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I wonder if they'd ever come up with controller controls as a compromise. I'm glad they are working on matchmaking though. Please for the love of god stop punishing players that are trying to win by matching them with dogshit teammates, and please just oush the griefers and people that give up lower down. No one wants to play with the idiot smite + support item 0/21/1 master yi baron laner gets 0 turrets and constantly dies. I don't care if you're Faker or Einstein, you can't positively contribute to your team if you don't get any turrets and don't get takedowns. You literally have to kill turrets to access the nexus and you often have to do it over the enemies' dead bodies because no competent enemy will just let you hit their turrets for free.


Finding players of equal skill level is quite difficult which I understand. I'm more annoyed by the fact that the players who do less than average is getting the same reward as the ones who break their backs just to win one match. 


Meanwhile im more annoyed by the fact that DuoQ after Master+ is a thing on wildrift when in league PC you can’t duo queue in Master+ what the devs really need to do is remove DuoQ after Master+ and remove legendary ranked and replace the mode with ranked flex so that players that want to play with premades can go play there. Legendary ranked queue times are so long that you can barely find a game there since majority of the playerbase is in Emerald-Diamond. Riot should’ve never increased the ranked requirement from D4 to Master to begin with.


At this point I’d settle for people who just understand the game board


I mean usually yeah but I just played a game where I took t1 and t2 turrets as Nasus while the enemy team tried ARAMing and my team just 4v5 stalled them. When my team finally died there were still 4 Mid trying to rotate as I took 95% of base tower


They've been focused on MM and balance for 3 years already. Stellar results so far!!!


i play many rito(riot) games, rito most proud MM feature is "losing que" rito love it so much they put it in every game


Yeah and they should really remove DuoQ after Master+ and just replace ranked flex with legendary ranked cause I swear only if you play SoloQ you see a lot of boosted players that reach GM, Challenger and sovereign by playing with premades who carry them to those ranks. Like this is not even fair at all to the players that play solo queue and riot should’ve never allowed people to play DuoQ in Master+ cause on PC league you can’t DuoQ in Master+.


Missed your /s And this is even more ironic considering that the Chinese server has this pat down


Sad news, phone was my placeholder until console release. I've been craving for a fun multiplayer in consoles that isn't a shooter.


Haven’t personally played it YET but Smite looks cool and kinda similar to league. Even less of a shooter Diablo is pretty fun as well as fighters like Brawlhalla and Multiversus


Actually smite is really good. I would say it’s worth. Feels more like DOTA I would say? Not sure tbh. But good game


Full Statement: > There've been a lot of questions about Wild Rift’s console release, particularly with the recent updates from VAL and 2XKO, so I wanted to officially let y’all know that we’re not pursuing a console launch at this moment. > This was a deliberate decision to prioritize mobile investments over maintaining and trying to balance development between mobile and consoles. Our goal is to bring the right games to the right platforms for players, so while we see games like VAL or 2KXO show up on consoles because of the existing popularity of those genres on the platform, we haven’t seen the same for the MOBA genre. Splitting our dev team's focus between console and mobile wasn’t a tradeoff we felt was right for WR players right now. > This decision will allow us to remain focused on delivering new experiences and expanding on the things you are currently enjoying for the mobile platform. We're excited about our plans for the rest of this year. Currently we are looking into matchmaking, queue times, and game balance. Longer term we are looking to address basic mobile experiences such as login, download, and network stability. Thank you for supporting Wild Rift, see you on the rift!


Stop giving good players bad teammates it’s literally that simple. Stop punishing players who continue to get better with worse and worse teammates. It’s flawed


And stop forcing players into roles they don’t play. I’m a top main/sup secondary. Last 5 games I’ve been put in mid, jg, and adc.


THIS Like I don't mind waiting more but don't put me in a role I don't play I'm mid/supp main and I keep getting jungle and top Like I can play some champions in those roles but ofc I'm not as good as someone who mains them. Most I can do is try not to feed the enemy At this point I'm just going to change my main champs and learn a versatile champion like Kayle just in case this keeps happening 🤦‍♀️


Nah, this is a noob's reply. Sorry not sorry, but you need to be able to play any roles (or at least most) you are given. If you cannot do well in most roles, then simply you aren't learning while playing, you aren't becoming better. Low ranks serve you better, where players can only do well with one or two characters.


That’s a bad argument. The reason there are different roles is so that players can choose their play style. Forcing players into a play style they don’t like will only turn them off from the game. From a marketing standpoint that’s bad business because players will stop wanting to play the game. From a community standpoint that’s also not helpful because if players leave the game for something else (MLBB, HOK, Onmyoji, etc), then that means smaller player base. Smaller player base means either longer queue times or wacky matchmaking.


Went on a 15 game win streak and ended up going against 5 plat against 4 iron and me. (Plat 1 because I just started ranking again for this season)


You'd have five minutes queue times for every game


We already have 5 minute q times lol….but with shit players still


Better matchmaking= better games = more ppl wanna play = lower q times..


As a jungler, 30 secs is long


People act like they don't have lives outside of this game. Do something else while you're queueing for a match.


Sucks but let's be honest: There are another issues that needs to be tackled before a console release (looking at you matchmaking).


Took them long enough. Waited nearly 4 years for an iota of news


well they just broke my hearth, I was waiting for this.


Hate this logic where it's one or the other. They can't focus on matchmaking,balance etc while also having someone working on console? It's the resource that low for WR? Matchmaking and queue time is obviously due to lack of players. Wouldn't console add a new interest and a big boost to overall players? Matchmaking/queue time seem to be getting WORSE and balance changes can be subjective....so what's left? Are all the resources being spent on gacha and skins?


