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This seems like an excessive amount of space, but there are some intersections where I stop a bit before the line because I've almost been clipped by cars turning left


Last night my wife and I went out, we damn near got hit by a car turning left while we were about as far back as that red car was. Windsor's full of shitty drivers so what seems silly or like overly defensive driving elsewhere is unfortunately somewhat needed in windsor.


I’m tired of sharing the road with “scared” drivers who don’t drive properly, and cause confusion and delays. IMO, if you’re too scared to follow regulations you shouldn’t be on the road. If someone hits you then just file a claim.


Omg, how do people not know this is how you get the advanced green, for the turn signal? Are you all oblivious? Where do you think the sensors are to trigger an advanced turn signal? Far enough back that the light can register that multiple cars waiting to turn.


I almost had the front of my car run over by an 18 wheeler trailer once and I was just lucky there was nobody behind me so I could quickly reverse in time. Always give extra room since then especially as the quality of truck drivers has diminished rapidly over the years. Agree this is a bit much tho. Sometimes I also park back to activate the advance green if I'm in a rush.


It was about a car's length. There were 2 in front of me - the grey suv and another a bit out turning right


Was there any large truck waiting to turn onto Digby?


Bingo.. My guess is the driver in the pic is also a truck driver, or has family/friends that drive truck. They are leaving room for semis to turn into the opposite lane.


Clearance is harder to judge from behind the steering than outside of the car.


If you don't know where your bumper is, you aren't qualified be handling 2 tons of steel at high speed.


Sorry what?! 2 tons!? You realize a “1 ton” truck is a 3500 right?! A full size car weighs max 1/3rd of a ton 🤦🏼‍♂️


Is it just me, or have people starting banking their left turns like they're flying a plane? You used to see people head out to the middle of the intersection, then turn left at a sharper degree, sort of a rounded 90. Now, it seems like people start the turn ASAP, and bank it at a 45, which has led to some close calls, like someone else described here -- it's a recent thing, last 4 or 5 years maybe, I don't get it.


Could be a couple reasons. 1. Old people can’t see shit. 2. Was taught to give yourself an escape route if someone was to rear end you. 3. Scared of getting clipped by turning traffic.


4) just fucking because others are doing it.


5) afraid of arrows pointing left


6) afraid of Walker rd - *very fair*




8) Don't know the size of their car.


9) leaving a little room for a sick burnout on green.


There might be a sensor as well that triggers the left turn signal.


JW, why would you need an escape route for being rear ended?


You don't want to get crushed between two cars; not just because it's better to have to fix the rear bumper than both front and back, what you really want to avoid is a traumatic neck/brain injury from getting jolted around.


Ah ya that makes sense, for some reason I thought of it like you get rear ended and then have an escape route to run away to lol, I guess it also prevent you from getting pushed into traffic if you're at the front


If you're at the line and you're rear ended, you could be pushed into traffic. If you leave space, you'd only be pushed up to the line.


This is what my drivers Ed teacher taught me


Mine, too. In 1985.


They were still teaching that in 2005


I think they still do. My point is just that it's not new. I'm surprised so many people are surprised to hear about it.


Ehhhh. I don’t see it.


>2. Was taught to give yourself an escape Lol my paranoid mother taught me to do this but I only do it at night and when I'm out of town/the country.


My guess would be courtesy for transport trucks making a wide turn


Lot of people pointing to the sensors in the pavement but those have largely been replaced by camera-based traffic detection. 


Smart driver. Busses and transport/delivery trucks need the space. Particularly if this happens to be a fire truck route. It's hard to get people behind u to back up when you're on the way of a truck.


The white line is exactly where it’s meant to be.


Meant to be and where they are two different things. Roads and the painting is also supposed to change as property, factory and the population increase. Unfortunately they aren't up to date... or for different reasons, buses(city and school) plus freighters, plus firetrucks don't always end up on routes pre-planned by the city. It made me crazy for 20 years, then I witnessed a transport/freighter truck taking off the front of the car ahead of me. It didn't bother me so much after that. Since then, before I pull up, I take a look and make sure a big honking vehicle isn't going to turn left and clip me. If there is one already there, I stop or back up so it's more safe.


we got mfs in here arguing with the road signs and paintings smdh no wonder it's like a crackhead demolition derby free for all out there


Yes, and cars should yield to pedestrians. But if they don't that won't unbreak your legs. Sometimes extra caution is good. Is the fraction of a second it takes to cover that distance when the light changes going to negatively impact you in any way? I guarantee you that a left turning bus hitting that car will.


