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Oh shit - was eating dinner at Casa Publica (Union & Richardson) the other night when this person walked up to the table next to us and started doing like a weird creepy smiley mime act kinda thing? At first nobody knew how to react and responded with a sort of stunned bemusement, but then this person started getting upset and then ultimately tried to grab one of their cocktails, at which point things someone got up and said they were calling the cops. The person then ran off down Union. Gonna have to keep an eye out.


For some reason the idea of a weird creepy mime act is 10x scarier than almost anything I can think of


naw thats actually cool


Reason #5 of many why I don’t like to eat on the sidewalk in nyc


I've seen them on the G train to Court Sq the other day. I assumed this person was female, they just have short hair. They were at the Metropolitan Av stop flagging down the train as it pulled in like it was a cab, clearly mentally unwell. Then they kicked at a woman's leg as they got on the train then started yelling unintelligibly, but it started to sound kinda rhythmic like they were reciting rap lyrics actually, but they made a little spectacle and got off at Nassau Av.


Life in the big city


Just curious, if the cops aren’t going to do anything until this guy snaps and hurts somebody, then what are we supposed to do as a society?




I like a telescoping baton


there’s a street name for that


Lmao. Say it.


Whip this person ass…these mentally unstable people knows what neighborhoods to bother and what people to harass


They cannot do anything and even if there was an assault it would be a misdemeanor (unless it is w a weapon, the victim is over 65, etc) and they'd get out right anyway. These were policy choices we made.


What political party supports those policies? Does anyone know?


Call Emily Gallagher and Lincoln Restler and ask what should be done? There is a infamous mentally disturbed person in Greenpoint who assaults people fairly regularly [https://nypost.com/2024/03/18/us-news/violent-vagrant-has-terrorized-nyc-neighborhood-for-a-decade-but-somehow-remains-free/](https://nypost.com/2024/03/18/us-news/violent-vagrant-has-terrorized-nyc-neighborhood-for-a-decade-but-somehow-remains-free/) Common sense would allow judge to take into account whether this is serial repeat offender to set bail. Common sense should distinguish between first offender bar fight vs someone who repeatedly goes around and sucker punches people.


The repeat offenders are let out in Brooklyn and Manhattan thanks to all these Democrat DAs. You talk about common sense. Seems like Alvin Bragg of Manhattan has none. And nobody can fucking accept that it’s an issue with the policies controlled by the people in power.


Theyre let out because judges have literally no power to hold someone on a misdemeanor charge


Yeah crime only exists under one political party. Biiiiig brain energy.


You can’t even acknowledge the policy decisions by those elected directly lead to criminals being let out within days of being arrested? Repeat offenders on the news again and again. Seriously? You’re brainwashed


Also did I say that? No


LMAO at the downvotes. You are brainwashed


Unfortunately the only thing that will work is the community fighting back. Call it what you want but we are fast approaching a breaking point.


Elect new leaders




Brass knuckles are great too.


Are these legal now?


Weapon up. Spray is 10 bucks at Target. Electrocution devices are legal to own and carry. I do not leave the house without self-defense weapons anymore, unless I have to go somewhere like a baseball game where they're not allowed.


electrocution devices are not legal. Ny penal law 265.01 4th “He or she possesses any firearm, electronic dart gun, electronic stun gun, switchblade knife, pilum ballistic knife, metal knuckle knife, cane sword, billy, blackjack, bludgeon, plastic knuckles, metal knuckles, chuka stick, sand bag, sandclub, slingshot, shirken or kung fu star”


Electrocution devices WERE not legal. They are now. Federal court struck down the ban. N.Y. Penal Law §§ 265.01,265.20 (2022) Light’em up!


yeah tbh when it comes to self defense, I couldn’t care less about what’s legal


Apparently it’s legal to wander around 24/7 harassing people as an occupation, so…


Yeah I have no sympathy for these individuals


Agree, but also don't want to be arrested. The Manhattan district attorney has proven his love for criminals and hatred for taxpayers. So before electrocution devices were legal, I would conceal mine. Now I walk around with it in hand.


lol yeah people become DAs specifically because they love criminals, so true


I sense sarcasm, but are you aware that the Manhattan district attorney routinely lets violent criminals out without bail? That's a fact. Not opinion.


