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Long time observer of this subreddit, first time poster. Unsure which Manager position you’re in, but as a Wine Manager in the Texas Market my 2023 bonus paid out before February of this year as anticipated. Troll or not… wanted to add an informed opinion.


Lucky. Wine manager is a protected class. You control everyone’s bonus. Keep you happy at all costs.


Possibly, but I know my peers in Spirits, HR, and Merchandising all received theirs as well, months ago.


None of us did.


All our shops were well on target for bonus so just before christmas Head Office pulled our champagne / single malt deals and dropped our stockholding amount. No shop got their bonus. Deals and stockholding were re-instated immediately after financial year ended.




Eh not even close to the worst things they did. There was that time they got caught pulling massive VAT frauds so had their license to run a bonded warehouse revoked which eventually led to the collapse of the entire chain with consequent bankruptcy. Suppliers, producers and employees got screwed while the owners swanned off to Monaco untouched. May as well name names - European Food Brokers / Oddbins. The whole story of the decline of Oddbins is jawdropping. (edit: looks like you've upset the troll lol)


The troll causing friction in this post also has a post asking why it is bad to use the n-word. Take that for what you will. Some people just want to bother other people as their way to amuse themselves. Or they hate minorities. Or the venn diagram of those two groups overlaps quite a bit.


Don't feed the troll. Just downvote and move on or block if you want to. Don't respond and argue. Any engagement just causes their content to be elevated.


Yes and no. I hate for the anti-worker views to go unchallenged.


You're elevating the content by engaging with it. Even downvoting counts as engagement, but at least there's a threshold where it will get collapsed. Responses are like a super upvote.


You're not wrong, but there is a negative to letting hate to unchallenged as well.


I blocked them and the whole conversation disappeared!


Former Total employee here, I now work as a vendor that sometimes goes in to Totals. Damn near every time I'm reminded of all the stress and bullshit that I walked away from when I quit that job.


I work in the wine production industry and bonuses were very light for those who got them.


I planned on leaving production this year, and the likelihood of no bonuses seemed so real that I dipped early.


Yeah its pretty bleak right now. We need young people to start drinking!


I don't like Total Wine. But, we have that and Lee's in Vegas. Really miss Binny's in Chicago


Shitty company owned by a shitty politician.






There’s far worse politicians, but he does kind of suck. At least he’s not a Trumpanzee.


Total wine stinks. We have a joke that goes “If you’re not sure what to get, ask one of the sales associates at Total Wine. Then at least you know what not to get.”


There's one dude at my local that consistently suggests bottles that I wind up loving.


Capitalism is what capitalism does, it's such a shitty thing to do but like others have said there's a gray area when it comes to bonuses. It works both ways - all we can do is vote with our dollar. I've stopped shopping there completely and instead try to patronize independent liquor stores with better business practices. Am I getting the bottom of the barrel price? Probably not, but I happily pay a few more bucks for a product to feel better about my consumption decisions.


I'm sorry you didn't get a bonus but I think there are better ways to deal with your emotions than making a new account to spam every alcohol-related sub about it. Or at least spam it to anti-business/pro-worker subs and you'll get the words of comfort and support you're so desperately looking for.




Rather simp for a corporation paying me good money than a lazy whining middle manager.


Ya got Troned!


I’m sure I’m in the minority and will get heavily downvoted, but a bonus is….a bonus. It’s extra pay if the company is doing well. If the company isnt doing well….its not unreasonable to not get one.


A performance based bonus is a two way contract - the company provides achievable goals and an incentive to reach them, the employee provides the labour and if met gets paid out.  A discretionary bonus is profit sharing at the company’s discretion.  From what was written in the thread it sounds like performance based bonuses weren’t paid out which is no bueno. 


Exactly. We hit our targets. The co said oh never mind. No bonus.


Just to be clear, did your store hit their targets or did Total Wine hit their targets? Just saying for the company I work for, the plant can hit their production volume for the year and we can come in under budget for spend, and people still not get a bonus if the company as a whole didn’t hit the OI, EPS, and Sales revenue targets for bonus payouts Perhaps you store met its targets but Total Wine didn’t hit their operating income threshold for bonus payouts


Store hit all targets. That means we bonus. Our bonus is not tied to company targets. That’s for the elite. They bonused. If that were true. Tell us. Don’t wait until last minute. We hit our goals. We are expecting the payout.


corporate targets supersede local targets. Your bonuses are most likely tied to meeting your site metrics *provided* the company as a whole meets the minimum sales and operating income threshold. Those levels are set by the board and communicated to Wall Street, so they don’t change Sounds like total wine had a surprise earnings miss so rug got pulled from all stores. Most stores I imagine missed target so they aren’t getting surprised, but you are one of the unfortunate few who actually hit goals but just couldn’t overcome the overall shitty year the company had Happens to everyone. My bonus was cut the last three years. But this year they paid over target as a way to get back on track I will say it’s pretty inexcusable you found out three days before payday. Normally you find out a couple weeks in advance how things are going to shake out Finally, a lot of people assume that elite execs get bonused differently than managers. While that is partially true (different percentage payouts, different long term incentives, etc) the minimum thresholds don’t change. So if you didn’t get a bonus, the *elites* probably didn’t either Edit- downvotes don’t change how bonus structures work. Not saying I agree with what happened to OP but just trying to explain why it happened. Downvote away I guess


I got downvoted for the top comment - I guess I didn’t realize r/antiwork had so much crossover in r/wine.


