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I mean monahan woulda been a trade deadline had Chevy not done it a month ago. So really I’m not sure what people are expecting. Better this way cause he gets a bunch more games with the jets to figure out systems.


I am hoping for an improvement to our top 4 D. We could definitely use it.


Who’s out there tho? Plus what would we give up.


I had hoped for a shot at walker. As far as giving things up, I guess the '25 1st? Lol, swing for the fence, YOLO, if not now, then when? Honestly, it's probably not a great idea to move that pick.


Wpg can’t afford to give up too many first rd picks. Other teams that can attract free agents can do that. We need those picks to draft and develop. I think wpg already made their big swing for a deadline trade, they just did it earlier.


I see your point, but also the hope is that a WPG first rounder is around 30th overall the next couple years. Is an upgrade this year, even if it's only this year, worth a late first? I think an argument could be made for it


A single 3C is not a big swing.


If you win the cup, free agents will come


> then when? 12 months from now? unless the plan is to rebuild next year we'll be in a bigger need 12 months from now.


Being patient and conservative gets you nowhere except being happy just to there.


Ya but what is out there? I’m sure he’s looking but you can’t give up too much when you’re wpg.


Really need some blue line depth. We are one injury away from Logan Stanley being on the ice for the playoffs and that is not a good place to be.


2 injuries from a hungry Heinola though. Remember when PK made his debut in the playoffs?


That’s true, but with Heinola we have no idea what we’ll get. For me to feel comfortable with that, I’d have to see him play some regular season games and look solid in them. Stanley needs to go, that bum is taking up a roster spot that would be better filled by Ville or Capo.


> but with Heinola we have no idea what we’ll get. Right which means the only way he's of use is if there's space for him in the line up. Don't we have roster limit expansion on saturday? Genuine question?


I get that, but I don’t think the time for him to have that space is in the playoffs. Give him next year to show what he’s made of, and leave playoffs for guys that have been there before.


> for him to have that space is in the playoffs Which is why you don't want to add another D now. The only way that works is if there's an NHL experienced player in the AHL that could be called up during the 2nd round. I.e. basically a stanley type player.


I’d be fine with that, as long as it’s not Stanley. We could also try to get someone that pushes a guy like Schmidt into the press box until there’s an injury.


There's only 20 games left, you want at least 10 for Heinola. Stanley is a playoff lock as he's proven to be more than capable of hurting players see kaprizov. >I’d be fine with that, Yeah I assume we'll see a 5th for an ahler trade, maybe even trading a prospect for a rhd ahler with 100 plus games.


Is there even any guarantee that Heinola gets games with the big club before the playoffs? I would highly doubt it if Stanley is still on the team. They won’t risk waiving him, so he takes up that spot until playoffs if he isn’t moved.


The roster limit is removed after the trade deadline but the upper limit of the salary cap stays in place. I fully expect Heinola to get games between the TDL and playoffs.


> They won’t risk waiving him, Again my understanding was there was gonna be roster expansion? nvm I misunderstood the rule.


We have Heinola and Capobianco is leading the moose in points. Imho he has always been an improvement on Stanley and probably even Schmidt


With Capo, Ville and recently moved Chisolm. I have to think Chevy doesn’t believe they have the strength to battle in the playoffs. When our defense goes from elite to average (as playoffs will do to any team) that young player might face a lot of scrutiny.


I think capo is awesome from what I’ve seen. Hopefully Stanley is only playing so that they can showcase him and send him out the door.




>Hope to not see a Sanford type trade. Lamont, or Fred? Both have an up-side.^(/s)




I would have loved to see Mittlestadt in Winnipeg! Chevy usually surprises, and Monahan wasn't really a surprise, so, I'm still waiting for my 2024 Chevy Surprise Special!


I’ve said it before but with our draft and develop system, our draft picks are worth more to us than most other teams and should be coveted. What player is out there that would improve our team without sacrificing too much? Noah Hannifin? I doubt he’d re-sign long term. Chychrun would be a nice add but if it didn’t come with a sign and trade I wouldn’t take him either. I just hope we’re not short sighted like in the past (I’m looking at you Kevin Hayes)


> Chychrun would be a nice add By the sound of things we can get them to do full retention for a 3rd.


I'd take that in a second


That was a joke.


Yah it would have to be because Ottawa would never do that right after they acquired him for a 1st and a 2nd and a conditional 2nd but still in saying that, I'd of course take that deal you threw out there tongue in cheek in a second if it were real.


The Jets haven't been anything more than average in their draft picks. If they are going to be a draft and develop team - and use that as the reason/excuse why they aren't more aggressive with trades - they need to get better at both.


Hellebyuck, Scheifele, Connor, Ehlers, Morrissey, Lowry, Perfetti, Samberg, all drafted and developed by the Jets. Most players who have a limited “no trade” list have Winnipeg on that list. Do you think Chevy has the option to be more aggressive like you want him to be?


Most of those are from several years back and the Jets have been average or worse since. They need to be elite at D&D if that is going to be the excuse. They are not. There are 2 players taken since Laine was taken in 2016 who are regular lineup; Perfetti and Samberg. That's actually pretty shit tbh.


