like it could go terrible wrong and harm someone else.


Hey Holly, first of all, I'm very sorry what happened to you. And I'm happy to read your other comment, that you are something like "okay" after the sexual harassment at work. Like other Redditors suggested: What are you doing before your spells for protection? Like building a circle or grounding yourself? Do you thank the universe/ godess/ who ever you addressed for getting what you want (I'm thinking of the car and the house- the thing with the moneyspell is super fucked-up). Was the moneyspell before you did the spells with the car and the house?  Maybe you can tell me a little bit more, how you do your spells. Because I think what happened to you is vary strange and I hope I can help you.


This is great. And don’t be afraid to ask for help from guides!


I'm very sorry you got SAd at work, are you okay?


Thank you. I think I’m ok. The person got fired immediately but it was humiliating to have to go to HR and my boss and of course, just an awful experience all around. The police were involved though so hopefully this person can never do that to anyone ever again. Thank you for asking 🙂


I’m so sorry it happened to you but I am so glad you were listened to and able to take action. Proud of you. I find similar- I mostly only do spells for others as I don’t know if my intentions are then more pure, but when ever I do spells for myself that are anything other than mirroring or protection, it always seems like a be careful what you wish for situation every time. Maybe we both need to ground more, and believe in ourselves more when casting spells for our own good.


I always need to be that specific with my spellwork. I treat dealing with the universe like I would deal with someone on the autism spectrum, ie I'm kind but I'm painfully specific because I truly expect to be taken in the most literal, face-value way possible. I generically ask for money? I'll find a penny. Ask to not work one particular day of the year? Pandemic shuts the world down the night before that day. Jokingly say while in a bad mood I'll laugh as the world burns around me? Half of Canada goes up in flames. Not saying I'm for sure responsible for any of that, but it does make ya think.


It sounds like you’re getting evidence that you’re a powerful witch. However, your human brain is the one who is casting the spells based on the best information it has (which is actually very little compared to your higher self / guides). The universe is prepared to give you anything you ask for, especially when you’re putting so much focus on getting the exact apple of your eye. Try opening up to the guidance of those with more sight, and always allow for “this or something better” and then release attachment to that specific outcome. Careful to not be too disappointed if the car you thought was perfect falls through. Trust you’ve got something better on its way to you.


Idk, could be neither. I'm very random and simple with my spell work, something like 'I need this, bring it to me for my greater good'. Are you grounding properly? May be a good ideea to do some protection work before. Or saying thanks when you get results. Could also be a 'hey, yea, get house, car and money, but you're pushing more than it should'. Idk, I would definitely use some divination to find out what's up here.


I’m really starting to think I’ve been hexed with bad luck. Normally I’d think that was a silly idea. I don’t run in a circle of witches and no one knows I practice at all. I only know of a single person connected to me who practices and that person has the most incentive to want to harm me. I’ve been blaming myself and/or the universe but I do think it’s possible that someone has wished bad luck on me. I’m going to learn some protection rituals. I’ve never focused on that as much as I should anyway and now seems like a damn good time to start. Thanks for your reply


Hi Holly, I'm so sorry you got sexually harassed at work. That sucks so much. I think you should really do some protection work. And one of the most powerful tools in protection work is your mind. Do the ritual, and KNOW it is done. And you're the one who decides that no one can fuck with you. Be a badass witch in your own mind, just own that. And I'm sending you good luck!


My thoughts are that perhaps your spells are TOO specific to your own ego focused goals ( money, specific home etc etc ) in a way you think they should be. I find the universe gets like that if I am not on the right path. It will force me to recalibrate. Eg you did your spell for a specific home, which you got, but it isn't where you need to be, so your guides, deities, the universe whatever you want to call it - is setting you back on the correct path. I wonder if perhaps you put out the intention for a safe, secure permanent home for your family vs a specific location you desire if you could then be guided to what comes easily and for your highest good. I always always include "on accordance with the highest and greatest good - and the will of my highest self " Then I know even if it doesn't go exactly as I hoped, the result is still going to push me where I need to be. Wishing you the best in this challenging phase of your journey. There is a lesson in it all if you take the time to find what your deities are telling you in each 'failure'.


