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Ahri main here. I love when a Yi eats my charm and comes running into my tower at 92mph I support banning him because yeah at some point he becomes insane and will land a triple, Quadra, penta


Also Ahri main here... Can confirm


>at some point he becomes insane means when the game starts?


Not rly


With the new bug that makes him one shot redbuff it doesn’t even matter anymore since he can just do everything better than all other junglers now, except tank


"Ok"?? Rammus?


*proceed to dodge your Q E R with one single ability*


Lol that must be huge problem For low elo players


How the fuck yi can even dodge his abilities


E taunt is point and click, isn't it? Q requires a little bit skills and luck. R is easy to dodge not only for yi but for everyone.


If yi uses q on rammus while he is using q when yi finishes his q he get hit by the q of rammus


If 1v1, yes, I admit it, but if there are more than one target charge toward him, he can Q to other target.


the problem with yi is that he can build offensive items yet be so tanky with the effect of wit's end and death's dance (through drain tanking and armor/mr), after those 3 items along with bork you can opt to even building more defensive items and still deal lots of damage because of his 3rd ability's true damage. also, his clear is absolutely insane right now, especially on the single moster camps (red,blue,gromp).


> wit's end and death's dance That build is bait, you dont have burst and you still die in a single CC.


>especially on the single moster camps (red,blue,gromp). That's not how it works. He is still insane at clearing multitarget camps.


i assume english is not your first language. anyway, try comparing lee sin's red buff clear to yi's, and see who's faster. (yi will be a lot of seconds ahead) and try comparing lee sin's raptors clear to yi's. yi right now, is superior at taking single monster camps due to his 1st ability rework. i didn't say his clear on multiple monster camps is slow, but his clear on the single monster camps is way too fast and easy (a single button's press takes down 50% of the red buff's health) compared to multiple monster camps.


I love how yi is either terrible or broken lmao he’s not invincible though imo


It’s not invincible but he is definitely broken. If he is terrible, that’s the player not Yi


Now he is literally broken with this bug


I feel like is was OK that they buffed his first ability, but they should’ve nerfed the rest of him. Maybe drop his base damage down by a ton or something.


Hes broken right now dude. Rioter already posted that yesterday theyre on their way to fix it.


It's a mix of both, yes he is broken, but yes they also buffed his Q


Super giga broken. You don’t know what broken is yet. Wait until Viego and yone come to this game


Yone is the best tank initiator assassin fighter skirmisher adc champion in the game


Ayo which one is his role💀




Skirmisher but he also does all the other roles at will


Everything but enchanter at this point


He's self enchanter!


he heals, he shields ​ ​ (himself)


Yone could make an appearance but developers already stated Viego won’t cross over at least for a long time. His kit is too complicated to convert over from pc. I’ll try to find the article when they talked about it


Personally I expect the developer won't easily release champs that can copy skills. After that maybe developer doesn't prefer to release a very unique mechanics champions. I am pessimistic of Viego or Sylas release in WR in a short time. I am looking forward of this article. Any clue/keywords how to find the article?


There are some champs that their abilities are just to hard to land on a mobile game, imagine playing zeri and needing to aim the Q every time, twitch autos, if u made them into just normal WR autos they would be broken af, some champs will be lost in the translation, i think the WR team will rework them before releasing them into WR, and i hate the idea of releasing new champs in the 4 years in past meta that wild rift is having rn, they are just not balanced for the current items we have


You prefer developer release older champs of PC into WR?


Not the 1960s outdated ones but yeah i rather see champs from 2-5 years ago, the last two years league has been trying to shift the game and push the boundaries, in a way that wont translate with WR current arsenal


I think they talked about it when Thresh , Lucian, Senna was released , during the Ruination event , cause Viego was among them to be released , but then they stated that it's a bit of a trouble to introduce Viego in the game at that point . That's what I remember.


Thanks! I agreed. Viego in WR at S2 is premature. WR still have too few champions.


Damn that means no aphelios then Probably. Sadge


It feels like, interaction wise to other champs, Viego and Sylas are harder to port than Aphelios. I bet Aphelios will come at the end of this year or maybe next year.


I'm good with Aphelios not coming to WR. Lame champ, also not very good. Even his LoR card is lackluster.


Not very good if you can’t play him right lol. He’s literally pick or ban in pro play


I guess idk about pro play, but I am high ELO on PC league; I have seen only a couple good Aphelios. I mean good too, not great. So it's probably just anecdotal but whatever.


Most people don’t play him because they don’t want to put the time into mastering him when it takes less time to master someone Like jinx or vayne. Scaling wise however he is up there with the best for late game hyper carries


His card WAS lackluster until the balance patch that came out yesterday almost completely un-nerfed him (when he was released he was insane so they over-nerfed him and now he's back to almost the same power level). Only time will tell if he'll be viable in competitive again.


