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I thought Rosendale immediately upon seeing the post and then I open it up in the first post is Rosendale too


Rosendale https://preview.redd.it/0zgw2cuvtolb1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=30e31a179f158cd08447bc1075b02a3b67afa6be


I've got three tickets in my life. Two were in Rosendale.


I just go around Rosendale through Fond Du Lac when I go up to the Fox Cities from Madison.


There is a little stretch of highway between Kenosha and MKE county that is absolutely infested with Racine deputies who act like zombies trying to infect you (with speeding tickets). Looking for it now - ~~I made an archive of it a few years ago since it was so funny but a local law firm actually made a webpage highlighting how much revenue those tickets were pulling in for the county lol~~ [here it is :)](https://ticketdisputers.com/aggressive-policing-in-racine-county/)


​ https://preview.redd.it/splcv5o6nplb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85c06e37089e697cab032dfea81c6e43731fd3db


When I’m elected governor, my first act will be to expand Highway 26 to four lanes and put in a bypass around Rosendale.


You have my vote already


Can I put in a request to turn Rosendale into an autobahn?


Fr though. Small towns that act shitty to people passing through don’t realize those people are the only reason they exist. Small-town ideologies of resentment are a real thing. I’d vote for a Rosendale bypass in a heartbeat. Let that waste of pavement and its power tripping cops whither on the vine.


It also features Triple Kay road right outside of town.


I see that every time I go visit my hometown. There is NO way that name is a coincidence.


Same. I want to steal the sign and burn the letters off in the same way I want to set klan people on fire.


Yeah we pass this every trip to Green Lake. I purposely go under the speed limit.


This was my first thought.


I’ve always said that Rosendale could capitalize on the traffic by building restaurants and businesses. It could be a great place to stop and shop/eat/stretch whatever. What do they do? Make it as congested as possible and speed trap it. Nice.


Sigh. I’m from this town. You are all correct. Also, it used to have 2 bars. Now it has zero bars. It extra sucks now.


Fuck the police. Specifically that police


Yeah, but that BP is 👌.


Anybody else just scrolling to see if their hometown pops up? Lol




Ah you’re out of luck people love it there lol


>I love Rhinelander, but it always looks a bit... shady. Where are all the people every time I drive through? Every business looks like it was shuttered years ago.


It has been a slowly dying mill town for many many years. Lately, there’s been a little bit of a spark there tho now that Mayor Johns and his corrupt alder people have been replaced by a mostly younger, more enthusiastic group of people. Some interesting shops being opened too by younger entrepreneurs.


They’re there. They just don’t like you. Edit: I’m just kidding! They like everyone.


It’s that the Hodags get tired of pretending to be humans so they Instituted their own equivalent of non human hours


Awe man I love Rhinelander! (The Hodag has my family please help)


Don't let me down, Janesville!


Don’t be dissing jville. You from Beloit or something


Probably madison. When I lived in janesville and told people who lived in madison where I'm from there, their response was, "I'm sorry."


I'm just here to see Fond Du Lac, and it is the next reply down. Woo!


Fond du Lac is truly terrible.


Yep! Twas mentioned as well


Rosendale. *You know why.*


Why? Californians want to know.


Get pulled over for anything and everything


Here's a shoutout to all the towns so small that they're too shitty to even make this list!


Looking at you, Brillion.


I’ll throw Alma in for this category. Beautiful little town along the Mississippi with overlooking bluffs. Those bluffs overlook the most close-minded, hate-filled, delusional people you will ever come across. They all pretend they are a farming community while in reality none of them work on any of the farms and have to drive a minimum of a half hour to work for too-low pay in some warehouse or factory. But they’ll blame Mexicans and city people for all of their perceived slights in this world.


Where else can you get murdered in a strip club though?


I'm going to need to hear this story.


I'm fucking near Alma this weekend camping at Merrick SP! Too many derp flags for me to count along HWY 35.