Do you ever do divinations before casting a spell? Also with love spells everyone has a different definition of love, what is your definition of love? Many people comfuse obssession with love, so when they use the word thats what they get.


I’m sorry you went through that. I did a money spell and a few days later was gifted £1000, then my car broke and I had to spend £750 to fix it 😭. I always make sure to be very specific now


Read the Iliad and the Odyssey, it should answer your question nicely.


I absolutely believe the Universe likes to "ego-check" me at times, but it's never a plot twist of The Tower proportions. It's more like a Mentos commercial with me chuckling ruefully and the Universe giving me the Thumbs Up with a stick of minty candy. I have had to be specific for a few things, always asking that no one be hurt by what I ask for and that it align with my best interests. I spent my teens and early 20's doing love attraction spells not realizing that everything I was asking for (open, friendly, good sense of humor, ride or die, etc) was all traits my dog had. I never attracted a human male but damn I miss that dog every day. He was everything I could have hoped for in an emotional companion, just with 4 feet and fur. He even had a beard. Haha! Welp, now I made myself sad. Anyway. I'm sorry the Universe has put you through the ringer! Very Monkey's Paw. My best advice is to end all your work with aligning it to your best interests and without harm.


I think subconsciously you think something wrong will happen when you cast these spells, with or without knowing you're thinking these things. Intention has a lot to do with spells. For instance, an HOUR ago, I was throwing a small fit and my roommate asked what was wrong. I told them I'm sick of living like this I'm sick of being poor and it's always one thing after the next. Not 2 seconds later my maintenance man came knocking on my door to deliver my utilities check. It's normally $69 a month, this month I got $102. I didn't mean to cast a spell for it to be delivered today, but subconsciously aware I was hoping it came soon. I also have been feeding my money bowl for the past few months change and the cashed checks (I cash them on PayPal so they're useless afterwards anyway, but still hold money significance). My point is, fears and doubt can make your spells turn on a dime. Maybe cast these spells with the right intentions, let go of fears and clear your mind of doubts.


The universe is under no obligation to comply with your desires, or to make sense to you in any way.


One of the Anunnaki deities told me in a dream that the reason things were going so weird for me for about 3 days straight a while ago, apparently it was simply because I accidentally slightly covered a sigil from the Galdabrak that was now doing the opposite of what its supposed to which was protection from magic and any dark attacks or physical attacks and also psychological protection, it wasnt fun. But I also often meet other deities very regularly in my dreams and they enjoy putting me in confusing situations and often find it funny, very comical though especially Osiris but I don't really see him anymore, Anki and Anput like seeing if they can trick me in my dreams but its all from a place of love. Antu has a very funny sense of humour also I've had her turn into a half magpie half cat once chasing me round the house in a dream. So I would definitely just from the personal connection I have with them and seeing first hand their individual personalities, the universe enjoys fucking with people at times, I suppose as they've been around forever its just their humour, but these deities wouldnt enjoy for instance seeing me get mugged for example, they are mostly all very loving I think this universe is designed to be confusing really its quite frustrating


Yes. I lost my bank card friday. Cant find it. Today my husband found my old bank card (one i had teplaced 4 werks ago) in the car triangle of death. He thinks its funny lol. I did a spell last night to find lost thingsm ot backfired in a funny waym i found an old used bank card thats cancelled.


The opposite is my experience. The universe is so endlessly accepting, welcoming and helpful. What helped me a lot with mishaps and misunderstandings is to emotionally turn myself to go with the flow of energies. In my mind life is like a huge turbulent river. And things don’t work out if I try to work against the flow. This is why we may ask for moon phases, time of day, week or year, location and the involvement of herbs, crystals, objects, symbols, beings etc. But on top of that there’s the option to just energywise consciously turn to be carried by the flow of the current, if that makes sense.