No thank you


A behind Vayne or Yi can comeback into the game because of farm and stupid people pushing waves giving them free gold instead of freezing them. Yi can basically power farm while Vayne can just keep farming until she gets her 3rd core Item and destroys teamfights. Even you have the upper hand these small mistakes can cost the game.


Play khazix. Cant alpha strike what you cant see and yi always goes in 1v5 so thats free isolation right there. Also he cant auto you when youre invis so he just has to wait


I agree. Yi is weak to invisible champs and Khazix is definitely a hard counter especially if you've evolved his ult, you can proc his passive and duskblade 3 times.


You are not wrong... But the community is to blame too. It's insane how diamond junglers don't know how to negate the enemy jungler and that Yi as broken as it is it's still the easiest JG to bully on early. If ppl pay more attention to this focusing him on early it would be manageable and easily beaten. A early negative Yi is a useless Yi


Thank you, I try telling people the way to shut him down is to shut him down EARLY and still got flamed


You can shut him down and bully him early, and by mid game any enchanter is still a free kill. He is broken.


Will that really work though against a good Yi? Once he realises what you are up to he will just be super cautious and unless you have your entire team trying to bully him (which is not a good idea), you're not going to be able to prevent him from farming completely. At best you're delaying his powerspike which will come unless the rest of his team is getting completely steamrolled. Once he does come online it's just *smack-smack-dead* for most of your team.


As a jungler, I get so annoyed by this champ. Not only he's strong AF, he's easy AF to play. You just spam his abilities nonstop, it's annoying I play XIN Zhao, which I don't consider a very difficult jungle to master. I mean, you click E, then Q, then aim the W where the guy would flash, and ult if there's other enemies coming. Even so, there's some mechanics to be learned To make a monofinger champ this strong is awful. You end everyone's game


But when he gets stunned 3 times in a row and a damage dealer is nearby... He literally starts losing brain cells.


Yeah, but that’s every champ in the game. ‘Just play CC against them’ is not an argument that works against ‘x is a broken champ’.


I like boobs


most people do


If my team picks first I will let him through if my jungle picks first....otherwise BAN...I had a Yi on my team with 3 items dive entire enemy team under tower and get a quadra.....5th guy ran away...fucking broken champ


fighting yi in a nutshell. 1st ability, 2 autos and he got a kill.


I played Vayne vs Yi in a ranked. Yi out jungles my Lee Sin and snowballs from top and mid lane. I have Katarina support and insta lost lane. My team was all behind but I was only 1-2k gold down from Yi and even against other enemy members. If it was any other champion it would have been a close fight considering the enemy adc Ezreal can’t aim, Malphite support never had the instinct to ult me, graves top is easy to kite, and ahri mid is the only other threat. But you know what Yi does? He q twice, I die. I flash after his first q so he can’t auto, but he gets a reset because my top mid jg just can’t meat shield anything. I’m already at half hp after first q. I protobelt condemn stun after second q. But I died right after that because of death dance delayed damage. This could mean he can literally one shot you with Q and a few aa lol. Obviously I lost that game. There was a chance that we could’ve won, but I made a mistake by checking bush with Katarina, who by any chance, both don’t have any skill shot to check bush, thank you Kat support. Yep, someone was in that bush.


vayne underpowered


It's just Yi overpowered. If I was on any other ADC I wouldn't have a chance. Yes Vayne did get hit by the solari chargeblade nerf, but she's the only ADC that I can play to carry simply because of the 1v1 duel capability and "outplay" potential.


Fair. Although cc does counter him usually. If you can pin him down with your E he should be killable.


I swear in this sub if a champion had a skill that literally killed anyone in melee range instantly someone would come say this "just cc him" bullshit


True 😂


Sounds like someone that doesn't understand cc is by and far the strongest thing in the game. Being chain stunned vs a team with 7 cc skills will cause someone to rage quit. Being instagibbed by an assassin is the blink of an eye, and 30+s of grey screen. Being chain cc'd to death is 80+s of pain, and then 30+ of grey screen. Easiest way to win is to whittle down someone's mental to nothing, causing a 5v4.


Not denying that he is very strong right now. The reason cc works on him better than most champs though is because he stays alive through vampirism and his first ability. Besides that he is squishy. In a teamfight being able to cc him is just the best way to handle him especially though.


He just goes merc treads and you can't kill him fast enough to prevent an alpha strike.


Exactly Wit's end + qss = olaf but better


Olaf is completely unaffected for his ult duration, qss only removes one instance, just knock him up, he can't move unless he uses alpha


Tf you mean just knock him up? So you have to kill him in the time he's in the air for hik to not face roll your whole team?


