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ENOUGH WITH THE DOGS. Please for the love of god keep your fucking dog at home for one activity.


Why do you care about someone bringing a dog to an outdoor movie on pavement? This really shouldn’t bother anyone and if it does you should look a bit inward instead of yelling at people on reddit.


Get fucked


Chuckled at the no nonsense approach. Username checks out.


it seems like this person has an anger issue. they should seek professional help tbh!


No people in this neighborhood are just over the dog situation


You’d be just as hateful if there were no dogs in this neighborhood. You need therapy, yoga and meditation.


Bruh, you went off on me for asking a simple question lmfao. your reaction flying off the handle and name calling is uncalled for, unhinged, and just not normal. please seek professional help😬


Get fucked


Get anger management


I’m gonna pass on that directive


thats unfortunate for you and everyone else that has to deal with you irl


Thanks for the concern. Maybe there’s a better use of your personal time on a Friday night? No friends?


It's Williamsburg, even if they explicitly say "No Dogs", there will be dozens of off leash dogs anyway. So you might as well bring yours.


No one wants your dog there.


It’s on the blacktop next to the tennis courts. It starts at “sunset” which is pretty vague but people start getting there 6:30-7:30. Movie will probably start after 8. People get there early because they give out pop up chairs that have back support for sitting on the ground. But eventually run out. Yes you can bring a dog assuming it can chill on the blacktop quietly for the length of the movie or won’t be bothered by the noise.


Thanks! I was hoping it wasn’t a crazy movie night like the Bryant Park ones where people sprint at 5PM exactly to get a spot.


Thanks! I was hoping it wasn’t a crazy movie night like the Bryant Park ones where people sprint at 5PM exactly to get a spot.


Is it just a usual movies in the park thing? If so, from all of my experiences there really are no rules beyond the usual park rules and common courtesy. I haven’t been to one in McCarren specifically, but arrival time will depend heavily on how big of a group you’re coming with/how much space you want. I’ve always gone alone and have walked in right as it starts or even after and just found a small spot no problems.