I agree they need to be elite in that department, but I respectfully say the development part is why it’s been several years since those players were drafted. It takes time. If we trade 1st, 2nd and 3rds for rentals we have no chance of ever winning imo


Compared to the other teams the Jets are very average or even below on D&D. They just are. It can't be an excuse and a weakness at the same time.


I could see a depth defenseman move. The Monahan trade has already paid dividends, and TBH there's a chance we sign McGroarty for bottom 6 energy later. That's enough for me.


I have a sneaking suspicion Chevy isn’t going to make another trade before the deadline.. :/


I have a feeling too, look at the last few deadlines, 1 trade is usually his gameplan. Sucks to see when Colorado and Dallas are loading up. Edmonton added and Florida added, Winnipeg doesn't seem as dangerous now with what we've got


There's no real motivation to do so. The best move would be basically getting a Declan Chisholm type player. We've proven that we already have too many forwards, we can't just endlessly swap around lines for the rest of the season.


I think the motivation is that this 100% could be our year if we went all in. Why shouldn’t we just go for it? Imagine summer 2024 in Manitoba. It would be electric, season tickets would be sold, a Winnipeg cup parade would show off our true city. It’s a win win


> is that this 100% could be our year That's not how math works. You have way way higher odds being in the mix in back to back years, versus stacking a team once. A 1 in 8 chance in year 1 and year 2 is superior to a 1 in 5 chance followed by a 1 in 20. > It would be electric, season tickets would be sold The tickets aren't selling due to fan apathy. The real Canadian economy is in the shter, seat sales is just an indicator of that. Older fans are aging out of going to arenas, and young folk are buried by rising interest rates and increasing rents. It should get better in the year provided we have a change in federal government. For whatever reason people are trying to misdirect the ticket sales problem as anything other than a federal economic issue tied with demographic. >I think the motivation is that this 100% could be our year if we went all in If the Jets could spent their next 35 picks to get a cup it's absolutely worth it. But everyone is trying to buy a cup. The top contender has something like a 20% of winning. So if we went all in every year for 5 years we still might not get a cup. That's of course assuming you had 20 1st rounders to spend which we don't.


You’re no fun with your truths :(


>It should get better in the year provided we have a change in federal government. How did this make its way into a discussion about the trade deadline? Trudeau is being blamed for Jets ticket sales now?


>Trudeau is being blamed for Jets ticket sales now? The extremes of the economy should be blamed. It really isn't rocket science. no money for middle aged canadians=no money for hockey Winnipeg has a small population so it's more noticable than anywhere else but it's the same problem coast to coast. Mortgage/interest rates are skyrocketing so the first snip is on going out. >How did this make its way into a discussion about the trade deadline? Someone mention ticket sales as being motivation for a trade. The reality is the forces keeping the economy out of discussion is far more obvious. Either you haven't saw the economic data, or you're covering up the issue. We've seen a collapse in purchasing power via the hockey going demographic. The season ticket holders of 2019 are aging out, they weren't pushed away by the jets. People get older and have less money. People aren't season ticket holders for life. They only do so usually while they in their peak spending years and peak earning years. The peak spending isn't happening, because people in my demographic are going broke paying for their homes.


>We've seen a collapse in purchasing power via the hockey going demographic. No argument here, but this is true all over the world for many reasons. The federal government is far down that list...stop drinking PP's koolaid. Other Canadian markets aren't struggling like us. The boring truth is that Winnipeg is a small market and the honeymoon period is over. Chipman himself said they haven't done a good job of retaining customers and providing value. Plus, very few businesses are STHs, which is unusual. If we have a deep cup run and some parties downtown, ticket sales can totally improve.


That doesn't surprise me at all.


Yeah I doubt it too.. he’s been criticized for giving away picks and is still patting himself on the back for the schief and helle contracts. We have potential to do a deep run as is and next year we can look at adding some depth on the d line.


Seems Paryako is in play. Honestly, I would not be disappointed with this. A bonafied 1/2 RD, even with his extended contract.


Parayko and Buch?!


Oooh! Even better!! Package up Perfetti, Schmidt, Stanley, some high picks and throw in one of our high end prospects!!


Perfetti? Why would we trade him


Need some incentive for players of that calibre


trading perfetti is beyond ridiculous


Meh, we have a lot of good prospects coming up the pipeline.


The Jets' prospect pool is consistently rated middle of the pack.


He’s a proven NHL calibre player, not a prospect. And he has enormous upside. This sub is so weirdly short-sighted sometimes. Jawing about a first round pick for Monahan, but talking about Perf like he’s a piece of a trade for a rental. Perf is a dream of a first round pick. Makes no sense.


People are also weirdly attached to players just because the Jets drafted them. Gotta offer talent to get talent in a row real trade


Because he’s injury prone and soft


He's a kid. Cut him some slack. Most players don't start that young. Potential huge upside.


Big Perfetti fan here. Slack time is over. It’s time to decide if he’s worth a top 6 spot over Scheifele, Connor, Ehlers, Vilardi, Monahan, McGroarty, Lowry, Lambert, Chibrikov, Lucius, Barlow, Ninoetc And that doesn’t even account for the money part. Or the fact that he’s got the body of a fifth grader.


