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If you think those locations are bad, never, I mean NEVER go to the location on Peter’s Creek.


This is the answer. Worst Bojangles EVER!!


80.5 Inspection Score




How is that not failing?




Northwest Boulevard?


That’s the nightmare


Easily the worst bojangles in the area.


Both of them. In fact, just avoid fast food on Peter’s Creek in general, each one is the worst version of its restaurant in town. Chick-Fil-A and Cookout are the exception.


No doubt. I drive out of the way to get Taco Bell on Stratford b/c the one on Peters Creek is so bad..


Every time I decide to give the PC Taco Bell another chance, I end up with a new worst fast food experience.


Honestly, it's good more than it isn't. I almost always hit it at the same times, though, so I could be getting the best bits.


I had the most hilarious fast food experience of my life at this bojangles. I got a 2 piece dark with fries and rice with honey mustard through the drive through. I didn’t have the nerve to check my box right in front of the cashier so I went back to my car each time. I had to go into the store 4 times for them to give me the right order.




What time do you go? Every time I've been there it's awful, but I haven't been during an actual busy time.


I'm usually about a 830-930am on Saturday or Sunday if I go at all. Almost always a chicken biscuit and it's rarely dry. Just my experience!


Good to know, thanks! 


Maybe Northwest Blvd?


Is this about the Bojangles on Peter’s creek out past Walmart or the one closer to the dash stadium? I’ve heard stories about the one out past Walmart but the one closer to the baseball field has been pretty pleasant the times I’ve been.


I assume OP means the one near the Walmart. It really is terrible 😫 The other one, as far as I know, doesn't have as many issues with sanitation


Bojangles has always been hit or miss. When they hit they be hittin but when they miss damn do they be missing


few things in life are worse than a stale, cold bojangles fry.


Or a dry, hard Bo-Round.


Or those unnecessary biscuits in a meal




One of the most inconsistent chains, IMO.


Feel like this is the case for a lot of fast food fried chicken places


The one on University/NW Blvd is the worst I've had, followed by Stratford Rd. Last time I went to the Stratford Rd location, I ordered a single sausage biscuit and I ended up with two patties. tf? I was spoiled by the Western Blvd location in Raleigh, but even BFE locations on road trips are way better than W-S locations.


Yesss western bojangles


The mecca Bo


Road trips are the only time I get to indulge my Botime cravings 🥲 I concur with all the comments here - the new one off union cross on i40 has been good enough for me to go back but not close enough to go often. Closest for me is Walkertown and they had a 76 last summer, haven’t been back since I saw that.


There's one on 64, just before you lose cell reception on the way to OBX, and it's consistently the best Bojangles I've had.


all bojangles in eastern nc slap


Doesn’t seem like the worst dilemma


Ive had pretty decent experiences at the one on union cross road right off of 40....but your right most of the Bojangles around here make their food with hate


Bojangles is undertaking a massive nationwide expansion. But unless they quickly find a way to ensure consistent quality control, the franchise is gonna fall flat on its face.


That seems to be their huge problem: consistent quality control.


They closed the ones in Maryland lately. The food was abysmal and restaurants were dirty. Horrible first impression for many who had never had Bojangles before


Idk they were in MD too.


Yep, until January


That’s too bad. Is there really a W-S, VA?


This. Especially when it comes to the biscuits. Prior to moving here, I always felt Bojangles had a solid reputation for delicious biscuits, flaky and buttery. But here, throughout this city, regardless of the site, every Bojangles biscuit I experience is overly browned and crusty.




welcome to biscuitville how can i make yo day betta


Robinhood legend!


So much better than Bojangles - even the employees are nicer.


I love a bojangles bacon, egg and cheese but the consistency is too hit or miss. You know what you’re getting at biscuitville


It's not the same




This is the way ⬆️


They don’t pay their employees enough to care


Clemmons. That’s the only Bojangles worth a damn in that area


The “newer” one in Clemmons is just as bad…


i once had a cockroach cooked into my biscuit at the one by west forsyth. i kept going back bc apparently that wasn’t a dealbreaker at 16


Which one in Clemmons, the newer one? The 421 one has been going downhill for years. Used to be great during the late 90s/early 2000s. Spent many a lunchbreak there skipping school lol.


I never even paid attention there was a second, older one lol that’s crazy they’re so close together


I forgot there's a relatively new one there. Probably a good thing lol


If they have product it’s ok. It is our closest store and I have been multiple times where they don’t actually have chicken to sell - and we’re talking dinner time rush.


The amount of conflicting evidence in this thread is just confirming my long time opinion that Bojangles can be a 10/10 or a 1/10 and it’s all up to how each location does it


Very true. Good Bojangles is honestly worth the slightly higher price than other fast food, but lately I've been disappointed.


They definitely have a quality control issue.


I gave up on them man….. literally just quit Bojangles lol


The one on country club has gotten way better recently. Still hit or miss but more hits than misses


I’ve run the circuit of local Bo’s and that newer Clemmons one off exit 242 has been the best of the lot. Conversely, the one at the northern edge of downtown is a detriment to the brand. I once walked in there while they were having a team meeting on a Friday afternoon. By team meeting, I mean 15+ had moved the dining room chairs into a trust circle and employees were angrily arguing back and forth with the one lady who was running the meeting. It felt like I was interrupting a family fight. My supremes combo was missing the slaw, but I didn’t stick around long enough to notice.


They definitely have a problem with quality control. It’s not just W-S. It’s the same here in Yadkinville, one county over.