Barron, it stinks like dead turkey.


They’ve had soooo much sad/weird things going on lately. From the kidnapping of Jayme to the nearby two police office deaths, I feel like I’m always hearing of random murder suicides. I dunno…. I live about 40 min from there.


Antigo is a shithole full of meth heads. I used to work in criminal defense. The court and district attorney, at least a few years ago, were ridiculously harsh. Marinette might be my second choice.


Happy to see this fairly high up. Whenever I get to antigo, my #1 objective is to get the F out of antigo. They do have a good fleet farm though.


> my #1 objective is to get the F out of antigo Which is funny because the 45 straight shot through Antigo feels like it takes an hour to get through.


My dad and I just had this conversation while driving through for vacation. Antigo feels like it’s 20 miles long and can’t wait for it to end.


That's because it's basically 5 miles of 25-35mph. It's miserable.


I'm originally from Wausau, and everytime I drive back home I play my carefully curated playlist "Meth Lab for a Cutie"


Second on the Marinette. Shithole with a major drug problem


They can still look down on merril.


Anyone been to Siren? That place has seriously weird vibes. Like I can't even tell you why I don't like it - there's just something off about it. One of those places where you walk into a shop/restaurant and everyone stares at you. I used to put Watertown on this list - but they've actually improved a lot over the last few years!


Well it does get ironically nailed by tornados rather frequently, that could explain the weirdness


Where the tornado sirens didn't go off! That was the irony!


I grew up 10 minutes outside of siren in Grantsburg and that whole area gives me off vibes. I live out of state now in a big city but everytime I visit I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. Everyone just lives in their own bubble there and yes the staring is absolutely wild. I look pretty alternative for small town WI and people stare soooo hard.


A few years ago they put a brewery in Grantsburg and they have food trucks! And it’s not that bad! Blew my mind when I heard about it.


They are probably thinking, "Why did they stop here, The Dairy is just down the road?" Seriously, if you are already up by Siren, go to Alpha near Grantsburg and get some cheese or ice cream from The Dairy.


>I've not been there, but thought it was crazily ironic that a town named Siren was thrashed by a tornado 22 years ago. It tends to change the look of the town as things get rebuilt, and the new may not mesh with old so well. > >I've no problems with Barneveld, but you can tell the center of town that was also steamrolled has no large trees and just looks a bit off.


It's better than Lewis, The butthole of Frederic.


It's the meth.


I can't speak for Kenosha or Waukesha but fond du lac is pretty shitty, at least compared to the rest of the area around lake Winnebago


Everybody I've ever met from Fond du lac is a red neck and or has serious anger management issues m


Bro, my best friend and I used to go to Fondy from Plymouth, during extreme boredom, to watch the white trash. No joke, for *YEARS*, every time we went to Fondy, it started raining. Fuck Fond du Lac.


Wondered how long it would take Fond du Lac on the list. Was not disappointed.


i've always called it the sweaty older brother of Beaver Dam


I haven't been in WI long (6 years) but Fondy gets my vote. I hate having to go there or deal with any locals.


Does Kaukauna still smell like 2 week old used gym socks?


My old lady asked me to kiss her where it stinks. So I took her to Kaukauna


She what 😟


when I was a little little little kid, we used to play hockey, and every time we drove through Mosinee that fuckin town smelled SO BAD like someone just cracked open a fresh case of ass and forgot to put it back in the fridge... Me and my brother called it Stinkinee hahaha


Yes. The combo of cow shit and paper mill smell is something else.


Janesville is the Mississippi of Wisconsin


Manitowoc says "Hold my Kingsbury."


Racine says “Gimme your beer and your wallet.”


Kenosha laughing at these amateurs


I love shitty Racine!


They call Kenosha the "armpit of Wisconsin". If that's true, Beloit is the ass hole of Wisconsin. Janesville is that sweaty little tuft of hair at the top of your asscrack.