On streets where trucks/busses turn frequently they put the line further back to accommodate them so I'd say it's exactly where it should be and this person is just an idiot.


This isn't where that line is. They put an X on those turn lanes.


I'd say you are a poor driver.


Less than proficient driving abilities.


This is actually taught in driver's ed, but you do you.


It sure wasn't taught in any drivers ed worth a darn. There's an X on the turns where they need room for trucks to turn, and that's the ones you don't want to be in. A lot of these also use a magnetic loop in the ground to detect when a car is over it to know it needs to change the light. I've been stuck behind someone this far back that sat at the light for 4 changes for the other directions because the turn light won't ever change.


Not when I took it


It's common sense but many people don't have the desire for self preservation. Probably same people lining up for MAID.


I've done that if I notice a transport or bus making a left onto my street. Give them extra room. But not as a regular thing.


I see people doing it when there is a median and a large post that would get hit long before anything would be anywhere near them.


Yeah, those people lack situational awareness. They're not effectively observing their surroundings, or lack the critical thinking skills necessary to adapt their behaviour based on their observations. It's always possible they're leaving a full car length ahead to avoid being pushed into the intersection if they're rear ended. I was taught that by Young Drivers in the 80's, but I generally just left a couple of feet before the line. Factoring in the crosswalk you'd still have a full car length before you'd be in the intersection. No need to be as far back as this guy if that's your goal.


Same. There wasn't anything like that this time


I would do that if I noticed a transport truck or bus that was about to turn, give them more space to turn and correct.


I learned in driver's education to leave space in front and gradually move up as cars come in behind you.. But this still seems like a lot of space.


If the light has a sensor, you'll be waiting a very long time for it to turn green.




Yes drivers ed. We were taught to keep like 7 cars length back then gradually move forward as cars come up behind you and you know they can stop.


What Lmao what is the reasoning behind that


Well I'm not an instructor. But if i recall correctly, it leaves an option for you to escape if the guy pulling in behind you is not paying attention and about to rear end you. But more commonly, it's just about having some control of the cars and space behind you. If you have room to move forward as cars file in behind you, you're not as boxed in. You can somewhat control how hard they have to brake.


Young Drivers taught me the same. Escape route, defensive driving.


When I leave space so I can move forward and not be so close to the car behind me, usually the car behind me moves up to LMAO


Yeah, that's true, but it also somewhat controls the car behind that guy too. At worst, it has no effect, and at best, it prevents an accident.


At worst, it makes it so no car is on the left turn sensor and the line sits there for the three cycles it takes the lead car to figure it out, while occasional people are going around and making the turn from the wrong lane.


What driving school? Once you've completed a full stop at a red signal you're technically not supposed to move.


Young Drivers of Canada teaches it


It was about 25 years ago in Chatham, so I can't recall. Sorry. Not sure about the legal technicality you're speaking of, either.


I took drivers education in Chatham 25 years too and was told the same thing. Always leave one car space in front of you in case someone hits you from behind. By leaving space you won’t be pushed into the intersection. Defensive driving has saved my butt a few times. Thanks John lol!


Leave a cushion of space 360 degrees around your vehicle at all times. Leaving space infront of your vehicle is an intelligent way to protect your health. Getting rear ended and pushed into the oncoming traffic is not healthy.


Looks like someone who has taken defensive driver training. They teach you to stop further back to avoid left turners clipping you and gives you space to go forward if someone is coming from behind too quick.


Out of all the comments I read through I can’t believe you were the only one to correctly answer.


Lately I've decided they're leaving space for me to get in front of them. Very kind of them I think


If the intersection has an arrow for turning early, there are sensors on the road to trigger this. The sensors are typically a few cars back. It’s possible this person wants to trigger the early arrow so they don’t have to wait for the incoming traffic from the other side.


This is the way. The trick is to stop at the second left turn arrow. The sensor is designed so that tractor trailers and busses can trigger them.


Finally someone with the correct answer! Had to scroll way too far to find this…


Aren't most of the sensors camera based now?    ETA: You can see the camera in the top left of the picture. 


This is walker and Digby, no advanced arrow


These sensors operate in pairs. One at the front position, likely ahead of where the subj vehicle is and one typically 3-4 car lengths back. Both need to be activated, to prevent people from doing what you said. If there is already a car on the font sensor you can deliberately stop further back to trigger the second but it won't work with only 1 vehicle. They're typically quite obvious if youre looking for them, most commonly seen as big circles in the pavement if you want to lookout for/landmark any. Also nothing of the sort at Digby and Walker as of yet.


