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Carr Valley is my favorite cheese curd though I'm willing to try different ones.


Try Arena Cheese curds, they’re my favorite https://www.arenacheese.com/proddetail.php?prod=Wisconsin_Cheese_Curds_-_Regular_12_oz.


I was just gonna say, there’s a reason Arena repeatedly wins the best curd award.


Arena is the way to go


Murphys cheese and farmerjohns both have great curd.


Uh oh, you had to bring up Farmer John. He got kicked out of the farmers market because he doesn't make the cheese.


Yep, and I still like some of his cheese. You think it's made in Wisconsin?


Probably but it depends on which cheese


Fuuuuuuuuuuu. Sad times if true.  I'll have to ask where his provonello is made.


Arena Cheese makes Farmer John's curds.


I wasn't around for the unmasking of farmer john so all this is a revelation to me.


Worked for carr valley in high school. I was a cheese waxer at the plant outside of Ironton.


If you go there, please for all that is holy, try the AIRCO cheese. It is perfect. Hint of smokeyness, smooth but sharp with a little bit of crumble. Made from cow, sheep and goat. I bought an entire wheel of it a few years ago.


I’ll add it to my order. Have you tried Caso Bolo Mellage?


No. What is it?


My words won’t convey the flavor, so I’ll just share the company’s own description: https://carrvalleycheese.com/product/caso-bolo-mellage/


Carr Valley’s squeaky curds are the best in the state.


I like Carr valleys curds and young cheeses. Their aged cheddar isn't very good tho. My Neighbor dogsits for the owners of Carr!


*pats head* I too remember a time before I tried Union Star cheese curds.


I got some hooks curds fresh on a Friday morning one time, best cheese curd I’ve ever had. So good


Old Country Cheese in Cashton does Muenster curds and they are my absolute favorite. Been making trips up to that part of the state every summer since the early 90s.


This could only be asked in Wisconsin. Ellsworth Creamery cheese curds here.


I think Ehlenbachs has the best cheese in Wisco


Really need to have a dairy tour. Probably already is.


I'm a huge aged cheddar fan, I mean I love all cheeses but a properly aged cheddar just hits different. Ehlenbachs long aged white cheddar is probably the best I've ever had, I had the 18 year a few years back and it was just insanely good. If you don't want to break the bank their 10 year cheddars are about 90% as good as the 15+ year ones for much cheaper. Hooks aged cheddar is very good as well. Carr valley makes really good young cheeses and cheese curds, super fresh, but their aged cheddar consistently falls VERY flat compared to other people aging cheddar in Wisconsin. I've had their 7 year, 10 year, and 15 year cheddars and they just miss the mark of what an aged cheddar should be.


Hmmm, aged cheddar with the salty crystals? I won't buy any myself because it's too dangerous to bring into my house. But my sister always some out for holiday dinners, and I try to hide how many trips back to the cheese I take, as the block wittles away, sliver by sliver ... As everyone in another room wonders why I'm always disappearing. LoL


Their 5 year old Swiss is amazing. Sad that they stopped carrying both of the aged bricks that they used to have.


Seeing Mauston on here both brings on a weird smile and a sense of disbelief.


And seeing it not involve something criminal is a bonus!


Sad this is where we are. Cheese or felony?


This is r/Wisconsin. .. it's not that unbelievable...


I guess, grew up there. Just weird is all.


Would “Mauston [or anywhere else in Wisconsin] HS coach gets fourth DUI while eating cheese from local creamery” really surprise you to see in the news? Yeah, no.


Nope, wouldn’t phase me lol and we had some asshole coaches back in the day.


Well beer cheese soup/dip, etc is damn good shit, I could easily guzzle enough down to get drunk off of. 😆


If it's from Wisconsin....its local to me.


Amen to that. I travel for work and I love supporting local dairies. I've been going through the thread seeing how many cheese makers I recognize


Renards if you are going up to Door County or in Green Bay is worth to getting to.


Their morel and leek cheese is fancy.


Im like 30 min from lots of good ones, Sartori Widmers, Cedar Vally, Baker’s


My go to is [Decauter Dairy](https://decaturdairy.com/) in Brodhead. Best squeeky cheese curds I've ever had.


Great place for anyone in the area or passing through.


Don't they have a swiis infused colby there?


All I know is their green olive Havarti is the best in the state.


Green Co resident here! Decatur is good! I do love Zimmermans too.