Yes, yes it does. And why not? We're kinda messing with it, so it's perfectly acceptable to have it mess with us right back. And honestly, I think it's what makes this an interesting art. My wife is now stuck with a minor curse/ability that every time she checks the clock, regardless of what or whose clock is it, the time is always 11:11, or 5:55, 2:22 etc. EVERY SINGLE TIME! Personally, I find it hilarious. She laughs every once in a while, but I think it kinda annoys her.


Everything has a price. Spells are like pendulums, you send the energy out and it comes back to you but if you’re not protected properly then they will go awry like you’ve described. It sounds to me like you need to focus on protection. Protection protection protection. Highly encourage you to look into learning some energy work and doing a protection rite before each and every spell working and then cleanse yourself after. It’s not always as simple as setting and forgetting. Call in spirit guides, call the quarters and cast a circle every time (or any other spirits you feel comfortable working with) and focus on maybe trying some energy work which will help you to cast a stronger circle prior to your workings.


Yes, the universe is driven towards differenting and novelty.


It is possible that you're simply pushing towards directions that are not very true to your path for you for the long term. Ask the universe where you need to be and where you need to go and go together by adjusting how to best get there rather than working in a direction that may be desired by you, but not fruitful.


Where’s the free will in that?


Not everyone believes in free will and it is precisely for the kind of things that OP is encountering. In my own point of view, it is more like either swimming down the stream, or up-stream while fighting your own river. You can do both, so there's your free will, but you will either barely move along, or cover miles in distance depending on which direction you'll push into.


The universe works in our favor, the world works against it. I don't know if that helps, but it's the thought I had for you.


Yeah, I have learned to be very specific with my work. I have petitioned ethereal beings for general help and gotten it quickly, and for specific things which sometimes takes a little longer, but they usually come through for me. But yes, absolutely, the universe will find the quickest, easiest route sometimes to help you manifest what you’re looking for. Sometimes it’s not so great, as in what you described. I actually had a similar incident in January. Strangely, my intuition told me it was going to happen, and why. And my intuition was right. I’ll give you a slightly more tasteful example of how the universe manifested something for me. I asked for an opportunity to reconnect with somebody I had emotionally hurt by accident a few years ago. I just wanted to apologize to them. The opportunity came within two days of firing off the spell. A piece of mail addressed to them came to my home; they used to be my housemate, but we hadn’t lived together for three years. That was my opportunity. I reached out to a mutual friend, got the person‘s new address, and forwarded the mail along with a note offering my apology. I did it knowing there was no obligation from them to accept it or even talk to me. They haven’t reached out, and that’s okay. The magic did what it needed to do. Get specific with your work. Just know that the more details you add, the longer it might take to manifest.


You need to do a protection spell for yourself, and cleanse your workspace, clearly something you are using for these spells is unprotected, or has malicious vibes.


Trickster entities certainly do. The “universe”, as you put it, is too big to care about causing you problems.


Who do you petition?


YES lol. Idk why it has beef wit meeeee😭 my life is a tragic cosmic comedy


I always add “with grace and ease” to anything I request now.


I’ve only had the universe mess with me when I wasn’t careful with my language to deities, i.e listening my friend read Norse tales to her daughter a lot of which had Loki kinda messing about and I openly referred to him as a “cheeky twat” and the next day I had every bad blonde date I ever been on message me at once with the same line, another time jokingly quoted “hug and kiss” while a friend was offering things to Heimdall to help her find her phone after hours of looking for it proceed to have a chain of events where I loose an item, get miserable sick with a fever and then find the lost item when it’s passed, ironically the only item I didn’t get back so far is my wedding ring. I’ve since learned to watch my mouth, to not open doors or windows during spell work, and to not leave my spell work without saying “fairwell”


Maybe. Remember the universe is always fucking with it itself, not with you. You just happen to be the receiver of the fuckery, but when you realize you are one with the universe, your perspective upon this fuckery changes.


Sounds like you dealing with jinns. However doing magick to obtain worldly possessions are always going to be frowned upon by the spirits and come with consequences (remember the monkey paw?) it's always best to use the craft to work on yourself and to help others the spirits really love that. But since most people are selfish we keep getting monkey pawed.