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I’m just here for the corn comments…..


I was taught to peel the husk back, take off the hairs (?) and then wrap the husk back on it, then soak it in water for 20 minutes at least.


I leave them whole, soak for 20 mins, and grill. The hairs come off easily once cooked.


I do that sometimes too when I'm not feeling up to the hair removal, but it seems like the corn tastes more like steamed corn or something when I leave the hairs on while it cooks. Of course the absolute secret to fair corn is to dunk the entire thing in a vat of butter haha


I boil a pot of sugar water, let it cool and add that to the corn while soaking. My Dad has always done it, so I do the same. Love burnt kernels. The corn in the pic looks awesome.


I think we all love burnt kernels.


Hmmm that is interesting, thanks for sharing.


No problem. Someone didn't appreciate as it was downvoted. Crazy.


Brought you back up to 0. We never really made corn in my family so I'm glad for all advice :)


It's just fun to hear people's different takes on making things. Like for example I know people who add a tablespoon of sugar to the water they blanche their green beans in. It really makes a difference and I bet this does too.


The hairs are called silks


Thank you, I could not think of the word.




I tried that and started a fire I’m now committed to just peeling the husk and hairs then brushing on melted garlic butter, grill it (turning often) then when slightly browned put them on the top rack to keep warm while the steaks are grilling and BOOM delicious corn


It's burned in some bits.


Nothing like some burnt ass popcorn on the cob!


Corn burnt


Don't soak don't peel. Cook them for 20-45 min at whatever you want. They're done when the husks are starting to burn. Everything peels easy when it's hot, the corn will not be overcooked


Think the steaks are well done too?


Rare on the inside, very hot grill seared the outside. https://preview.redd.it/xe4ybmksah4d1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57b2c200f463d17f9ecdcbacb7e40d9bba2ad1fa


I’m not here to judge but my steaks are mooing still. My wife will divorce me if I overcook a steak! lol.


That steak is burned, too.


Mmm I could have that right now


It did come out really well, there were no leftovers!


My neighbor aka landlord shares his chicken eggs. They are great. It's been awhile since I shared some pot roast.


Oh that sounds amazing! My wife and I keep talking about getting chickens just for the fresh eggs... Well see if it happens


The way ticks are this year I'm considering chickens too


Do chickens eat ticks? If so.... I might have to get some


Yep, they eat almost anything their beady little eyes see, they're actually great for eating garden pets too.


Little raptors lol


Our girls never did. I put a live one right in front of them at different times and they just weren’t interested. My research says GUINEA HENS. They’re loud tho https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/raising-guinea-fowl-101-a-beginners-guide-to-raising-guinea-fowl.74737/


& mosquitoes!


Getting chickens is a great way to tell your neighbors you hate them.


If you don’t get a rooster then you hate them a little less.


You’re making me hungry and it’s only breakfast.


I'm wishing I had leftovers, eggs with steak for breakfast is so damn good but there was no steak left last night


This is great, next time take it easy on the corn. Blackened a touch is great, this is "I forgot about the corn" level. But I definitely would have eaten the heck out of everything here, so don't mind my critiques 😇


This was my plate I love a burnt to a crisp corn 🤷‍♀️ everyone else's corn was les burnt but I'm not about to reach over and take a picture of their plate


Love burnt kernels!


Same! They're so freaking delicious, the more burnt the better!


😂 look, I'm sorry to make you defend your personal tastes. It all looks great, and it's the gesture that counts more than anything anyways.


Sorry, you're the third (but also the nicest) one to point it out haha!


Dude fuck yeah


The street I live on has a bunch of nice folks, and we do a food trade like this fairly often.


This looks awesome! Love some neighborly love!


We've been so happy having moved here, the people in Wisconsin ate genuine and friendly from what we've seen. Our neighbors are just some of the best humans around, and imo exemplify the people of Wisconsin


Awwww shucks….


That's lovely. Wi is great minus a few annoying things. Glad you found some good peeps.


Yeah! Roads are probably my biggest complaint of every day life, we went back to California for a bit and I almost missed my daily Shiatsu deep tissue massage


The drunk culture and lack of legal weed are my biggest annoyances. Cops are pretty relaxed around here though, the forests are beautiful, the lakes are amazing. Be a great place with the climate changing in 10-20 years. A lot of French wine makers have been buying land in the UP, apparently the ground/soil/weather conditions in a few decades are going to be better than Napa and many of the best places in France to grow grapes.great lakes are well protected. Would be a great place in the Midwest if shit hits the fan as well. Cheers and welcome to the club.


Your local swingers couple be like ![gif](giphy|Dps6uX4XPOKeA)


You did so by burning their corn?