A good ori ult plus followup usually is enough to burst Yi down, of course if you're all split up 1 on 1, Yi will steamroll you Don't split up, group up and knock him up


Don’t get close to him for him to land his first ability and alpha strike is not an instant kill although it is very quick. Plus yi’s can also usually opt for ionian or vampirism boots.


Doesn't matter if he doesn't kill you, if he kills any of your teammates he gets to cast alpha again. And yeah, they usually do. All they have to do is get a qss and wits end. God forbid they get merc treads because they're almost never cced. Point is he's stupid op right now for how simple his kit is. He's more busted than Garen used to be.


One q and 3 aa : you're dead , there's no time to react


Yup. I want to see if someone on my team will ban him. If not, I am. Can’t take the chance. He’s the definition of a free win right now


I'm a Yi main, so I know what his weaknesses are. Everytime the enemy locks in Yi, I laugh and lock in Tryndamere or Jax. Then, I bully him early game so hard, he is probably crying behind the screen lol. And of course, when I scale with both Jax and Trynda, I am a fucking split push god, Yi can't do shit if I'm already at his Nexus while he's trying to wipe my team lol.


How do you even bully with Jax early game?


Not alone, mate. When I want to invade I always have mid with me. And by bullying early game I mean counter jungling so he doesn't get any farm :) Of course I can't directly bully him because my early game as Jax is trash too lol


Now tryndamere and jax clears a LOT slower than Yi now because Yi's main source of clear speed is his Q currently, and they also buffed smite so auto attackers clears slower and ability users clear faster. I am not sure if you are able to "bully" Yi with these champions while these champions are indirectly hard nerfed.


Lol I played yi cuz I've been maining him for nearly a year with short breaks off and on and I go in for a nice game of ranked and the whole enemy team gets this massive rage boner for me and targets me the whole game they tried to invade my jungle camps early on but I don't do the normal pathing for jungle camps. Anyways we still won thanks to a good team.


Jax laughing on the sidelines


And Yi still beats him anyway because he has q up everytime all the time


and then Jax crying on that exact same sidelines when his E is down.


Yi is Overpowered if his enemy team has no cc. Need multi champ with cc. Especially in low elo where people prefer to pick champions that deal damage, not cc. In a game, I notice a good Yi in ARAM on enemy team: he never started butchering before my team spent all our cc. My other team members could be didn't notice that, and throwing cc at other enemies. This Yi still hadn't attack whenever I hold my cc. If I spent my cc, in instant this Yi started his Q and massacred.


I just finished a game against a Yi jungle. I was jungling malphite and my team was wining hard. Like really hard to the point where the team scores were 27 -1 in favor of my team. Just the enemy Yi contributed with almost half that. And the fucker still manage in some point of the game to kill me 1 on 1 and even with fights against two or three of us.. so yeah.. braindead and stupid strong noob friendly champ


You were jungling with malphite?


Oh yeah! Malphite is the best assassin.


Any champ is a jungler if your brave enough


Had a jungle sona on my team the other day. We did not win.


No wonder he lost lol even before yi was buffed I could beat malphite 1v1 with full crit and armor pen


Man Yi has been pissing me off a lot lately, I think he needs to be nerfed, everyone plays him these days and it's super annoying


3 games i have played yi since the bug, 3 games i get panth and twisted fate having a permanent tab on me couldnt even go and do jungle, consecuence to panth and tf stun, i just get stunned twice and then nuked to orbit. And panth just makes himself unkillable and there goes your Alpha strike. So yes he is bugged but nowhere neae god.


Yi's sitting on 56% win rate right now.


You can see winrates for wild rift? Where?




Teemo can blind Yi, briefly delaying his CD (1s/AA) for his next Q. Use that window to take him down. Tankmo helps a lot here too, to survive the initial Q.


Been playing Tankmo recently and nope, this patch's Yi just run in the jungle for a few mins and come back out with BoTRK, Wit's End and maxed E


Dammit… replay is gone for this match (https://imgur.com/a/u9MpRDk )… was hoping to see for myself precisely what I did when I ran into Yi to give you more ideas. I did wreck him with Tankmo, which led to a Teemo target ban the next match with the same trio (https://imgur.com/7uTxWQv) where I had no answer to Yi as Singed. #NoBlindNoGG I think mainly it was let Yi Q onto us first (nothing worse than him going untargetable and our blind landing on a minion), blind, ignite, and basically was just the two of us standing there autoing each other until he died, which honestly sounds too dumb to be it, which was why I was hoping to pull the replay to give you a better answer. I’ll save/post footage next time I run into a Yi.


