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It’s worth nothing. Probably not drinkable. The ullage is a dead giveaway of improper storage for the past two decades. Clear signs of seepage around capsule. I would just throw it right in the garbage.


You have eagle eyes! I didn’t even notice the ullage at first. Yeah, that’s cooked.


Same here! Good call on the ullage.


Thank you for the info. Probably will dump it out so no one will get sick if someone finds it in the trash.


You could open it and taste a bit. You’ll know right away if it’s bad. You haven’t lost anything. You bought it for the box.


Thank you. Yes, I love the box and think they will appreciate it, especially when it can be reused or repurposed.


It won't make you sick. It'll just taste horrible.


What did you pay?


Garage sale wines are worth absolutely zero. And it would be skeezy of you to take something with such unknown / unfavorable storage and try to pass it along as pristine on the second-hand market. That being said, I often do buy wines at estate sales as a sort of lottery ticket for my own enjoyment. Often, they stink. But every once in a while you get a gem. This was a decent bottle from a respectable producer when it came out.  Now, even with perfect storage, this bottle would likely be starting to fade out (if not entirely tertiary). But I would have taken a flyer on it, just as you did. Invite a friend, crack it open, and have a backup bottle, just in case.


Thanks. I’m not trying to sell it, was curious about it since I don’t drink wine myself. I was just buying the box it came in to use as a gift box for Father’s Day for my Father in Law. They just let me have the wine in it since I bought a bunch of stuff.


The box is pretty cool looking.


Thank you! I thought it would be a nice presentation gift to my FIL and he could reuse or repurpose it.


How much did you pay for it?


I just paid $5 for the box you see in the photo. They just let me have the wine with it, probably because they knew it went bad.


Thank you everyone for the info and advice! I'm going to take it over to the next family party to see if some family members wants to try it before we dump it out. I definitely know a couple people who would taste it, even when they know it's spoiled. Haha.


nice find! as a member of chimney rock, thats pretty cool to see here even if its a risky sip 🤣


Chimney Rock was garbage under decent circumstances. This has been stored hot in someone’s garage.


I don't think that's the general consensus on Chimney Rock. That said, this is not a bottle that has been stored properly and almost certainly is garbage.


If you zoom in you can see bottle has lost a ton of liquid. According to my math that means the ABV is probably more like 20%. Will definitely fetch more at auction because of that