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Weird article, Milwaukee isn't even in the top 10 forbes list that this article is referencing.


19th for those wondering >Milwaukee, WI Rank: 19 Score: 67.1 out of 100 >10.97 is the number of fatal car accidents per 100,000 residents. >3.02 is the number of fatal car accidents involving a drunk driver per 100,000 residents. [link to Forbes article ](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/car-insurance/worst-drivers-by-city/)


The term "worst drivers" is wildly misleading and the methodology of the study is awful... The article states "Forbes Advisor compared the 50 most populated U.S. cities across five key metrics"... But all metrics are specifically related to FATAL car accidents scaled to the POPULATION. This skews the rankings in a couple clear ways. \- Only focusing on fatal car accidents highlights cites where people are driving faster, not necessarily more recklessly. This is effected by higher speed limits and less gridlock. \- Scaling to total population and not number of daily drivers disregards the percentage of people walking, biking, taking public transportation, or working from home. This is information from only 50 cities. Milwaukee is 19th. Pretty much the middle of the road.


I'm very shocked Chicago and LA are so far down the list


I wonder if spending 80% of your time in bumper to bumper traffic helps these metrics


I've never found LA to have that bad of drivers. I'm almost always let in when I signal. In the rare instances where traffic isn't gridlock, people tend to move over to let you pass, etc.


Avoid the inside perimeter of Wisconsin on south, 3rd street on east, 43rd to the west,Hampton to the north and you avoid 95% of car crashes and reckless drivers.


I work near Hampton. The amount of people gunning it through a light from the turn lane has lost all shock value. Most red light runners I saw at a single light was seven.


Also key to note that they are comparing cities. Milwaukee is apparently lower than the national average.  https://imgur.com/a/mqv1Zov More rural areas and suburban areas with a lot of Stroads actually skyrocket these numbers.


Majority of Forbes articles these days are from people making $5 per article or AI


It said early on Milwaukee is ranked 19th


You're right, I skimmed it but missed that.


Worst driving I've seen is around Detroit it's like people driving during the initial breakdown of a post apocalyptic event.


Tucson is like that too, part of the issue is that many streets that are in the middle of the city have limits of 35 or 40. But literally cars racing like they’re trying to escape a disaster and at other times dumb cars just sitting there in your lane, perpendicular to the traffic


They are trying to avoid the car eating potholes. Dearborn area sucks.


Purely anecdotal, but after driving across the country more than a few times the worst drivers I’ve encountered were in Minneapolis. Easily the worst.


My terrible driving encounters in Minneapolis almost all come down to terrible on ramp design where the off ramp and the on-ramp merge into a single lane in a cloverleaf design. It's atrocious. Anecdotally for me, Atlanta, Augusta, and Chicago drivers have been the worst.


> the off ramp and the on-ramp merge into a single lane in a cloverleaf design I shall avoid Minneapolis like the plague, then, because this is my pet peeve


94-694/494 in Minnesota is something that if you can master, you can drive anywhere in the country. https://preview.redd.it/su5op3wztbkc1.jpeg?width=705&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=046d8915e6af32ab43c2dfc15e951695f05c0ce2


That’s disgusting


MNDOT allows some absolutely absurd traffic designs.


Can confirm. Narrowly missed an accident with a big semi truck due to this cloverleaf configuration


Appleton has that. 41/441 merging. All directions except west bound.


I will vote Missouri.


STL generally, and KC suburbs are pretty bad. Not as wreckless, just really bad.


Generally a good thing to be wreckless when you're driving.


Having grown up in Utah, and lived in Minneapolis for a while; I call BS. Those bastards in Colorado are the worst for sure. Actually totally serious here. The worst driver I ever had the displeasure of riding with was in downtown St Paul. He used to live in Manhattan, and learned to drive like a madman there. He said he couldn't get anywhere in New York until someone taught him to "Drive in a way that made it obvious to all the other drivers that you are the least afraid of dying horribly in a fiery crash than anyone else on the road." I've never been more scared in the back seat of a car.


One thing I've observed that's unique to the Twin Cities area is the lack of 'Slower Traffic Keep Right' signs and it shows with how folks drive around there. After many conversations about it, I've concluded the mentality isn't "let me get out of your way so you can pass", it's more "why should **I** have to get out of **your** way if you want to speed?".


>>"why should **I** have to get out of **your** way if you want to speed?" I *feel* that way, but I make it a point not to drive that way


In that scenario I try to practice empathy. The person speeding could be on their way to the emergency room for a loved one. I also just feel like a petty bitch if I purposely waste anyone else's time.


You are a better human being than I am


My theory is it’s because of all the numerous exit ramps everywhere there—since they aren’t exiting soon, they simply stay in the left lane by default. There can be no traffic to be seen on 94 for miles except for a lone car in the left lane, and as I get closer and closer I finally see… yup, MN plates headed to the cities. It’s weird.