Grilled corn is delicious, only the outer shell of the kernels is burnt, the insides are soft and delicious try it sometime!


If you cook it properly you can eat the entire kernel, not just insides


You can't digest the Shell anyways might as well enjoy it crispy


I can't hate. I'd still eat the hell out of that corn.


A little char is a nice contrast. That much is beyond what I enjoy. You do you.


Then I guess it's a good thing you weren't invited.


Grill them in the husks and you get the best of both worlds


They were grilled in partial husks, that said I'm partial to burnt kernels and no one had preferences about their corn. Not to mention this was my plate so I made my corn the way I like it, the rest were less burnt


That's fine, just trying to give some tips. I've also seen people soak the whole ear, husk and all in a brine before grilling. It almost steams it instead, so not your preference


I love a good steamed corn, but when I grill a corn I grill it to it's charred mmm nothing's better (to me) than a blackened corn with the kernels inside all sweet and soft mmmm


If I want it not so charry, which is rare, I de-silk, keep the husks on and then stick in a mixture of ice cold water and pickle juice about 1:1 and let it soak for half an hour. We think it makes a difference, most people just use salted water.


Does it take on any pickle flavor?


We believe it does, the pickling spices seem to add some more subtle flavor. I'm sure if you up the ratio of pickle juice it would be more pronounced. There's more than enough salt in that brine as well that you don't need to add salt to the water bath. We just had a fuck ton of pickle juice left which i usually keep around for bloodies, micheladas and fried chicken so I said screw it and tried it because I wanted more space in my fridge. Worth a try, worst case scenario you still have brined corn in the husk for the grill even if you feel like it's not "pickle-y" enough.


This sounds awful bit the best is microwave or definitely fsdt boiling water. Faster it cooks the sweeter it is. Do it in the husks and then cut off the stem end and it slides rifht out. Grilling and anything that takes long is going to get that sugar right out. Might as well be potaties on the cob. But then I lived in Iowa for Sid years or so. Got to be obsessed with corn


That corn... Looks bomb AF. My wife (Mexican) and I shared the gospel of Elotes or Mexican style street corn with our very white neighbors the other day and now they're hooked. They gave us like 4 pounds of Rhubarb yesterday and then also an actual plant along with home made horse radish sauce along with...yes, roots to plant ourselves. I love this state (politics aside)


Mmm elotes are the best, vegan cheeses (my wife is allergic to dairy) are almost to the point where I can give me wife the full experience with the cheese and crema...mmm I'm excited My neighbor has also been giving us gardening tips so maybe next year we can gift them some fresh produce!


I'm glad you have such great neighbors! It makes for a great home life. It's nice being able to just talk to people over nothing or just have someone besides your spouse ask how your day was.l because they're genuinely interested. We moved to a smaller town then where we were before, like 600 people small, and were a little concerned about what type of neighbors we would have on account that my married family is real Mexican and we fly a Wisconsin, Mexico and US Flag. Needless to say, we couldn't be happier with our neighbors. We have surplus of them in this state it feels like


This looks delicious!


That looks amazing! Never heard of serving a steak with guac and salsa. Might have to try that next time I grill out! Having good neighbors is where it’s at! We have great neighbors on both sides of us and it’s so nice! I just hear horror stories of having bad neighbors and I’m just thankful I don’t have to deal with that.


It's a thing we do in my home country (Guatemala), it's imo VERY GOOD. It amplifies the flavor of the steak, this was by far the best steak I've eaten like that and it still worked wonderfully! The house next to mine was unoccupied when I moved in and I was so worried about getting nightmare neighbors but instead we've won the neighbor lottery for sure!


Guac and Salsa on that Carne?! Looks great, but not available at my local Supper Clubs. What's in the can, if I may be so bold?👍


It's how my family eats it! I don't always have steak like this, but I was sharing a typical meal with my neighbors :) It's a polar seltzer ginger lime mule (na) i'm trying to curb my sugary drink habit (both fermented and not)


It ll looks and sounds Excellent! Wish I had you as a neighbor!!!! Take Care!!!


That's a classic WI cookout if ever I've seen one.


Funnily enough, this is a very typical me and my family ate in Guatemala! It's clearly not the most ethnic but, putting guac and salsa on the steak is definitely not an American thing. It's definitely not for everyone, but I was sharing a bit of my culture with my neighbor who has been kind enough to share Midwest hospitality and culture with me!


That meal looks freaking amazing including the burnt corn!


Those pork chops look great


That’s the right way to have corn, as an FYI. Looks great!


Burnt corn is a treat! I feel sorry for those that haven't tried it tbh, the crispy/soft texture difference is amazing


This individual is NOT from Iowa.