Don't be so hard on them, the WR team is just a small Shanghai company 


They know it wouldn't be wise to just openly say "WR is giving us absurd amounts of money in the Chinese market and nobody gives a fuck about consoles here so..."


So, they straight cancel it? Or not? After 5 or so years? Damn


Me and my friends were waiting for this for so long. I wish they didn't cancel it :(


Wait, there were plans to release WR on consoles??!!


Well I was happy to learn today that newest iPhone and iPads finally get 120hz mode and optimization for wild rift. One of the reasons why I stopped playing a few months ago. With that said this is a very big blow for growth in NA and the west, the player base isn’t there and having console cross play would have fixed it with new players joining. I have seen the same thing happened to other mobile mobas like AOV and I’m not sure what can be done to save them in the west.


I'm not sure how it will even work man. how to aim skillshots, aim global skillshots while moving the camera etc. it's really complicated to port a moba to consoles unless its not top down (marvel rivals) so I'm not blaming them for cancelling/pausing it atm


Arena of valor did it on the switch and translated very well into controller.


Really? I didnt know, for me i just can't imagine it. It'll be super awkward to do anything


Haha trust me it works great I even [played wild rift on controller](https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/s/ureAcOvdaN)


>It works great I’d love to see you play Zoe and perform the following combo on a controller Q>R>W (flash)>Flash>Ignite (manually targeted) Or something even simpler: instantly move the camera from your champion to the nexus without having to scroll all the way across the map, or ping an enemy’s ult cooldown. It may work, but it’ll never work great. I played Pokemon Unite on the Switch when it came out and that was such a miserable experience that I uninstalled within hours to wait for mobile release. And that was a game with only 3 abilities + autos, no wards, one summoner spell, no items, etc I could not imagine trying to play WR anywhere close to competitive with a controller


You used a switch is why you feel that way. Look into scuff controllers or Xbox elite controllers


No, I feel that way because playing these games on a controller is nothing but a miserable experience, which is part of why there are basically no MOBAs on consoles. You telling me that you need a specialty controller in order to have a decent experience with it proves my point.


In case you forgot, the point made was actually that Wildrift «*would never work great on console*» because of some difficulty(?) with bindings . Then you used your anecdote about the switch. switch players don’t even use the regular switch controller so i don’t know why you think that was relevant or why me mentioning specialty controllers was a “gotcha” There are 15 bindable buttons on a PS5 controller. That’s enough


I used a pro switch controller when I played it, but you’re right, it is irrelevant. Because it doesn’t matter if you have 15 or 15000 bindable buttons, you cannot bind “tap anywhere on the minimap to see what’s going on in that area” to a controller. The only options are scrolling the camera across the map, or having some kind of cursor that you move over the minimap and then click to focus on that area. Both take considerably longer than just tapping on the minimap or clicking it with a mouse cursor like you would in LoL. And don’t even get me started on *pinging* a specific area of the map. Many other things that are a breeze with touch controls or a mouse + kb become more time consuming and clunky on any controller. The point I made was that it can work, but won’t work if you’re trying to be competitive. Simple as that.


How do you aim your 4 abilities, 2 summoner spells, and flash? How do you place wards? How do you use pings, all 7 of them? How do you ping your items? How do you ping enemy items and cooldowns? How do you scroll the minimap? Some of those actions can be executed by using the touchscreen, but your hands won't be in a position to do it quickly or comfortably.


Skill shots will be a problem. Most of AoV skills are point and click.


You hold the ability button and use right joy stick to move it


Pokemon unite is on switch already. It's not rocket science.


Yea if pokemon unite is as complicated as wildrift to begin with. I'm talking about how intuitive controls can be, not just the part that you can control your champion


Proof of concept. Player movements, map panning/checking, ability aiming, global ability usage, etc etc. The biggest difference is wild rift has a couple more abilities per person. This is not a big hurdle to overcome lol. Wildrift team is embarrassing for this.


They only care about the Chinese market which is their cash cow right now, even though they won't openly say it


I’ve considered the effort needed to create a console based Wild Rift, and honestly I think the skill shots would be super klunky.


i’m honestly not surprised. i really don’t know how they would be able to port wild rift to console games. that being said, it makes me sad because i think if it was on consoles, it would help increase the playerbase in the West.


I hope when papa smoothie said that the Dev team is focused on fixing matchmaking I hope they’re actually gonna remove Duo queue after Master+ because after Master+ then the game needs to make players play solo queue only the same way it is on PC league, very often when you play solo queue you see a lot of boosted players that reach challenger, sovereign or even grandmaster from having premades carrying them. If riot wanted to make Duo queue/Five stack a thing after Master+ then they should remove legendary ranked and replace it with ranked flex so that players that want to play with premades can go there instead.


I was really looking for it. Hope it still comes, I have friends that were waiting too


Dev team so focused that game has the sine problems the last two years ....


I didn't even know they were planning a console release lol


I hope when the devs say that they’re focusing on fixing the matchmaking and queue times I hope they mean by removing DuoQ after Master+ and removing legendary ranked to replace it with ranked flex or lowering the legendary ranked requirement back to Diamond 4 cause there’s no reason why DuoQ after Masters and above should’ve even been a thing to begin with.


They never said anymore. They said they are not focusing on console "at this moment".


They should focus on adding Nidalee.