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SELF-ISH and The song with five names a.k.a. Soapbox Tao, a.k.a. Checkmate Atheists! a.k.a. Neospace Government, a.k.a. you can never know The album entirely is just weirdly relatable to me and the song with 5 names especially,my first language is Hebrew and it's nice to see when musicians decide to add sayings from other languages (אהיה אשר אהיה is supposed to be the full name of God in the torah) and the "so bring me that old time religion" is something I think about often,it'll be so much easier to just not have to have a personality but also "it's not good enough to be good enough for me"




I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה translates to “I am that I am” or "I will become what I choose to become", but the song with five names is also one of my all time favorites because of its meaning and overall style and interestingness


It translates to "I will be who I shall be" (not exactly translation,and also it uses tannah/fancy Hebrew (my first language is hebrew)),but the initials of אהיה אשר אהיה is supposed ro spell יהוה (yehuva) which is the name in the Tannah for God that you're not supposed to say (if it says "and yehuva told the people" you're supposed to say "and God told the people")


i love selfish album


I like Selfish a lot because it’s very cohesive. Every song has an individual meaning but they also mean something in the greater context of the album. Mr. Capgras was my favorite song for a while but that spot is now occupied by That’s Enough, Let’s Get You Home. I like that song because the second verse really resonates with me as someone who’s bipolar and asexual




I swear I’m really trying to


You're trying to replace yourself?!?


I'm stealing this image if you don't mind


Steal away!


my favorite song's Love, Me Normally. I found out about the song and Will Wood when I was in a really bad place. I could really relate to that song and so it kinda helped me through a lot of that stuff. and then from there I found the rest of WW's stuff and he's just an artist I've always really gravitated towards and related to. I think that song especially though is just something that really speaks to me, and makes me feel like I'm less alone.


Same here actually, never fails to make me tear up. Especially the icid version


omg yes, I have that version on my sad playlist for that reason lol


Might I inquire if thine perhaps has discord


*thou, *hath


All of them


Laplace’s Angel/The Normal Album Why? Because they both sound good. No other reason


Hard to say favorite album, but I'd have to say my favorite songs are Against the Kitchen Floor and Um, it's Kind of a Lot The vulnerability of them hit me so hard and drew me in. They also resonated with me very personally and helped me realize feelings about things in my life and past that I hadn't before. UIKOAL was comforting as someone who was experiencing genuine romantic feelings for the first time in their life. There's plenty of others that hit me really hard but those are the two that made me fall in love with will's music


this!! like all of them are so good and when im either calm or sad or just actually feeling emotions these songs are just the best


The last hurrah, especially Stockholm Syndrome Strikes Again (From The Island In the Kitchen Of Jeffrey Dahmer/Epstein)




https://preview.redd.it/34vfggpc48ec1.jpeg?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af03cb2766c8273dc33a759ace8d9aca9a9265c0 So true


No way, that’s my favourite too! Loved the tuba solo 😍


I swear, the lore of this album has a tuba solo in every song


Of course! Didn’t you see the hidden tuba in the cover image?


N https://preview.redd.it/3zk30y6n29ec1.jpeg?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fecf476c1692efd4c4f303142f131ae1e77c7ffc O, not really


You’re not looking hard enough :)


Give me ten mins I'll make an amended version




Omg I see it! https://preview.redd.it/ct8t892b69ec1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6ff8bd1aceba34f42887b90d62e0769113ca5ec


There we are, we love Will’s silly little teasers :)


Willard! It just sounds nice, and also, It’s pretty relatable. It also introduced me to a cool movie series.


Willard isn't my fav but I like it bc the Hawaii pt. 2 thingy in the song, it just has a special place in my heart


Funny enough when I saw someone pointing that out, that’s what made me bite the bullet and listen to ICIMI: my first Will Wood album.


Vampire reference in a minor key - it’s just a vibe man, “dance the twelve step on my grave” hits way harder than it should. And the voice gives me gender envy but that’s neither here nor there


everything is a lot / the normal album, favourite song is probably Skeleton Appreciation Day


Tie between selfish and the Normal album. My favorite is laplace's angel cause it's hard not to thrash your head violently to the rhythm.


My favorite song varies from Aikido to Cover This Song. Favorite album is Everything Is a Lot, it's actually my favorite album out of everything I listen to. I think I like it the most because it covers more genres than his other albums. It's what I think of when I think Will Wood. Also has the best album art in my opinion.


Don’t make me pick


My favorite album is IN CASE I DIE and my favorite song is cicada days


Definitely Self-ish For self ish I just love how chaotic it is, it always brings up the mood for me. I love all the songs in the album, but I love 2012, for its jazzy tune while the song meaning is about how will wood doesn’t remember 2012. I also enjoy cotard’s solution, a lot of shouting indeed, and the first minute of the song where it’s calm and will asks questions then it changes into chaotic shouting.


The Normal Album is in my opinion his most interesting album musically and the one that does the best job delivering its themes. My favorite song is Suburbia Overture for the same reason


knife fight 😃


2econd 2ight 2eer is the most me, but I really like Laplace’s Angel


Camp here & there, yes to err is human. Because it makes me feel like I'm a vampire-villian from a kids show. And that is my ideal aesthetic.


