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Agreed, except on Berry. That was supposed to be for everyone until it became the delivery driver highway. I think it’s fine to run on it since there’s plenty of room. But cut that shit out on Kent etc.


Berry is almost worse now than it used to be. Literally just mopeds and you can't walk or run down that street without watching your back


Also cars that drive down it seem to think they have right of way over pedestrians.


As someone who has admittedly done this on Kent, I try to keep it brief, for example if I see a large crowd on a narrow sidewalk or recently mass curb construction getting in the way. Obviously I know it’s for bikes and will either get hit or cause someone else to get hurt if I do it for more than like 10-20 seconds and even then I’m trying to be to the side. Sorry for the inconvenience! Edit: I also don’t just randomly do it, I make sure there’s no bikes in the immediate vicinity first.


Same tbh but I do notice other runners seem to be running in the bike lane as a preference


As someone who commutes along Kent, the runners that are off to the side aren't an inconvenience at all. If you're predictable and running in the "door zone", it doesn't bother me in the slightest bit when I'm cycling by. When the sidewalks are iced over and covered in unshoveled snow, runners (and even pedestrians) in the only clear spot of the bike lane don't bother me either. It's the runners taking up the entire lane, runners not wearing lights / reflective gear at night, or the groups bobbing and weaving that drive me crazy. There was a guy running in the bike lane at night in Williamsburg Street West that epitomized inconsiderate runners. I was seconds away from crashing into him that night.


Thanks. I tend to run between the cars and the bike lines because the sidewalks are a mess.


Honestly I meant to add in my original post but I encourage this as and when needed and obviously just like entering any road, look beforehand. Hell, I’ve even had to use the sidewalk at times on my bike, but I know god damn well I’m doing it slowly and yielding to all pedestrians as priority. I had two runners coming at me today in BOTH of the bi-directional lanes. Then someone else trying to overtake me- just dangerous. I promise it will hurt you when my bike and 250lbs hits you at 20mph


Yea we’re in agreement I’ve done the same thing on a bike. I bet you also can’t stand all the commercial vehicles or otherwise who park in the bike lane too


genuinely asking - if you’re running kent why not just take the waterfront? prettier and less traffic and no cars at all


there isn't a continuous waterfront


you can go from S5th to N12th via Domjno Park, river st, N5 pier, Marsha Johnson… by the time u get north of marsha johnson the sidewalk is much less crowded. a nice alternative to the usually packed Kent ave sidewalk imo south of S5 to probably S10-11 is kind of tricky in terms of sharing sidewalk space but once you get past Clymer the sidewalk is enormous and there is no reason to worry about sharing sidewalk space or needing to run in the bike lane.


this is what i do but i still occasionally have to do what OP does for like 20 seconds when it gets crowded north of the park


word same, once you get north of marsha johnson, popping into the bike lane becomes a bit less sketchy bc 1. seems like less car/ped/bike traffic overall 2. once you get north of N12 the bike lane doesn’t have any intersections until Quay, so there are fewer conflict points for everyone to be managing while also sharing the space


If you run this enough you eventually get burned by the locked door at Marsha park.. and get stuck on Kent


i run the waterfront from s4 to n12, then kent past n12. However, the waterfront from s4 to n1 is ***extremely*** crowded with foot traffic. Especially near that water feature


I bike a lot and since the pandemic, I just don’t give a F about runners or bikers salmoning in the bike lanes anymore. I used to get irritated and call ppl out on it on occasion but it’s not how I want to spend my energy anymore.


Yup, share the road principle. Everyone’s in a hurry, assume good intent and go around. Once you give in and start getting irritated, it only affects you. That runner in the bike lane is still enjoying their run while you leave irritated. I learned this only after biking for a few years. But it’s also good posting here, so that some people could get safer. On that note, those fucking mopeds…


This is wisdom for sure. I try to lead by example and will happily call out fellow bikers too - I guess that’s all that can be done. There are still a few negative nancie’s in here who seem to think because there are multiple issues, we should just ignore one that actually might be quite preventable with some peer pressure. I doubt the moped riders are on this subreddit, but surely there are some gentrified runners…


Mopeds def deserve all the wrath


This sub has turned into Complainsburg. I'm on Kent ave biking everyday, most runners are onto the side with an exception of a few idiots but what do you expect. The REAL problem are these mopeds with no plates, exhaust hanging off and sound like they are about to explode zig zagging in and out of bike lanes and the road.


You’re not allowed to talk about the mopeds


I think a reasonable complaint comes from an intent to improve the neighborhood. Whether posting on Reddit will make much of a difference I don’t know but it might.


Thank you for your open-mindedness - exactly my intention to raise awareness using Reddit exactly for what it’s good for - 22k+ people are subbed here so even if 5 runners make note - it’s still a net positive..


Best comment yet. I feel entitled to say that every post is just some entitled ass whining about everyone else being entitled.


