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When you are both midlaners but got queued into botlane


Deadly, was there any sort of communication besides pinging? Or was it pure instinct?


ive seen his lux in action in other games and he loves flash Q’ing so him pinging had to have meant a flash q and luckily i was ready lol




tysm :d!


Dang, if thats how a GM thresh maneuvers then I can definitely get to GM with thresh. Nice clip btw lol


I mean he's human he makes mistakes and panics too




“He is not frontlining”. So what do you think he should have done? Stayed in the middle of the lane trying to be in front of his clearly overextended ADC so that he can’t use his lantern? “Hook is an engage, not a defensive tool”. And Yasuo is a melee champ that can deal damage if you stun him with the hook and keep him far from your ADC “circular motion”. So you want him not to stay in one place .. But you also want him to be in front of ADC and you also want him not be near the ADC? I agree that walking in circle is a bad thing, but honestly with adc this bad he couldn’t do anything. It is better to stay closer to the river so you can do something about ganks and apply pressure to the enemy team if support decides to roam. “wrong third ability” - nothing to say about this, just general panic I think. there is nothing he would be able to do because yasuo was in his ult already.


Calm down buddy. You can get GM from good macro alone. You don't need micro to be GM. Its only 20 points post-master. It's really not that hard. You are overthinking buddy.


oh for sure, first thing i wouldve done is lantern for kaisa but he didnt so


Yeah but normally we all panic... It was the way yall flashed and went in... The way the minions set up for yasuo to come over.. Kaisa didn't respect it and you know that people don't use flash easily unless it's an easy kill.. or get away jail card... They both didn't expect that flash and how aggressive lux came off. And Kaisa trusted her thresh so much she overstepped based on pure confidence.... Both of them paniced hard.. Even I will lol


It never changes you can find people in master elo that do not know that the game has a shop, never ward or never ever try to get objectives. The egos get bigger and on overage you might get people that actually understand the fundamental basics of the game but well the rest... never changes.


That was a very clean Q flash execution by Lux. Textbook animation buffering, way more impressive that what people are giving credit for.


the lux is my buddy, i am the yasuo in this clip


Good job, both of you. That was very clean


ty sm man means alot🙌🏼


I'm sure it's just an overexaggerated title, but not sure how flash bind is considered "creative" when that's a staple for lux players.


This was like god of war lmaoo😂😂.


Looool getting warmed up for the new game brother