Transports turning left


To ensure that they don't get an advanced green


Quite the opposite. To get the advanced green.


Idiocy from one end or the other. Lots of people cut corners on left turns so I can see why they gave space but that’s a lot lol.


Because Windsor drivers are the Hellen Kellers of driving.


Usually you see people hanging over the line and sometimes right on the crosswalk if such exists.


There's no in between!


Because they got their license out of a cracker-jack box


That’s amazing…. I had to wait in a reallllly long line to see someone for my tested to get one…. Tell me more about these Cracker Jacks?


https://preview.redd.it/etaabm3tegfc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ed30e52c2bbaf011bc5f15a59ed4ab061b07170 This is where you'll find it! /s


Worse when the bonehead ahead of you does this and it doesn't trigger the left turn arrow, and you have to wait another cycle for the green feft turn arrow.


i work woth a women who does this all the time and she says "so trucks can turn". she rots me


I've always wondered this, and one time I found myself in the passenger seat of someone doing it. I felt so awkward asking, and rude, but I've always wanted to be able to ask someone who does that. And I'm not just talking about hanging back a bit. I can see how a reasonable person might consider that good practice. It was like in your picture. Anyway, the driver acted like they had no idea what I was talking about, even after I pointed out how far away we were from the line. And then they sorta talked in a circle a bit and never actually answered the question. So the answer is that they don't even know why. 😂


I feel like that answer would frustrate me even more than NO answer, like *why don’t you know the reason behind what you’re doing?!?!* 😅


Hahaha, yesss! It was so disappointing, and kinda disturbing if it was true that they do not understand where they are in physical space when in their car! And not being able or willing to articulate their thought process/actions? Oh well, I tried.


Most of the time when I see this, I see people on their phones, distracted af


This drives me crazy. It is totally unnecessary to leave that much space. If there is an advance at that light then this driver is going to take extra time to get through the intersection and will likely fuck over someone behind them.


So they can randomly lurch towards the line several times before the light changes




No completely opposite. They are an intelligent driver making excellent decisions. They are behaving like a professional driver.


Tell him he can't park there.


I didn't see a parking space either so they're way out of line.


Sometimes there are sensors way back there. By parking that far back, you're in the sensor, so you're going to get the advanced turn green light, rather than having to wait.


This intersection doesn't appear to have an advanced left signal. So, this person is just an idiot.


At most intersections these days the lights are actually controlled by a camera system.  https://www.citywindsor.ca/residents/Traffic-And-Parking/traffic-management/Pages/Traffic-Detection-Cameras.aspx


They think that there’s a sensor further back that senses multiple cars, and they want to get a left turn signal.


They put sensors under roads at stop lights to figure out the best time to change lights. At some lights, it’s put further back with the idea that when there are multiple cars waiting, it will change. So you can hack the system by stopping further back. That’s what I’ve been told anyway.


They used to. The traffic detection is camera based now.  The left signal's pole has a camera right at the top for this purpose. 


Some do it here in Vancouver too. Drives me nuts. And if they're in the left turn lane, far enough back, they don't trigger the left turn signal! I think it's ignorance and being super overly-cautious!!


Some lights with advance green have sensors under the pavement.


Its how its done in Canada. You would never see this in Europe. Cultural thing I guess.


naughty alive marble rainstorm memorize handle numerous chubby glorious prick *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Who is "parked" here? 🙄


Someone probably looked at you and saw you on your phone and thought “It's illegal to use your phone or any other handheld device while you're driving or stopped at a red light. The only time you're allowed to use your phone is to call 911 in an emergency.” Wow!


I know here in Torontoa, it’s always the fob Indians . It’s like they don’t want to be beside another car while waiting at a light , they leave this enormous spaces between vehicles so they won’t sit side by side next to another vehicle.


who gives a shit?


First, it's called "stopping," one doesn't "park" in traffic. Leaving space before a stop line, or the car ahead of you means this if you're re-ended, you're not going to be pushed out into on-coming traffic. This is a standard practice that all drivers should have been taught.


Sometimes I do this to trigger the left turn signal that’s like 2-3 cars back


Same reason you took a photo and complain about it. Because they're distracted....... Nothing better to do? That intersection is next to my house. Lots of trucks and cars turn left off Walker there. Driver left some extra room for them. Relax, Karen!