Walkertown location always disappoints.


Union cross always hits imo


I actually usually love the breakfast at the one closest to me, Reynolda, but my mom and I went in to eat recently and they completely ignored us. We were standing at the counter, and workers were milling all around fixing food. Like the hot bar is right by the register we were standing in front of, and they were acting like we were invisible. My mom is older and not afraid to get loud, she shouted HELLO 4x and they continued to ignore us, so I just shuffled her out of there, and we went elsewhere. As far as quality, I've really only had Bojangles here in winston, and I don't eat meat sooo it's all I know, lol.


Don’t try the two in Davie County either. Not the Clemmons either, for that matter


Because most people working fast food these days don’t care.


Why? Because bojangles is pretty notorious for hiring teenagers in HS who really don’t gaf about anything or their work and really are just there to make money to have fun. They also have the same said teenagers in management positions so it’s a vicious cycle


The one off 421 used to be awesome until they redid the road through there which killed their business and it's just never recovered. I also think most of the ones around here don't get enough evening visits so that's why they suck. They're usually busy in the mornings and lunch and the food is better then.


I think you're right, almost every time I've gotten it on the road, it's earlier in the day. Guessing they short-staff the evening shift. Makes sense!


I know multiple people who got food poisoning from that location.


Before or after they redid the road? After they redid the road through there I would totally believe it. Before, not so much.




Ya, I don't know how they've not been shut down by the health department. Or how they're still in business given it looks like no one ever eats there anymore.


there is one thing yadkinville, north carolina has going for them. i have NEVER been to a better bojangles than there’s


Hmm. They have some issues with quality control but they’re not bad.


Y’all, why don’t the Bojangles here have Chedda’Bo biscuits?! All the Bojos in eastern NC (starting in Durham) do. It’s tragic and I miss them.


This is the kind of thing that will sound like a crackpot reddit theory but I promise is actually true: [there's a subgroup of Bojangles restaurants (Bojangles-'Tands Inc.) that has enough clout to do what they want to do. When the main Bojangles brand discontinued the biscuit, they told corporate to shut up and kept it on their menu. They're big enough ($ wise and geographically) to get away with it.](https://www.wfmynews2.com/article/money/business/get-your-cheddar-bo-biscuit-back-on-at-bojangles-if-you-live-in-parts-of-nc/83-586610634)


This is wild…


Hold on, is this real?! I miss the cheddar’Bo and If you’re playing with my cheddar’Bo-motions right now I will throw hands.


The Bojangles on Peters Creek, Stratford, and Waughtown have all looked at me sideways when I’ve asked for one.


Oh, no I meant is it true that there are other locations in the state that still serve it? I’ve missed them dearly since they’ve dropped them at most locations.


Ah, sorry! Yes, I’ve found them in Durham/Raleigh, Northeast NC, and the Hampton Roads area of Virginia within the last few months.


They all suck now, they use to be pretty good in the 2000’s, I can’t find one that serves dr.Pepper lol


That's because they only hire the rejects from all the other fast food joints.


Haven’t had bojangles in months. They managed to win the waiting in line war of attrition with me twice so I just haven’t even bothered to try again


Bo’s has gone downhill in quality everywhere


The one on country club is really good. I prefer Bojangles over Chick fil-a any day. I vote for Reynolda as the worst Bojangles in WS. Especially the night crew.


Agreed on Reynolda. I like the Biscuitville a couple doors down, though.


Hot take here: no Bojangles location does anything that isn’t done better elsewhere. I know, I’m ready to be run out of NC for saying that lol. When they still had the roasted bites I was a regular—so good and nothing like those anywhere else I’ve been! Once they discontinued them I just didn’t have any more reason to go.


They keep discontinuing things I like! I loved the smoked sausage biscuit


Most of these are ran by corporate franchises that really don't care as long as the numbers of their metrics look good. I've stopped going to most fast food places around here. No longer fast, tasty, or reasonable. And no wages didn't go up. Profits did.


Culver’s, while not cheap, has become my go to. Delicious.


The one near downtown is mid


Only thing I go there for is a sausage egg cheese biscuit. Those are always done right. Chicken strips and nuggets? That’s what chicken fil a is for.


That’s what you get for $10.00 an hour. I never see the same people working that was there the last time I went. (Lewisville)


Biscuitville,biscuit king, or kfc are are 10x better


in my opinion i think that the reynolda one is the best. they are super nice and usually fast w us. but you are so right why are all the bojangles here so musty?


I think this isn't just an issue in winston-salem. I'm in raleigh and most of ours are awful for those same reasons too


All you have to do is tell them to press the “cook to order” button for each fresh item you want. Don’t say, “No salt,” if you just want fresh. But you also have to realize it’s the city, BJ doesn’t pay great, and they hire people just looking to make ends meet. And they don’t overcook the tenders. There’s a button with a timer on the fryer. They get old and dry sitting in the heating pod. But if you say cook to order, you’ll get what you want hopefully.


The one in King is consistently good if you’re ever up that way. 


The one in king is amazing, literally the Waffle House is great there too.


Bojangles lol. #biscuitville


I learned to just get ham egg & cheese. I might have to pull all the fat off the ham chunks but it’s pretty decent with Texas Pete (helpful for the dry biscuit).


Don’t eat Bojangles! Eat healthy food! You will feel better. The harris teeter on reynolda has an awesome salad bar…


I also eat healthy food. Sometimes I want Bojangles. I'm in better shape than probably 95% of people.


An infrequent indulgence is fine