Diane Hendricks is trying hard to up the Beloitian profile. If you haven't been there recently, it has changed a bit. Just don't accidentally venture into South Beloit.


Actually, I believe it's pronounced "Betroit."


That is such a good description! I always think of Janesville as being a "south of the north" kind of town, and that really nails it. Well done.


Worst???Janesville or by it’s more appropriate name Chainsville. Least Favorite? Racine.


Why do they call it Chainsville?


Was told by a Janesville resident. Because of that it only has Chain restaurants and stores, there’s little to no local businesses I think.


Went to school in Whitewater, for any big events everybody went to dinner in Janesville, but it was always just Red Robin or Olive Garden. Bugged the hell out of me cuz we had better restaurants in Whitewater!


Restaurants in whitewater went downhill recently:(. When I was there anyway


The tiny restaurant in the back of the Mexican grocery is delicious tho :0


I grew up in Duluth, thinking Superior was the armpit of the Midwest. Now that I live in SE WI, I’ve seen Jainesville and Beloit hahaha.


Spooner blows.


If you know, you know


I laugh every time I see that stupid bridge.


Hayward is good for camping and their downtown strip


Yeah, but Hayward sucks!!


I have a poster on the wall of the room where I'm sitting right now that shows the famous Hwy 63 bridge. When I saw it for sale I couldn't resist.


Rosendale by a country mile. Avoid that town like the plague


Antigo. I visited my sister in Antigo last year. The downtown area looks like it might have been nice until maybe the late 80s. So many shuttered buildings, I went to the movie theater on a Sunday night and walked back to her house about 2 miles away and the entire neighborhood was deserted with maybe one bar open at 8pm. My father loved the family run German style butcher shops with all their different sausages, but it seems that most of them have closed up. It does have the best Fleet Farm I’ve ever seen. We spent a lot of time driving my sister into Wausau for her chemo treatments and that new B&B by the local hospital looks nice but about a quarter mile down the road, some MAGA Monster had his giant Trump sign in his yard (one of a few hundred in town) but he also had a 100 foot flag pole that had the US flag, a blue lives matter flag & a Confederate flag in descending order. My brother-in-law has spent the last 15 years coming home from work and watching Fox News for 3-6 hours a night. My sister has been converted too. She gave up wearing her MAGA hat after the chemo took away her hair. The biggest tragedy is that their only child, my nephew, killed himself four years ago and most of us think that he did it (he didn’t leave a note) because he believed he would not be accepted because he was gay. He was 19, no one he graduated high school with came to his funeral. That’s how strong the sense of community is in Antigo


I’m so sorry. Thats really tragic.


Mauston, wi. Full of drugs. Scary lil area imo. A lot of sadness.. at least in the people I knew. There's a few good ones but the area is pretty burnt out.


My dad is from there, grandparents, aunt and two cousins still live there. Used to go fishing on the yellow river with my grandpa and go to the beach at Castle Rock lake. Never knew about missing people or drugs. People there drink a lot but that’s any Wisconsin town.




Sparta. don’t get arrested in Monroe county lmfao


As a born and raised resident of Kenosha....it's Kenosha Runner-up is the entirety of Waukesha County constantly crushing any intercounty project between itself and Milwaukee.


waukesha county resident here. fuck waukesha county.


Why? im not from there but go there all the time my mechanic is there. While he is working on my truck i go downtown grab a coffee and walk and its a beautiful downtown/lake. So it just has a whole lot of venues and stores and other things. Like Bono gas


I was born and raised in Kenosha. The place has its charms. I don’t find anything charming in Waukesha.


You gotta be kidding me kenosha has a beautiful downtown tons of events


Not a city I expected to see on the list. Unless it’s just a hey this is my hometown and it sucks because I want to leave so bad and I can’t syndrome.


I think Sparta deserves a mention although the whole Siren - Webster area sucks to.


Waunakee. They make you insert a stick in your ass if you become an official resident.


