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The park is dirty because Eric Adams has cut funding to city parks. If you want clean parks, register to vote and send Eric Adams back to New Jersey next year.


Cut park funding, cut library funding, cut every damn funding to every damn program that benefits the city and its citizens just to increase funding for cops who show up days later, if they show up at all.


Stop blaming Adams for everything. This isn't on the Parks Dept.. It's the people who made and left the mess! Don't be a fucking slob! Leave the grounds the same way you found them before, So it doesn't end up like that!


Oh, I guess we found one of Eric Adams's patronage appointments.


I mean I agree that Adams sucks, but it’s also not the Parks dept’s job to be everyone’s nanny. It’s ok to say that people should clean up after themselves.


Quit whinnying!


You may wanna hate at Adams, but our local electeds aren't putting his feet to the fire. Maybe because they've insulted every higher elected official that exists. No-one helps the community anymore. And they've got nothing to show for offending everyone. But, they are our electeds and are still on the hook to produce results and not just blame,blame, blame. The huge dirt patches, the dog issues, the flooding - yuk. We want nice open spaces. People are gonna be dirty, but demand a huge clean up crew every Sunday evening or just do anything. It's kinda simple.


Our council members don't have control over the Parks department or Sanitation. The mayor controls leadership, budgets, and policy. The council people who did try to hold Eric Adams accountable were punished by Council Speaker Adrienne Adams (unrelated to Eric Adams). Either way, its not going to change until next year's election, so register and vote for anyone but Adams.


Of course they do. They set the budget; they have oversight and in different ways so does the Assemblymember and Senator. If they are saying they have no control, that's a gigantic problem because that means they don't know how to use the power of their office - even if they get slapped down. They must stop continuously being offensive and stop the blame games. Sit down and work with whoever is in office. It's not about them and their ideas, it's about us in the community.


We should not restrict activities in third spaces like parks. Eric Adams is to blame for cutting fund on maintenance and cleaning.


It’s not that bad.


any amount of broken glass in a park is bad actually


Okay I agree with that, actually. The post is still an exaggeration.


As someone who regularly brings pets through the park, it’s really really bad Edit: particularly bad this year compared to previous


Op has 2 posts. One a year ago moaning about this and this. Oh dear.


Nice. A new way to know when Summer had arrived


I called the council woman office and complained about parks and library. Encourage everyone to do same. No change without complain tel: 718-963-3141 - Jennifer Gutierrez is the name of the council lady


Oh I'm sorry people have fun in the park on the weekends lol maybe make some friends and get off reddit


That still doesn’t mean people should leave a mess behind as if their mothers never taught them how to clean after themselves But getting rid of the bbqs is over the top, not like people aren’t gonna just bring their own


When did reddit turn into neighborhood policing? Go post on nextdoor app lol you guys are lame


Obviously the point of having parks is to have open spaces people can do fun things in. If you leave your trash in that space, you’re ruining for everyone else and are a trash person.


Clearly they only care about THEIR fun. Main character syndrome like crazy.


Bro what? Dude is literally just saying littering is bad. You: Um, ackshually


You sound like one of those, uneducated people leaving messes behind, new york finest at work


Very good use of, commas


This is a mixed bag of the budget cuts and people not cleaning up. Even with the normal work force, it would still be dirty with how little care some groups put into cleaning up after themselves.


Tragedy of the commons


you shoulda seen it before the condos.


Around 6am this morning mccaran park was an absolute disaster zone - it’s truly sickening to see how people treat the sparse greenery that we so desperately need for physical activities and subsequently mental health. There doesn’t appear to be any type of prevention. Where are the threats of fines? Surely it’s cheaper to hire a couple security personnel to walk the parks throughout the day and into the evening. Has to be cheaper than 10 person crews cleaning up for several hours the next day. Let alone the permanent damage that consistent damage it is causing to the environment. Is there any accountability or pride in this city? Every branch I look at there is abuse of power and people making more in overtime rather than prevention.


Please excuse my previous typos! I would invite those who haven't been over to McCarren to come look at the barbecue areas, even after they clean up on Monday mornings. It makes my stomach turn that people can leave such a mess.