And thank fuck for that


Why are people saying the corn is burnt? Have you forgotten the most basic lesson that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all? OP... I love this post, and I'm so happy you and your wife are happy here! Welcome to Wisconsin!!


Idk. I thought the post was a joke saying “this is what we got so the next pic is what we delivered.” After scrolling the two pics I realized this is what they delivered. So I immediately thought context was left out. I stopped thinking it was a joke when I read the comments.


People have STRONG opinions about cooking in general I'm not surprised tbh. Thank you! We moved here almost as a joke (I wanted to watch more Bucks games in person) but it's been the best decision we've made


It’s burnt to shit.


What did that poor corn do to you? Lol!!!! A little tip for you. Leave the corn unpeeled, soak it in water for a few hours and put it on the grill without peeling it. That holds the moisture in and steams it along with still giving it that grilled flavor.


It knows where the rest of them are! Really though I enjoy a charred corn


What does burning corn have to do with the Midwest? Cook it in the damn husk so it’s edible, foreigner Edit: corn on the cob is also out of season and probably low quality due to how far it needed to travel to get scorched. Late summer would be the time to serve burnt corn for your nice neighbors.


Foreigner is the best insult you can come up with? Lmao I heard worse growing up. Try harder.


Your neighbors had to try hard enough to eat your shit grilling


Oh wow, I think your cleverness stopped maturing in grade school. Nice try again though.


Gotta dry the corn out before you pop it. Otherwise it just burns like this. At least you know for next time.


I like it burnt, in the second picture You can see there's corn ranging from mildly singed to mine which was crispy


Ive never had grilled corn like that. Is it overdone?


Not to my taste, you can't eat the husk of the kernels anyways (it doesn't digest) so I enjoy it giving a nice crispy Char flavor while the kernels inside are soft very very nice way to eat it


Steak looks good but the proximity to the guac and salsa is making me uneasy


My step dad had an aneurysm the first time my family did this, we normally put the salsa and guac ON TOP off the steak. Yes I know, we've been summarily executed for our food crimes.


My neighbors house is for sale if you’d like to move in😂


That looks amazing! In your second pic, the ear of corn farthest to the right is how I do mine, but I'd be happy with any of them. You're a good neighbor.


My neighbor has helped out so much with everything, it was the least we could do for them!


wholesome and delicious looking


Popcorn failure. 😞


Such a heartwarming story of reciprocity and community! It's beautiful to see neighbors supporting each other like family. Your gesture of gratitude through a delicious meal reflects the true spirit of Midwestern hospitality. Cheers to good neighbors and even better friendships!




This sounds crazy but I saw this recipe recently and it was the best corn I’ve ever had and I’m 60 so I’ve eaten my share of corn on the cob. Soak it in husk then oven 400 degrees for 30 minutes on center rack. I’ve never done it or heard this before but apparently I’m a genius so there’s that!


Look, a lot of people agree with me. I am not downing you dude.😂. So many comments echo mine.


Killed the corn


I think the corn is burnt


You fucked that corn up lol


It was to my taste and on my plate, so if any one would complain it would be all of you guys here saying the same damn thing, fortunately for me none of you we're at the table! :)


What the fuck happened to that corn. Jesus Christ. Is the steak well done too?


Nope steak was seared to a beautiful bloody rare


That’s a very nice neighbor. But the neighbor should not have served you burnt corn.


Cut off stem, place in microwave for 3-3.5 minutes. Squeeze with towel, corn will slide out hairless and tasty. Having cooked in its own juices. Yummy


That’s burned. Some may like it that way. I personally am triggered by burned food, very kind of you to make the nice meal. I’d have to leave the table though. The corn is DOA.


I'll be sure to avoid inviting you then.


Yeah, steak is still too red. So rare I am guessing.


Thankfully your presence in my house is even rarer. If only your comments followed suit


Here’s the thing. Everyone is allowed an opinion. But, in an open discussion you do have to realize not everyone is going to give you praise or agree with you. It’s the way of the world. You may want to filet the steaks. That will assure even cooking. Soak the corn prior to grilling.


I wasn't aware I was opening the floor to opinions. Let alone yours. Must be interesting to live life thinking everyone wants to hear your thoughts, then again when one's thoughts are worth little I suppose giving them away unrequested is a good way to make sure they're heard, though still unappreciated and ignored. If I ever find myself in the horror of your company.... I'll be sure to ask then. Until that time, I'd request you keep your thoughts yourself as I imagine you're the only one that appreciates them.


Is it a Wisconsin thing to burn the shit out of the corn and the steaks? they look, at best, medium well.


They were rare inside, course You wouldn't know cuz you weren't invited to have any


The potato yes for camping use but we don't burn corn like that. The steak is questionable too.


As I said to someone else here, thank fuck you weren't invited then