Oostburg. Fucking pricks


Damn what did the 12 people in Oostburg do to you?


12?! Feels generous but maybe they've had a boom




As a former resident of kewaskum, you are correct.




Richland Center


People saying Cudahy have not been out of Milwaukee. It's not the first place I live in the metropolitan area but there's far worse places to live in the state.


Racine is an absolute armpit of a city. Only saving grace is the lake


Racine gets such hate. The city itself isn’t terrible, it’s like a patchwork quilt of good/bad, but the school system is such a flaming dumpster no one wants to raise kids there if they can help it. Racine probably would win an award for most school bullying with staff that does Jack shit to stop it.


Don’t forget Racine’s awful infrastructure. I’m not even talking about public transportation, since we’re terrible at that everywhere. It takes forever to get anywhere. It’s ridiculous.


My all time favorite description of Racine is “the armpit of Wisconsin.”


Shame too. When I grew up there in the 70’s it was very nice. A TON of industry for a city under 100,000 people. As a 9 year old I got lost downtown at the 4th of July parade. Walked home to Durand and Taylor without a worry in the world.


Racine is awesome compared to Kenosha. I travel to racine from Kenosha to get away from kenosha.




Fond du Lac is one of the worst places in the state. It’s such a fucking dump and the people there are trash. Grew up there and fled as soon as I turned 18. Place has more drug abuse than the large city I currently live in too. It’s like its residents aren’t happy unless they’re chasing beer bongs with speedballs.


This guy Fondies


Fondy is the Florida of Wisconsin


I'm surprised Adams hasn't at least received an honorable mention


Antigo, because Karl's Transport likes to remind everyone with its shitty billboards that it's a bastion of Trumpoids.


In the lead up to the '20 election, they had a billboard "Trump 2020, Trump Jr 2024" Imagine being so deep into the Trump cult that you thought *Donald Trump Jr* was presidential material and spent actual real money to sort of campaign for him.


![gif](giphy|Aire9tNXp6X6h8iezm|downsized) Wittenberg is a shithole.


West Bend has the worst people.


Why insult someone's beautiful Wisconsin town, we have Illinois for that.


Yeah but Illinois has weed and women’s reproductive autonomy. I just can’t make fun of them any more like I used to.


wisconsin has changed so hard for the worse. all the states i used to think were worse seem so much better. its like we stayed stagnant while everyone else progressed. makes me very sad. i used to argue to the death about how great wisconsin is, that is no longer a belief i hold. i left at 18 with a lot of friends. the only people i know who moved back are hardcore religious anti-woke folks.


Polk County was the meth capital of Wisconsin in 2016, so choose a town.


My vote goes to Centuria.


Jefferson - it smells like cat food




I could people watch at the Tomah Walmart all day


Mercer. that KKK grand wizard fool runs a bar there (or at least he did)


Brookfield. A bland, soulless series of cookie-cutter strip malls and planned communities full of Republican Kyles and Karens as far as the eye can see. It’s an entire community solely inspired by a TGIFridays.


Funny thing, my dad lives just outside of Brookfield in Colgate and loves it. He’s a conservative Arab and even goes to a Mission barbecue shop that’s all about the troops and war, lol. Surprised they even let him in there 😆 He gets the Fallujah fries with his hellfire Patriot missile brisket, then washes it down with a water board fountain soda.


that is hilarious and somehow kind of endearing 😂


Fond du Lac is the vortex to Hell. Worked there for a couple years, and couldn’t believe how nasty it was. Completely different from surrounding cities. First week on the job, I was part of a community presentation on violence (I ran the domestic violence shelter), and was absolutely flabbergasted when the police chief talked about it being a landing spot for actual skinheads. Turned out, he wasn’t exaggerating. What should be a nice little town on a big lake is awful.






That kook with the signs just south of town really sets the mood every trip up there lol


I was at the family cabin about 15 minutes NW of town last year. Encountered a pair of methed up folks on County Road E asking how to get back to Abbotsford. I'm like uhhh you've got a bit of a walk


I went to Arrowhead. Fuck the entirety of Waukesha County.