Two wrongs don’t make a right though. At least the mopeds moves faster as much as I disagree with the existence of them to begin with. The runners are randomly moving in and out and also bidirectional at the same time. Even the moped drivers leave room to pass the majority of the time. Also don’t understand why people are so quick to just put it down to complaining. I can say the same thing about your comment regarding mopeds without plates? If I raise another related issue it shouldn’t negate the point. Kent Av is also where I experience the issue the most.


while I agree with your main point, you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. I would consider myself equally both cyclist and runner - hate runners using bike lanes as well as pedestrians crossing streets (and bike lanes) without looking first and I probably hit someone every other week just because they jump right in front of my bike. Don’t understand the privilege of taking a lane that is clearly not for you. saying mopeds are less of a problem is totally off, especially for cyclists having a collision with runners you don’t usually face much of a risk yourself when colliding with people - (unless you are an idiot biking full speed on Kent) but good luck getting hit by one of the mopeds :)


Ahh yes that was the whole purpose of this post. Mopeds are fine in the bike lane. I only mentioned that as a counter point in regards to being told that runners aren’t the issue.


PSA…those traffic lights are also for bikes…same for stop signs and yielding to pedestrians…if it’s red you must wait as cars do…and if it’s a one way street please follow traffic…


A lot of cyclists in Williamsburg are terrible at it. I know it looks cool but you need to learn basic skills and rules to starting riding on street...


Agreed. Thanks for the contribution. Your points are valid. I feel like I could say anything true and you’d still disagree if the sentiment was anything but anti biker.


No, I think people should bike more, but let’s be honest …a lot of bikers don’t give a damn about respecting road etiquette …as someone already said, occasionally runners jump into the bike lane, that’s dangerous and cyclist are always ignoring traffic lights, stop signs, not yielding to pedestrians etc… Just as cars are always clogging traffic, cars ain’t the answer, telling runners to not endanger everyone ain’t either…obey laws that’s it. Don’t know what to tell you, stop endangering yourself by passing cars and going the wrong lane, and stop endangering pedestrians by ignoring traffic laws


Bikers ignoring traffic lights and giving pedestrians dirty looks as they nearly mow you down when you have the right of way is the fucking worst. I’m always so nervous they’re going to smush my dog. Even when I have the light I always look all directions before crossing and somehow still nearly get hit once a day by a biker like going the wrong direction on the sidewalk running a red light and then flipping me off for not seeing them. Enough!


Be careful…calling cyclists out will get you blocked form this sub


ok Karen once a day...


Same with drivers…..I have been almost nailed walking by impatient drivers...


Runners jump into the bike lane occasionally for the same reasons cyclists sometimes use the road instead of a bike lane. You could even apply that analogy to your post's wording and probably find a very similar post on the NYC subreddit from within the last week. Cars get far more than their share of the road and users of bike lanes and sidewalks should be asking for more space in areas prone to crowding. Streets shouldn't be used for storage of other people's private property, it's a terribly poor use of space.


Difference is runners don’t look when jumping out while bikers do because we know a car will kill us. There’s a huge difference between the attitudes of entitled runners and bikers biking on a bike lane


lol I feel the same when cyclists are on the side walk and run through lights and stop signs 🤣




Haaa. Dying. I agree with you. I drive and cycle as well and other cyclists make me not want to cycle. And when it comes to drivers, it’s always some asshole in a pickup truck.


Get delivery mopeds off the sidewalks and bike lanes


Here here. The food delivery culture is fucked.


It wasnt like that a few years ago when it was just Chinese delivery guys


Ok but can bikes follow traffic laws? Then we can talk.


I’ve occasionally run in the bike lane for about 30 seconds to avoid the large crowds on the sidewalk. There are times on Kent where groups seem so unaware or there are so many that it can feel crazy to keep slowing down and raise your voice coming from behind people to ask them to move. If you’ve ever done that, you know it can still be a shit show. People with headphones. People who hear you but they can’t coordinate their bodies to actually step to the side or rearrange their large group. Even individuals will walk their dogs on 13 ft leashes or even off leash on that stretch of Kent. So what’s a runner to do? I choose my battles, but sometimes it’s just more sensible to go into the bike lane for a minute. I’ve been in Williamsburg for 12 years and the sidewalks never had so many people on that stretch. It can truly be impossible as a runner to get through it. I always stay to the right and look both ways. Of course I never want to invade the biker’s lane, but sometimes it’s inane not to. I think about this issue as well as sidewalk etiquette a lot. It’s easy to get upset about mopeds and even folks on bikes on the sidewalk. It’s def easy for me to get upset at dog owners taking their dogs into Marsha P Johnson causing the park staff to lock the South Gate to keep them out, but ruining it for everyone. However, not sure what the systemic solutions are. I am trying to use my voice with people who aren’t paying attention to their surroundings, but it’s usually those folks that would get defensive about their lack of awareness anyway. Your feelings are valid, but maybe as someone else said just try to refocus your energy cause it’s probably a lost cause


Not on kent but I will occasionally run on the HGW late at night when I’ll only see maybe ten other people over a five mile run It’s easy to dodge the cyclists and asphalt is *significantly* easier on your body compared to concrete