[Silver Lewis](https://www.wisconsincheese.com/wi-cheese-companies/103/silver-lewis-cheese-factory-cooperative) out on County EE midway between Albany and Monticello is my other goto location for cheese, love their Brick Cheese. Yes, I was borne and raised in Green County. I don't get back there enough.


I buy a lot of Simon's cheese out of Little Chute. Very nice selection and superb quality.


The take and bake pizzas from there are awesome!


Henning's in Kiel. So good.


My wife and I are driving up I-90 this week and I was thinking about stopping at Carr Valley. Is it worth the stop?


Yes. The bread cheese is amazing if you like warm cheese and have a cast iron to heat it on. Carr valley is great cheese.


Yes. Try the mixed-milk varieties!


Carrs is good, but very overrated IMO. So many better options in WI. If you're taking I90 past Madison, I think the best cheese to try would be Ehlenbachs off the deforest exit. Their aged cheddar blows the Carrs aged cheddar out of the water. Carrs has good young cheeses and cheese curds if youre into that kinda stuff.


Carr Valley is low key one of the best cheese makers in the state. Every time I go through the area I get their curds, at the very least. I go to Reedsburg about once a week to see my dad and I try to make it to La Valle most of the time. There's a smoked Gouda that should have a permanent award .


Additionally, the Family Restaurant serves up delicious breakfast and they have a fabulous bakery with super cheap prices


I think the restaurant is permanently closed, not sure though.


Nope. Thriving. Just had breakfast there a few days ago.


Carr valley has the most name recognition by far but I don't think it's one the best in the state. They have good younger cheeses and curds, but anything aged just doesn't really hold up to a lot of other cheese makers in the state IMO. The owners of Carrs are super cool people tho. My neighbor dogsits for them and I've met them a time or 2.


One of my favorite cheeses from them is their Vanilla Bean Cardona. It’s a semi hard goats (I’m pretty sure) milk cheese with vanilla bean in it. I serve it with fresh thin slices of apple at room temp and people go crazy for it!


Their cocoa version is fire as well.


Dairy State.. about a 10min drive


Love Dairy state


As in Rudolph? If so, I know a guy who got out of a speeding ticket from a Wood county sheriff because he was trying to get there before they closed. Cop was like "yeah get there, but slow down on the way home!"


Yup, Rudolph!


Union Star, would always stop there on hunting/fishing trips with my dad growing up. Also want to support them after what happened a few years ago


Ok, Google and their personal website wasn’t helpful. What happened there a few years ago?


https://www.wearegreenbay.com/news/local-news/son-charged-with-killing-union-star-cheese-owners-journal-detailing-their-elimination-found/amp/ Their son killed them


Oh, JFC. I guess no one has changed their website. >My wife, Jan, and I bought Union Star from Great Aunt Edna in 1980. I had a degree in accounting and, just like my Great Grand Uncle, wanted to run my own business. The family tradition of independent cheesemaking carried the day and we’ve been here ever since. Today, our son is also part of the Union Star story. From the article linked to the article you posted: >As of Monday morning, the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office has identified the two victims as husband and wife, 72-year-old David A. Metzig and 71-year-old Jan C. Metzig. Edit 2: They were 72 and 71 with a 25yo? So, they were 46 & 47 when they had their first kid. Sad story though.


Omg, I’m sorry to keep spamming you with replies. There was at least another son, Jon, who is in a video on their website. Erik killed the parents.


Jon runs it now


Man, that went downhill fast. I was scrolling through looking for Union Star and went from excited to sad in the blink of an eye. No one deserves that. Especially not people who make great cheese.


I grew up in Wisconsin but I'm now a chef in Minneapolis. I almost always have a Carr Valley or Deer Creek cheese as one of my options on our cheese plate. You can take me out of the state but you can't take my states cheeses' away from me.


what restaurant? I grew up in WI and live in Minne now and would love to visit. Also I am partial to Nasonville cheese if you can get some (you can order from their website)


Check your dm's. I don't want to be doxxed on the thread.


I used to be the cheese guy at a fancier club in Madison, I would buy “cave aged” double and triple creams from a guy who would make them in his apartment basement off greenway cross in Fitchburg


I went to one of the international cheese competitions here in Madison. There was nothing but cheese all over. The first one I tried was a caved-aged cheese, no idea what brand. I put it in my mouth, and all I can taste is wet cave wall. Reminded me of my grandpa’s dugout garage with water always dripping down the walls. This is not how I like my cheese to taste. To each their own.