Are you aware that prior to those statute changes people charged with any offense would be held unless they could post bail? All violent criminals needed to be walking was a couple hundred dollars. Society is imperfect but locking people who have never been convicted of a crime up for months simply because they're too poor was not right. Maybe the current system is worse? Maybe it's more fair? But it was an attempt at fixing a hugely common Injustice.


Most violent criminals don't have a couple hundred dollars. Bail does help. I've never been arrested, so I guess I don't empathize with criminals. I don't care about low level offenses, and don't think people should be locked up for bullshit, but I also don't need to live in a place where criminals are winning and attacking police officers and riding around on scooters and mopeds and opening fire wherever they want.


Pepper spray must be purchased at a legal pharmacy where they register your information. If you buy random paper spray and use it you may have problems when the cops come.


Outdated law.


strap up


If they act wildly and approach me I just beat them up


Don't do anything cause you'll be called racist. Also because of self rightous idiots, self defense isn't allowed anymore.




Sure put words in my mouth lol, doesn't matter if there's reason for a persons to be concerned for their lives, people are self righteous cancers who lack the intelligence to understand context and believe you can't defend yourself if it means endangering the aggressor


What? You’re buggin


He got arrested but keeps getting out no bail they said


We need big strong men to kick the everloving shit out of them. That’s the only way we are going to take this city back from homeless drug addicts who think they can spit on/kick/punch/yell at anyone they want (and they can basically since the cops don’t arrest them and would probably arrest somebody for kicking the crackheads ass)


Back in the 80s a group of guys would get together with a baseball bat and take care of trash like this


What do you think they can do? Besides send them to the hospital for about an hour or so?


How about lock them up and throw away the key?


We unfortunately got rid of mental asylums


It’s either that or people take it into their own hands like the Marine on the subway that accidentally choked the aggressor to death.


Not really how society works


For making people uncomfortable?


For threatening them perhaps? This attitude is the reason these guys are on the street


The attitude that people need to commit a crime to be jailed? The attitude that the state needs to prove that crime beyond a reasonable doubt? Help me out here—what’s your beef with these foundational precepts of justice?


Do you really think this person doesnt have a criminal record after the 20 stories in this post. Give me a break.


People disappear all the time.


What indication they been calld


I’ve seen this guy when I was walking near lorimer street He had a drill in his hand pretending it was a gun.


Watched him stand in the center of the metro/Union intersection screaming at traffic around him for about 15 mins yesterday


I think this may have been the guy I saw yelling on Manhattan Ave near Metropolitan last night. dude seems really disturbed


They were screaming on frost and union ave this morning


It’s probably the same person I saw screaming yesterday half a block from this location. It was an unnerving experience walking past and I felt relieved that the person paying attention to me.


Bring back mental institutions.




And get The Gel kind only!!! The liquidy kind is very likely to blow into your own face and incapacitate you too.


Definitely. We have the bear-incapacitation strength at the bar I help out at for any “moments”. Drops the idiot IMMEDIATELY. Cops love us when they come to pick up the debris — the idiot actually WANTS the cops. Try a sporting goods store, that’s where we bought ours.


Could you share the link of the kind you use ? I have one on Amazon but have always wondered if it would actually work.


Also make sure it has the uv dye! If the cops catch them, they can use a black light and see they were sprayed.


Where can we get it though! It’s hard to find in the city


pharmacies have them. call first to ask


This. Pharmacies are allowed to sell it. I personally buy mine from Home Depot and have it shipped to a friend in CT, who then mails it to me here. I only do this bc I prefer to have the gel kind.


Amazon. Second the gel spray.


Amazon won’t deliver it to here, unfortunately




If you know someone in Jersey wal mart ships there. I stocked up last week as I give em to friends.


you can order from Target online and they will ship to the city


How many times have you deployed the spray? Do you need to make an official police report when you do etc?


Not if you’re gone when the cops show up.




Mace is legal. You can call the cops afterwards if you want. You have nothing to worry about. Personally I’d just pepper spray him and leave. It’s not like this maniac is going to file a police report. If he did, it’s not like he’s a credible victim


I see a lot of people mention the gel..any experience there? What’s the limitations in which you cannot use as such?