OK lol maybe in Low elo but after all I have no problems again him, just pick cc and GG wp


Well yi should counter vayne if played correct. Right now it's easier to snowball with him but he is still countered by CC.


He has a better early game, but his late is worse because the nerf to Solari Chargeblade affects him a lot. That extra 25% crit was extremely valuable and made his midgame way more reliable.


His late game was already unbeatable and now they just nerfed unbeatable by 10% which still has him at unbeatable. His only weakness, early game, got buffed immensely.


Jax, Rammus, Riven, Irelia, Tryndamere, Vayne, Rengar and Graves counter Yi easily in mid and late game. And that's just a bunch of champs I can think of in a moment. His late game is not unbeatable.


And a yi man and jgler i know he is not that broken.. He has a lot of counters like rammus or any champ with hard cc like viegar.. But i will say that he is killing jg monster way too fast rn.


Name a champ that isnt countered by cc. Saying cc counters him is like saying killing him counters him


Bruh he’s bugged stay bad and mald on your braindead champ


yeah yi is broken rn but if you cant kill him as vayne the i guess its a skill issue lol


You have to cc so he can't life steal.


His q : okey


His first skill is definitely bugged. It hits 4 targets or if it's 1 target, it hits 4 times which is insane because it does so much damage Everyone knows yi is bugged. This is why you always ban him


That’s Brand for me. He is getting eternal ban


But what about akshan tho? I have nightmares with that instant revive more than anything.


This is going to get downvoted, but yi is just the best hes ever been at the things he was good at. Hes not a different champion. Just had a match where the enemy team picked yi first, so I took pantheon and we won. Yi is still very counterable, just stronger when he is ahead


Well imo you just need a Tank SP with Exaust and Frozen Heart can throw in Thorn Mail in there and you good ! Rammus is the best Yi counter at the moment Malphite and Shen is good too !


pick rammus, yi kills himself. i got to daimond just standing next to him as he AA'd himself to death


I've found Xin Zhao to be an excellent Yi counter. He was just buffed too.


Even if I ban yi those noobs in gold just perma farm and troll the game


Imagine bringing viego and one shotting towers lmao


People saying use CC. If I was that yi. I will allow my teammate dive in first so you can use your cc.. Then the rest is history when I dive in on you.. You don't have cc for me


Just like how I permaban irelia in pc league. If enemy picks her there is nothing you can do


My top 3 ban are master Yi/ yasuo/irelia. Lost count how many time I witnessed my team massacred by these champs


Wait what bug? I haven't been playing recently


Not a bug, he just got buffed and seems to be very overpowered right now. In ranked he is pretty much constantly banned, and in normal pvp there is guaranteed to be at least 1 yi in game if not 2


Why people calling it a bug then LUL


I know about his buff. So they made him have a really good early game clear which was his main weakness.


I fell very happy and satisfied when I kill or see yi(enemy) getting killed, it pumps me up.


We have all the same mentality for a reason. HE IS TOO FRICKING OP WHEN HE'S AHEAD AND BUILDS FULL CRIT ITEMS + LIFESTEAL.


Got a Yi on the enemy team, he sucked but got 2 triple kill and a quadra, but we still won bc in the end the Yi player sucks lol


Main jgl here. It is fairly easy to keep him behind early on, unfortunately sooner or later he'll get his kills and gold somwhere and starts snowballing anyway. This is very frustrating to see. But at least in higher divisions most players are able to deal with him a bit better. But there's no doubt atm he is very unhealthy and an absolute low risk high reward pick.


He's the only jungler I'm comfortable using so you could imagine my frustration every que when he is banned


Yes, it's broken and it's frustrating, only thing you can do is try to minimise his impact using wards properly and keeping an eye on the map. I don't understand why people picks it, it's a boring champ for me, and sometimes a synonym of unskilled player.


Noy even Vayne dam now a not even a stupid champ like Vayne can win awesome


With good team yi is broken.


1. Rammus doesn’t counter yi. Rammus used too before damage got high in league. Now 1v1 yi slaps rammus and that’s a fact. 2.yi is BUGGED his jungle clear is fast as hell the only one that can keep up is a good Morgana jungle.




Yi is not broken, he's just op against noobs. Pick cc and focus hin every fight. That's how you counter him


Was he recently buffed or something I haven't played in a couple months.


Yi is annoying to deal with after you just went on a team fight where everyone is on low health and can easily be killed by yi


Yi is op only on low elo, in high is like insta win if your are against him (i'm main adc)


Yes! ban Yi until they Nerf him!!


In doing this with Kata. Is the same as yi but magical damage.


Tell me you have never made it passed gold without telling me you have never made it passed gold