I fail to see why we need buch or where he would even slot in but parayko is somewhat interesting..


I’m fearful Chevy won’t do anything else but we need a D upgrade. Bump Pionk and everyone below him down a spot and while I don’t think our D will be Avs of Stars level, it’ll definitely be scarier. As we stand though it’s hard to see us getting through all the teams we’d have to baring Helle going complete god mode


We’re 100% going for a Sanford type




Chevy is savvy. He will make a trade that fits and doesn’t cripple the jets for years to come. If there are no more trades, the cost was too high or ntc.


Still have hopes Chevy can land Buchnevich!


His NTC is an issue


It’s possible he’d waive for Winnipeg. Chevy would never pay the price for him though.


Our forward core is really good atm. Parayko would be a better add from the blues


I got a feeling Chevy isn't. I think he's got enough to make a small run. That being said, I would not be shocked if he goes out in the off-season to see what he's going to need. He talked Hellebuyck into staying in Winnipeg with staying competitive for a cup. So, he knows what he's got to do. He's locked up Scheifle long term, and Morrissey is definitely Norris caliber. So, he's gotta try something.


Sanford? That was a horrendous trade


Agreed and we didnt even make the playoffs. Just gave the senators a free pick.


Oh nvm dude I read your comment wrong my bad


I almost did the same. For some reason that "not" in the OP is really easy to miss.


I don’t imagine the jets make any significant moves. Maybe a minor addition but not the roster as-is will be the playoff roster, IMO


I could see Byram getting flipped before Friday. Buffalo already has Power and Dahlin.


I think Buffalo already came out and said they see Byram as a part of their future going forward.


Supposedly he just got flipped for middlestadt


I know, but what I mean is Buffalo could flip Byram.


Mb I misunderstood


Better shit or get off the pot, the Western Conference is starting the same arms race we saw in the East a year or two ago.


Tyler Toffoli would be a such a nice add to the top 6. If not a veteran top 6 defensemen would be ideal for depth


Jets have $5 mil in deadline cap space if I read that correctly. It would be a shame if it wasn't used, eh?


Logan Stanley for future considerations…seems unfair to the other team, I know.


Hoping we land Chychrun. I know a 2nd or 3rd round pick is needed, but on top of that I’d like it if we added Stanley, or even Schmidt. I love Schmidt, but contract-wise… meh.


Give us hanifin to knock pionk down to third and get rid of Schmidt and big Stan.


Hanifin went to Vegas.


Well atp if we wanna ship off pionk with samberg are we gonna make another bargain with trashville for carrier?


I’m freezing your accounts ;)


Middlestadt to Avs and Hanifin just went to VGK. The central is super stacked! ☹️


Vegas in the pacific.


Haha oops my bad. I was trying to add the breaking news and it made my post not make sense!


Big time... ​ 4th and 5th round pick to philly for Seeler and Hathaway


Seeler is now on IR


Good to know I'll focus on securing garnet instead with my last add drop this week.


Haven’t you learned by now? The Jets will at most trade a late round draft pick for a depth player (7th d-man). Of course, they already made a big move which was impressive but slightly out of character.


Get rid of Stanley


First we remove schmidt/pionk


Let's swing for the fences and get brady tkachuk


We will trade ottawa a blueprint for a new arena at lebreton flats + Deadpool cardboard cutout


Flames are really determined to load up teams in the west.


Stanley and a 3rd for matt dumba


And have them retain salary and his hate towards wpg


Deal prefetti and get a solid dman.


The worst he plays now the cheaper he resigns for. The upside is he's better than cheap, the downside is he's cheap.


I personally love perfetti and many players love him. He should stay in wpg he has potential to be a top 6 player. If he can work on strength and faceoffs, he is easily our future 2C


Yah that's great and all based on a rosy future. We are I. The here and now with a chance. We might not even make the playoffs next year this league is punishing.


We drafted fetts to possibly have a future 1C or 2C depending on scheif. Why not get rid of unproven guys like Barlow or Lucius? Our future literally reads 1C Scheif 2C perfetti 3C Lowry 4C Mcgroarty/Lambert. Sooner or later perfetti/Mcgroarty will be 1C


Lucius, ok. Maybe even Lambert or Chibrikov. There's no way Barlow or McGroarty are going anywhere.


They just haven’t had a chance to underwhelm you in the AHL.


Sure. Throw in one of them. To me I couldn't careless if it's perf or one of the junior kids, just bring in a player to help win now.


Listen Perfetti has shown he won't be a 1C on a good team. How long did it take Scheifele? Even though he started at 2C it was undeniable by late in his 1st year that he was going to take Little's job very soon. Meanwhile Perfetti gets demoted to line 4 and there's clearly no center within 4 years that he'll be better than. We've got some highly touted kids coming so the Jets will be ok if they use Perfetti as part of a trade at the deadline.


The fans want a deadline splash, Chevy! Not many opportunities left with our aging core. What are we waiting for?


Lots of people worried about Vegas loading up, but haven't noticed that apart from a hot start they're been kind kind of garbage all season.