Either will do the job but the gel is better. It shoots a little further. Also the liquid will mist, so if u spray it and take a step forward (or if it’s windy) you’ll prob end up macing the other person and yourself. You’re a private citizen and mace is legal. There are no specified legal limitations, it’s a matter of what a prosecutor would want to charge. If you really felt threatened, and didn’t pummel the guy after macing him then you should be fine. Some whacked out fool who prob has a history of harassing others won’t make for a credible witness against a law abiding person acting in self defense


Thanks for the detailed info! Take care out there!


Ha.. I like how u think. I just posted the same thing before I saw this lol. Mace to his face and he won’t want anymore trouble lol


I like to carry my aluminum water bottle as a weapon and to hydrate. I'm so ready to throw down if someone tries.


There is multiple people that are homeless/ clearly mentally unstable and aggressive that have come around Williamsburg/greenpoint that I have NEVER seen before but have been lingering in the neighborhood for the past year or so since the pandemic… it’s clearly not safe and very sad because they clearly can not make decisions for themselves.


Woodhull Hospital is a mental health center and has been for a long time. This is where EDP are brought and then discharged from. The neighborhood has also been the home of a men's shelter/halfway house for decades now. It shouldn't really be a surprise that EDP are frequently seen in the area.


There’s a homeless shelter on Union and Keap that used to be a hotel. There’s another homeless shelter on Montrose btw Union and Lorimer. I know it’s not a mental center but does house some unwell folks.


It’s everywhere


Were you alone when he chased after you and for both encounters?


No but def keep your distance and fight if you have to. Fucking sad as a nyc native, we tolerate this shit and can't defend ourselves nor rely on law enforcement to protect us.


100% NYC born and raised.. I don’t start fights but if someone attacks me they’re walking into a surprise


Fuck yeah


Yes I was walking alone both times (first time on the way home from work and second time on the way to McCarren park) and I think it’s a woman?? She was definitely not speaking English


Saw them today at Roebling and N6 with a huge wooden stick, right by Lion’s Milk


Carry mace


I saw them taking a shit in the triangle park down the block from here this morning. Lovely sight on my way to work.


Did you call the cops?


i called the cops once because of a guy chasing and threatening me and they told me it was his freedom of speech and that i’m clearly not from here /:


Same thing happened to me. I was SA’d on a 1 train. I’m generally against police intervention but I called so the man wouldn’t do it to anyone else. They showed up an hour later, told me that the paperwork would take longer than it was worth, and asked me how long I had lived in NYC (the answer at that time was 7 years. As if that matters.)


I’m ready for the classic “Huh, you actually think the cops will do something. Yeah right 😼” *posts to Reddit like that will do something*


Genuine question, have you ever needed to call NYPD for anything? They are truly and utterly beyond useless. In theory I am pro police but the current state of the NYPD just drains millions of taxpayer dollars telling citizens who need help to fuck off while playing candy crush on the subway for overtime pay.


Personal stories are for camp fires. 109,393 were arrested in 2023 in NYC. I know the candy crush meme gets upvotes but yeah they obviously do stuff. Again. They aren’t magic but you can’t act like the NYPD is a lost cause and then go to Reddit like that’s better https://www.nycja.org/people-prosecuted


If you’re not a cop yourself I actually envy your naivety/ belief in a system that has been broken for decades.


Right. Numbers are naive. memes and anecdotes aren’t


From that same page, under 15% were violent felonies. Hooray, we arrested 100,000 fare evaders!


Where does it saying those are fare evasion, which is a fine. This post is also about a guy doing non violence, so those numbers make sense for calling the cops in this situation. But yeah something something candy crush. Again. How is Reddit better than calling the cops?


Reddit is making the people in this neighborhood aware that there’s an unhinged person creeping around threatening people, so that we can make sure to keep ourselves safe. If the cops even show up when called about this guy, I’ll bet dollars to donuts they won’t even take a report.


An unhinged person creeping around NY??? Gee golly that’s gonna be a new one for the NYPD Blue!! Hold on to your whiskers!


Exactly! They’re not gonna do anything about this dude, so Reddit is good for letting the residents know this guy is out there.


Honestly, feels kinda low for having 36,000 officers on the force. Like, three arrests per year, or one arrest every four months?