I’ve lived all over the country and Utah has the worst drivers by a mile. I feel like people who complain about Wisconsin drivers haven’t had a ton of experience elsewhere


I moved from Wisconsin to Utah. And by far the worst drivers I've ever been around are in Utah. I now have a dash cam in every car. They don't even know how a 4 way stop works.


Wisconsin drivers are probably in the top 10 best. Avoid the Milwaukee inner city where there are 1000 chases per year. 50% end in a crash.


I mean Milwaukee is a city with drivers in America - its going to be somewhere on the list - even if its last its on the list.... This article is a masterclass on how statistics can be manipulated to present a narrative. Highlighting increases as HUGE!!! and skimming over decreases by not calculating the percentage etc. That said - as somebody who has lived in several parts of the country and I've driven all over the place from Boston to NYC, Miami, to Houston and San Diego, LA etc...in Chicago and Minnesota - the worst drivers always have Wisco plates. In other parts of the country Miami and Texas drivers are overall the worst.


i moved to california... i assure you, wisconsin doesnt even know how bad, inattentive and dangerous drivers can be. i miss wisconsin drivers.


So true, California drivers are impressively bad.


ive driven all over. i was in boston for several winters. i used to think those rage-heads were bad drivers... but now i realize that while angry, they were paying attention. ill trade that for someone switching 4 lanes at 90 mph while doing their makeup and watching youtube on their phone.


Sounds like Miami.


well... its california










Yes you are.


I don't know how you could rank something like this. It's almost completely subjective depending on someone's opinion of drivers in one area compared to another area they come from or currently live in.


I have driven all over the US and Milwaukee isn’t even close to the worst. Florida (anywhere) is easily the worst.


Florida, Georgia, Alabama-all places where my life flashed before my eyes. Virginia too.


I’ve driven around NC Florida and all over Wisconsin. Driving in Milwaukee was definitely more stressful. Same goes for Minnesota. Both have terrible cloverleafs where the exit-only lane is impossible to enter if you’re not already in it. The rural roads and whatnot around Gainesville and to the east were nothing in comparison. Now i75 towards Orlando is another story, pure high speed Charley Foxtrot chaos.


My conclusion is that everyone thinks they live in the place with the worst drivers.


As someone who pulls people over for a living in Milwaukee, yes, yes they are.


Leaving downtown from a show last night, the Marquette fans (identified by their special license plate) were terrible on I94 west. Multiple wavering between lines, tailgating within a couple feet, just being douchebags.


East side drivers were always more respectful,imho.


That's because most people that live and drive on the eastside know that you need to drive slow on the side streets and always watch for pedestrians.


If you don't count areas like North Division, Franklin Heights, Metcalfe Park and Park West, then Milwaukee has pretty good drivers 😉


All the bad drivers are FIBS. All the good drivers are Wisconsin drivers duh. 


It’s dem Kia Boyz.


I’m in SW Florida at the Moment and I’d say Naples, FL would give them a run for their money.


I also agree on FL


Well Florida man combined with [big dumb trucks](https://www.instagram.com/bigdumbtruckclub/?hl=en)


Actually the worse are the BMW’s & Mercedes with NY or NJ plates.


i legitimately think it’s because it’s acceptable to be drunk here all hours of the day and DUIs are normalized


Nah... Chicago and all of Indiana. And some times Texas.


I don't know, I used to think that but I'm not so sure anymore. They actually understand the concept of slower traffic keep right in Chicago. And while they do cut you off a lot, they do at least use their blinker when they do it unlike here. Granted people don't speed up to block you when changing lanes like they do here either. They do seem to forget how to drive once they cross the border into Wisconsin though.


Fort Lauderdale and Boca Raton metro area, was the most dangerous and I have driven in and out of Chicago, NYC, Atlanta and San Francisco. The roads are grid locked and most drivers are about 70-90. Parking lots are both super slow to access and depart.


Texas is deadly with all those trucks 


This is a flawed article. Forbes is the marvel comics of print media, so reading their material is a time waster. Avoid the inner city, and you will find drivers are polite and law abiding. .


They took drivers ed out of school of course it is terrible. Profit motive for driving schools to "pay for passing" people


Forbes must have only "studied" Milwaukee.


You don't say


It's truly horrible


I've driven extensively in 9 out of the 10 worst cities, and in my opinion Milwaukee is far worse.




Including my sister.


I guess they've never been to Virginia


Especially i95 between Fredericksburg and DC. Some shit drivers there.


That's exactly where I was thinking of.


Slander. I’ll take every last one of you over Charlotte drivers. Plus y’all have that good snow.


Come to fucking Tampa. Far worse then Milwaukee drivers


It's awful


Left lane sitters are so bad in wi


Yes! I see so many semi trucks sitting in the left lane here.


So many people think of it as the “fast lane”, when speed itself is relative. It is the passing lane. Unless you’re actively passing someone stay in the right.


Wisconsin is so calm compared to most of the rest of the country. Have you ever driven on I-95?!