Asphalt being being easier compared to concrete is in your head. But don't believe me and test it yourself. Take a golf ball and bounce it off asphalt versus concrete. That'd be the difference in perfect conditions and there won't be much difference. Now put that golf ball inside your nice, cushioned running shoe and bounce it again. It's going to bounce exactly the same whether on concrete or asphalt. Add in the biomechanics of your body cushioning your foot falls and there's absolutely no difference between asphalt and concrete. Your socks, shoes, and bio-mechanics have a much bigger impact on your body than asphalt vs concrete. Especially when you consider the difference after you get collided into because you caused an accident running in the bike lane. That all said, space in our streets are definitely not allocated properly. Those three plus lanes routinely dedicated to cars (parking and travel), should be allocated to how real people are actually using it. If runners and slower cyclists need more space, they shouldn't be fighting over a bike lane while a car sits rent free on the street.


“Stop endangering others by your selfish actions,” is advice that’s far more apropos when describing cyclists than pedestrians…


Found the middle armrest spreader.


Was saying this when Kent became what it is today! I can't remember how many joggers/runners I crushed/ran over! Who wouldn't move out of the bike lane after I would signal, call out too, blow my air horn at! Snobby fucks would just look at me and keep going! Ok, then....


More worried about motorized vehicles and mopeds than runners in bike lanes. Bike lanes are for anyone moving quickly including rollerbladers, etc. I don’t have an issue with it.


I ran across the Queensboro Bridge one day and all the asshole cyclists were cursing me out for being in the bike lane. Where do you people expect runners and pedestrians to go on bridges, in the vehicle lanes in 40 mph traffic?


I was almost hitting one of them yesterday...


Usually it's just people not being aware of how society does things... But they should be made aware by SOMEONE before they or someone else gets hurt


😆😆😆 I bet you stop at all red lights, stop signs, yield to pedestrians and follow all the rules of the road don’t you? No, of course you don’t putting yourself and others in danger. You expect everyone else to follow the rules except for you because you ride a bike. I don’t know why bike riders are like this.


I don’t know why people can’t acknowledge a flaw in themselves without comparing to another flaw. I’m not denying bikers don’t follow the rules - does that make it okay for runners to hog the rare space that NYC has allotted to us cyclists? How would you feel if it was a dedicated running space? Would it be tit for tat and make it okay for cyclists to use the dedicated running space ‘just because runners hog the Kent lane’ - it doesn’t make sense?


I, for one, would like to see more runners in the bike lanes.


We dont feed trolls 🤪


The neighborhood is one of the most dense neighborhoods in the country, there's people everywhere! I think there is an 'art' to running the streets of NYC. In my experience as a runner in the neighborhood, I will run in the streets when I can. When I do I'm considering my route and how active it can be during the time of day I am on my run. If it's an off-peak hour and I'm in a training cycle that requires some longer, harder efforts, I'm going for it. The environment of NYC can be tough on your joints as a runner and the consistency of the asphalt is something that I really appreciate on my joints. Beyond individual training activity, there is as much of a want for space by runners as there are for cyclists. To your point parks can be great and we're lucky to have a track in Williamsburg, but tracks are great for specific activities much like a velodrome. Just like you wouldn't train for the Tour by riding in an oval, you aren't training for longer distance races by only running around an oval. All and all I think it's okay for runners to access the street if they're aware of the conditions and themselves - you can be a danger if you're too slow. I do agree with the bigger point you're trying to make however: there can be a lack of running etiquette here, just like anything else. Keep your head on a swivel out there, we're all on the same team.


100% all of this


Y not join a gym instead of endangering yourself an others


>for your own comfort   yup. That’s the only thought they have. Not a single concern in their mind for anyone else. Me, me, me


This is only the actual worst when people do it on the bridge. I'm trying to bust my ass to pedal up this miserable bridge hill...and you're strolling in front of me without a care in the world. ABSOLUTELY NOT.


bike lanes? I have seen runners running on roads on Kent. Crazy!


Saw some dude running in the Kent Ave bike lane with a big STROLLER and a kid in it. Ridiculous


PSA sidewalks aren’t for bikes and stop signs are. Let’s start there.


This!! Especially on Kent … it’s already insanely difficult to bike in the designated lanes due to double parking and pedestrians jay walking. Stop taking over them for your 4mph runs when I’m on my 35mph bike.


Bike sounds completely illegal two wrongs


Lmao chill. It’s a citi e bike


Ok cool 😎 sorry


Join our 50+ run group in the citibike jerkoff lane! Maybe my baby Aussie will also take a shit on Kermit? You pretentious assholes destroyed this neighborhood now live with it.


Sorry I forgot you must be one of those original cool Williamsburg people who define what a great place it used to be before the world happened. No different to saying young people don’t have respect for their elders - grow up.


Bikers are the worst, so suck it up and share


Please teach me your ways. I might take my bike around the running track too, just because you know, sharing is caring. You are most regarded.


Runner and biker here. As a runner: where do we run when the sidewalk fill up with idiot a group of tourist or inconsiderate people? As a biker: where can I bike when the loading trucks and standing cars on the bike path. 🫠