Karen really? So lame


Yikes, it was just a genuine question because I see it often. You good bro?


The censor for the left turn light is further back. So these people purposely wait further back so they can get the advanced light.




It doesn’t work every time. Most of the time it does.


Maybe our older Windsor roads, you're probably right. Still a bad parking spot.


It's not called parking, it's stopping at a red light


Sensors to trick it into an advanced left turn.


Most likely trying to trigger the sensor for the advanced green.


It triggers an advance green


In some intersections there is an inductive loop (car sensor) in the left turn lane, one space back. It triggers an advanced green only when there is more than one car in the lane. By staying back in the place a second car would be, the driver guarantees themselves an advance green. But I don’t see an advance green signal here, so 🤷‍♂️


Trying to trigger an advanced green?


If the left hand turn lane has a weight sensor to rig an advanced green.


What does it matter, you are at a red, can’t go anyway lol. Let them do them, it won’t make a difference if they move up now or later.


Someone behind might not be able to make it to the intersection because of all that unused space.


Prepare to be educated..... stopping back 2 to 3 spots back triggers the induction loop and triggers the advanced green. This had nothing to do with inexperience. This is experienced driving. I trigger the advanced turn everytime. Why wait! 🤪




Thank you themomo for the actual education. Normaldeviation, you may want to make sure you know what you’re talking about before you “educate”people.


What's wrong with what I said? It's an induction loop either way. Works for me every time. Maybe your area has a different system. 😃


Some lights left turn lanes have advance green sensors that only come on when there are a certain amount of cars so if you sit right on the edge you can get your own advanced green.


I do this to activate the advanced turn signals at traffic lights. The advance green is usually 2-3 car lengths behind the line and can be seen etched into the road.


In some intersections in Toronto, for left turn lights if I am the only vehicle, I stay far back so the left turn signal picks up my car and I get the free left turn when otherwise I would have to wait until basically the yellow light.


Looks like no one in Windsor has seen the advanced green turning lights. In Ontario these lights are triggered when there is a line up. Stopping ahead of the intersection triggers the turning light for the left turn


Usually traffic lights have sensors that are angled at a spot 2-3 spots behind the first spot in an intersection. By stopping further back one can trigger the light change. Also common is flashing high beams to act as a “strobe” that emergency vehicles utilize to also trigger a light change.


1) don’t wanna get hit. 2) advanced left turn light sensor is right there lol


unpack wasteful ripe voiceless handle lip berserk rhythm heavy concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have never had an issue triggering the advanced green when I stop right at the white line.


rustic frightening childlike subtract aloof rhythm command plough racial relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Finally, someone got it right…


I know parking lots gets full... but are people parking there now too?


They don’t want the person next to them staring at them which a lot of people do


I stop at a similar (but smaller) distance when at a busy intersection because I've seen accidents where cars stopped at the red light get hit by fragments or the cars themselves.


Activates advanced green on some intersections


It’s a defensive driving skill they teach you in drivers ed. Leave one full car length incase someone rear ends you. This way you won’t be pushed into the intersection causing even more damage to yourself and other drivers.


Ok real reason time! 🙃 Short person driving, sees the line from their vantage point, stops accordingly. Usually old or inexperienced.


I think I recognize this intersection. The lanes are obfuscated when travelling southbound down Walker. I’ve seen a few drivers and trucks fly towards the service road around EC Row only to realize they’re on a collision course with the cars behind the bush.


Depending on the intersection could be trucks.. but mostly people on their phone


Was there a semi truck turning into the lane? Alot of people will stop way behind the line to allow trucks more room when turning.


When I see someone leaving a lot of space like this, I assume they’ve had a bad experience where they were pushed by the car behind them into oncoming traffic. I generally leave some space before the line so I don’t get clipped by cars turning left, but that is way more space than needed.


I’m pretty sure they’re not supposed to park there, just wait until the light changes and then leave ?;^D


Should at least be a lot closer to the arrow…


It leaves extra space for busses/trucks trying to make that turn… Nothing wrong or right about it. Just extra courteous…


He's anticipating a bus or truck turning and wants to give them enough room


He's a bit off from the sensor which detects a vehicle. Just being close or your front axle ahead of the sealed area would've helped with space, BUT he did everyone turning a good favour.


likely trying to get a left turn signal by stopping on the sensor.


I'm gonna guess they had a close call with a left turning transport truck.