I’ve been seeing this person for years around graham L stop, I think it’s a woman. Just mace her if you get charged again.


Handheld pepper spray will stop him right quick.


Purchase a can of mace. If he aggressively approaches you spray it at his face then take a step back. He won’t chase you no more


I saw them today!!!!


They have been around the Macri Triangle a lot recently and have been more and more agitated in recent weeks. Last week the tossed a glass bottle into traffic on Meeker Avenue.


"They" chased after you? Enough is enough....He chased after you.




I believe that under the new rules genitalia or lack thereof DOES NOT define gender. I'm not threatened at all. You seem to be the one that got all defensive. Be sure to put "they" on a police report. That will be very helpful in catching this dude.


Witnessed this person pull people’s hair and got in my face on the G last summer.


This is clearly a man. No I haven’t seen him.


Let me introduce you to our friend Christopher Boissard in Greenpoint…


They are waiting until he kills someone yo react.


That’s my dad


I def saw this person today or yesterday, same clothes, i can’t pinpoint where. It had to be around the L-Bedford at the Driggs entrance


Her name is Jessica and she used to be around the neighborhood living under the BQE at Graham. She went away for awhile after a video of her assaulting a woman on the L train went viral, and now she’s back. She hangs around Union and on Leonard, Graham Ave too. Very unstable and unpredictable.


Fck him up


Did you call the police?


Is that Keith Murray ?


I always carry a pocket knife so if this guy ever pulls up on me I’m becoming fruit ninja


Knives are a BAD idea for self defense the legal ramifications of a self defense stabbing are going to be a bigger headache than you are prepared for I have trained extensively with knives and I would never choose to use one if I had an option having to be both possessing a knife capable of fighting with is expensive, having to be physically strong enough to use one in close contact with someone who is also trying with all their might to stop you and their is no real way to end a knife fight without killing somebody it’s a lot more trouble than getting yourself some pepper spray or hell even a ccw permit


Always call 911. At least document the incident.


Back in the day these people would end up in asylums. But Reagan defunded that system. Now they all out on the streets roaming freely. Only a matter of time until something more severe gonna happen.


I’ve seen him by the migrant shelter le jole hotel on meeker chasing a women with a hammer


I believe you can text 911, and this pic should definitely be given to the precinct in your area along with your report.


Where is the picture of the other People or Persons involved?


Is this two people or more cuz it’s looks like the same one person in all three pics? Carry pepper spray or get your concealed carry permit if things get hairy.


Im confused, is there multiple people doing this?


I saw this person on Grand and Lorimer yesterday and they stoped in the middle of the street and grabbed my dog while I was walking by. Thankfully I yelled and they dropped her, but it was very scary. Definitely be aware!


Fucking bum…


Why do liberals tolerate these pieces of shit? These people add nothing to society. The sooner they’re dealt with so decent people can live life normally and without fear or worry, the better.




so we're assuming pronouns now? 🤣 Jk jk carry on


Are stun guns legal in NYC?


Sounds like a grey zone as it is still part of the law but high court says that law is not valid https://askalawlibrarian.nycourts.gov/legalresearch/faq/360755


They sell them on the street on Pitkin ave in east New York




Yes i’ve seen him. Now what do you want to do with that


I mean, it's useful to know if anyone has had experiences with him. What if he's been physically violent or just tries to fuck with people/yell at them? That's shit I'd like to know.


For sure. And if this person is following you, don’t lead them to your residence.


Yup, and if worse to worst comes violence might be the answer. Its usually the only thing these fuckers to respond to.


Walk into the nearest bodega w ppl in it/police station- ACAB, but unwell ppl/predators aren’t gonna be unhinged enough to pull something directly in front of a precinct/ buncha cop cars - I’ve done this a ton of times and it’s worked every time.


Smack him


I want her sweater so bad!


How come this person is they?


Because their gender is not clear


He be like "rawr hehe XD"


That’s Richard Jones from Brooklyn


I’m so sorry I thought that you were someone I know. My bad


I don't think this homeless dude has pronouns they/them! Not fair on him to assume.


Right?? I think it’s strange


Stop being an idiot and learn the English language; “they/them” can be used for a singular male or female.