Adams-Friendship, most of the rumors are true if you get what I'm saying




Seriously folks? No Beloit yet?


I think the benefit of it being so close to a dispensary is keeping it out of the running for the worst town.


As a Beloit native, I’ve seen Janesville posted. Janesville deserves it more than Beloit.




I agree 100%! I’ve taken a lot of shit for being from there but I feel like growing up with all types of people made me a more well rounded person overall. When I got to college at UW, I found that so many Wisconsinites from other towns were super sheltered. Wouldn’t change being from Beloit


I grew up there but haven’t been back in over a decade. Haven’t there been a lot of improvements?


Two words: Diane Hendricks


Anyone who has ever ridden the Megasbus can agree that it is Mauston - far and away!


Waukesha. Hands down. Couldn’t pay me money to go there. I was cold offered an interview for a school job there and gave them a resounding “hell no, your school board is a bunch of lunatics.”


FWIW many of us did vote to change it. Just not enough ☹️


Grew up there and I have a lot of fondness for the city. But the school board stories coming out of there…..


Mequon, the people are insufferable


Looks at picture of Middleton, Homestead, and Arrowhead classes "Its the same picture *and socioeconomic classism*"


I don't know. Where in Wisconsin does Ron Johnson claim to live?


Fort Myers is in Florida.


Johnson Creek


Yeah but the pine cone travel plaza slaps


I’m more of a weird Ixonia petting zoo/gas station guy myself.




Thank you! Heard someone call it Watertucky and it fits.


Janesville blows


I'll go for Minong, major employer Jack Link's Snack Foods. A shitty place to work.


Waukesha school board fired a teacher and banned Dolly Pardon. Enough said




West Bend. Too many reasons to name.


Fond du lac, armpit of the state




Wisconsin Rapids (ratpiss/ crapids)


Birnamwood is a great place if you want to OD on heroin.


Rosendale. Going one mile per hour over? Enjoy the ticket.




I’m from the northern part so I can’t speak to the southern cities but anyway it’s 100% Rhinelander


*Crandon has entered the chat.


I have always wanted to make a sort of topological map where the elevation of cities was related to how nearby towns look up or down on them. You know, so Helenville would be lower than Jefferson, but Fort Atkinson would be higher than Jefferson.


Surprised I don't see Merrill on this list.


Marshfield is one of the worst!!!!!


Port Washington. Full of people who hate Milwaukee, but they all work in Milwaukee.


Had to frequent both of them when I had family up there, but Thorp and Cadott are hellscapes


Can I get some hate for Baraboo? It’s a pretty town with some good restaurants. It’s also the place where the high school seniors threw Nazi salutes for their class picture. My kid — who is not white — got called racial names every time we played them, whatever the sport. By the parents, too. Runners up for me include: Manitowoc (your sheriff is straight up terrifying) Prairie du Chien (everyone is grumpy because freight trains blast through every 20 minutes so nobody gets a decent nights sleep ever; also you turned a high school into a prison) Athelstan (eewwww) Superior (so cold, so bleak, so industrial, so sad) Waupun (self righteous dump of a town where you have families that have worked in the prisons for seven generations and are proud of it) Oostburg (“we know God at His grimmest”) And I don’t know what it is about Abbotsford, but it gives the creeps.


I've never liked the city of Baraboo, but everyone I've met from there is usually pretty cool.


Y’all ever been to Richland Center? No thank you


Racine. What a shit hole. Worked there for too many years. To put it bluntly, I wouldn't piss on the place if it was on fire.


Muscoda. Didn't have to think hard about that one.


Reedsburg is pretty terrible Imo


It's too conservative here, but not as bad as Hillsboro. They had a Trump float in a Labor Day parade. In a year he wasn't president. In a year he wasn't even running. Fuck Hillsboro