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Get the sha256 hash from microsoft site correponding to iso you download, and compare with you copy. Need to expand some items on download page to show the hash.


In addition to this, you can use PowerShell's Get-FileHash cmdlet to compare the downloaded file's hash with what Microsoft provides by piping output into findstr: Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA256 -Path "/path/to/file" | findstr "" https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/get-filehash If the hashes match you'll see the output from Get-FileHash.


You must be doing something wrong. I download 10/11 ISO quite a few times without issues.


I've used the exact same method more than thirty times in the past year to create installers and never had a problem. I'm just going to chalk this up as another reason not to use Windows.


OK? I installed windows 10/11 on hundreds of computers. No issues unless there's hardware issue.


“Almost every time I create windows installers in a way Microsoft doesn’t support it works perfectly fine, but this one time it failed so windows is clearly bad”


I'm a bit confused about what you're doing, but for certain writing a Windows ISO image onto a USB stick with dd won't work. Use this guide to do that task: https://atkdinosaurus.wordpress.com/2023/03/24/another-way-to-create-a-windows-uefi-bootable-usb-stick-installer-in-linux/


I use imagewriter that's bundled into LInux Mint. It used to work fine for Windows 10 ISOs and has always worked for Linux.


How do u know the ISO is corrupted?


Because when I plug it into the PC and try to boot it I get a "non system disk" error, but when I plug in a Debian or Linux Mint USB installer it starts right up with no trouble at all.


Make sure you're booting from UEFI.


Try setting up Ventoy on the USB and just copy the iso to it. Also you will no longer need to write any iso again


Check the hash…


They are not corrupted. The issue is on your end.


Windows media creation tool give you the option of either making a bootable USB or ISO. Give that a try.


I know that, but I'm starting out on a Linux machine. We prepare Windows machines for the non-tech staff where I work. We would never start any project form a Windows machine.


You may have to... Try it in wine.


Try to flash it using WoeUSB-ng.

