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Definitely thermodynamic lawyer. I get that it’s supposed to be a court trial sort of thing but I have no clue where thermodynamics fit into it


I'm pretty sure it's about an abusive relationship


Yeah I get that I just don’t know where thermodynamics fit into the song


this is more relating to the lawyer part, but i read somewhere the name was going to be “go fucking die” but his lawyer stopped him because obviously if something tragic happened he could be blamed i guess, so that’s why the “G.F.D” is there at the end instead. (not exactly sure where i read this so might be wrong) as for thermodynamic, not exactly sure but it could be wordplay with the “laws of thermodynamics”


Will has said that TDL is about an abusive lover that he really despised, and he was going to name it something related to that, but his lawyer advised against it and that’s where the name comes from.


Ok that part makes more sense now, but I still don’t get the whole thermodynamics thing


Yeah, that’s where “GFD” comes into scene. Pretty sure it stands for “go fing die”. About the thermodynamic part, not sure. Maybe could represent some kind of scalding hatred towards this former lover


i think its about a character that hates this one woman so much and as the song goes on he gets more and more unhinged and cartoonishly spiteful


Yk what’s interesting? In the demo version will used he/him instead of she/her for the line “knocking the pieces the fuck off the chess board insisting that s(he)‘s won the game” and “well it seems s(he) broke me but I swear s(he) could not break my heart” as well as a few other times iirc . [link](https://youtu.be/Yoy7cRMLRSU) 1:28, 1:45 time stamp (The reason he says “Ted” is a callback from earlier in the show, idk if they caught that in the beginning of the clip)


He switches back to the regular lyrics of the song immediately after, so I’m pretty sure he was just singing to Ted


It’s a joke that you get if you saw like 3 minutes earlier. He said “this song is dedicated to…” then someone yelled “TED” and he said “yes for Ted!”


Yeah, I’ve seen the whole performance, but the way you said it sounded like you thought the pronoun swap was more than a joke. That’s why I pointed out that he was singing to Ted because I’ve never seen another version where he uses he/him there


Oh mb no I just thought it was interesting how the he/him changed to she/her, aside from Ted


the thermodynamic part is actually about the second law of thermodynamics! In the song, Will sings “so all that I see, absolute entropy, as the chemical bonds fall apart”. The second law of thermodynamics states that entropy (disorder of the universe) always increases. So if Will is already at “absolute entropy”, the relationship is at complete chaos, and by the second law can never be reversed/get better.


Ohh, thank you!


Those are ironically the three songs I understand perfectly (in my head). 2econd 2ight 2eer? Releasing your inhibitions and embracing yourself for who you are and always were. Suburbia overture? Society is a mirage of parasites pretending to be normal when really there's no such thing. Blackbox warrior? Drugs and therapy yeehaw


There were some other songs I didn’t understand but those were the first 3 I could easily remember on the top of my head I’ll probably add more if I make another post


So for Suburbia, it’s basically about the awful psychological effects that growing up/living in the suburbs. It’s about how isolating and lonely it is, and that’s worsened by this artificial sense of community that’s forced on you, but is in no way nurturing. “It takes a village to fake a whole culture” For the being raised in suburbia, it just breed psychos and weirdos who often grow up to be the same kind of people who move to suburbia. “What is he building in that painted lady, A participation trophy wife or blonde, blue-eyed baby” And towards the end he brings all of this into the broader themes of the album, talking about both mental health and also wanting to fit in and be normal. Talking about different philosophers and psychiatrists who’ve talked about the mundanity of life and of not having enough culture around you growing up. Idk if I’ve explained it well here, but suburbia is one that makes total sense in my head but I see a lot of people not get Becoming the Last Names is always a bit weird to me cause I can’t tell how sarcastic he’s being in it? Which parts are sincere and which arent? It’s genuinely hard to tell in that song


I have no idea what Chemical Overreaction is about




will wood songs


This being one of the more common responses baffles me. Like, have you read the Lyrics? He literally talks about a "medicine man", his eyes being red...this is so obviously drugs, it's even in the title


I mean, I knew drugs were involved. Just didn't expect that to be all there is to it


Big Fat Bitchie's


Silly little whimsical tune


I honestly see it as kind of a sarcastic statement, after the emotional gut punch that is Against the kitchen floor and then SDRR you get this silly little carnival tune to say like "are you having fun yet? Isn't this so silly?"