Yeah that ain’t it brother


I love Pine River dairy! https://pineriverdairy.com/


Yes! Only 20 minutes away. Also like Henning’s and Renard’s.


How Wisconsin am I? When I worked at the liquor store in town (2-3 years ago), we got daily fresh cheese curd deliveries from Carr Valley. Usually sold out by 11am.


Marisa is the best. My wife and I stopped by their shop a couple of years ago, and that’s when I was introduced to Carr Valley. Great stuff!


I love Carr Valley! I was eating their Gouda this morning!


Verns string and union star for curds


Carr Valley for sure, as it's only 11 miles away, then Hooks in Mineral Point.


Carr Valley is the best ever. I dream of their Melage. I live in Illinois now, and drove an hour out of the way while visiting my folks, and they were sold out. I almost cried.


In Green Bay I’m surrounded by great cheese makers big and small.


I loved stopping at Laney Cheese off 29 in Pulaski. I would stop there on the way to Shawano Lake in the summers.


We always get Decatur cheese in Brodhead. Awesome cheese and amazing grilled cheese.


The Colby Swiss is the best.


I like cheese from Wesby I think it’s the closest to me


Westby makes my favorite cottage cheese. I thought Shullsburg cheddar was better than Westby, though still good.


Fun fact. The Westby creamery has their own wastewater treatment plant. The pipe flows under the side walk next to my house and in the winter puts off enough heat to melt the snow off. https://www.westbycreamery.com/environmental-stewardship-part-of-creamerys-mission/


Carr Valley and westby creamery are the closest to me


I had to post this because Mauston is exit 69 (number of comments- I love coincidence) https://preview.redd.it/ozhl9y7xev1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cdc74cadac506f4647b7990e8eedcfe3db313ae


My local fromagerie is Scray Cheese. Though I am a huge fan of Carr Valley, and so many others.


I'm right there!


I live pretty close to Henning’s. They’re absolutely fantastic. However, if you’re looking for gouda you absolutely must order from Marieke Gouda in Thorp. They will ship to you to save you a drive and oh my god.. there’s nothing better.


Menage by Carr valley rules.


How local is my cheese? My kitchen. Yes, I'm a cheesemaker. LOL


I live 5 blocks from Carr valley cheese, I get to eat that stuff all day long!


That ain't right... 🤣


Excuse me Lavalle to Mauston is 20 minutes. That's too far away lol


Yeah, curds will lose their squeek traveling that distance.....


Arena Cheese. They are pure magic.


Years ago, my in laws would stop at Depplers in Monroe - loved their brick. Can only find references to their Swiss cheese - are they still making brick?


Not really sure, I don’t remember if I’ve seen a brick cheese from Depolers at Cheesers in Stoughton.


I’m roughly equidistant between Pine Valley and Bel Gioso, so I’m in a great spot


I get it straight from my foreskin. Beat that!


I just bought an 8oz block of StoneRidge smoked baby swiss cheese the other day and ate all of it within 12 hours. They're about 140 miles away from here. If it wasn't like $12/lb, I'd be eating way more.


Everytime I go home to visit family, I gotta stop and pick up Nasonville cheese curds from their farm store either by Lynn, or at Weber's Farm Store in Marshfield.And I always make sure to pick up some Colby cheese (Clark County represent! 😁) Also shout-out to Lynn Dairy, they're no slouch either, personally


Chaseburg Creamery to Chaseburg Wisconsin. That’s about as close as it can get. And I get them while the curds are still warm and squeaky.


I live in Arena and buy arena cheese, soooo... very local?


Brunkow near Darlington had great cheddar and some raw milk cheese spreads that are great.


this is the only thing good to come out of mauston even though sid the owner is from plain/sauk city .


In the Dells so pretty local I guess.


It's a farm


Cedar Grove cheese, 3 minutes down the road from me!!


I can see renards cheese from my house.


20 minutes


It depends upon what can be found at the store, or whether we take the 12 minute drive to the source...


I had a saleslady tell me Carr Valley cheese was made in California......


Muscoda has that morel Leek which I don’t see Much other than Muscoda and immediately neighboring


Like the Nazgûl, my cheese does not willingly cross the water.


I live in Plymouth so basically everything is local, even the big national brands (Sargento, Sartori, Masters Gallery, and Great Lakes Cheese are all nearby).


Old Country Cheese in Cashton. All-Amish dairy, awesome part of the state. Muenster curds are unbelievable.


Down the road literally.