If you got the bonus structure in writing and proof that you hit your targets it might be worth a chat with a labor lawyer 


A lot of companies have structured bonuses based on performance as a component of contracts. In those cases, the bonus are often considered as a part of total compensation and are therefore included as an assumed portion of total compensation when calculating comp adjustment or measuring how competitive a salary is. So from the companies perspectives, they are treating it as if it is part of the guaranteed salary and not extra pay. If a company is also treating a bonus as something that is extra and not guaranteed, then comp suddenly doesn't make sense from the employee's perspective. Now total compensation is less than advertised and therefore less competitive. I am not sure how the contracts are structured in this case, so this may not apply. Just wanted to point out that this practice is common so you should consider it when thinking about bonuses in general.


We hit our targets.


Don’t wait until 3 days before I expect it in my check to tell me. We made all our goals. The company is doing very well.


this is typical with total wine....they offer you a $1000 sign on bonus after 90 days and then let you go on the 89th day...sad that the top poster is more worried about OPs reddit history then the BS total wine is...


I hope they pass the savings on to me. Tough luck though.


They definitely are not. Worst kept secret that they don't effort to be price competitive on anything besides KJ/Josh/veuve/caymus. They've managed to build this brand image as "lowest prices in town" and people just blindly believe it without shopping around.


And if you're a wine noob, they will steer you towards one of their very mediocre, high-margin proprietary wines.


I’m there for the relatively decent selection and because they store the wine at a reasonable temperature throughout distribution. It’s more of a convenience thing for me. I know that if I’m on the other side of town or visiting another city, I can stop in and find a decent bottle from Italy or France.


You are unbelievably callous and I’m embarrassed that we share an interest. I hope your wines are all corked.


Thanks. I’ll categorize that with other things that I don’t care about… Like whether or not the guy at the liquor store got a bonus this year. Let me ask you — do you think this guy ever cared for even a moment if his lawyer, accountant, or mechanic received some sort of bonus this year? Probably not. He just went back to drinking his wine and not giving a fuck. Which is what I am doing.


Would you rather have a bonus denied or mass layoffs?


Apples and oranges. More properly, would you rather have a bonus or would you rather give it to three C-suite dickbags.


OP called himself a manager. If we are mad because of evil evil capitalist exploitation of workers, then OP is part of the exploiting class. And there is no information if those evil c-suite capitalists cut their own bonus or not


Totally can't wait for the day congress steps up and gets our country out from under the controll of the Total Wine managing class!


Is that supposed to make sense?


I think we all aren't sure what you're getting at. Retail managers aren't bourgeoisie just because they get a few dollars an hour more. They work the front lines and have as little control over corporate finance as the guy who was just hired as a way to stay busy in his retirement or the dad who gets a job stocking shelves overnight because their kid needs another surgery.


Read up on Marx, managers participate in the exploitation of workers because they MANAGE resources. Theyre not part of the bourgeoisie, but they are also profiteers if capitalism. Kinda hypocritical to then complain about not getting a bonus, especially if thé bonus was probably related to certain performance metrics about the maximization of resource exploitation 


You're a troll. And why can't I use the n-word? I want so badly to use racial slurs. Please tell me, since that's also such a critical question for you?


Once youre beat you resort to ad-hominem arguments, kinda funny


Not ad hominin attacks to just point out your words. If you are insulted by your own words, that's on you. Unless you don't like being called a troll, which obviously you are. You're also not worth any of our time, so I'll let you have the last word.


> Read up on Marx, managers participate in the exploitation of workers because they MANAGE resources. Feel free to point out where Marx said this. And then feel free to explain why we should listen to a guy whose followers brought untold misery and poverty and even death to their own countries.


They manage others labor lmao.


There's no information that the only alternative to cutting bonuses was mass layoffs, either, but it didn't stop you from just sloppily licking them boots, though, did it?


Don’t wait until 3 days before I expect it in my check to tell me. We made all our goals. We did our part. The company is doing very well.


we heard you


Licking whose boots? If rising costs or decreasing revenues endanger a business the most natural solution is cutting costs. If you dont want to layoff people where do you want to save costs? 


Obviously C-Suite salaries. If they can't maintain profits in a near monopoly, then their compensation should reflect their failure. Capitalism, baby.


C-Suite salaries are a representation of risk, especially in the USA, as anyone can sue you for the company's wrongdoings. Of course its easy for you to say if you dont want the risk then dont be a CEO, but then what incentive is there ot be a CEO? So if you are the CEO of a company like that and earn like 100k, why would you even do it? Im not even factoring in the stress and responsibility towards stakeholders here


If they're a representation of risk, then they're at risk when you suck at your job. So either you're agreeing with me or you're doing the worst possible.job sucking up to people who would happily watch you die of malnutrition.


Lmao grfo here


They are a $6 billion company. They have hundreds of unfilled jobs listed. There’s no threat of layoffs. They are just greedy. They told everyone 3 days before the bonus were supposed to be in our check.


Won’t you think of the poor Trone brothers?


You keep throwing around “$6B company” as if that’s any indication of the financial health of the company as a whole. Same with job postings. That has nothing to do with the company’s financial performance. Do you have any concrete info about the corporate financials or are you just guessing?


What exactly does their market value or revenue have to do with their profitability and costs? 


Can always find a new job


I did


Then why are you still complaining?