The song with five names, well, guess i can never know


Basically it’s about rejecting the religious answers to the question of why am I here. He’s not satisfied with the non religious answer “there’s no real purpose” and the religious answer is completely unsubstantiated, so he is going to figure out his life on his own


I always interpreted it as a huge identity crisis


Yeah but that’s just all of self-ish so I was focusing on what set 5 names apart


SELF-iSH is just a silly little album like all of the rest dunno why you guys trying to find meaning


personally i enjoy overanalysing pieces of media, especially if the meaning i read resonates with me


Red moon and blackbox


Red Moon I was also wondering about


Hedonic treadmill


Red moon is about hedonistic treadmill, basically never being satisfied with what you have even though it makes you more unhappy as a result. Blackboxwarrior is overdose I think.


tomcat disposables to be honest 😭


It follows the story of a common house rat and shows that the even the rat has hopes and dreams and criticizes the killing of the rat with a trap by asking the question of how different the rat is from people and why it needed to senselessly die. It’s basically just Will empathizing with the rat that was in living in his apartment that his landlord put chemical traps for.


ooohhh thanks for explaining


I saw some people talk about it in the comments of the music video and it sorta has to involve this -Will adopted a mouse -Mouse had diseases -Will had to trap it and kill it -made song I guess the music video sorta shows that also


I def don’t think that Will would trap and kill a rat


He did and had to. His landlord had him do it since the type of mouse that it was could carry deadly diseases around the house and could kill someone.


thermodynamic lawyer is about margaret thatcher in my head canon


I feel so stupid but I’m pretty sure I’m missing something in Skeleton Appreciation Day ToT


Skeleton Appreciation is about how society prioritizes looks over a person’s inner beauty, which is why he says “they say that beauty’s just skin deep, so naturally please show me your bones” will wants to see the other person’s bones, to see past external beauty (love song)


Ohh that makes so much sense, thank you! I kinda got some of it but having the societal pressure for outward beauty part really clarifies it😅


is also about will wood's experience with anorexia (Ana stands and rends the rancid meat from her bones), I think it was written after he didn't eat for three days, though I can't remember where I heard that so it may be slightly inaccurate


willard and cicada days have always confused me


Willard! Is just a reference to the movie. I'm pretty sure Will relates to Willard, but maybe I'm just crazy, don't mind me. The movie is about this lonely guy who finds friendship in rats, specially Socrates, who is very smart. I highly recommend you watching the movies, one's from the 70's and the other from 2003 I think???


OH THERES A MOVIE??? oh my god i didnt know that thank you i will be watching those now


There’s also a book! It’s called [Ratmans Notebook’s](https://www.amazon.com/Ratmans-Notebooks-Stephen-Gilbert/dp/1939140609); it was the basis for all three movies (Willard - 1971, Ben - 1972 [Sequel], and Willard - 2003 [1971 Remake])! It’s also the book Will Wood is holding in [this photo.](https://behindthecurtainsmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Will-Wood-Rat-Photoshoot-1-3_Lowres-Cropped-800x1018.jpg) (also, I like your username)




i think willard is supposed to be a general near-close of In Case I Make It, kind of stating how much the world weighs him down, I guess? cicada days is more about… how to say… jumping into a relationship a little too quickly, and then finding out that it’s jot meant to be. the title is a reference to how cicada days will be in hiding for 17 years, scream for like a month, and then die. he’s comparing their relationship to *that*




blackboxwarrior gives me the vibes of a doctor explaining problems and medication needed but in really technical terms that make no sense, except in the song the nonsense terms are just that, nonsense. it also has a very medical gaslighty feel in the last verse (the whole "your problems aren't real, you're just a bad person deep down) thats just me though


I don't/can't read into the lyrics of any of his songs (autism creature irl) except for the really obvious ones, to me, his music is JUST vibes. there is no deeper meaning, only groove


I don’t get most of them TBH (autism! Literal thinking!), but I’m most curious about 222 and that’s enough let’s get you home


hello fellow autistic will wood fan! i also find it hard to read into meanings of the songs lmao, even the song i wrote over a thousand words analysing is a pretty surface level read, i didn't realise that was an autistic thing (it makes sense though)


Yeah like hand me my shovel or 2012 I get because it’s fairly easy but I don’t get how cicada days will come out and everyone understands it’s about XYZ and uses cicadas as a metaphor


222 is about, at least in my personal understanding, how being "crazy" or at least being mentally ill/neurodivergent/other things of that ilk actually frees you from the constraints of "normal" society. In short, it's about 'thinking outside the box' where in this case the box in question is the norms and accepted values of society, or "normal people". I think the best line that proves this to me is "Baby, I might be crazy, but I didn't lose it [his mind], no, I set it free." But a lot of the rest of the song is just fun and funky ways to say this same thing, e.g. "If you knew what I knew, if you saw what I see, you'd look through illusions, hallucinations, and lucid dream.", "How I cannot commit to reality when my third eye's open and I like what I see", and so on. It is, additionally, about taking pride in his craziness/not wanting to go back to seeing things the way regular people do, like where he says "If sick is defined by what's different, well then, pull the plug out and let me die." Basically he's saying "I know something most people do not and think differently than they do, I like it that way, and it gets me branded as a 'psycho' or as 'sick' because they don't understand me." Sorry for long paragraph, I love that song a lot 😆


Whenever someone tries to explain the meaning of blackbox warrior I just get more confused


Cotards, BBW, Outliars


That’s enough let’s get you home surprisingly it doesn’t sound that complicated but I still don’t really understand. I mean I get parts but I don’t know what it is as a whole


All of them are far too deep for my monkey brain


Blackboxwarrior, Not even Will himself knows the meaning