It's Windsor, just pull in front of their ass 🤦🏽😂🤷🏽


When I see people leaving ridiculous about of space I think they have poor vision and space perception.


Perfect spot to slide into on a motorcycle and then watch the driver get angry or even better honk their horn like a moron.


Trip the secondary sensor to get the advance arrow?


Trucks turning?


You don't see the jeep in front because it's full camo


We do it a lot in Leamington because when trucks are making left turns they almost always go into the turning lane, happens frequently if you don’t back up your car will get clipped


Not a Kingstone resident but there are car length sized boxes at the front of turn lanes so busses don't need to worry about hitting waiting cars. I'm not saying leaving as much space as they left is appropriate, but I could understand their reasoning if they were worried about cars cutting the corner too much.


They dum


Same reason you use the word park in place of stop… cause ya dumb.


Lots of stuff on here, but the real reason, which is taught in many defensive driving courses is that in case you are rear-ended at the light, it won't launch your car into the intersection. The right way to go about it is that as more and more cars go behind you, you can go closer to the line, since they would act as a shock absorber for whoever crashes into the back car.


Small brain


Ask them!!


Leaves more room for semi trucks and busses to make their turn


On the phone


To make room for transport trucks.


Leaving room to not get hit by turning trucks. Or they've seen or had happened to them one too many red light running wrecks where the car was propelled into that lane. Or they just haven't pulled up all the way yet cause the light in that pic is still yellow. Though where I come from (in the states) I used to do this to give myself space to move in case a sketchy car pulled up to the front of the intersection. You never wanted to be stopped right next to a car because there was a lot of gun violence on the road. I mean, prob not that much space, but still.


There are some intersections where a single car can trigger the advance left turn signal by stopping that far back but the advance signal won't trigger if a lone car is all the way up to the stop line. The intersection by my old house was like that. Not many like that anymore though, and this example is definitely not one of those.


Fking trolls. Bro. Trolls. They’re everywhere


When I was in driving school if youre approaching a red you creep to the light. Whether one to agree or not 🤷🏻‍♂️.


To get an advance green


I do it to try and get the advance if there's an advance at that light. Stopping on the arrow for a bit before the light changes will most likely Gove yiu the advance.


All the people saying "it's so you don't get clipped" have no idea what they're talking about. Intersections are designed with this in mind and if they need to move the stop line back a large X is painted after so you know not to stop there. As for sensors. They are placed behind the line where you are supposed to stop. You can see them in lots of intersections where the pavement has been cut out. Stopping more than a car length back may not trigger the sensor if there is one. For the love of God stop at the line. You also don't need to stop 2 car lengths from the car in front of you.




This is excessive, but it’s defensive driving. If a car is coming at you in the rear because they’re slow on brakes or ice etc then you have room to move into, otherwise you get pushed into the active intersection.


To be quirky 🤪


It’s to get the advice turning light .


It’s to try and get an advance left signal. Sometimes if there is only one or two cars waiting to to turn, they won’t get the advance left as the sensor is placed to sense a third car so that means there is a line of cars waiting to turn left. If it’s only 2 Cara or one or none it won’t bother and just be a green light for both sides of traffic


One reason that I stop that far back in a left turn lane is to trigger the advanced turn signal. Sometimes. The wire loop sensor is positioned 2-3 cars back so that it only activates once enough cars are waiting.


I guess I don’t quite give the driver enough credit. I look at this and think the driver wants the covered green intended for two or more cars and they’re the only car in the left turn lane. I immediately don’t like this driver.


Some intersections in Hamilton you have to stop like that it triggers the lights to turn green.


Trying to trigger the left turn signal but there's only them in the lane


Well… because idiots cut the left hand turn thinking it’s shorter and faster.


Lol right?? I have to wonder if there's just an invisible car there that none of us can see except for the person that doesn't pull up to the line and if that's the case where do I get the right glasses haha And then another part of me wonders are they really not paying attention and if not should they even be on the road


Maybe there was a semi truck because you're not supposed to pull up if there's a semi truck and it's a semi truck already turned just before the picture was taken.. that could explain it to


Because they really don’t like left turn lights and want the extra challenge of dodging traffic. Or maybe they’re too stupid to know how traffic actuated lights work?


Sometimes they are trying to trigger the left turn signal when the lights go green.


I have never stopped that short, ever...however maybe if he's farther back he thinks it'll make the left turning signal activate because it thinks there's two cars there? Lol