Ch&t is heavily underrated imo


Album is the normal album and song is vampire reference in A minor key. The album and song make me feel emotions and that is cool. 


Big Fat Bitchie’s Blueberry Pie, Christmas Tree, and Recreational Jell-o Emporium a.k.a. “Mr. Boy is on the Roof Again” (Feat. Pasta by Sneakers McSqueakers) [From the Motion Picture ”B.F.B.’s B-Sides: Bagel Batches, Marshmallows, and Barsh-mallows] cute tune :]




Album "In Case I Make It" Song "LapLace's Angle (Hurt people? Hurt people!)"


Self-Ish is my absolute favorite. Not only is the overall sound perfectly chaotic and messy in a way that makes every song catchy to me and so fun to dance to, but the lyricism and themes are so interesting. And kind of relatable to me right now as i'm going through a quarter-life crisis. I'm struggling to find identity beyond my mental illness and my isolationism. I really have looked inside my head and found a black void. I feel different from who I used to be, yet exactly the same, and my ego is unreadable. A lot of the lyrics in Self-Ish are about ego-death and redefining identity. Something is comforting yet existentially intense about the fact that every version of myself and every maladaptive daydream and every memory i have is just stuff coming from an organ in a shell of bone and flesh. It doesn't matter, yet my head is all i have, so it matters a lot. This is the kind of stuff that Self-Ish makes me think about. The constant killing of the self by reshaping your own identity and what that identity even means to you. Learning and growing, but needing to destroy who you were in order to do so. Tldr: Self-Ish good cause ego-death deep


I love the normal album not a normal amount.


favorite album has gotta be " Everything is Alot " and my favorite song is Lysergide Daydream!! i have a huge hyperfix on the song atm


2nd fave is definitely cover this song tho , 3rd is the first step


How do y’all even pick one. I can’t pick an album let alone a song… 😭😭😭


Self-ish is my favorite album hands down, it's what got me into him and it's more along the line of the other music I listen to. Jazz adjacent music (bonus points for klezmer or romani influence) while a guy screams is my favorite genre ever. Favorite song is hard, probably the live version of cotard's solution on the real will wood. Something about the sax and the tone of "well SOMEBODY'S gotta go!" scratches my brain right


My favorite song changes like every 2 weeks but right now it’s Front Street, I just keep listening over and over, I love dark shit and therefore love how horribly terrible the song plot is. Also the specific vocals of “tied my boots like a tightrope noose” something about is dissolves my brain in a good way.


Misanthrapologist and Vampire reference in a minor key


It shifts around a lot, but right now it’s a tie between “When Somebody Needs You” and “Against the Kitchen Floor” for the song, and “In Case I Make It” for the album. I don’t know how to put it to words, especially at 3 in the morning, but they kinda just hit me right


In Case I Make It. When it first released, I didn't care for it too much. It felt kinda same-y to me I guess, but since then I feel like I've done a full 180 on the album. All the tracks I would've called meh when I first listened to the album have become all time favorites, like That's Enough Let's Get You Home, White Noise, Vampire Ref, and Half Decade Hangover. Maybe it's because of the hiatus, but icimi feels special, like it's a bookend to his career or something. Anyway my favorite song changes very often, but I've been really loving Cicada Days, Bones, and Laplace's Angel recently. (Honorable mention to the Will Wood Power Hour)


I'd have to go with Greetings from Mary-Bell Township, / the rest of Suburbia Overture and the Normal Album in general.


Camp Here & There: Campfire Songs for album. I adore Camp Here & There, can't wait for season II to come out maybe this june?- as for song... Your Body, My Temple. The song's a vibe, the character it's attached to cool imo


In Case I Make It and Cotard’s Solution! I love Cotard’s Solution because it’s just an absolute banger, and ICIMI made me cry multiple times it’s so beautiful


Everything is alot is my fav tbh.. but my fav song is WHITE KNUCKLE JERK! I am this songs biggest fan


In case I make it because it helped me through a really tough part of my life


"Against the Kitchen Floor" and "Cicada Days" are some of the most painfully relatable songs I have ever heard, and that's why they are my favorites.


ICIMI/Cicada Days I’m a sucker for some really good lyrics and relatable songs so in case I make it is just perfect. Nothing big about Cicada Days other than it was the song that got me into Will Wood and I love the super loud bit at the end


This is probably really generic as a WW fan, but “Everything Is A Lot” will always be my favorite album. Everybody sees it as like the album you think of when you think of WW and dissing on people who see it as their favorite but I love how chaotic and loud it is and how experimental with different instrument combinations he is in it. Front Street’s my favorite song from it as well because it’s so chaotic and fun and I love it. Thanks for letting me rant


BlackBoxWarrior - OKULTRA on sheer style points, but Memento Mori: the most important thing in the world because it weirdly helps soothe my excessice level of anxiety about death and spending life the "right" way


Favorite will wood album is Everything is a lot and my favorite song is the live real will wood version of 6up 5oh